TL: xLordFifth


‘Damn it…’

I couldn’t even kill them.

No, killing them wouldn’t automatically restore the already destroyed city.

“Ugh…… ugh, Save- save me.”

“Call a priest! There’s a patient here! Priiiiiest!”

“Arghhh, Mamaaaaaaa!”

“Please heal me! The poison, the poison isn’t going away. Please!”

There were low-level players crying everywhere. The place that clamored with users and NPCs alike was no longer the same.

The city that had been swept away in battle and was half-destroyed lay in front of Leeha’s eyes.

[Kyu! Kyuuu!]

Blaugrun’s behavior of making a fuss for a while calmed down.

The place he pointed at with his wings was the street where the injured were wallowing The bronze dragon hatchling was instructing Leeha to rescue the injured.

“As expected, I don’t know if you have knowledge or how well your communication works, but at least your heart is the same as before. Let’s go quickly!”



As soon as Blaugrun sat on his shoulder, Leeha started running.


“Ow, ugh-”

“Leg……. My leg……!”

There were NPCs whose forearms were blown off, and there were NPCs whose knee bones had turned 180 degrees.

Leeha bit his lip softly.

As he faced the horrors of the battlefield that he had seen and learned in the military, a more realistic scene in front of him, Leeha lost his mind again. Bombed cities in the Middle Eastern countries were exactly like this.

“Damn it…… this is completely…”

Expressing sadness was a waste of time at the moment.

Leeha hurriedly took out the potions from his bag and helped the survivors up.

Leeha did not have a lot of emergency supplies, in the first place they were prepared for emergencies and were rare and special, so each one was extremely effective.

Leeha was aware that they were expensive high-end products that he wouldn’t even drink even if his HP had significantly lost, but Leeha did not care about it right now.

Is saving potions more important than saving the NPCs?

Leeha did not care about that either.

It was because Leeha felt pity for the people dying in front of him, which he had also experienced in the real world, and he did not differentiate between the users and NPCs.

Chwaak, Leeha approached a fallen NPC and bent his knees to help him.

“Hello! Are you awake? Sir, open your eyes!”

There was only one thought in Leeha’s head.

‘I have to save as many people as possible.’

It didn’t matter what role they originally played in Gaza City.

To Leeha, the true Lord of Gaza City, all of them were like family.


“Are you okay? Drink this right now!”

When Leeha handed the potion bottle, the NPC held the bottle with trembling hands. He managed to open the lid and slowly swallowed one or two sips.

“Here- here- Save me too!”

“W-wait a minute! Here, a potion.” 

However, he couldn’t devote all his time to just one person. Even as he put the potion bottle to the wounded man’s mouth, the urgent cries continued to the extent that another injured person around him looked for something.

Leeha handed over another rare potion bottle, and if the NPC hurriedly drank it all, he would surely get well.

And be completely cured to normal.

“Gulp, gulp-”

“Don’t drink it all!”

“Puheub! W-what? Yes?”

Therefore, Leeha took the potion bottle and stopped him.

“Don’t drink it all!”

“That- Well, you came here to save me……”

As soon as he took three sips of the rare potion, the NPC who had recovered enough to talk showed a dumbfounded expression.

However, Leeha had a good reason.

“I am here to save you! However, the potions are limited! It’s a first aid! It’s only for first aid. When you get a bit better, you should go to a priest! I know all of you are injured, but for now, please think of living together with the people around you!”

The number of injured people was too many to count.

However, Leeha only had 10 bottles. Before the NPC could respond, Leeha opened his mouth again.

“Those who can move, please help the injured around you! Come here and share the potion! And for those who could move to some extent, please gather hardwood sticks and tough fabrics! I’m going to make a splint and crutches! Please move quickly! Your actions will save your friends and this city!”

Just because he was a sniper did not mean Leeha only learned how to shoot.

Leeha was also taught basic first-aid methods during his training as a non-commissioned officer.

‘Damn it, I don’t know if it could be used like this.’

Leeha didn’t know if it would actually help with HP recovery, but it was better than nothing!

Under Leeha’s positive and active instructions, the NPCs began to move one by one. It was more than just the ‘dignity’ buff.

People with minor injuries were only given splints and crutches, and the seriously injured ones were given a small amount of potion. When they recovered, they were forced to bring in other injured people.

It was a virtuous cycle of people taking action under Leeha’s orders, depending on the extent of the injury, and using them as rescuers!

“Cardin! Come and help Ms. Lomoff on her back!”

“Ah, understood. Aunt Romanov! Wake up!”

“Can a wooden stick be this big?”

“Okay. Please get one that is as hard and straight as possible!”

“Lift up! There are still people down here!”

“Lever!! Find something to use as a lever!”

What to do and how to do it.

No one refused Leeha’s orders, which were a little forceful, given in a systematic and clear snappy tone.

In the alleys of Gaza City, where only moaning and screaming sounded, human voices gradually began to be heard.

“User? Are you a user?”

“Ah, yes.”

“I-I am poisoned, do you have an antidote potion? No, even with that- my leg was struck with chimera poison-”

A user dragging one leg barely approaching spoke to Leeha.

No, he had already lost more than half of his field of view, so he couldn’t see where he was standing, so his focus was a little off.

“Is it detox? So, what I have now…. I have two potions to recover from abnormal status conditions, but the antido-”

Poison was different from other status abnormalities.

While the user trembled in fear as his HP was constantly getting eaten away, and while Leeha was flustered, Blaugrun, who was on Leeha’s shoulder, flapped its wings and flew. 

“Huh? Blaugrun-ssi? What-”



Before Leeha could finish speaking, Blaugrun closed his eyes and trembled.

Blue-green light emitted from the bronze dragon’s body. The light wrapped around the poisoned area like a blanket glowed once and soon disappeared.

It was perfect magic.

“Wow, amazing…. Were you a summoner? My HP has also been restored. What is your pet? I’ve seen a ride or an attack pet, but it is my first time seeing a healing pet. The amount of healing is also great! Thank you so much. Thank you!”

In addition to detoxification, it also heals to full health!

However, Leeha was more surprised than the treated users.


[Kyu! Kyu!]

Blaugrun was delighted at Leeha’s call, and then flew back to his shoulder fluttering as if tired.

‘It can use magic?’

However, Leeha did not ask. If Leeha asked Blaugrun now, it would only tilt its head like it didn’t understand.

There was something more important than checking Blaugrun’s condition.

“Really, thank you. I’ll be sure to pay for the potion next time-”

“No, the potion was worth it. Rather, if you have time, please bring the injured NPCs scattered everywhere here.”

“Huh? NPC? Why NPC?”

This was where the difference between the general users and Leeha appeared. Leeha didn’t have to explain.

“……It’s a very important thing for me, please.”

“Oh, okay! It’s a request from my lifesaver.”

It was only natural that Leeha’s emergency rescue activity, utilizing the users and NPCs, spread throughout the city. The surrounding area suddenly resembled a field hospital.

‘But these are only first aid measures. Right now, everyone is barely moving because of my shouts, but I have to truly heal them- where the hell is the city manager?’

A couple of hours have passed since Leeha started his emergency rescue activities. However, there were still a lot of people groaning like they were crushed by gravel.

There was only one and a half bottle of potion left.

He only had 10 bottles from the very beginning, and he had already saved more than 100 people, but Leeha was not satisfied.

“There is a survivor of the Gaza knights over there. Shall we go get a stretcher?”

“The Ahlo Temple of a neighboring city has also been contacted! They said they will send healing personnel soon!”

Of course, Leeha couldn’t complain at the moment.

The healed NPCs reported and were waiting for Leeha’s next instructions. It was because they knew who created and commanded this place.

“Okay. But only with four people, as going too far can loosen the structure on the other side. And if I can’t greet the temple people of the neighboring city, tell them not to wait for me, and to start healing as soon as they arrive, and over there too- hmm?”

A group of people entered from the other side of Leeha’s eyes, who was giving them instructions.

The NPCs were cautiously lowering their heads as they saw the people running hurriedly.

The front-most were a few knights without a scratch on their shields. Following them gave off the smell of wizards, priests, and civil servants.

“W-who are you?! Are you by any chance from the capital? This is what happened because the idiot Minis couldn’t do their jobs properly! When you return to the capital, take me as well and I will go to the royal palace! How, how can I be the lord of the castle in such a dangerous city-”

And there was someone in the middle, a fleshy NPC as if they were being escorted, sprang forward and started complaining.

Unlike the normal injured NPCs, Leeha immediately knew who the man with no wrinkles on his clothes was.


“Yeah, I know.”

Blaugrun’s didn’t look good either. Naturally, Leeha also understood. As long as he was appointed as the lord of the castle, he should never treat his own life lightly.

They should have guards.

They could also hide when an intense battle begins. Just because one was in charge didn’t mean they had to step up and take the lead.

‘But it is different now.’

The situation had already ended.

Did he just stand by and hide to the extent that he didn’t know what was happening?

As far as commanding from the rear, this was within the range of understanding, but it’s a different story for leaving the battlefield!

“Are you the lord of Gaza City?”

Leeha asked calmly but in a disapproving voice

Perhaps it was thanks to the dignity buff, except for the chubby NPC, everyone lowered their heads.

“Cough, that’s right. I am the cousin of Count George Rodem Almos, the lord of Castle Almos, from the Almos family, who was appointed by the royal palace to manage Gaza City, the most important city of Minis-”

Even Lerik, the vice-minister of finance, lowered his head toward Leeha, but surprisingly, the chubby NPC did not lower his head toward him

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