TL: xLordFifth


[Blaugrun’s Dragon Heart]

Effect: ??

Description: A Dragon Heart contained all the mana and essence of a dragon. It is a natural mana hole that constantly absorbs mana even when dormant, which is incomparable to humans in quantity and quality. It belongs to Blaugrun, an adult Bronze Dragon who had lived for 1,377 years.

“A Dragon Heart containing?”


“The owner of this Dragon Heart made it this way, into one bullet…”

“I can’t believe you had that kind of conversation with a dragon. Okay, is that it? What do you want to do?”

Bottleneck hit his forehead! He looked at Leeha with a surprised look on his face.

Leeha came up with an idea while fiddling with the Dragon Heart that he felt in his hands which was so light that it did not seem to have any weight.

“By any chance, can you split this up?”

“What do you mean split?”

“Hmm, so… that size of the Dragon Heart was originally bigger than this. But since it was compressed into one shape like this, I was wondering if it could be returned to its original size and then split apart into a bullet and another lump.”


Leeha dug into the contents of Blaugrun’s quest and the description of the Dragon Heart with the knowledge that Middle Earth was a game that had its peculiarities.

“What do you mean huh?! So, let’s say there is iron that has already been made into a sword. Then after melting the sword again, wouldn’t it be possible to recycle it like a small hammer and a pickaxe? Don’t you think?”

“T-That’s, that’s, but- no, with iron and Dragon Heart-”

“Are you saying that Dwarves, who can make everything, can’t do it…? And that Hell’s Anvil’s best small-tools specialist can’t do it?”

Even with just Leeha’s simple provocation, veins protruded from Bottleneck’s forehead.

Leeha managed to hold back a laugh.

“Kid, are you looking down on me right now? I’ve never done it myself, but my great-grandfather was the first person to carve a Dragon’s Heart in Hell’s Anvil! It was my grandfather who turned that Dragon’s Heart into pellet-sized bullets! Did you know? He was once called ‘Moonlight Sculptor’ because he cut it so well that it looked like the moonlight-”

“Oh-oh, that’s even better! After all, isn’t talent in the bloodline? Then Bottleneck-ssi can do it too, right?”

“Huh? That, well……”

“Besides, that’s not the only request I have.”

Leeha took out two more items and placed them on the table. Bottleneck and Beard Brothers’ eyes widened once more.

“Dragon Scales! Did you catch a dragon? It must have been the owner of the Dragon Heart! It belongs to the bronze dragon!”

“I didn’t catch it. Rather, the dragon gave it to me as a gift.”

“A bronze dragon gave it to you as a gift? Its own heart and scales?”

“Don’t make that blatant disbelieving expression. It’s a complicated story. Anyway, since you have seen the scales-”

[Blaugrun’s Dragon Scale]

Effect: ??

Description: This is a scale of a Bronze Dragon. It is a material that has an extreme physical and magical defense. All dragon scales contain unique breath energy, to the extent that there is an absurd saying that a king might even trade their country for armor made of dragon scales.

“-It says it contains breath energy. Is that right?”

“I guess so. Isn’t it said that dragon breath is not just simple mana, but a combination of dragon scale’s energy, mana manipulation, and dragon breathing? ” 

An average person would have focused on the “defensive strength” of the dragon scale. Since it was only small scales, Their imagination must have stopped to the extent of making and using gloves. However, Leeha did not.

He focused on the words after that, the fact that it contained “breath energy”.

“So, in the end, we’re talking about this-”

Seuk, seuk, seuk.

Leeha enthusiastically explained to Bottleneck and Beard Brothers while drawing on the table.

It was clear that a human would not be able to make it.

They have learned production skills in Middle Earth, but they can’t make them just because they had the skill. No, to be precise, they could make it automatically, but it is also affected by probability.

In other words, they had to make it without automatic production, but in order to do that, they must have the level of sophistication and skill to make it themself. It was also the reason why they could not recklessly rebuild modern products even if they had general knowledge.

However, what about now? Leeha did not request it from a human.

He requested it from someone who could create anything as long as Middle Earth’s system allowed it.

If so, How far will it be allowed?

“-Is it possible to do that?”

“What a devilish imagination.”

Bottleneck shook his head after listening to the long explanation.

The Beard Brothers trembled slightly. With a look that strongly agreed with Bottleneck’s words.

As Leeha stayed quiet, Bottleneck spoke once more.

“It really is a devilish imagination. Do you really want to make this?”

“Even when it was first released, it was often called devilish.”

“Huh? When did it get released first?”

“No, no. I am talking to myself.”

Leeha smiled at Bottleneck.

After all, were repulsive things in reality set to be repulsive in Middle Earth as well?. Bottleneck sighed heavily and asked Leeha.

“Where are you going to use this?”

“Of course, to protect myself.”


“Wouldn’t it be okay in theory? There’s an energy source, and something to act as a starter. You’ll just have to get the insulator for the other items here. As for the rest, if you make it as usual, there would be no problem.”

Leeha shook the pondering Bottleneck.

The materials were sufficient and it was intended for self-defense! Additionally, there was no way to go wrong as long as the theory was applied while examining the real thing.

The only thing left was for the dwarves to make it.

“……All right, I can’t look down on the person who did me a favor. I will do my best”


And the production craftsman NPC couldn’t resist the temptation. The Beard Brothers were surprised, but Bottleneck was not rattled.

“However, for that to happen, including the cost of the experiment-”

“Huh? Cost? I can make four requests for free, right?”


“Please take care of me. First of all, I wrote all ‘four requests’ this way! Make sure to keep a good ledger.”


For a moment, in Bottleneck’s eyes the young man sitting across him looked like a chimera. And Leeha’s smirk looked more horrifying than a chimera.

It wasn’t just Leeha, Kidd, and Luger that were looking for Blue Beard’s traces, other users were as well.

Users who were fully involved in the mainstream quest, like the Three Musketeers, were intervening in the story as users, and low-level users who could not get a sense of what the Fragment of the Demon King was, intervened in the story as low-level users.

Although they did not exactly intervene.

“Save-save-! Oh, oaaaah!”

“Use the return scroll quickly! Hurry!!”

“I have none- we should run instead!” Kung- kung- kung-!

One low-level user ran until his soles were sweating.

It was an ogre that made loud footsteps behind a user who hadn’t even reached level 100.

Unlike ordinary ogres, it was seven-meter tall and had four arms.

“Just close the gates!”

“Aish- How can you do that when that might come in?”

“Are there no NPCs here? Close the door! Knights! No, guards! What’s the point of putting up a fence?!”

“Why the fuck are field bosses popping up out of nowhere?!”

The users in the village stomped their feet.

The only thing that could be called a wall on the castle was the 2m wooden fence that had a similar height as the gate. They had to close the door now, but they couldn’t ignore the user who was running.

Most importantly, it was because the users had something to believe in.

‘There’s no way a monster will come into town.’

‘It’s safe to be here, right?’

‘Will the guards go out to kill it? I’ll have to hit it as well then.’

Tension and excitement enveloped them. Kuung- Kuung- The ogre still ran without slowing down.

In front of him, the distance from the user was gradually narrowing, and there was no teleport magic and no return scroll, so there were not many options for low-level people to choose.

“Haaaa.. Haaa…shit…”

The user’s steps gradually slowed down. Even those who hid behind the gates knew what it was like.

“Crazy, I must have lost stamina!”

“How! Someone come and save me!”

“What do you mean? How can we save you? Say something that makes sense!”

“No, call the NPC guards! Where did they go? Everyone?”

While the users in the village were making a fuss, the running user calmly adjusted his expression. Because he knew best that running was wrong anyway.

He smiled and gestured towards the village.

“Everyone! Everyone at least get! Hurry up and call the NPC-”


When the four-handed ogre hit its club, only traces of ketchup were left on the floor.

The user immediately turned gray, but the effects could be seen. It was such a brutal scene that even the users who knew it was a game would frown.



“The gate! Close the gate!”


Even after killing the user, the ogre did not stop. The people in the village quickly closed the gate and locked it.

It was then that the NPC Guards arrived. Unlike the knights, seeing the NPCs light gear brought to the faces of the users.

“Hey! Come!”

“Okay, drink buff potions.”

“Everyone in the village guards! Over there!”

The users took out their weapons with great courage. They didn’t know what kind of monster it was, but it was a village near level 70 hunting ground anyway.

It was a field boss they had never seen before, but they thought it was because they hadn’t seen it because of their lack of experience. At most, it would be somewhere around level 100, that was what they thought. They were careless because they thought the guards could handle it.

“All guards of Flex Village, prepare for battle!”




Uwaa, uwaaaah?”

The gate, including the barrier, was destroyed in a single attack.


The four-handed ogre howled. Four clubs on its four arms swung like windmills.

“What, fuck! T-the guards-”

A guard NPC with a spear and a guard NPC with a sword and a shield soared into the sky with a puck and pick sound.

It was a natural fact that they would not be able to survive. Despite its size, the giant club swept everything in front of it in line with its movement.

Trees, shops, NPCs, users…….

THe ogre raged as if it were going to wipe out the entire village and was like a lion in Middle Earth.

“Run! What, fuck- I even took a screenshot-”


[Ponahoka roared.]

[Fear status has been applied.]

[You will not be able to move for 1 minute.]

[Maximum HP has been reduced by 30% for 1 minute.]

[Stamina will be reduced to 50% or less.]

The trustworthy NPCs of the security forces had turned into autumn leaves. There was nothing that the users could do..

‘Shit, shit, shit-’

‘Ah, my experience points, fuck!’

Kuuug……. Kuung…….

They couldn’t turn their head even when they heard the sound of something approaching slowly.

When the users clearly felt the fear approaching from behind them, a purple light source flashed in the direction they were looking into.. “

“Huu, it’s a four-handed ogre! The same as last time, his estimated level is around 220!” as the light disappeared, one group of users, Ranged dealers, magicians, and tankers, a total of 25 people all wore capes.

The person in front held a sword and shield, and ran with a confident attitude, as if they had already experienced it.

“Kikis, got it. Kaaaaaak-”

The stunned users couldn’t open their mouths, but they were listening to their conversation.

The guild, who searched for large monsters that pop out of nowhere, was currently gaining popularity.


The purpose of Bluebeard, and furthermore, the purpose of Middle Earth’s system was to weaken the users.

A representative example was the national war, and after the national war, the raid for Count Le.

But to Count Le and Middle Earth, that thinking was wrong. Instead, it was nothing more than ‘weeding out’.

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