TL: xLordFifth


An arrow quickly fired in the direction Kijung pointed and struck the fishman between the eyes.

Although the distance was over 200m, it was no problem for Bobae. There was not a single user on this ship who turned on the combat assistance system.

“Okay! I’m ready! I will take charge of the stern of the New Serpent, so don’t touch it![Lightning Rod]!”


Ruuuuuumble—— “What is that, lightning?”

“Oh, oh, Captain Drake!  Lightning struck our mast, right? Our ship is not outside of the storm’s radius.”

Lightning struck Lee Jiwon’s raised sword.

And it wasn’t just one shot.

Bzzt, bzzzt, bzzzt!

Hook, who was near Drake, was worried that there might be a problem with the ship’s mast, but Drake just glanced at Lee Jiwon and ignored him.

“It’s okay. That guy is a lightning rod.”

“Lightning rod?”

That was the name of Lee Jiwon’s skill. Lightning rod. Creating lightning with a skill required a huge amount of mana and casting time. However, where would they go? Although the storm overhead had disappeared, everything around was in the middle of a storm filled with dark clouds. There was a lot of energy related to lightning! And now, Lee Jiwon raised his black sword and gathered all the lightning around him.

“Uwa-hahahaha-hahaha-! Are you nervous?! Do you want to get smashed?!”

“That crazy bastard…”

Luger on the ship across them was taken aback. The lightning continued to strike and constantly flickered in the surroundings. 


[I know!  I’m glad a crazy guy like him isn’t on our ship.]

The two captains conversed across the sea as they watched the energy building up in Lee Jiwon’s sword. What would happen in the future and what they should do? The worn-out captains already knew.

“Get ready.”


“Kyakyakyakya!  It’s so bad I can’t control it![Re-“


The two ships accelerated once more!


Lee Jiwon pointed his sword toward the stern of the ship and cast a skill.

[What an interesting guy.  Don’t you think it was a good idea to keep them alive at that time, Alexander?]

Bailephus, who was blowing his breath toward the fishmen in the sky above the Blue Marlin, looked at Lee Jiwon with an interested expression. The gold dragon thought about the past when he participated in the human national war and fought against Lee Jiwon.

At that time, Alexander tried to kill Lee Jiwon, but Bailephus stopped him. The reason was that at least one more person’s power was needed to prevent Tiamat’s resurrection, so he should be kept alive first, and although Alexander was skeptical, he eventually agreed.

“Such an arrogant bastard has a similar will to us… I didn’t know he would be so active here.”

Alexander also chuckled as he remembered that time. However, was it because he spared Lee Jiwon’s life at that time that Lee Jiwon was showing off such energy now? Alexander was skeptical about that.

“But, the reason he’s here wasn’t just because we spared his life.”


“Human grudges are deep. It is especially difficult for people like Lee Jiwon and Luger to agree with us.  Because they are still targeting us.”

Even after Alexander spared Lee Jiwon, Lee Jiwon repeatedly looked for opportunities to kill Alexander and Baileiphus.

Unlike Baileiphus, a gold dragon, Alexander was human, so he could tell. There were people in the world who could not be subdued by force. Representative users with such tendencies were Luger and Lee Jiwon. These are users who have no intention of repaying a favor because they were spared or were looked after. Rather, they are closer to people who have the tendency to spring out like a spring the more you try to make them give in.

[Then is it because of the compensation?]

“It is similar… but different.”

There was only one reason why they were quietly cooperating here and now.

Was it because they received the quest? If that was the right answer, a more fundamental answer was needed than that. It was because there was someone who convinced them to accept the quest.

The existence of another user who not only persuaded them but actually dragged them by the collar. Alexander thought that was the biggest factor that allowed them to be here.

Bailephus found the answer in Alexander’s ambiguous words. Even who it was.

[…I guess so. It is because there is a connection.]

“That’s right.  Because there is someone who pushes themselves into a corner for the sake of goodness and justice.”

[If it weren’t for Ha Leeha, it wouldn’t have been easy.]

“Hmm.  He is fully qualified to be an assistant executor of justice.”


Would that mean that Alexander would be the executor of justice and Leeha would be his assistant? Baileiphus laughed as he listened to Alexander. At that time, the thirty-seventh lightning struck Lee Jiwon’s sword, and it was right after the two captains used their acceleration skills. It meant that it was almost at the same time that Lee Jiwon opened his mouth again.

“Kyakyakyakyak!  It’s to the point where I couldn’t control it! [Release]!”

In the moment between using the acceleration skill and casting the release skill, three more thunderbolts fell on Lee Jiwon’s sword. When Lee Jiwon’s black sword, which contained as many as 40 strikes of lightning energy, pointed to the stern of the New Serpent, all the users closed their eyes.

“Destroy everything——–!”


“It’s so bright!”

“I wish I had Crowley’s sunglasses!”

Even when their eyes were closed, the bright light that penetrated their pupils remained for a long time. It was a very different feeling from simply having lightning strike in front of their eyes.

They didn’t know if it was because of the sound of thunder, but they kept hearing small sounds like crackling, and cries of mice. 

In fact, it only lasted for 5 seconds. However, considering the speed of lightning, that was ‘light’, there was so much energy emitted within that 5 seconds. The lightning that was gathered together by the skill and had energy released again was enough to burn the air, evaporate the seawater, and fry all the fishmen.

“…Electric grill…”

“Kiskis, I think my throat would burn if I eat that.”

Sea water evaporated by the tremendous energy shimmered behind the New Serpent like fog. The number of floating fishmen corpses was innumerable.

“Let’s go, Bailephus, we are at the front.”

[I am already prepared. Huuuuu].


At the point when the front and rear were completely cleared, it was close to impossible for the fishmen to come up to the side. It was because the two ships traveled side by side. As all users of the Blue Marlin poured out their skills on the left and all users of the New Serpent poured out all their skills on the right, the fishmen’s movements began to gradually slow down.

“Huu, they’re not coming! They can’t come any closer!”

“Kak!  Really?! Is it over now?”

“T-that, I don’t know about that, but I don’t think they can get close, at least for now.  Perhaps they are scared after experiencing Lee Jiwon-ssi’s lightning rod release combo and Alexander-ssi’s breath…”

Fernand took out his telescope, looked at the fishmen, and tilted his head. He didn’t know the exact reason, but it was fortunate that they were able to get some time to rest.

“Waaaa!! Why aren’t they coming? I want to show them too!  I still have a lot of skills that are just as good as Lee Jiwon’s!”

“I will deal with you, Pyro!”

“Oh, Luger!  Great! Shall we give it a try?”

The flames bloomed at the hands of the descendant of the fire mage hero Pyro. Luger did not watch and stood still. If there was one thing that was disappointing to Luger, it was that there were other people who ‘watched and stood still.’

“Oh, oh! If you have the energy, come and help me fix something! That massive lightning damaged the back of our ship!”

“Bring the hammer!  Wood!  Take whatever scraps of wood we have left!”

As soon as the battle was over, crackling sounds began to be heard everywhere. Even in that atmosphere, Pyro and Luger were able to understand it enough that they did not fight each other. No, there was a more practical reason.

“If you two fought now, you would have had a chance to fight everyone, Luger.”

In this atmosphere, if they had decided to fight 1:1, the other users would have rushed in and overwhelmed the two.

“You’re noisy, Kidd.”

Kidd, who had already crossed from the Blue Marlin, stood next to Luger and smiled. Luger standing next to him stood still. And then, without any hesitation, opened the Three Musketeers’ window and checked the location of the musketeer that wasn’t with them.

[Dawn Sea – Waters of the Dragon Palace – Water Depth 47m]


“At 40m depth… He could move around without an air tank. Damn bastard.”

“He said he has an achievement.”

“That’s why I call him a damn bastard.  Keeping it to himself…”

Kidd glanced at the grumbling Luger and couldn’t help but smile.

This was because he knew very well what caused the current dissatisfaction.

“Are you thinking that if you had the achievement, you could have gone with him?”

Kidd realized that Luger’s true intention was to be of help to Leeha.

“W-what kind of bullshit are you talking about, he will eat up all the stats alone and explode and then die.  Hmph.”

Luger overreacted and left, but that actually gave Kidd confidence even more.

Because he felt the same.

‘It’s a shame.’

After the first day of Lee Jiwon’s rampage after entering the waters of the Dragon Palace, it took more than a week for the fishmen to appear again.

Meanwhile, Leeha, Sea Bream, and Anderson steadily gained speed.

“Prrrrrrk, prrrk!”

“There is no need to rest.  We want to get to the Dragon Palace as soon as possible.”

“Prrrk, prrrk….”

Even though they were mermaids, they still had to rest. Furthermore, even a mermaid had no choice but to expend a lot of stamina to swim while carrying Leeha.

“I’m sorry, but I can’t understand you right now!  Even if I push myself, it’s okay because we have a set schedule anyway, right?”

“Kohok, kohok.”

“… Is it?  I see. In that case, let’s rest for a while near the coral reef over there,”

Sea Bream tried to pretend not to understand what Leeha said, but Anderson made it impossible to do so. Did getting desperate work? Or maybe Anderson himself was just too tired.

‘We have to move fast but we also need to manage stamina.’

In any case, Leeha’s meaning was the same as Anderson’s interpretation. Like Sea Bream, Leeha also wanted to move quickly, but now was not the time. In some ways, the most difficult thing about ‘marching’ was the distribution of stamina. If they did not rest at the appropriate time, they might collapse at once from the accumulated fatigue.

‘The first march lasts ten days.  If you think of it as a 10-day sleepless march… it wouldn’t be surprising if I died in real life.’

Because they were mermaids, a race with stamina superior to that of humans, it was at least possible, but on the 7th day after entering the waters of the Dragon Palace, the decline in stamina of Sea Bream and Anderson became noticeable.

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