TL: xLordFifth



“This relic will replace my voice. Will you accept it, subjugation leader?”

Luger’s eyebrows twitched for a moment at the word subjugation leader, but he was able to admit that it was acceptable.

He devised the operation in the first place and gathered them.

Leeha was the reason why the people who would have growled or started fighting as soon as they saw each other were civil in the Vatican, and it was only natural that the one who united them would be the subjugation leader.

“Subjugation leader against the Demon King’s army, Ha Leeha. I will obey the orders of Pope Gaius IV.”

Leeha got down on one knee and accepted the Pope’s key with a determined attitude. At the same time, all users pressed the accept button.

“Then, what are we going to do now?”

“First, we need to find their gathering place. I don’t know if the reason why the raids in Fibiel and Minis stopped was whether to gather strength or to escape……. Anyway, it should be clear that they are gathering somewhere.”

Kidd asked as soon as they left the Pope’s audience chamber.

Leeha’s answer was based on information that went beyond simple speculation. Listening to him Kidd nodded.

“No matter how strong Faust is, wouldn’t he only be summoning undead enforcers, hyungnim? If that’s the case, I would be able to take on hundreds of them in 10 minutes, I’m just going to rush-”

“No. If Lee Jiwon-ssi does what he wants, there’s a high possibility that we will not be able to achieve the purpose of the quest.” 

It wasn’t that Leeha was underestimating Lee Jiwon. His intentions were clearly understood by Alexander, who was immersed in Middle Earth.

“That is correct. The sacred mission that the Pope had given us was to eliminate the ‘Demon King’s army’. Our mission will fail if we move recklessly and they hide even further where we cannot find them.”

“Are you saying that we have to carefully find their hideout and attack and catch them in one fell swoop without giving them time to run or hide…?”

“That’s right, Luger. Even you, a war maniac, your attitude of protecting order is-”

“I like it. In that sense, we can wipe them out in one shot.”

Luger smiled as he stroked the [Cobalt Blue Python]. Alexander, who was cut off after saying something, sighed and shook his head.

“Anyway, there’s nothing to do until we find their gathering place. First of all, please go back, we don’t want to be seen together. If rankers like you go unnoticed for a long time, the enemy will surely take note.”

“The ‘hidden hand’…… are they really that good?”

“Yes. Their information network is wide and dense enough to easily surpass Kidd’s or my imagination. It’s possible that they won’t  be able to catch Alexander and his dragon, but they should have already caught the others in their information network.”

Kidd shook his head and nodded.

“Everyone, please stay at your place and move as usual. Be in a place where whispers can reach you, and our login-logout times should match as much as possible. Even if you find them, there won’t be many chances unless you rule out the possibility of moving again. But you must assemble as soon as you’re being called.”

Leeha also brought out Black Bass.

It would be important from now on.

“Please go back, everyone. Except for Bailephus-nim and Fernand-ssi. Ah! And keep in mind, no matter how much you trust someone, even if it’s an NPC, you should never speak about this to them.”

“You’re the best. Do you know how much I have suffered in the past few days because you didn’t even tell me that Bottleneck was being moved? Thinking of that time, even now, I can break your head-”

“Oho. Luger, if you keep messing with me, should I tell Bottleneck to not sell you any bullets?”

“……You bastard, you really are a damn bastard.”

Luger grumbled and raised the crystal ball.

As Leeha asked them to leave, everyone would be waiting in their respective places for a while.

The members of the Demon King’s Army subjugation team left, and the remaining ones were Bailephus, Fernand, and Ram Hwajung, who were asked by Leeha.

“Ram Hwajung-ssi-”

“Me too oppa.”

“Hmm okay. Good. It wouldn’t be strange since Ram Hwayeon is in Gaza City anyway. However, if your older sister asks something from you, don’t reject it and go to her. You must never show anything out of the ordinary.”


Ram Hwajeong nodded and grabbed Leeha’s sleeves. Blaugrun fluttered above her head.

“Is it okay for Alexander and me to stick together?”

“Of course. Alexander-ssi should not appear in Gaza City. No, even Bailephus-nim should not be seen.”

“What do you mean?”

A secret and quick way to find the Demon King’s army. What Leeha thought of was a combination of magic and skill.

“Bailephus-nim, do you have an invisibility magic?”


“The list of relief items! Is it not written yet?! I told you to finish it by 2 o’clock! Steward! Where did the steward go-”


“-kaaaak?! Hwa-hwajung? How are you-”

“Wow…. Ram Hwayeon really……. Isn’t this crazy? This is Gaza City, right? Is it already being restored?”

Ram Hwayeonh was chewing on the NPCs in Gaza’s plaza today as well. Standing in front of her were Leeha and Ram Hwajung.

“Of course! It’s been over a week since you’ve been away! Where were you anyway? If you had come a day late, I would have stopped being a proxy and left! I had plenty of time, so I temporarily left Castle Dale alone-”

“I’m so sorry. Thank you. Really.”


Tiredness from the heavy work overlapped with happiness, and she wanted to rant at Leeha, but when she saw his expression of gratitude and smile, her heart calmed down.

“How long has the restoration situation been?”

“I’ll tell you everything from the restoration situation to what you need to do in the future, Ha Leeha, so listen carefully, okay? For the next two days, stay still and receive tutoring.”

“D-do I have to listen for two days?” 

As Leeha made a puzzled expression, Ram Hwayeon raised his eyebrows again.

“Do you think running a city is a joke?! Sheesh, I don’t know where or what you did, but it worked rather well. Hwajung, you should also practice approving and reviewing Gaza City documents during this time.


“What did you just say, Hwajung?”

“I will work hard, unni.”

“Both of you get a chair and sit down. Because of the work that needs to be done, and I can’t do it in the castle, so I’m doing it here.”

In that way, Leeha, the true lord of Gaza City, and Ram Hwajung began to study unwillingly in the plaza of Gaza City, which Ram Hwayeon used as an outdoor office.

And it was only natural that there were eyes watching the scene.

“Report to Oka-san. Ha Leeha came back with Ram Hwajung.”


“What about the other side?”

“There’s nothing special. I lost Alexander and Lee Jiwon for a few days, but we were able to follow them again.”

“Hmm. The two can get catch you if you get too close. Keep a reasonable distance and move while securing safety even if you have to miss for one day and follow them on the next.”



The black-clothed silhouette disappeared from the shadows, and the one that was left climbed up a tree in a single leap and peeked at Leeha.

Leeha vaguely felt the hidden gaze.


“You can think of what is summarized in this document as the needs of the current residents. If the water supply is dirty or the cleanliness is poor, order the steward to hire more cleaners-”

Leeha: tsk, listen as you speak. Ram Hwayeon, what time have you been here today??

“-…… or you can delegate artificial intelligence management to fit your budget. If it was Gaza City in the past, it wouldn’t have been a problem if it was done automatically, but-”

Ram Hwayeon: From 7am. Why?

Leeha: Aren’t there people around you who have been observing you since then? 

“-The city is not normal right now, and doing so will result in losses. You should always get into the habit of taking care of -”

Ram Hwayeon: Well? In fact, the office was set up like a forward base…. To the resident NPCs, it was strange, so maybe there were some around? I don’t really remember anyone. There were always a lot of NPCs around

Leeha: No, not NPCs, but users. Wasn’t there a particular user who watched your every move?

“-people. Do you know what I mean?”

“Okay. I understand.”

Leeha just nodded and quietly looked around and whispered.

However, Ram Hwayeon whispered to Leeha while explaining how to run the city, and in the meantime, not only looked around but also shook her head as if answering Leeha’s last question.

Her ability to go beyond triple to quadruple-tasking was enough to take Leeha’s eyes off her for a moment.

Ram Hwayeon: Hey~ Ha Leeha-ssi, can’t you see me?


Fernand: This is really amazing. Because I’m affected by the Ancient Dragon’s invisibility magic, I’m not even showing up on my map! Seriously, I was wondering if it is okay to trust a dragon saying that no one would be able to detect me even if I was next to them unless it was someone like Blue Beard, but really-

Leeha: Cough, Fernand-ssi, I can’t see you, so please go and investigate quickly. He was near the eastern wall, where the repairs haven’t been completed yet, so he should have been easy to find.

Fernand: All right. But with this invisibility magic, I think the speed of searching will be at least 40% faster.

Leeha quickly turned on the settings window and Lowered Fernand’s whisper volume. Once he started opening his mouth, he didn’t know how to close it….

‘Maybe he misses being with people since he’s been pioneering alone. Most importantly, until Fernand-ssi finds clues, I will continue staying here while being revealed.’

Leeha followed his intuition.

Surely there must be ‘eyes’ around them as well. In order to carry out the plan, he should not let them know that he was cooking something.

‘As soon as I was appointed as the lord of Gaza City, they found out and attacked it. In other words, it means that the hidden hand is observing me all the time. I have to keep exposing myself on purpose.’

In order to catch the group that provides information to the Demon King’s army off guard, they must never catch the subjugation team’s tail.

‘What the hell are those bastards aiming for? Even the Holy Grill did not know how the ‘demon nobles’ disappeared out of thin air. Not to mention that the quest didn’t pop up for Byeolcho, and if the intelligence guild said so, they must have moved somewhere…

Leeha was not sure about the enemy’s purpose.

Why? What were they trying to do together? Could it be that they combined the three forces before waking the Fragment of the Demon King up?

In the worst case, when they raided the place where the enemies gathered, it was important to prepare for the Fragments of the Demon King, including Blue Beard, Gibrid, and Pyrot Cocri.

“ugh……. It’s terrible to think about.”

Leeha shook his head as if he was disgusted.

‘But for the time being, the story would not go that far in a reasonable way. Even so, it’s a story-driven game, so there’s no way they have all gathered together, right? If so, there must have been some sign. At least there would be a major update.’

Middle Earth always gave hints. And Leeha knew that he was quite deeply involved in the quest related to the Demon King’s army.

Even hints that would not be exposed to other users were visible to him, and at least until now, there were no special incidents discovered by him.

‘When will they stop…. I know their definitely watching. What is their intention.’

Leeha thought.


‘What are they doing, what are you up to? I know wouldn’t just sit still.’

Sasuke pondered.

At least in appearance, Shinobigumi, Chiyou, and Sasuke had an advantage.

They were not exposed to Leeha at all, and Leeha was being watched by them from time to time.

If a player who shows all cards and a player who hides all cards played a game.

So, not only Chiyou but also Sasuke became careless. It was the carelessness that came from thinking that there would be no big mistake if they took their eyes off Leeha.

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