TL: xLordFifth


“Svalt. Hupit.”


The black and white serpent gleamed with radiance.

As Drake advanced towards them, blue light sparkled around his body. With each step toward the end of the deck, the light intensified.

“Step back.”


The head of the black serpent twitched, just for a moment.

In an instant, its fangs flew towards Drake’s torso.

“Gyaaaah! Drake-!”

“I ordered you to step back. Svalt.”

The shocking roar made Shin Nara scream, and Kijung, who was surprised by the sound, hurriedly looked around. However, for Drake, the person directly involved, nothing happened. A simple command to step back. Although the eyes of the serpent were larger than Drake’s, it stared directly into Drake’s eyes who issued the command.


The black serpent was frozen in mid-air, unable to move. And a surprising thing happened.

“Back away.”

When the blue light emanating from Drake’s body turned almost navy blue, the black serpent blinked its eyes and began to retract its head again.

“Hupit. You too, step back. I will not tolerate any further approach as the son of my father.”


The white serpent was the same. As much as the distance the black serpent backed off, the white serpent also began to retract its body from the sea, spreading its tail along with the New Serpent.

“Hikit-! Hakut! What, what are you doing!”

“Attack, Serpent-Taemul! Sink the ship immediately!”

The fishmen shouted from the water, but the serpents showed no response. Amidst the chaos, Drake turned around and approached Kijung.

“Haaa… Haaa…”

“Are you okay?”

“Hehe, the achievement window too – Whoo, I can’t see it… Haaa.”

If one were to poke a hole in a black canvas with a needle and put it in front of your eyes, they would have a similar field of view as Kijung currently had. It meant almost nothing could be seen. Drake looked at him with pity as he struggled to regain his balance.



Kijung suddenly flinched at the touch behind his arm, but before he could react, Drake had already pressed against Kijung’s shoulder.

“Be careful. Uh, just like that, move backward… slowly…”

With an impressed expression, Drake supported Kijung and guided him to a safe place. Even the users of Kraven could not have seen Drake’s expression like this, or more precisely, it was not just about the expression. When the blue light started to fade, the users of Blue Marlin were too far away to see how Drake’s face, his hands, and his legs were changing, and Kijung’s view was obstructed.

By the time Kijung leaned against the mainmast, Drake was quite far from his human appearance.

“This must also be destiny. Perhaps I also entrusted my determination to you…” 

If it weren’t for the sword, Kijung would undoubtedly have died. In that case, Drake would not have completed his ‘transformation,’ and the black and white serpent would not have followed his orders. In other words, Drake himself could have died. Because Kijung succeeded, Drake was also able to survive. Drake believed it was almost impossible to withstand the attacks of Svalt and Hupit, the black and the white serpent for three minutes. But Kijung did it.

Nevertheless, Kijung could not accurately understand the way Drake’s eyes were looking at him and his voice was complex and nuanced, whether happy or sad.

This is because Kijung had not yet seen Drake’s ‘appearance’.

Two factors Drake couldn’t have imagined were at play here: the legendary sword given by Leeha and Kijung’s ability to maximize the sword’s power.

“Now leave it to me. Because of my promise with ‘My King’… I won’t be able to see humans again after this.”

Drake, who had been staring at Kijung, who had become a mess, for a while, finally made up his mind. Even though Kijung couldn’t see properly, he could feel the strength in Drake’s voice.


“Open your mouth.”

“What? Uh—gulp!”

Before Kijung could ask anything, Drake grabbed Kijung’s cheek. Kijung was shocked by the ‘cold’ sensation touching his cheek, but he couldn’t resist.

Suddenly, something dropped into Kijung’s mouth with a thud, a sensation that wouldn’t be strange even if he struggled. Feeling like he was about to vomit, Kijung, nevertheless, kept his mouth open and received that ‘something.’

“Swallow it.”


“Hack, huh, even if you didn’t tell me to swallow, it would have been swallowed—um?”

Kijung’s darkened vision as if a dim canvas had been laid out in front of him suddenly brightened. As a tanker, he couldn’t be unaware of the complete recovery of his HP. Even Saint Raphaella couldn’t restore his HP in such a short time. The ecstatic smile that appeared on Kijung’s lips was only natural.

“Wow! What kind of recovery is this—iiiiiiiiiiii—?!”


However, that smile didn’t last long. As soon as Kijung saw Drake in front of him, he quickly crawled backward like an insect. He had no choice. Kijung had mistakenly thought that the being in front of him was a monster.

“Mermaid?! No, merman—no, mermaid? Merman? No… Captain Drake?” 

What Kijung saw was Drake. Drake, who had discarded his human form, the son of the sea god, a water spirit, and a member of the Undine tribe, ‘merman’ Drake.

“Hakiiiiit, Haquuuuuut—!”

Pata, pata!

The threats and coercion against the serpents were in vain. Now, the only option left for them was to take action themselves. They began to leap onto the deck of the New Serpent’s ship simultaneously.

The humans were momentarily confused when they saw the transformed Drake, but by the time their numbers increased to ten, fifteen, all hesitation disappeared.

“Hackin’ merman?! No, mermaid—Hack, Haqu—merman—”

“Hack, hack! Looks different! If it’s a mermaid, it has low combat abilities—”

“Hack! Hack!”

When the humans armed themselves and rushed toward the deck, Drake, who had been looking at Kijung with a pitiful gaze, stood up from his place.

His appearance was certainly different from an ordinary ‘mermaid.’

‘Anderson and Sea Bream were real mermaids. Upper body human, lower body fish. These monster fishmen just have a grotesque appearance with human arms and legs attached to a fish body… But Drake is—’

Was this what it meant to be the ‘son of the sea god’? Initially surprised, Kijung could feel it once he regained his composure. Drake still wore human clothes, and he also wore the ‘captain’ hat of the New Serpent. Both his upper and lower bodies were those of a human. It wasn’t a mix of human and fish like the mermaids.

Although he had a physique identical to a human, his skin was covered with fish scales, protruding slightly with the back of a luxurious coat fluttering. The tail-like thing that slightly protruded resembled a tailfin but was somewhat unsettling. However, it exuded a kind of dignity, combined with the scaly and inhuman appearance, and surprisingly complemented his human-like physique.

And the ‘children of the sea’ were not just an external peculiarity.



“Get lost, contaminated impurities. [Hydro Cutter].”

He didn’t draw a sword. The casting time wasn’t particularly long. He simply swung his right arm diagonally, and a white jet stream spouted from Drake’s hand.



It was a kind of sword. A high-pressure water blade that could cut through the strongest steel rail, and Drake, who was rushing towards the mermaids, cut them all into pieces like a fishmonger in a traditional fish market.


Kijung remembered the first time he fought against the fishmen. Even the axe wielded by the barbarian hero’s descendant couldn’t cut them to pieces. The scales of the mermaids were tougher than expected, possessing strength surpassing that of golems.

‘But… they’re completely in pieces?’ Users on the Blue Marlin began to realize what had transpired on the New Serpent, but it wasn’t the only surprising thing.

“Svalt. Hüpit.”

Drake’s voice was very soft, but the entities he called understood his call.

“No way…”

“Look over there!”

[History Rewritten: Going back to that moment.]

Kijung, Shin Nara, and even Bailephus, who were dealing with the krakens, completely understood the situation.


The serpents approached the deck of the New Serpent, brandishing their heads because of their last command from Drake. The conclusion of the situation came with Drake’s final order.

“Clean up all the impurities in the sea.”


When the black serpent Svalt and the white serpent Hüpit began to move, there was no longer any presence that could stop them.


“Hakhet, Hakhet- The serpents are out of control!”

“The control mage is dead! Run- Haquuut-! Run-“

Tail-whipping, biting, throwing, paralysis that froze in place, dispelling the magic of the mermaids—

“What… is this, really.”

Realizing that he was now looking at the attacks that were directed toward him just a few moments ago, Kijung couldn’t help but feel a bitter-sweet emotion. With the black and white serpent joining the battle, the krakens that were running away in the sea were no longer obstacles.

Among a hundred fishmen and fourteen krakens that fled to survive, not even ten were left. It had only been twenty minutes since Drake, the ‘son of the sea god,’ had revealed his majesty.

On the deck of the New Serpent, all the users of the Blue Marlin and the New Serpent had gathered. It wasn’t just a mere happening that, as soon as he came out of the cabin, Kijung’s name was called, and Bobae was about to burst into tears, looking at him with a face that seemed to express a mix of joy and indescribable emotions.

“…Captain Drake?”

“What the heck is this, again?”

The users couldn’t comprehend Drake’s appearance, which was neither human nor mermaid.

“Now what… should we do?”

Someone asked, but no one could answer.

The users’ eyes began to gather on the leader of the New Continent Expedition, Alexander. Feeling the gazes focused on him, Alexander looked at Drake and asked.

“What do you want to do, Drake?”

“Anything. In this crisis, you saved us, Drake.”

“That’s right, ‘son of the sea god.’ The serpents waiting there also follow your orders, don’t they?”

Following Alexander, Bailephus also spoke.

The users’ expectations rose a bit. If those serpents joined them, there would be nothing to fear from the fishmen and others in the future!

“I can’t join you.”

“Why is that?”

“I promised to be with humans only when I’m human.”

“What is this about?”

“That is my contract with my king. Please convey my apologies.”

Drake looked at Alexander and Baelifus once and then averted his gaze. What was caught in his eyes was still another NPC holding the wheel on the Blue Marlin. Burke didn’t look at Drake, and he didn’t ask him any questions. That aspect made Drake’s expression melancholic.

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