TL: xLordFifth


Fernand held a compass and a sextant and compared the current location with the charts from the first expedition.

A life form that had not been discovered even on the first voyage, which had already lasted about 50 days, was discovered in just 30 days? Fernand, who had already experienced an expedition, did not expect it.

“It’s not dead. It’s in suspended animation.”

It was an unexpected person who walked through the crowd of users and approached the mermaid.

“Captain Drake! Do you know anything about mermaids?”

“A little.”

Drake lifted his hat to look at the sky, then stretched out his index finger and pointed into the sky.

Although other users didn’t know, Kraven’s users suddenly started making a fuss.

“Uwah! What?! Why are you using ‘that’ on our ship-”

Rumble, rumble-!

The sky above the New Serpent immediately began to darken. Only then did other users know.

“S-storm? Did you cause this?”

“Drake, you, you bastard! What nonsense are you doing? Don’t you know that we are sailing without anchor?”

Drake’s deadly skill could unconditionally sink a ship.

Of course, the NPC and appointed captain of the New World expedition ship did not use it to sink his own ship.

“Clean fresh water is needed to awaken a mermaid from a state of suspended animation. Be quiet, Burke.”


As soon as a bolt of lightning struck the sea, rain began to pour from the dark cloud.

The rain literally fell only within a very limited area, not exceeding 1m beyond the New Serpent.

“……Mana Control.”

Ram Hwajung looked up at the sky and muttered to herself.

“He really is a named NPC. He could change a storm that would sink a ship into nothing more than rain like this?”

“Usually, it is harder to weaken magic…”

“It’s not easy to make it stronger either. Well, everyone here can do it to a certain extent.”

It was a mana control skill that impressed even ranker-level users. There was no one other than Ram Hwajung who could achieve this level.

“There is still a lot of drinking water, but there is no harm in gathering it. All sailors fill up your canteens! Let’s enjoy the captain’s blessing to the fullest!”

Even when the other users were busy looking at the mermaid, Kraven users who thought about navigation first started encouraging NPCs to fill up the drinking water.

About ten minutes passed after it started raining, and the mermaid’s finger finally twitched.

“Oh, he’s awake! He’s awake!”

“Drake-nim! Do mermaids also speak our language?”

“Why not? Isn’t it just like a monster?”

“A monster is a bit harsh. It would be better to think of it like a dwarf. Maybe a demi-human NPC.”

Drake didn’t say anything despite the fuss from the users, and gently squeezed the mermaid’s shoulder and shook it.

“Is it coming to its senses?”

“Cough…… cough, cough, cough! Ugh-”


The mermaid woke up coughing violently and started yelling as soon as it looked at its surroundings.

They didn’t know how long it had fainted, but it would not be able to regain its physical abilities immediately, and naturally being placed on the deck of an unknown ship and surrounded by unknown people, was bound to be scary.

“Uwaaaaah! Fishmen- f,fishmen, sea monsters- attack-”


The male mermaid flapped his lower body and raised his hand.

The users were momentarily confused as they saw the particles of mana gathering at their fingertips in an instant, but nothing else happened.

“Rest easy, undine clan member.” 


Drake grabbed the hand and blocked the skill from being cast. Drake’s deep yet clear voice finally reached the mermaid’s ears.

It was around that time that the mermaid, who had been screaming in panic, calmed down.

However, not only Leeha but other users thought that it couldn’t be simply because of the ‘voice’.

‘He’s definitely a mermaid. Drake also described it as a mermaid. But as soon as the mermaid woke up, he said “Fishman.” Besides, what is the undine clan?’

One word and one keyword were uttered by Drake and the mermaid.

There was no user present who did not know that this was a concept like a hint from NPCs that appeared only when users were nearby.

“Are you coming to your senses? Can you recognize me?”

The merman blinked as he looked at Drake.

The users frowned for a moment when they saw that there was an extra layer between his eyelids and the back of his eyes like a frog, but at least it seemed certain that the consciousness of the merman had returned.

“You- A-are you the son of the Sea God!? Banished to the human world- no, are you the sea god’s heir who…… went out to the human world?”

The sea god’s son? Sea God’s heir?

Other keywords entered the users’ minds. Leeha was fairly familiar with the word.

It was the NPC, not the user, who reacted more strongly to that keyword.

Burke yelled at the mermaid, clearly showing his displeasure.

“Sea god’s son! That’s the nickname those idiots from Kraven gave Drake to elevate him! How could you make such a foolish move in front of a born sailor-”

“I am no longer his son. Do not call me that, kin of the undine.”

Burke’s yelling quieted down in an instant.


“Wait- what? Drake, this guy-”

Burke’s face trembled, but he could no longer speak.

He looked like he didn’t know what to say!

It was the same for Kraven’s other marine occupation users.

They could not say anything in front of his calm face and serious voice.

“Ho, there was a quest called [Drake’s Legend] in the archipelago…… was that really true? A race called mermaids, which had never existed before, suddenly…

‘Hook’, a descendant of a hero of the second human-demon war, tilted his head and that was all users could do to react.

The only one who vaguely understood the situation was Leeha.

‘Ever since I got that achievement, no, ever since I got this coat, everything had been strange.’

The achievement was ‘Recognized by the Son of the Sea God’, and the name of the coat was ‘with the Blessing of the Sea God’.

He expected from the beginning that there would be something related to this keyword.

However, even Leeha thought it was a metaphor and not literally one.

‘Hook said he’d never seen a mermaid before. If so, it is highly likely that this is also a part of [Phase 3].’

At about that time, Hook also thought something similar to Leeha and closed his mouth. However, many users have probably already noticed.

“I didn’t mean to deceive you, Burke.”

“D-don’t be ridiculous! It’s not even funny! You’re being ridiculous!”

Drake took off his hat and bowed as he looked at Burke, who was spewing out random words.

It was a re-establishment of the relationship between the two NPCs who had been rivals their entire lives.

“You’re telling me that the guy I have been fighting with my Sailfish all my life isn’t human? Huh? Are you asking me to believe that?”

“I am human right now. We’ll talk about it again later.”


Burke, who tried to swing his fist at Drake, could not get any closer. He was, in name and reality, the naval commander of Fibiel.

He was an NPC who could weigh whether the current situation or his own anger was more important.

‘If it were me, I would be upset, but…… I’m sorry, Burke-ssi! This is more important right now, so please bear with me for a moment!’

Leeha looked at Burke for a moment with a sad expression, then looked around.

“Can you tell us what happened?”

“Of course…… young master-nim.”

“Just call me Drake.”


“It’s okay.”

When Drake carefully reassured the mermaid, while everyone’s eyes and ears were focused on Drake and the merman, Leeha’s eyes looked elsewhere.

Leeha: Is that real?

???: From the first time we met his mana energy was different from that of other humans. However, I didn’t know that he was the son of the sea god.

Leeha: Wow……. What did it mean to be the son of the sea god?

A faster method than what can be achieved through conversation between the mermaid and Drake.

The person Leeha secretly whispered to was the ancient gold dragon.

Bailephus: The king of the Undines, the spirit of all water in the sea and waves. He is called the sea god.

Leeha: Then, that merman and Captain Drake are of the same species? Are you saying that he wasn’t just a member of the same race, but was ‘prince’? The Prince of the Sea?

Bailephus: According to what he said, it was like that ‘at one time’.

Because he was ‘right now’ a human.

Leeha was able to understand even what Bailephus didn’t say.

‘Drake, the Prince of the Sea.’

It seemed like it would make him laugh, but there was nothing wrong with the expression itself since the sea god was the king of the Undine clan, of the water spirits.

The mermaid muttered for a moment but quickly opened his mouth as if he could no longer resist Drake’s gaze.

“For some time now, we stopped being born-… no, we are still getting born, but the offsprings are not mermaids. They’re just- they are sea creatures that have grown limbs similar to human’s arms and legs…. And their purity is also very low.”

“Is that the fishman you mentioned earlier?”

“The sea god named them that way.”

Different thoughts circulated in the users’ minds. The same was true for Leeha, who received additional information from Bailephus.

‘The expression ‘to be born’…… I guess it’s probably a system where the water spirit turns into a mermaid.’

Leeha: Do water spirits become mermaids?

Bailephus: A spirit is essentially the element itself. Although they have no form, if they maintain a certain purity over a certain period of time, they will have a body suitable for each spirit. Here, the water spirits of the sea become undine, meaning waves, and are reborn as mermaids.

Leeha: Hmm, I roughly understand.

“What is it about those guys that you hate them?”

“……They can’t communicate. No, it doesn’t mean they don’t know words. It just meant that they were very violent and belligerent. From time to time mermaids stopped being born, the number of fish people rapidly increased and they revolted within the Dragon Palace.”

“Rebellion? That can’t be possible. Father, no, what is the sea god doing? Most importantly, it’s impossible for the people of such purity to be born, right?”

“Yes. The sea god also said the same thing. So he decided that there was a problem with “Septic tank” and went to fix it…… rather, the sea god-”

“What happened?”

It was an expression that did not appear even when Leeha was behind in the naval battle and when he aimed the Black Bass at Drake.

Looking at his distorted and anxious, the mermaid spoke her last words.

“-They became fishman.”

“……That can’t be possible. Is that possible?”

“This is unbelievable. The king of the undines has been contaminated?”

It was Bailephus who came out in as much bewilderment as Drake. The users carefully listened.

“Cough, that’s right. Please- please help me, I don’t know what happened to all the people running away from the fishmen. Maybe- all of this may have been to meet you. Please! Please come back to the Dragon Palace and save us, young master!”

The mermaid groaned and crawled across the deck, holding onto the hem of Drake’s pants.

Quick-witted users have already begun to get a feel for it.

Kijung: Ung-ah? I guess this is-

Kijung: Huh, it looks like an event. Aren’t you progressing through quests yet? Anyway, the fact that Fernand-ssi said that the sea creatures have become stronger seems to have something to do with it……. I guess that also means that the fishman or something was born.

Bluebeard must have done something. However, listening to the conversation between the mermaid and Drake, and having further information from Bailephus, 

Leeha was uneasy.

‘Even if it’s a quest…… what should I do?.

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