TL: xLordFifth


“So it is being held in the Sacred Knights’ Headquarters! Well, this is probably the best way to prevent an accident.”

People crowded so tightly that there was no room to push in anymore. Floating above them were men in shining armor.

The sacred knights were controlling the onlookers on the ground and in the air.

Leeha stood on tiptoe because he couldn’t even see the location of the stage from where he was standing, but a person soon came to find him.


A knight flying swiftly through the air raised her face shield and smiled.


“Ah, Nara-ssi?! You’re not at the palace today?”

“Everyone went out today. Come here quickly! Kijung-ssi’s second round will come in a while.”

“Second round? Did the first round end already?”

“Of course! I think he passed it with ease. Bobae-ssi is also over there, let’s go quickly.”

“Uh, I can’t use fly- Uwaaak!”

Shin Nara hugged Leeha from behind and flew.

It was a terrifying experience for Leeha.

It was because even though he had ridden Bailephus before, he had never experienced pure flight magic before, and it was also because of the hand that held his chest.

Nara took Leeha to a seat closer to the VIP area.

Bobae, who was already sitting with snacks, greeted Leeha happily.

“Hi- Leeha-ssi!”

“Hello, Bobae-ssi.”

“Aww, look who we have here, the dongsaeng is participating in the tournament and the hyung only arrived now, did you hunt a lot? “

“Please sit here quickly.”

“Ah, yes. Nara-ssi-”

“I have to keep watch. You will be with Bobae-ssi for now, I will come back after work!”

Nara flew again with a confident tone like a career woman.

The place where Leeha and Bobae were was a huge stone protruding from the middle of the castle wall, a fixed stone for the defense equipment directly overlooking the gymnasium.

“Eat this. It tastes like potato chips, and it’s really hot.”

“Can someone who works out eat this?”

“I only eat this in Middle Earth and I don’t gain weight here anyway. Hehe.”

Bobae laughed while chewing on the crunchy snack.

It was one of the benefits of Middle Earth.

“But I guess a lot of people participated? There was a rumor that only experts would come.”

“That’s right. Only experts came. How many people are there in Middle Earth? I don’t know what Leeha-ssi considers an ‘expert’, but there are a lot of level 200 users or higher. It’s also the same for outsiders.”


Leeha took the snacks Bobae gave him and chewed them while looking over at the other side of the stadium.

There were a large number of users who had different assortment of equipments from general onlookers.

“Looks like the waiting zone is over there.”

“Yes. Ah! There, the ‘Heresy Inquisitor’ is also a famous priest. He is Kijung’s next opponent.”

“The guy wearing that strange mask?”

Bobae pointed to a man wearing a bird’s beak-shaped mask.

‘That is Kijung’s next opponent? If he’s a priest, his attack power shouldn’t be much…… That’s normal, but…’

Contrary to what he said, Leeha tilted his head for a moment because he was holding a huge hammer.

“That person over there, ‘Bald Panda’, is amazing. He is someone from Hwangryong and is famous for his nickname so I don’t know his real name. Anyway, I heard that in terms of speed, he’s superior to Pei Wu. I guess he loses in terms of strength.”


“Hmm, and on the other side are Toaist Baeju, and Taoist Mu’. They are brothers who are Taoist class, and they are skilled at hunting monsters by giving each other double buffs.”

Many of them were jobs where Leeha could infer what they do and their destructive power.

One-handed sword, long spear, two-handed sword, etc…. However, there were also a lot of jobs that he had never encountered before.

‘The national war was so huge that I did not see them before. Or is it because Middle Earth itself is getting bigger than before?’

There were all kinds of outsider-class users gathered. Such a tournament is also being held in the Capital of Minis, Shazrahsian Federation, and Kraven.

‘Except for the six that have already been confirmed, there are 34 spots left. Since we don’t know how many descendants of heroes will appear, the actual number of tournament participants is less than that.’ 

Of course, for the small number of slots, the competition was bound to be fierce.

“Ah, they’re coming out! Kijung-sssssiiiiiiiii!”*

“I-It’s dangerous!”

Bobae jumped up without fear and waved her arms. Bobae wasn’t the only one cheering.


“Byulcho’s Guild Master!”

“Amazing! It ended in a blink of an eye earlier!?”

“But will it be as easy this time? The enemy is the ‘Heresy Inquisitor’!”

Another man walked out to the clacking noise around him.

A man wearing a bird’s beak mask holding a hammer the size of a child’s body stood on Kijung’s side.

When a man who appeared to be a referee came out and made the two of them aware of the rules again, Leeha somehow couldn’t stand his pounding heart and shouted.

“Kijung-ah, do welllllll———!”

“Kijung-ssiiii, fightiiiiiiing!”

Kijung’s head, which had been focused on his opponent, turned.

“Kkak! He looked, he looked! He must have heard my voice!”

Bobae was happy to see Kijung look, but Leeha saw whose voice Kijung heard and where he looked.

‘Bastard…. Do well.’

Kijung, who looked at Leeha and Bobae, raised his hand holding the sword.

It was like he was saying, ‘I will not lose as long as I have this sword’.

Ready- Fight!

The second round of the standard tournament started like that.

Since the two of them did not have jobs to deal extreme damage, they did not rush toward each other when the fight started.

“Huuk, huuk, huuk- it’s a pity that you’re a templar because we are from the same organization. Just know that I have to go to the new continent to stop the demons.”

“Kek, you don’t have to be sorry. I will be going anyway.”

“Admirable courage, as expected of a templar. However, you do know that my reputation in the church of Ahlo is higher than yours, right?”

All kinds of light flashed from the body of the ‘Heresy Inquisitor’.

To match the class of a priest, he was already using enchantments and buffs such as strength and striking.

The ‘Heresy Inquisitor’ is inevitably weak while casting his buffs.

The heresy inquisitor deliberately spoke to Kijung to cover up that weakness, but Kijung didn’t seem to have any intention of attacking the heresy inquisitor while he was getting his buffs.

“Kkeung, if you look at Middle Earth as a whole, my reputation should be higher than yours. No, more than anything else, this tournament is about winning with skill. Come at me. I will deal with you without any buffs.”

Kijung stood in a crooked position and lifted his finger.

It was the perfect provocation toward the other person.

Although Kijung could not see the heresy inquisitor’s expression because he was wearing a bird’s beak-shaped mask, he could tell that it was scornful.

“Don’t regret saying that.”

“By the way, I wonder what your total constitution is? I don’t think you would die if I hit you moderately.”

Ppajik, ppajik.

Kijung provoked his opponent much better than Leeha thought.

“No need to wonder! A single attack that destroyed 1,000 heretics will make you disappear as well!”

Tat tat tat tat tat tat-!

The outsider ‘Heresy Inquisitor’, rushed toward Kijung with the huge hammer.

‘Fast! He’s even holding a weapon like that-’

Perhaps because the weapon was huge, the Heresy Inquisitor’s body was not overweight, and his speed was astounding to see from afar.

“Hmmmm, [Ahlo’s Fist]!”

‘Heresy Inquisitor’ jumped without losing speed, throwing his hammer back as far as possible.

All the onlookers could tell that it was a single-target attack skill that carried all of the user’s weight.

“Oh, oh, oh, Kijung, why are you not dodging?!”

Leeha felt a pressure that made his chest tighten, but Kijung remained still.

“Kijung-ssi, Ki- Shield! Raise your shield!”

He wasn’t even holding a shield.


A hammer the size of a 6-7-year-old child’s body was mercilessly slammed into Kijung’s head.


‘All the weight and acceleration of the ‘Heresy Inquisitor’, the powerful force of the hammer, was enough to scatter sand and dust of the gymnasium in all directions.

“Uh, what happened?”

“Wow…… Byeolcho’s guild master got one shot?”

“Crazy…… I heard that the combat priest tech tree has skills like that.”

“His nickname is not ‘Heresy Inquisitor’ for nothing! He was an ‘inquisitor’ who literally ‘judged’ by breaking people’s heads! The first blow, with all the one-time buffs, explodes the attack power of two or three warriors in one shot!”

As the vision was obscured, the murmur around them grew louder.

“H-how? Kijung-ssi-  it isn’t over like this, right?”

“He’s still alive. He didn’t log out, so-”

“This is a tournament in the capital! Of course, the Sacred Knights have already set the settings so that they won’t die! Even if he didn’t die, if he takes more damage than his HP, the fight will automatically be over!”


Leeha, who turned on his friend’s window and checked Kijung’s location, scratched his head as he listened to Bobae’s scolding.

‘What is this, she’s getting worried almost at the level of a girlfriend……? Kijung, this guy…’

I envy you.

It was the first thought that came to Leeha’s mind. Seeing Bobae clasp her hands together and stomp her feet, Leeha felt like laughing.

“Isn’t Leeha-ssi worried?”

“What is there to be worried about?”

“Right now, Kijung-ssi-”

“Kek, are you worried about that guy?”


Leeha stretched out his hand and pointed at Kijung. The sand dust had already dispersed enough to reveal Kijung, standing upright without even closing his eyes, with a hammer on his head.

“That’s crazy! Did he give up?”

“Since he’s a combat priest, isn’t his strength low? Did he endure the damage and hold on? How much health does he have?!

“Uwaaaah-! Master Kay! Master Kay!”

Listening to the surprise and cheers around him, Kijung’s lips twisted upwards and even Bobae opened her mouth wide.

“H…… how. No matter how high your defense is- unless you have a shield, the damage- you didn’t even get stunned-”

“I know. Ah, I wonder if it’s God’s will-”

Kijung moved his sword gently as if they were one body, and pointed the tip on the enemy’s neck.”

“What do you think? Do you want to continue?”

Kijung smiled softly.

‘When the ‘Heresy inquisitor’ struck down, only a few people saw the light shining from his sword.

“I…… I surrender.”

His one-time buffs have already been canceled. He knew that if Kijung rushed toward him while he was recasting his buffs, it would only lead to death and he would look pathetic.

Cheers broke out again as the ‘Heresy Inquisitor’ raised both of his arms after removing the hammer from Kijung’s head.

“Kyaaaaak! Kijung won! The outsider surrendering meant he got subdued with a mere glance!”

“Aack! My HP is low, Bobae-ssi!”

While avoiding Bobae from pounding his forearm, Leeha made eye contact 

with Kijung looking up at him.

Kijung looked at Leeha, pointed at his sword, and made a thumbs up.

[Legendary Sword of a Nameless Paladin]

Attack Power: 2,130~2,280

Class: Melee, One-handed sword

Effect: Strength + 10, Constitution +20, Buff – Guardian Saint: Nameless Paladin’s Will – Recovers HP of up to 20% every 8 seconds

Requirement: Strength 500 or more, 2,000 Constitution or more

Description: “I will block them, so hurry and get the people out.” The nameless paladin shouted.

“Your shield is broken, and how will you stop the enemy with a broken sword.” The princess asked.

“I am not worried. If I offer my body, my Lord will be with me.”

During the first Human-Demon War, he blocked the Demon King’s Army, which was around 5,000 units, alone to evacuate the citizens, and was appointed as Ahlo’s Saint after his death.

It is said that the commander of the Demon King’s Army and the nameless paladin stood in front of each other without defending or attacking.

Additional Effect: Acquire the skill Sacrifice when the constitution is over 2,500

Leeha nodded as he recalled the detailed description of the sword he had carefully examined.

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