TL: xLordFifth


“Giant moray eel?”

“It’s a huge sea monster! I just heard a whisper from the summoner- they are exactly below the ships, and they will definitely surface and attack the underside of the ship! Damn it!! I can’t believe we got caught from below.”

Fernand’s expression was not good. It was due to the fear that had already been experienced.

“Uh, then, w-what should we do? Should we attack?”

“Under the ship? How do we catch them if they are under the ship?”

Fernand’s shout quickly spread to the users.

It was not simply a battle between ships.

As the expression “Sea Monster” suggested, these monsters could breath and move freely even underwater.

They were on a ship that was capable of attacking and defending from all sides, however it was still a ship. It could not withstand an attack from below!

‘Damn it! Should we have made something similar to a mine?’

It was an item that he had been thinking about but couldn’t make due to time constraints.

Leeha opened his bag and counted the number of bombs he had.

“Then when will they surface? When are we going to attack?”

“No, we still can’t see them! There, druid-nim!

Can’t you transform into something like a fish?”

“Something like a salmon is possible- but what do you mean?”

It was Rubini, who was sitting next to Leeha, who stepped forward once more amidst the confusion of the chattering users.

“I will map it.”

Grains of mana entered her body and were transferred to her crystal sphere. Photographing the location of the monsters on a holographic map?

‘No, it won’t work below the surface. Maps are only two-dimensional-’

Before Leeha could finish his thoughts, Rubini had already finished casting.

“[Three-dimensional scanner]?


It wasn’t just a map.

The detailed shape of the ship floated on the sea surface, the rolling sea, and two lumps bobbing deep below the sea surface!

“Ah?! What!”

“Oh……. It’s that big”

“This is our ship, right? Is that the Blue Marlin?”

The gathered users could not contain their astonishment.

Just how big was the ship? It was a  long and large adventure ship that was as long as most ships of the line.

“N-no matter how short they are, aren’t they more than three times longer than this ship?”

“What about thickness? They are thicker than this ship!”

The giant moray eels, which were about 150 meters long and 20 meters wide, were large enough to overwhelm the users with just a hologram.

“Then- if those monsters attack from underneath…”

When it came to battle, all the thoughts of the users spun, however, no one was able to come up with a clear solution.

[How do I catch it?]

‘Into the water? No. There’s nothing more stupid than shooting a gun underwater.’

It was impossible to move for Leeha.

Throw a bomb? The fuse would die.

Magic? In the first place, their location was under the ship. They can’t be targeted.

“Kikis, in a sea like this, it’s no use releasing poison…”

Even Biyemi couldn’t help but click his tongue in regret.

“Uwaaah! In times like this, the best thing to do is run away! Because fighting isn’t the only answer! No, this cannot be called running away. That- what do you say, Captain Drake?”

“……If you think about naval battles, it’s about taking advantage of the wind. Moving the ship to catch a better wind and shoot from a better position.”

“Right, right. Once you speed them up, pull them off, spread the distance, and come near sea level! Wouldn’t it be okay to shoot whatever the gunman over there shoots?”

Even in the wind, there was a top and a bottom. That’s what Kraven’s ‘Hook’ wanted to say.

First of all, moving to a good position for fighting is the basics of naval battles.

Other users had no choice but to agree with that opinion.

At least for them, they couldn’t think of a better move. Except for one person.

“……There’s no need for that.”

“Huh? Oh! You-”

Next to Hook, a girl with silky blue hair walked toward Leeha.

The deck on the New Serpent became quiet.

“Oppa. Ear.”

“Uh, oh?”

Ram Hwajung tugged on Leeha’s sleeve.

It would have been okay to just whisper, but she was a bold girl who dared to bring her face close to Leeha’s.

“……Is that possible?”


And the girl’s proposal was bolder.

“150m? A 150m monster?”

The same thing happened at the Blue Marlin.

Luger unconsciously loaded a bullet into his [Cobalt Blue Python]

“Crazy. How do you catch that?”

“According to Fernand, they have a high attack, but weak defense. He said that if we just target their weakness, we can get through without any damage.”

“So how do we do that? The sea monsters are underneath the ship, from underneath the ship! You know that means one of us has to dive into the water and fight, right? I heard those things are targeting the underside of the ship.” 

Upon hearing Alexander’s words, the users of Blue Marlin became even more sensitive.

“Is there a magic that could make breathing underwater possible? If so, I will go down there and deal with them.”

“My talisman could work, but it has a short duration. It will be hard to deal with two 150m long monsters by yourself-”

“You can do it with dolphin-shaped sculptures but- Your body will turn into a dolphin’s. It will seal your kicks…

Pei Wu stepped forward, but even the world’s greatest martial artist could not do much.

The skills of Daoist Mu and Sculptor Rodin were not enough to enable him to fight underwater.

“Or we could make the seawater evaporate for a short time should I do it? I-”

“T-That’s not possible! If we do that, the ship will definitely suffer damage, and we can’t handle it. It would be like burning all of the straw to burn the bed bugs.”

Another descendant of a hero with the same profession as Ram Hwayeon, a ‘Flame Magician’, created flame from his fingertips, but Shin Nara quickly stepped in to stop him.

“Hmm.…. Bailephus.”

“I heard.”

When Alexander opened his mouth, the gold dragon, which was in his human form, nodded.

“Heung, what method did you hear?”

Chiyou looked at Alexander with an interested expression.

He didn’t bother to answer her and called the other users.

“Hold on tight everyone. From now on, Bailephus will launch the ship.”



Before anyone could ask, Bailephus had already changed into his dragon form.

Launch the ship?

They immediately understood what it meant. Because it was literally launching the ship into the air.

“Waaaaaaa!? It really makes my stomach queasy!”

“This size?”

“T-that ship over there is floating too!”

“Wow…… No, if it’s going to be like this shouldn’t we have to launch the boat from the start?”

“That’s impossible. Do you know how big the two ships are?.”

“W-well, I was just saying……. If that was possible, we wouldn’t have gone by ship in the first place.”

The users had questions mixed with admiration, but when Alexander added those words, they were unable to ask any more questions.

“He’s a great reptile. But what are you saying with this?”

Luger snorted as he watched the ship gradually rise 3m, 4m, and 5m into the air, flowing seawater.

He knew it was floating. What’s next? Alexander, who was on the Blue Marlin, raised his hand and pointed to a place without saying a word. All eyes of the expedition members turned to that point.

The sight of the New Serpent, floating just like the Marlin, with a blue-haired person falling down from the side of its deck, caught everyone’s eyes.

“Oh! There- someone is jumping!”

“Who…… Ram Hwalung!?”

“Why is she falling from there-”



Shin Nara closed her eyes tightly and turned her head.

What seemed to explode from Ram Hwajeong’s falling body was a blue light that was so eye-chilling 

that the mana that flowed into her body spread out in an instant.

“R-right, I have heard that! During the national war- the way Ram Hwajung fought in the national war!”

Crack, craaack……!

One person shouted, still unable to open his eyes and only hearing an unfamiliar sound.

Ram Hwajung fought against the Kraven Navy on Dike Beach during the national war.

How did Fibiel, who was no match in naval battles, last so long against Kraven?


“The sea- the sea…!”

“Oh my!”

“How much mana does it take to do that?”

Whether they were a hero’s descendant or a tournament participant, they were at least outsiders in Middle Earth! In addition, many of the members of this expedition were rankers, but all of them had their eyes enlarged to more than twice their normal size.

“Uwah, kuhahaha! Yes, that’s it! I wondered why that ice witch princess didn’t appear! Even I, who grew up drinking only seawater, couldn’t handle that kid! That little princess is on the same team and she’s not appearing!”

Burke, who was in charge of ship ship operations on the Blue Marlin, laughed heartily.

Looking down at the pale blue frozen sea.

“Luger. Get ready. It’s Ha Leeha over there,”

Alexander gave simple instructions. Luger instinctively knew what to prepare.

“I see. That’s what he heard. Damn it, don’t tell the Three Musketeers what to-”


Luger also walked to the end of the deck and lifted up his [Cobalt Blue Python].

On the same spot, on the other the ship, Leeha shook his [Black Bass] and laughed.

“Luger! As expected, you are good at looking for a spot.”

“Don’t say the obvious. If they were to break the ice with their head and jump under the ship, the best place to shoot would of course be here.”

“Kilkil, Alexander, because of his personality, he probably didn’t say much, but he’s quick to notice. Very good.”

“Don’t judge me, I fight better than you.”

As Luger murmured and looked down, Leeha focused as well.

The frozen sea was still visible beneath the ship. As if a chunk of ice was floating at the North Pole, the sudden chunk of ice made the viewer bewildered.

‘It’s even wider. Of course, the moray eel or something has to break through and come up, so it’s made to be thin, therefore it is also wider…. But does it make sense to freeze a 50m diameter area?’

However, Leeha did not know that this was also easy.

In the national war against Kraven, it was Ram Hwajung who made the land forces run by connecting ships with ice.

It could be said that in all of the three kingdoms, Ram Hwayeon was the most proficient at using ice.

Although Ram Hwajung was incredible in terms of mana manipulation and specs in Middle Earth, the reason she was called a ‘genius’ was because of her ideas.

“It’s coming. Sea level 8m, 6m, 4m-”

Leeha heard Rubini’s countdown behind him.

Ram Hwajung had already used fly magic and was back on the deck.

At that point, Leeha was able to see. Black stains crept up from beneath the thin frozen white film.

“That’s the head!”

“Waah, no way……. Doesn’t it look like ink was spilled in the sea?”

The overwhelming large size was clearly visible even though it was below the surface of the water.

“-lm, now-”

kwachachachak, changgranng——-!

With a loud noise, ice powder flew through the air.

What caught their eyes even more than the ice powder sparkling in the sunlight was the giant moray eel with its black shiny body!

Not knowing that the ship had been lifted into the sky, the sea monster jumped out of the water with all its might, believing that the ‘ice’ created by Ram Hwajung was still a ship-like object.

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