TL: xLordFifth


As soon as she started talking on the phone, Jachung spoke.

“Is Master Kay doing anything special in Middle Earth?”

“Yes? Ah, of course.”

“It would have been better if you asked us for help when you were fighting against the demon nobles. Isn’tthat so?”

“It would have been- but with Hwahong and Byulcho’s history-”

“What does the past have to do with now? Like this, Ha Leeha-nim is stuck in the middle.”

“Well, that is the case. Haha. Well, if Leeha-hyung bridges the gap in the middle, there’s no reason to have enmity between us.”

“That’s right! There are many cases in our cities, so we often have trouble maintaining security, so please visit sometimes, including Castle Dale.”

Leeha was clearly aware of Jachung’s purpose.

Ram Hwayeon’s expression was getting darker.

Even though they couldn’t understand Chinese anyway, Jachung made it impossible for Leeha and Kijung to eavesdrop on the phone call between Ram Hwayeon and the chairman.

Of course, Jachung’s ability to converse with Kijung to expand his network even a little bit was one of his strengths.


“Pheeew……. Jachung, here’s the phone.”

Ram Hwayeon ended her call with her father.

When Ram Hwayeon sighed, and the expression of Ram Hwajung, who was sitting next to her, also darkened.

“What’s going on?”

“It’s work, isn’t it ? Haa…… even if you solve one, another one comes again, and again, and again. Even the same things are bothering me every time in a different direction. Whenever I hear from the chairman- no, from father, I feel very helpless.”

Ram Hwayeon grumbled while poking the tteokbokki with a fork.

‘Well, company work is also work, but if the person giving the instruction is your father and head of the group…. It’s understandable.’

Leeha and Kijung were a little surprised to see an expression that could not be seen from her, who always boasted of steel-like hardness.

“Ha Leeha, do you have this kind of worry?”

It was a question she asked without any expectations. Leeha thought after hearing Ram Hwayeon’s words that sounded like a complaint.

“Yes. I think I do.”


Still, Leeha, who had more real life experience than Ram Hwayeon, could be of some help to her.

Not only Ram Hwayeon, but also the other’s eyes were also focused on Leeha. Kijung was surprised and Jachung was intrigued.

“Oh, eong-ah, what are you talking about? How could petty people like us know what big people are doing-”

“That’s not true, Kijung. This…… this doesn’t have anything to do with having a lot of money or being poor.”

Kijung tried to stob Leeha from talking, but wasn’t successful.

Leeha’s voice changed. Calm and a little slow, his voice began to resonate in the restaurant.

“……So…… Ha Leeha, you have this worry too?”

It’s not just the worries of youth.

This is another name for ‘sense of pressure’ that the role of an executive leading a leading conglomerate group has.

Leeha looked at Ram Hwayeon and replied with a smile.

“Ram Hwayeon-ssi.”


“We only met in Middle Earth, but I think you know a little bit about me. Especially when it comes to my shooting. Right?”

“Uh, yes, that’s right.”

Shooting all of a sudden? However, whether or not Ram Hwayeon tilted her head, Leeha continued talking.

“Do you think I hit 100% every time I shoot?”

“Almost…… right? It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that your performance at a particularly important moment is almost 100%.”

“Kek, no. There were times in Middle Earth, as well in real life, when I couldn’t hit a rabbit that was only 40 meters away.”

“What? You?”


Hearing her confirm, Leeha laughed lightly. That’s right. Ram Hwayeon’s low response would be another “pressure” toward the Leeha.

Like the pressure to something that comes from the expectations of others.

“Shooting and hitting…… No matter how one does it, a hit this time does not guarantee a hit on the next one. Just as Ram Hwayeon said, I am bothered in ‘similar issues every time in different directions’. Thinking about that makes me feel very helpless. Even if I do it again and again and again, I feel uneasy…. I ask myself, ‘Did I really grow? What has changed between then and now?’. Guessing that it won’t be as difficult again next time I aim for the target than it is now……”

Leeha spoke as he looked at Ram Hwayeon, but at the same time, he was talking to himself.

As the title ‘perfect sniper’ hung over his head, the weight of one shot got heavier as he pulled the trigger.

The things that Leeha had been through in his life.

Although it was only hands-on training, he had the expression of a lonely sniper, who had always been alone on the battlefield without the presence of anyone he could call a ‘comrade-in-arms’.

“Then what do you do? Every time.”

Ram Hwayeon asked.

From the time Leeha spoke, there was silence in the restaurant that had become quiet, enough that made even the attendants and bodyguards control their breathing.

Even in that situation, Leeha did not immediately open his mouth.

A little more, to add flavor to the answer, like steaming rice.

And finally, he answered Ram Hwayeon’s question.

“I am grateful for the helplessness.”

It was something that no one around expected.

It was like a language that even Kijung, a Korean, could not understand exactly. It was only natural for Ram Hwayeon to fiddle with the translator in her ear while Kijung tilted his head.

“……Huh? Grateful?”

“Yes. The translation should have been correct. At those times, I am grateful.”

“That- what…… do you mean?”

“Because of the feeling I get when my shot hits after feeling helpless. I can be happy when the next shot hits again. If I didn’t feel helpless or pressure, I wouldn’t feel happiness when the shot hits. What kind of pleasure can a person who had just done what he felt he could do feel? Right?”

“Are you talking about the sense of accomplishment when you are recognized?”


Leeha took a deep breath and shook his head.

“It is different from a simple sense of accomplishment. That is just doing something that lives up to your expectations! Rather, it is more of a fundamental feeling. Can I call it the feeling of being alive? Regardless of the expectations of others, I feel like I survived…… well, something like that.”


Hearing Leeha’s words, which seemed like a zen dialogue, Ram Hwayeon let out a breath.

She thought about it, and realized that it was not a feeling she would understand unless she experienced it herself.

Leeha also knew that, and he wanted her to realize that she didn’t need understand it right now.

So, he evoked the atmosphere with a lively voice.

“Then, Ram Hwayeon-ssi! What do you need right now?!”

“What do I need?”

“Pahaa——- take a deep breath and relax your back. Come on, come on, relax your back!”


Looking at Leeha’s bright smile, Ram Hwayeon put on an absurd expression, but that soon disappeared.

It was a kind of secret that Leeha told Ram Hwayeon.

The negative emotions that anyone can feel, such as the struggle to be recognized in life.

How could they get rid of that feeling?

What could be done to remain as yourself?


Hu, ha, hu, ha!

Watching Leeha acting as if he was melting while taking an exaggerated deep breath, she burst out laughing.

Looking at Leeha and Ram Hwayeon, Jachung nodded slightly.

‘Indeed……. There are a thousand people who can give the young lady advice about work, but none of them can help her like Leeha would. She needs someone that could help her mentally, and someone who could hold her center…. As expected, Ha Leeha is a person the group needs.’

Click- Jachung carefully plugged in the recorder in his suit pocket..

‘I must share this conversation to the president.’

It was then that Ram Hwayeon, who was agonizing alone between the playful Leeha, flustered Kijung, Ram Hwajung, and Jachung who were looking at them warmly, jumped up.


“Y-yes! Director-nim!”

“How long are we staying here?”

“As per schedule, we will be leaving tomorrow afternoon, but-”

“Change the schedule. I have to go back.”

“Right now?”

“Yes. Father- no, the chairman is leaving tomorrow, right? Before that-”

Bang-! Ram Hwayeon hit the table with her lightly clenched fist.

“- I have to negotiate.”

“……I don’t want to go.”

“What, Hwajung-ah?”


Ram Hwajung pursed her lips and stood up carefully by Ram Hwayeon’s side. Kijung was confused, but Leeha understood Ram Hwayeon’s decision.

“Anyway, your momentum is amazing..”

“Hmmp, of course. Speed is of the essence! Then, Ha Leeha, next time-”

Let’s go! Let’s go!

Get out of the way? Attaque Simple, Coup droit!


Pababang, there was a commotion at the entrance of the restaurant.

“W-what is going on? Who-”

“Ha- Ha…… Leeha-ssi!”

It was Shin Nara who made the two large bodyguards flying(?).

A nimble body that held a single tree branch that wasn’t even thick. There were only a few people in the world who can beat her with just that.

“Na…… Nara, Na- Nara-ssi, why are you here…?”

“Huu…… Huu……”

A fencer at that level was looking at Leeha.

Behind her, Bobae mouthed to Kijung, ‘Do something, I am going crazy’.


“Is this why you canceled our appointment?”

“Uh-  no, t-that- just listen to me for a moment.”

How did she know? He didn’t even need to ask about it.

What was important was that she knew. While Leeha was about to answer, Ram Hwayeon approached with a snort.

“The lady from the Sacred Knights?”

“Please don’t call me that, Ram Hwayeon-ssi. I am Shin Nara, the national fencing representative of Korea.”

“Oh my, then please stop calling me Ram Hwayeon-ssi, okay? I am Ram Hwayeon, Head of the New Business Development TF Headquarters at Ram Long Group Headquarters in Hong Kong.”

The eyes of the two women created sparks in the air. However, it could be said the timing was a fortune among misfortune.

“Thank you, Ha Leeha. I’ll go with ‘I’ve achieved everything I’ve achieved.’ See you in Middle Earth!”

“Oh, okay- yeah.”

Ram Hwayeon lightly bumped shoulders with Shin Nara and stepped out of the restaurant.

While Leeha was flustered looking at them, Ram Hwajung quickly walked toward Leeha.

Shin Nara tried to stop her but it was already too late.

“Wait! Ram Hwajung-ssi, what are you-”

“Goodbye, oppa. See you next time.”

After that, the blue-black haired girl wrapped her arms around Leeha.

Everyone inside the restaurant stopped moving after that bold embrace. Only Leeha’s arms uncertainly floated in the air.

“Cough, young miss. We need to go. Although this is Korea, there are still many eyes.”


Jachung, who came to his senses, quickly took Ram Hwajung, but Shin Nara’s eyes were burning.

“Let’s go back!”


At Jachung’s words, the attendants and bodyguards rushed out.

Even after the bus-sized van started and left, Shin Nara, Bobae, Leeha, and Kijung were only able to stare at each other’s eyes inside the restaurant.

“U…… Uh……. Nara-ssi?”

“D-do you like tteokbokki?”

Those were the first words Leeha managed to utter.

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