TL: xLordFifth


[Congratulations everyone! For the first time in Middle Earth, an S-class achievement earner has appeared.]

[Ha Leeha, Musketeer, Lv. 172, Fibiel Citizen]

[Please do your best so that you don’t lose!]


Middle Earth didn’t let the best user go.

It is their style to induce people to get a gold medal, Leeha’s level, affiliation, and occupation have been revealed to all Middle Earth users.

“W-what is this? Why all of a sudden- keuk!”

And after a while, Leeha had to grab his ringing head.

Dozens of whispers rang simultaneously as if talking directly into his head.

Kijung: Eong-ah?! Eong-ah? I contacted you because I thought I saw something wrong?!

Biyemi: Kikis, Halihali-nim! What have you been doing?

Hyein: No way…… Was there an S-class achievement during that operation with me?

Hwayeon: Ha Leeha! Ha Leeha! Answer me! Where are you and what are you doing right now! Why doesn’t the location information appear?!

Hwajung: Oppa. S-class.

Nara: Leeha-ssi! What! What happened? S-class? No, let’s meet up soon and I will listen to it. You didn’t forget your promise, right? This Saturday!

Kidd: What are you doing? What is Blue Beard’s whereabouts and what is he doing?

Luger: Where the hell are you! Today, we must have a 1-on-1 duel.

Lee Jiwon: Awesome! Ha Leeha-hyungnim! S-class? Will you agree to exchange information with two A+-class achievements? Oh look〜!

‘Kkeuk, it’s so loud!’

Leeha had blocked whispers from strangers in the past. In other words, all the whispers now were people who had been added as a friend or were allowed to whisper.

Even just that, the simultaneous voices disturbed Leeha’s mind.

‘Damn it, what is this- this could be used to attack later? A skill is not needed.’

Leeha quickly opened the settings, lowered the whispering sound, and answered each of them with “I’ll explain later when we meet, I’m busy right now so I’ll talk to you soon, etc.”

Of course, he couldn’t ignore all the whispers.

In particular, there was one thing that made Leeha feel nervous, so he quickly whispered Kijung.

Leeha: Kijung!

Kijung: Oh, hyung! What is it? What is-

Leeha: No, no, that’s not important right now. Are you available this Saturday?

Kijeong’s voice stopped for a moment.

What could be more important that S-class achievement? He couldn’t ask more about the achievement because of Leeha’s urgent voice.

Kijung: Saturday? Oh…… tomorrow?

Leeha: Is it Friday today already?

Kijung: Eong-ah! Log out a little when you play the game! You’re going to get sick! It is already Friday at 10am!

Leeha: Ugh, I knew it had been a few days….

Leeha covered his head. It was unbelievable. It was Friday already.

Five days in Middle Earth is one day in reality, so he thought that a few days would pass after he had a conversation with Shin Nara and proceeded with the quest to kill Kuzgunak’sh.

However, it was finished the day before the appointment, so Leeha didn’t know if he should be happy or sad.

Kijung: Why? What is it?

Leeha: Let’s have lunch together tomorrow.

Kijung: Hmm……. I have time, but going on a date with hyung is a little bit-

Leeha: Stop talking nonsense! That…… Nara-ssi and Bobae-ssi will come as well.

And there was no answer. Leeha suddenly checked the state of the whisper with Kijeong and he could not even hear the sound of breathing.

‘Did he block me?’

Of course that was not possible.

Kijung: Uwaaaaaaa! Hyung——?! Hyung一 -!? Hyu———ung!

Chiiiiiing……. Leeha sat down again holding his head.

“What’s going on, Ha Leeha?”

“Nothing, keuk… It’s nothing.”

“Perhaps Bluebeard’s mana-”

“No, no, it’s nothing like that.”

“Hmm. But be careful. That guy is pretty good at mental attacks.”

Leeha felt a little respect for his half-cousin as he listened to Bailephus’ worried words.

Being able to whisper loud enough to be compared to Blue Beard’s, one of the fragment of the demon king’s, mental attack. It was a great ability.

Kijuung: Did you get the date? When did you get it? Why did you tell me just a day before?! You should have told me sooner!

Leeha: I didn’t know that time would fly so fast. Well, there’s nothing to be nervous about, just relax because Nara-ssi asked to have a lunch-

Kijung: Relax? Are you relaxed? Ahhh, I knew it would be like this. If I’m not there, hyung will be in big trouble. Hyung, when are you going to log out? I’ll go first. “

Leeha: W-what?

Kijung: I just finished defending a city. I’m going to log out right away! 

Leeha was going to log out after about 5 hours in Middle Earth’s time!

Leeha: W-wait. Kijeong-ah!

Kijeong logged out without Leeha being able to stop him.

Judging from the fact that the members of Byeolcho changed their locations soon after, Kijeong’s words must have been true.

But……. But, just like that…

Leeha was surprise by his cousin’s momentum, but on the other hand, he was relieved.

He bluffed Kijeong to relax, but it was Leeha who was actually more nervous.

“Now then, what do you want to do?”


Bahamut spoke quietly to Leeha, who had piled up a mountain of worries over the lunch promise with Shin Nara.

“The gift.”

“Ah! Item! Cough…. I could choose 3 from Blaugrun’s lair, 1 from Bahamut-nim’s lair, and 5 from Kuzgunak’sh’s lair. Right?”


“Hmmm…… Can I check Bahamut-nim’s lair for today? There’s no time limit is there?”

Leeha had no intention of making a hasty choise. He wanted to choose an item as slow as possible and after a long examination. And dragons were more considerate than humans.

“You can’t can’t stay long in Kuzgunak’sh’s lair, but mine and Blaugrun’s lairs are fine. Then, shall we take a look?”


When Leeha answered loudly, 

Bailephus, who was next to Leeha, also smiled happily.

“Lord Bahamut, I am leaving now.”

“Ah, okay. I have troubled you a lot. You had it really hard.”

“No worries. Then……. Ha Leeha, I will see you next time.”

“Yes, Bailephus-nim.”

The golden knight bade farewell to Leeha kindly and shuk-! He disappeared.

“Now, let’s dust off the warehouse, even though it’s modest.”

In a place where there were no dragons or humans except for Leeha and Bahamut, Bahamut put his hand on Leeha’s shoulder and cast a teleport.


After a moment, Leeha fell into a different world.

A different world where gold coins were strewn across the floor, and Fibiel’s royal treasury looked like a doghouse.

In front of Dragon Lord Bahamut, there were so many items that the exclamation ‘crazy’ came out naturally.

“Excuse me, Bahamut-nim.”


“I’m sorry for saying this now, but wouldn’t it be better if you increase the reward to two?”

“Haha. As expected of someone who became a member of our clan. You’re funny.”

Leeha looked at Bahamut with the most pitiful expression possible.

“How can you say that- now that we are a family! One for working hard in catching Kuzgunak’sh, and one as a gift for family celebration-”

“Then, take it slow.”

After ignoring Leeha’s request like it was nothing, Bahamut used teleport again.

In the first place, this warehouse also meant that it was so wide, deep, and large that it was impossible to walk around.

‘Tsk, of course I thought it wouldn’t work……. It’s a pity.’

Leeha licked his lips while looking at the various treasures that were scattered like pebbles in a huge warehouse with no end in sight.

Was it for polymorphing into human, or was it set up to present to users? Anyway, there were many items that humans could use.

There were so many items that he could not see the end of it.

‘Depending on the dragon class, there will definitely be differences in lair and items. What about Adult-class Blaugrun and ancient-class Kuzgunak’sh? Ancient Wyrm? Anyway, Bahamut was the oldest. Of course, compared to the other two places, it meant that this lair had the most items.’

Leeha had a systematic plan. What he should choose. What the best item was.

‘I have to choose legendary-rank. It’s a loss. Legendary, no, maybe above? Is there a higher rank?’

Middle Earth did not disclose any information. Users just find out and share the information.

Of course, legendary-rank was what everyone thought to be the top, but it wouldn’t be strange to say that there was something higher.

Neither Alexander nor Lee Jiwon had mentioned anything higher than the legendary-rank.

However, it was a thought that only beginners in Middle Earth would think that there’s no such item just because they did not say it.

‘I don’t even know if those two have already gotten it and are pretending not to know. Okay, I will first check my stat. Character window!’

How sad it would be if he couldn’t wear it when an item came out higher than legendary rank. Leeha decided to check his level along with his extra stats.

Name: Ha Leeha / Race: Human

Job: Musketeer / Level: 172


Title: Fearless / Achievements : 104

HP : 4,640(3,248) / MP : 1,260 


Strength: 334(+249)

Agility: 2,338(+1,420)

Intelligence: 148(+97)

Constitution: 151(+58)

Mind: 45(+35)

Remaining Stat Points: 278

His confirmed level was 172.

Because Middle Earth even showed a notification window on a large scale. When Leeha saw that it wasn’t “above” 172.

‘There appears to be something wrong with the…… stats.’

But even when he rubbed his eyes, nothing changed. Was it wrong? Not a single bug have been seen in Middle Earth so far. Leeha’s eyes gradually widened and his mouth began to open.

‘Surely? Really?’

However, the dragon slayer-related achievement was on a different level of difficulty from normal achievements.

How many stat points were attached to each achievement individually, and how many more was added by the Hall of Fame?

If he added up the level up points and 10 bonus stats points every 5 levels, the number was just right.

“Crazy… … . If I mention this to someone else, they will report it to the GM, no?”

The corners of his mouth that unknowingly went up, came down. It was hard for someone else even 1 stat points……. After calculating the maximum limit stat points for each item, he closed the character window.

‘Good. I could at least get legendary! I can look for it and match the stats-’


Leeha’s body, which had taken a brave step forward, stumbled.

“Ah, that surprised my. What is this?”

It was because he stepped on a round item and sprained his foot.

There were so many items and only the gold coins were visible on the floor, so it was hard to see properly.

‘It looks like an ostrich egg. 

Is it a jewel? I don’t need this.’

Leeha looked at the item he stepped on, and the outer skin of the oval-shaped object, which was larger than he thought, 

and was shining brightly, so it looked like a gem, but it did not attract Leeha’s interest.

To Leeha’s eyes, that wanted to find a legendary or higher ranked item, it was an item that was no different from many other items scattered on the floor.

‘It’s a ‘treasure’ that’s not much different. Oh, it’s funny that I use this expression.’

After rolling the egg around with his feet, he walked back toward the mountain of equipments.

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