TL: xLordFifth


“Kiriririt- Kyaaa!”

“Kya, kyaaaa-!,’

The lizards spread and howled, but they were not on land.

Even for monsters, it was impossible to suddenly slow down or change direction on water.

If they were not careful, they might fall into the deep sea.

“And that’s exactly what we are after. [Heavy Weight].”

“[Heavy Weight]!”

The two martial artists drew a talisman in the air as they ran over the heads of the marine lizards, drawing their attention.


There was no change from the outside.

Pei Wu and Bald Panda were still agile.



However, after the talisman took effect, the marine lizards that touched them did not feel the same.


“Kat-!? Kyaaaaa-rururuk……”

The effect of the skill [Heavy Weight] was to increase the weight of the target by 50 times when they touched another living being while maintaining the movement of the target itself.

This was because the light steps of Pei Wu and the Bald Panda, whose weight has increased more than 50 times in an instant, are no longer light at all.

It wasn’t even an attack, it was just a step on the head, and with each step, the marine lizards sank into the sea. 

The four people’s coordinated play, which made use of the characteristics of the sea while showing movements like they were on land, was fantastic.




“……Wouldn’t it be weirder if we can’t go to the New World with these members?”

“That’s right.”

Leeha, who had hastily loaded the magazine at the first appearance of the monsters, did nothing but look at his surroundings with a blank expression.

Moreover, Kijung, who was completely incapable of range attacks, even felt that he was unnecessary.

“Why are you just loitering? We must not rest either.”

“That’s right, Kay. We can’t lose, right?”

Their naggers approached them. Leeha’s nagger was Kidd, and Kijung’s nagger was Hyein.

“Kidd? What do you mean loiter.”

“Hyung-nim? You’re a sage, are you allowed to loiter like that?”

Leeha and Kijung shook their head, but Kidd and Hyein responded with laughter.

“That’s why I talked to Kidd just now. Kidd-nim, are you ready?”

“My gun needs preparation.”

Hyein raised his staff and began casting a skill. Kidd nodded as he looked.

‘Ready? These two?’

Leeha knew better that they were not people who would just stay still while watching other users move.

But what have they prepared?

Strictly speaking, it was no exaggeration to say that Kidd and Hyein only met each other today.

Leeha was curious about what plans the two people, who had passed each other several times, including the natural games, but had never spoken to, had come up with.

While Leeha was contemplating over their combination, Hyein’s casting had just finished.

“Okay. Then I will fly you to them. [Reverse Gravity]!”

Pang-! As if being shot, Kidd’s body flipped over and flew into the sky. It was a huge force as if throwing a person.

“Uwaaaaah?! Kidd?!”

“Hyung-nim! If you do something like that-”

“That’s our strategy. I need to focus, so can you please step aside for a moment?”

Light purple particles were absorbed by Sage Hyein’s body.

‘Right. There’s no way it’s just flying. Hyein is a master of space magic.’

Leeha swallowed dryly as he watched Kidd, who was flying in the air, and Hyein, who was casting.

Reversing gravity and launching it into the sky.

What about casting space magic again after that?

“[Space Grab].”

Hyein finished casting by lowering his staff to the ground. Kwaak!

Kidd, who flew in the air, came to a shaky halt as if he had been caught by an invisible hand.

Grab? However, it was different from the grab magic that 

Leeha thought. To simply stop, the ‘Hold’ magic was enough.

Sage Hyein was indeed the number one person in Middle Earth when it came to spatial skills.

“Huu, now! Here I go, Kidd-nim!”

Hyein began to slowly tilt his staff forward.

“No way……”

“What…… this magic…” 

Leeha and Kijung were naturally flustered.

How should they react after seeing Kidd’s body, which was floating in the air slowly, toward the direction the staff tilted?

“Isn’t that some kind of claw machine?!” 

Controller: Hyein, Claw: Kidd?!

However, Kidd was on a different level from a powerless claw crane.

When Kidd, who was held by space magic and had a comfortable expression on his face, flapped his coat, what he did was an achievement that could not be compared to that of a flimsy doll.

“Poor beasts of the sea, unable to stop or even jump to this point.-”


“-I hope you sleep comfortably on the ocean floor.”


Before the long continuous gunshot sound could even end, five marine lizards fell to the bottom of the ocean. Plop, plop, plop


Kidd lightly blew out the smoke coming from the [Crimson Geckos]’ cylinder.

He seemed satisfied with his act.

“Crazy. What did you-”


“Waaa, what was that?!”

“It’s Luger.”

Kijung was startled by the sudden explosion coming from the Blue Marlin and the spray of water rising like a fountain from the distant sea, but Leeha was calm.

As if claiming that he would not recognize anyone who is more active than him, Luger showed off his firepower as a player on the Blue Marlin just as much as Bailephus and Alexander in the air.

‘We have the hero’s descendant ‘Doctor Doom’ on our side who could monitor the monsters, but who plays that role on their side?’

Many of the marine lizards that came close have already died.

However, a huge number of them were approaching from a distance again, and the monsters that Luger shot were precisely that group.

Even Leeha, who used mana clairvoyance, could only see faint shaking, so it would have been difficult for Luger to see and shoot.

‘Well, someone would have done it anyway. Everyone demonstrates their strengths in unexpected places.’

Leeha shook his head.

‘There isn’t enough time to pay attention to who was active on ‘that ship’ and who was active on ‘this ship’.

“Navigating has become so much easier because of the oracle. Captain Drake-nim!”

“Starboard, steer the helm!”

“Yes sir!.”


Drake shouted at the pirate user holding the helm.

As if he was already familiar with communicating with Drake, the user steered the helm.

Uooon- Puuuuuu- palsa!

Meanwhile, a loud sound came underneath the ship.

Bang, bang, bang—-!

Another pirate user from Kraven went down to the gun room and began commanding the NPCs.

All the users went to a place where they could show off their skills to the fullest and face off against sea monsters.

‘Even this……. There were those who stood out, but not all 40 actually performed to their full potential.’

The expedition was made up of 40 people, including 17 descendants of heroes and 23 tournament participants.

Excluding the Taoist brothers, Kidd, Luger, and Alexander, who stood out among these, it means that other users are dealing with the sea monsters thinking about efficiency like mechanical work.

‘The only thing that stood out was the unique combination of skills and job compatibility, and they didn’t actually use special skills.’

Not a single one of them revealed ‘lethal’ skills at all.

For now, all Leeha could do was use mana clairvoyance, lift his Black Bass, and shoot one after another.

It was proof that all other users were also conserving their skills, just as Leeha was conserving his skills such as the multiheaded shot.


After shooting one shot, Leeha pulled the bolt again and found a user near him.

“Huh? Fernand-ssi? What are you doing here?”

“……This doesn’t make sense……”


Had another sea monster appeared again?

Leeha tilted his head, but jerked his body! Fernand’s expression was completely different from what he expected.

“How- how can they be so strong! It couldn’t even be compared to the first expedition! Wahaha! Oh god! The sea monster, marine lizard, were only 3 to 4 meters high when I came on my first expedition. This time, I was nervous because they were as high as 5m! What about their numbers? Did you know how many we have killed now? This is crazy, everything is crazy!”

“Ah, i-is that so?”

Seeing Fernand’s eyes sparkling and his body trembling, Leeha quickly lifted the Black Bass.

There was only one thought that came into his mind.

‘I can’t deal with Fernand in that state!!’

However, it was already too late.

As if he finally found someone to express his feelings, Fernand began to run around and held Leeha’s arm as Leeha tried to shake him off.

“Do you know what their characteristics are? I couldn’t take a closer look because there hadn’t been a ‘guy’ that had come close yet, but those 3 to 4-meter sea monsters were 230! And the 5m ones must have been at least level 240! Awwww, I told them to not let a single one approach, but now I almost want to ask them to let one get close!”

“Keu, that- please let me go-”

“As of now, the only sea monsters that are there are the marine lizards, and they are the lowest-leveled sea monsters I know! Still, I think this expedition will be a success!”

Biii, biiiiik——!

Between Fernand’s uproar and the activities of the expedition members, the screech of the ‘scout’ was heard after a while.

“There’s no more monster approaching! It will be over once you deal with the monsters you are dealing with now!  Waah! This is so amazing!”

It was a loud announcement signaling the end of the first battle. The new continent expedition team literally dealt with the marine lizards without getting the New Serpent and the Blue Marling any scratch.

Just by looking at Fernand’s wild reaction, they could tell what they had accomplished.

“Isn’t this a big deal?”

“We only have to go like this for 60 days? Let’s do it again 

Let’s reorganize the logout rotation! Instead of 4 groups with ten people each, we should do two groups with 20 people each!”

“Thank you all for your hard work! I will use HP and MP recovery magic, so everyone please come to the main mast~!”

“Nice, as expected, you are the best, ‘Saint’!”

The atmosphere became noisier when the skill of ‘Saint’ Raphaella, a Minis user, whose head was blasted by Leeha, was cast.

‘They really are great users. But that means the monsters are different than before……. Is it a setting where Bluebeard passed by and did something?’

In the meantime, the only one who did not let go of his worries was Leeha. How could he like it?

Bluebeard, a Demon King’s Fragment, must have passed through this sea.

Leeha thought that there was no way Bluebeard would just pass by.

‘Still, it was everyone’s first time working together, so I guess it’s good news that they did pretty well.’

The first sea monster, the ‘weakest monster’ emerged on the way to the new continent. Confident shouts came out one after another from the two ships that had dealt with the marine lizards that were around level 230 or higher

“I caught the most, so I am first, Alexander!”

“That’s funny. What kind of calculation does not include what Bailephus caught.”

“Because it’s not your skill!”

It was a fun first hunt for everyone except Luger, who insisted that he was number one.

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