
Like the advent of a god, a giant purple pillar descended from the sky, enveloping Kuzgunak’shi’s body.

The reason Lee ha needed the sage Hyein was not simply to break through space.

[What, what is this, some sort of movement restriction? A human, a mere human, restricting me]

It was to perfectly and safely immobilize the ‘target’.

It’s the total stop magic that even the magic-capable Gold Dragon had suffered from. Moreover, the effect was normal this time, unlike when it was used on Beeliphus.

The dragon’s mind was still not tied, but it was enough to bind the body for more than 10 seconds.

The body of the Red Dragon, which was rapidly closing a distance of 2km with acrobatics, was frozen in midair.

Now, rapid ascent, descent, and rolling are impossible. And the distance between the Red Dragon and Lee ha is within 100 meters.

A position where you can clearly see each other’s expressions.

“Did you ask me earlier if I could hit it? You little red lizard!”


Lee ha quickly pulled the trigger.

A faint light from the magazine ascended through the barrel of the Black Bess.

The Dragon Heart bullet was loaded to come out as the second bullet from the magazine from the start.

It was a strategy similar to the one used against Beeliphus at some point.

Attracting the Red Dragon with the first shot, then summoning the Sage Hyein to bind its body.

[You b*stard, even if you do this, our queen-]

“Shut up.”

Having created such a thorough and certain situation, I’ll rip open its chest!

“It’s Blaugrun’s revenge.”


A small bullet made from the dragon heart of the Bronze Dragon Blaugrun crossed the short distance of not even 100m in an instant.

The Dragon Heart bullet that pierced the chest scales of Kuzgunak’shi, marked by Beeliphus, collided with the full dragon heart of the Red Dragon.

What flowed from the hole in the Red Dragon’s chest was not blood. Instead of red blood, a pure white light began to seep from that hole.

[Bronze Dragon ‘Blaugrun’s Revenge]

You have completed the quest.

Your level has increased.

Your level has increased.

Your level has increased.



The white light pouring from Lee ha’s body showed no signs of stopping.

Between quest notifications and level up notifications, the achievement notification sound effects ringing out “Ppabam! Ppabam!” rocked Lee ha’s mind.

“Hehe, to grow like this….. no one can possibly keep up. To collaborate with an Ancient Dragon to catch another Ancient Dragon…..”

Watching Lee ha, bewildered by the light pouring from his body, Hyein smiled lightly.

A white light once burst from her body as well.

Even just successfully executing the Complete Holt resulted in enough experience to increase her, a near top ranker’s, level.

“It’s a relief that the outcome is good.”

Hyein stroked her chest as she checked her level.

She was the one who had tested several times with the Gold Dragon to break Kuzgunak’shi’s space lock spell.

After Lee ha included Hyein in this operation, how many times had they had strategy meetings, including Beeliphus?

Although they could not find the final sniping spot, they had synchronized their movements to adapt no matter where it was, and this was the result.

“How many levels did I gain?”

After barely eliminating the level-up light effect, new people appeared to Lee ha, who raised his head.

“Leeha, who are those people?”

Hyein tilted her head and asked, but Lee ha had no such leisure.

From afar, he spotted an old man in black clothes and a pure white lizardia approaching.

“Bl, blue beard! It’s the Devil’s Fragment and the Ranker Faust!”


Lee ha immediately loaded his sight and fired.

A huge gunshot rang out, but he couldn’t hit the target. Bluebeard and Faust were closing the distance at an incredible speed.

‘Beings that move faster than Kuzgunak’shi’s flight on the ground! Is Faust doing this because of Bluebeard’s power?’


-I know! Just hold on a little longer! Kuzgunak’shi’s dragon heart hasn’t completely shattered, so the magic is still being maintained—

Beeliphus couldn’t possibly have failed to notice their black mana, but he was still unable to move immediately as he was dissolving the barrier. Lee ha couldn’t hear the Gold Dragon’s words to the end.

Because Bluebeard, who had been approaching, suddenly leaped towards Kuzgunak’shi.

‘Damn it!’

Clang, Tukwaaaaaa-!

He fired off another shot, but it merely grazed the hem of Bluebeard’s clothes.

Even with the use of stabilizer and joint fixation skills to enhance his accuracy, range, and sight adjustment, it seemed that this was the best he could do with his quick control.

“Stop, Bluebeard!”

“Young man from the Krolang era? Heh, I guess if it wasn’t for the Three Musketeers, there’s no way you could have succeeded in attacking from that distance.”

Bluebeard finally turned to look at Lee ha.

He hadn’t been looking at the one who attacked him. Of course, he merely checked on Lee ha for a moment, he didn’t approach to attack.

Still floating in the air with the power of mana, Bluebeard moved towards the drooping Red Dragon, swinging his staff.

With a slicing sound, Kuzgunak’ shi’s neck was severed.

“What, what?”


Lee ha and Hyein were both taken aback.

Bluebeard casually put Kuzgunak’s head and neck into the pocket of his suit. Like a pocket leading to another dimension, the head of the Red Dragon was sucked right in.

“Okay, is it done now, Kuzgunak’ shi. I did as you asked.”

[Please- take care of the rest]

“Tsk, didn’t I tell you to listen to the old man in the first place? Well, anyway, don’t worry about your queen and get some rest.”


Slowly descending to the ground, Kuzgunak’ shi was no longer recognizable as a dragon. His Dragon Heart was shattered, leaking its mana, and he had no head.

A short neck that didn’t match his large body was all that was left, dangling from his body.

He was literally a dying body, a body on the verge of eternal rest.

Looking at the Red Dragon who couldn’t even speak due to the failure of the Dragon Heart, Bluebeard seemed to remember something and snapped his fingers.

“Oh, dear, you can’t even rest. I’ve agreed to use your body as a payment for my favor. Is that okay?”

[What- you trai-!?! ]

“What do you mean ‘traitor’, one should pay his debts, shouldn’t they? Anyway, you’ve worked hard for over five thousand years. Please continue to work hard for me.”

A vile smile crossed the blue beard.


“Yes, Count!”

“Retrieve her.”


Right on cue, the 8th ranked Necromancer, Faust, appeared.

Tiny black grains were being injected into the body of the pale white Lizardia. Both Lee ha and Hyein could tell that he was using a Necromancy skill.

And they knew they had to stop him.

“That can’t happen!”


Lee ha immediately reloaded his rifle. The distance to Faust was at most 150m, a distance he could hit even with his eyes closed.

Tukwaaa- Kaang!

But the gunshot sounded strange. The bullet fired from Black Bess at a faster speed than the sound didn’t reach Faust.

“Ouch, my shoulder… Oh no, the handle of my staff is bent. How are you going to compensate for this, young man?”

Out of nowhere, Bluebeard had stepped in front of Faust and deflected Lee ha’s bullet with his staff.

Bluebeard frowned at the silver handle of his staff, but even that felt horrifying to Lee ha.

How on earth am I supposed to deal with him?

There was one lucky thing for Lee ha. The one who could confront that man was now breaking the barrier of Kuzgunak’ shi and flying towards them.

[You b*stard, Raaaaaaaa! Dare you disturb even the rest of a dragon! No matter how much Kuzgunak’ shi is my sworn enemy! As a fellow dragon, I can’t forgive those who disrupt a dragon’s rest!]

“Oh dear, you won’t get rid of wrinkles by frowning at that age, my dung beetle friend.”

[Shut your mouth! Flame Strike!]

“Tsk, what doesn’t work on Red Madman won’t work on me”

“I’m here too!”

Clang! Lee ha couldn’t just stand and watch.

As the Flame Strike, fifteen shots of flaming energy, was spewed from Beelzebub flying towards Bluebeard,

He pulled the trigger of Black Bess in sync with that attack timing.

And a moment later, the ground, now having the texture of a swamp, began to slowly swallow the Red Dragon.

Beelzebub’s pupils dilated.

[Resurrection Cemetery! He was a Necromancer, right? Dispel!]

“Heh heh, dispel, with me standing in front of you?”

Twang! Blink.

“Did you think it would work—”

Twang! Blink—blink.

“-is it this hard to say? Geez, isn’t that young man ignoring what I’m saying? Why are you attacking like that?”

Twang! Blink, blink.

Despite his words, Lee ha kept pulling the trigger without responding.

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