TL: xLordFifth


“Is this the only power of the 2nd in the ranking, huh?! Kihahaha! What-”

Igor’s sawblade coated with blood before he knew it.

Strength wasn’t the only trait of a giant’s race, but also speed, which was raised by demonic mana.

It was only natural that the smile from Lee Jiwon’s face disappeared.

After narrowly cutting off his sword and making a big movement, Lee Jiwon widened the distance.

He was a magic swordsman who handled the sword as well as a swordsman class, but his true value was revealed when there was harmony between sword and magic…

Black mana grains entered Leeh Jiwon’s body in an instant.

“Sol blaze, Corona Zet.”


He swung the black sword that started to burn, flame magic that was like the sun exploded!

“Cross Guard!”

“Cross Guard!”

“Health Share!”

However, the sun-like explosion did not reach Igor.

Three members of Czar squeezed in the gap between Lee Jiwon and Igor, and used their skills simultaneously!

Swish- swish-!

Two thick crosses made of sword energy created a barrier.

And the Corona Zet exploded there.

Claaaang, all the flames vanished along with the noise, leaving nothing but black smoke.

Lee Jiwon’s pupils dilated as he saw the black smoke that had been spewed out like steam disappear.

“……Wow, you guys are still alive? Is Igor right about me dying?”

Only three members of Czar, whose level was much lower than Igor’s, blocked his skill.

However, as if they were barely damaged, the three Czar members stumbled and casually took out potion bottles.

Just as Lee Jiwon pointed his sword again, Igor, who was behind the Czar members, rushed with a leap.

“Kuhahaha! Look it up on the internet and find out how it was possible!”

Of course, there was no way a ranker like Lee Jiwon was ignorant about Czar’s skills.

In addition to the skill to defend using sword energy, the three Czar members also used a skill to connect and spread the damage.

However, it was surprising to Lee Jiwon that they managed to withstand his attack with ‘only that level of defense’.

In this one clash, Lee Jiwon could predict the direction of the fight.

There were still 15 Czar members remaining.

Even though the three Czar members stumbled, they would quickly recover if they drank a potion.

Igor did not suffer any damage yet, but rather, he was getting stronger as he subtly absorbed Leeh Jiwon’s HP.

What would be the best way?


“The space is blocked! Blood Jet!”


Igor shouted urgently at the same time he unleashed the blood jets, but Lee Jiwon was faster. His body disappeared at about the same time as the space-blocking magic was lifted.

He didn’t use his usual slang or provoking words to the other person.

At the place where Lee Jiwon disappeared, his two eyes briefly flashed like an afterimage.


[You filthy necromancer! It is not enough that you became a representative of a Demon King’s sculpture! You even disturbed a dragon’s rest!]

“Alexander? Bailephus?”

Faust involuntarily took a step back. He just took out Kuzgunak’sh’s corpse from the Resurrection Graveyard to test the commands in advance, but why did the gold dragon and 1st ranked user appear?

‘Where did they come from?’

But his worries were short-lived. Because it didn’t matter now.

It was after Faust had already blown.

“Lance Transform! Charging!” 


Light streamed from the long spear Alexander was holding.

Holding the ‘Lance of Light’, so to speak, that kept its light even after the transformation, Alexander leaned against Bailephus’ neck and squeezed the hilt.

“This is not a personal fight between rankers. I will punish Faust for the good of Middle Earth.”

“Haha, you, you, you’re still the same even though we haven’t seen each other for such a long time!”

[You can still laugh in the face of my breath, filthy servant!]

“I don’t know what made you angry, but if it’s an enemy you are looking for, then it wouldn’t be me gold dragon.”

Faust grinned and snapped his fingers. It was at that time that Kuzgunak’sh’s corpse turned around.

The red dragon, with more than half of its head cut off and still faceless, charged at Bailephus with a more grotesque than before.

[Is this the result of living for 5,000 years, Kuzgunak’sh! Why are you so obsessed with life, even forgetting your Dragon’s pride and cutting off your rest!]

Bailephus cried out as if howling, but Kuzgunak’sh could not give a normal answer. His body, which had no vocal cords, only made unpleasant vibrating sounds that trembled.


In the end, Bailephus, who tried to fire a breath on Faust, had no choice but to turn his head toward Kuzgunak’sh, who was flying at high speed.

His speed never slowed down even in front of the super-heated white fire breath.

Hwaaaang, it was at that time that a translucent shield was created in front of the headless Kuzgunak’sh.


[Foolish! Do you think you can block my breath with your shield without a dragon heart?!]

“Even more so, I have my charging. Go back to rest, pitiful red dragon!”

Faust didn’t panic even as he watched the breath start to burn the shield and Alexander’s ‘Spear of Light’ tried to hit the shield.

“Heuheu, it’s different from before. Now, it can use the demon king’s mana indefinitely. Of course, with my help…”


Almost as soon as Faust snapped his fingers, the translucent shield was completely covered in black.

A coating so thick that Kuzgunak’sh beyond the shield could not be seen. That black shield blocked Bailephus’ breath.


“How dare you look down on it, did you think it was an ordinary undead dragon?! Dark Promotion!”

It was a skill that injected Faust’s mana into a summoned undead target and promoted it to a higher-leveled monster.

Even if he lost his dragon heart and had no head, what if the ancient dragon, Kuzgunak’sh, got promoted using dark promotion?


Pududuk, pududuk-!

Two additional wings sprouted from Kuzgunak’sh’s body, which went mad with pain.

Spreading its six wings, the undead red dragon rushed at Bailephus and Alexander without hesitation.

Magic shot from Kuzgunak’sh’s body in an instant.

It was similar to Flame Strike, but the flames stained black with the demon king’s mana shook unpleasantly.


[Hmm! Dispel, dispel!]

And from 22 in the past, it now numbered 30.

Considering that the number of simultaneous castings tells the caster’s level, Kuzgunak’sh was stronger than in the past. Bailephus’ quick dispel shone, but Kuzgunak’sh’s next attack was already on the way.

“Spin Spear!”


As Alexander spun his spear, a huge whirlwind appeared in front of Bailephus. It took only a few seconds for Kuzgunak’sh’s claws and the dark red mana to touch.

Pachichichik-! Along with the noise, the barrier skill began to break down.


Kuzgunak’sh unleashed an onslaught with a ghastly noise.

Alexander and Bailephus used defensive skills to block, and Alexander used an attack skill to counter Kuzgunak’sh’s attack, while Bailephus used magic to distract him….

Unlike when the dragons fought 1:1 in the past, this time Alexander was also involved, but the undead Kuzgunak’sh did not get pushed back.

[How did the demon king’s fragment make you, Kuzgunak’sh?! You can’t become this strong when you become an undead! Was it your will to be with the demons!]

The gold dragon’s mouth burst out with sadness as someone who was of the ‘same species’ that transcended even the relationship of metal, chromatic, and long-time rivals.

Of course, those were not mere cries.

Conversations between NPCs always had the purpose of informing the surrounding users of specific information.

Alexander, listening to Bailephus, could have some idea of Kuzgunak’sh’s current state.

“Bailephus, partner.”

[What’s is it?!]


Meanwhile, Kuzgunak’sh’s attacks were unstoppable.

Alexander looked down for a moment after examining the two fiercely fighting beings.

He knew exactly what he had to do to end this situation.

“Our original purpose is to kill the Demon King’s army’s agents.”

[I know that too! However, Kuzgunak’sh-]

“I will leave the undead dragon to you.”

Alexander interrupted Bailephus, took out a scroll from his bag, and jumped off the dragon’s neck. From the air where the dragons raged, Alexander landed slowly.

“Keuk,what? I didn’t raise my level on purpose, but I raised my stats a lot. It’s a shame to see you, ranked 1st, and your dragon getting pushed back…… even though you are together. I have to film and upload this so that more people will join our Demon King’s army-”

“Shut your filthy mouth, Faust!”

Looking at the lively white lizard. Alexander raised his spear with both hands, and light began to flash from his spear.

“Huh? Can you stop me? What can you do without your dragon? You’re not even at Pei Wu’s level…”

As soon as Faust finished speaking, the chimeras and the promoted undead started hitting the wall in front of them.

Leeha’s flamethrower melted more than 10 chimeras, but there were still about 15 chimeras left. Not to mention, even the ‘basic’ monsters that were promoted to Undead Executioners and Dullahans would also be powerful.

“Do you know who I am?”

“I know. That’s what I am saying. Can a dragon knight with just a spear and a little magic pierce my chimeras?”

“Divine power charging.”


Alexander’s shining spear stretched out in an instant.

Since he was not riding a mount, he was just standing, so the spear that was close to 10m long could be difficult to hold even at the center of gravity, but he did not have any problem.

“I am not a mere dragon knight.”


“I am the number one in the rankings, the representative of all Middle Earth users, and the guardian of the ‘Sun’-”

Huuuuu——- Pachichicik- Pachuchuchu-!

The divine energy in Alexander’s spear was emitting light that he couldn’t even see properly.

Just when the clash of energies sounded rather ominous to Faust, Alexander took the first step.

“-Alexander ‘The Great’-”

Like a pole vaulter running, Alexander set his long spear horizontally and started running toward Faust.

“-Look closely at the power of the emperor.[Judgement of Justice].”


The light emitted from the spear enveloped Alexander’s entire body.

Faust hurriedly commanded the undead as he saw Alexander, who had turned into a pointy, huge mass of light.

“eeek-! What skill is that…? Stop, stop it!”

“Kadududuk. ”


The undead ran toward Alexander, and the chimeras squirmed and moved, leaving behind acidic ooze on the floor.

The numerous monsters that filled the gap between Faust and Alexander were like scribbles on white drawing paper.

And Alexander was nothing more than a pure white lump of paint.

Every time Alexander, wrapped in light, ran, all the dirty scribbles that were cluttering the drawing paper simply evaporated into white and disappeared.

Neither the roar of the undead nor the cry of the chimera could be heard.

There was the sound of light emanating from 

the spear Alexander was holding and wrapped around him. Except for the reverent sound effects, Faust didn’t even hear the sound of the undead breaking or chimeras exploding.

“What- Bone Shield! Body wall! Dark Barrier”

Before the undead and chimera were annihilated, Faust quickly set up a triple shield in front of him.

However, neither the shield made of bones, the wall made of solidified corpses, nor the barrier made of mana of darkness could stop Alexander’s charge.

It was literally the judgment of the absolute.

There was only one thing Faust could do.

“U-Undead Nest! Teleport!” 

It was to escape by barely scraping together summoned creatures that have not yet been judged.

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