TL: xLordFifth


‘If one sees a lot of chromatic dragons, one should avoid them. If the damage inflicted on one side already reached more than 10%, it can be considered that the balance had already been broken.’

Was there any way to prevent damage?

They have already done the basic precaution.

“Will you stay here indefinitely?”

“This is the lord’s lair. It’s just a stopgap. Most importantly, in each clan member’s lair, there are knowledge, information, and all sorts of treasures that have been gathered and accumulated for thousands of years. If they fell to Kuzgunak’sh’s and Blue Beard’s hands, the damage they could do would be hard to ignore. Humans cannot recklessly enter the lair even if we are away, but Kuzgunak’sh and Blue Beard are different stories.”

“……I see.”

Leeha had a hunch that the demon king’s army might take a method of buying users with money. In the end, each dragon must protect their own lairs. It meant that they could not stay in the lord’s lair for a long period of time.

“How about talking to the chromatic-”

“I made an official complaint to the chromatic dragon clan, but they just pretended to listen. Anyway, only one individual is running rampant, and the chromatic dragon council had already officially expelled Kuzgunak’sh.”

“Damn it…”

Leeha didn’t think it will do much on the subject of dragons, but there’s no way to protest if they come out like that.

“Neither Lee Jiwon nor Luger could help with this matter. Neither lord Bahamut nor anyone in the metal dragon clan can help”

“Why- Ah, is it because of mana detection??”

“That’s right. Not only Kuzgunak’sh, but also Blue Beard is good at detecting mana. No matter how well one hides, it will never be easy.”

Therefore, a person who could wait in advance and had the ability to perfectly hide their mana was needed. It was for that reason that Bailephus thought of Leeha.

Because of Black Bass’ skill, Camouflage could even ignore a dragon’s mana detection.

“Moreover, after blocking the space, it will be difficult for even the most talented people to approach.”

“Aren’t dragons masters of magic?”

“But there are not many beings that can penetrate the space blocked by a dragon, Ha Leeha. It would be possible if the lord stepped forward, but…. We cannot expose the lord to such danger.”

And you are okay with me being in danger? But it didn’t fit the mood to ask such a thing.

In any case, putting the leader of the metal dragons is similar to making the king of Fibiel fight the king of Minis.

Leeha understood Bailephus’ feelings.

“Well, I don’t think we can even get other dragons to participate. Kuzgunak’sh’s movements were in order to gather different clans of dragons, right? Besides, if the bronze, silver, copper, and steel dragons were defeated, the next target could be the brass or gold dragon. No, maybe that’s a trap, and it’s just the head, regardless of species…”

“As expected. Did you already notice?”

Hearing Leeha’s words, Bailephus put on a pleased expression for a moment.

Currently, the red dragon had already taken four types of dragon heads. The problem was that not only Leeha but even Bailephus did not know the requirements for summoning Tiamat.

Tiamat, who had only appeared in a record that it was a six-headed dragon. What must be done for a forgotten legend to appear?

Did it need six metal dragon heads? Or was it like five normal dragon heads and her own head to make six heads?

Or did she need five or six dragon heads regardless of whether it was chromatic or metallic? If she only needed five or six metal dragons, should they be from different types? Or should it just be filled with unidentified types?

The metal dragon clan was wise, but they did not know all of the secrets of the chromatic dragon clan.

In the end, it meant that now that the current situation was like this there was only one way left, the best way from the start.

To make the metal dragons no longer visible to Kuzgunak’sh.

In that situation, they must kill the red dragon.

“Bailephus thinks that you can help our clan.”


Bahamut, who had been staring blankly at Leeha, who was talking to Bailephus and Alexander, opened his mouth.

“Blaugrun must have believed that too.”


Of course, Bahamut would know. Blaugrun, the bronze dragon, personally handed his dragon heart to him, and Bailephus was there as a witness.

“Will you help us, human?.”


As soon as Bahamut finished speaking, 

a quest window appeared in front of Leeha.

[Enemy of the Metal Dragon Clan]

Description: ‘In the name of I, the Platinum Dragon Bahamut, the lord leading the metal dragons, ask your help. We can no longer do anything with only the power of dragons. You are the only one who can solve this situation. Carry on the will of Blaugrun and become the power of Bailephus to slay the red dragon. You have to stop 

the resurrection of Tiamat.’

After a strong recommendation from Bailephus, Dragon Lord Bahamut decided to recruit outside forces to protect the metal dragons.

However, if the fact that they used external power was known, the chromatic dragon clan will not stand still, so if the work was done safely, the dragon lord wants to treat you as a part of their family.

Don’t worry about the aftermath and join forces with the gold dragon Bailephus to kill the red dragon Kuzgunak’sh.

Content: Death of Kuzgunak’sh

Reward: Affinity with Metal Dragons +30%

Platinum Dragon Lord Bahamut’s permission to get one item from Bahamut’s Lair, 

Achievement – Platinum Dragon’s Power

Condition for failure: Bailephus’ Death, Tiamat’s summoning

Failure: Affinity with all metal dragons -60%, Achievement – Dragon’s Rage

– Would you like to accept?


Leeha also expected a quest to appear, but the content was less than he expected. Having to deal with Kuzgunak’sh alone with Bailephus without any dragon’s help.

It didn’t matter because there was also a quest he had received from the bronze dragon Blaugrun. Rather, this quest was much simpler, requiring only to kill Kuzgunak’sh without any condition.

However, he could only tilt his head for a while about the reward.

‘Family? It means to be part of the family… Relatives, family members, ‘family’.

It was clearly written in the quest description.

“The dragon lord wants to treat me as its own family. Could this be…?’

It would have been more strange if Leeha’s eyes were not wide open.

“It will never be easy. Kuzgunak’sh isn’t alone, and Blue Beard will surely join. No, maybe humans on that side 

will be enemies. The two of us will have to deal with them.”

“Ah, what about Alexander?”

Shouldn’t Alexander go with them? However, both Bailephus and Alexander shook their heads at Leeha’s question.

“As I said before, even if only my partner by my side, he will not show up. I need to be completely alone…. I will lure him in.”

“Lure him. I see.”

“I don’t know how they will summon Tiamat, but in a way, it would be the right choice for me to step up,  so whether he just needs a fifth head or a gold dragon’s head, he will not be able to resist aiming for my head.”

Bailephus was indeed an adult metal dragon. It meant that he will act as bait by putting himself in danger.

He decided to, knowing that there was not only Kuzgunak’sh but also Blue Beard…. In fact, the gold dragon was prepared for death.

Hearing what Bailephus said and pondering while looking at Bahamut’s quest window. About catching Kuzgunak’sh, and what happens after that.

And one thing came to mind. Did he come to be here now?


[Bargaining skill has been activated.]

[The chance of the target being persuaded increased by 43%.]

“I have to tell you something, Lord.”

“Huh? Something?”

“Bailephus said that the red dragon Kuzgunak’sh was expelled from the chromatic dragons.”


“And it is said that all dragons keep the knowledge, information, and treasures they have gathered over the years on their own lairs.”

“That…… is right.”

“Then, after Kuzgunak’sh dies, what will happen to his lair? The chromatic dragons said they had officially expelled him, so they wouldn’t have done anything ignorant like touching it, and he will probably return.”

Leeha was the only recipient of the Medal of Honor, but he lost two of the three rights to use Fibiel’s royal treasury.

‘I even brought shoes I don’t know what the effects are, and I brought it not because I wanted it! If fact, I lost two chances, so, of course, I should get them back, right?’

The old man’s face was stunned for a moment at Leeha’s question. Even more flustered was Bailephus in his golden knight form.

“Ha-Ha Leeha! How dare you say something stupid in front of the lord? Now that-”

“Yes, that’s right, Bailephus-nim. I was suddenly summoned at a very important moment- the moment when I might find a treasure. Do you remember how I reacted when you summoned me?”

“Still, in a place like this-”

“Does a person who defends justice put money in his mouth, Ha Leeha!”

Bailephus was flustered, Alexander was angry, and even the other metal dragons were looking at Leeha with an expression saying ‘What is it all about?”

Leeha’s target for bargaining was instead smiling.


A benevolent laugh filled the cave.

“Indeed…… indeed! Bailephus, I think I know why you like this human!”

“I-I am sorry, lord Bahamut.”

“No, no. I don’t know how it has been. Bargaining with me! Even before I was reborn as Bahamut, even before with my entire life as an ancient wyrm I feel that it could be counted with my hands.”

Ancient Wyrm.

According to the setting, it meant that a dragon had lived for more than 10,000 years, but Leeha wasn’t surprised about the age system of the dragons. And that attitude seemed rather bold to Bahamut.

“Okay. Very nice, human- no, Ha Leeha. If that’s the case, I will make a condition-”

[Enemy of the Metal Dragon Clan]

Description: Kuzgunak’sh’s dragon heart recovery

Additional reward: Permission to get 5 items from Kuzgunak’sh Dragon Lair

“-Bring his heart. It’s something that humans can’t use anyway, and that alone can help make use of his lair.”

“Hmm, Humans can’t handle it, but dwarves can?” Leeha could not say it.

Even after the dragon dies, should the dragon’s heart, which was close to an infinite energy source, be given immediately? Clearly, just looking at the value of the name, Kuzgunak’sh’s heart weighs more!

‘However, when he took Kuzgunak’sh’s heart, the question is whether I could let it go.’

If there was no such bargain, would Bailephus have wait and see? The odds of that happening was small. It meant that there was a high chance Kuzgunak’sh’s dragon heart would get stolen anyway.

“Okay, lord Bahamut. I will kill the red dragon Kuzgunak’sh and bring back his dragon heart.”

Most importantly, wasn’t there already an additional condition for Leeha?

Before Bailephus devised any plans, Leeha must use Blaugruns’s dragon heart to kill Kuzgunak’sh.

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