TL: xLordFifth

ED & PR: Mister-Canada and StygianDale

‘Damn it, most of my skills are used to help augment my sniping, so it’s hard to deal with this many…. 

Additionally, it’s difficult to aim at Crolang in this position. We have to deal with him quickly!’

Leeha glanced at Crolang in the distance.

Even though his subjects were suffering, the troll king’s expression was relaxed. It was impossible to aim for him in the middle of such a mess. The troll king, well aware that his size could be a weakness, moved while crouching down so as to keep himself hidden.

“Cheurururup, kill, rip!”

Crolang pulled his head up and let out a strange noise. The expression of the northern trolls became frenzied at his wolf-like cry.

[The king of the northern trolls, Crolang, has begun to lead his troops.)

[The movement speed of all trolls in the northern troll village has increased by 30%.]


Kidd, whose Bullet Storm’s duration had already finished, drew his revolvers and aimed between the eyes of one of the northern trolls. Kidd fired three consecutive shots by panning, but none of the bullets reached the middle of its forehead as he had intended.

It survived by moving its head with great reaction speed!

Even with its ripped cheeks, broken tusks, and ears torn to pieces, the northern troll refused to die.

“Karat- Ka-!”

“Move, charge, rip everything apart!”

At Crolang’s war cry, the northern trolls began to push even harder. With their strengthened attack power, defense power, and strength, their movement speed became faster than before!

Now, each of their strengths could be felt with great force.

“Cough, faster!”

And it began to have an effect on the Black Bass’s accuracy. Of course, it didn’t matter if the troll in front of him moved to avoid the shot, since the troll in the back would get hit, but the encirclement was gradually getting tighter.

“[Panzer Shrek]!”

Light flashed from Luger’s barrel.

His bullet’s effect wasn’t simply to penetrate. It tore through the chest of one northern troll and exploded right in front of the next one.


“Churu, arurururu-!”

“What are you doing? The name of the Three Musketeers is wasted on you!”

“Shut it, I don’t know what I should do if [Pierce] shoots first!” 

“Use your skills!”

When the northern trolls hesitated and retreated, Leeha took out a bomb and held it. When overlapped, the explosion from the bomb was powerful enough to destroy the gates of Minis’ castle.

“This is Hell Anvil’s Specialty bomb, you ignorant troll bastards!”


It was so powerful that not only the northern trolls were blown away by the explosion but could also be felt by the other musketeers as well.

“Kidd! I don’t have anything that can be considered an area attack-”

“Pheeew, I know.”

They had to get out of there before the trolls could rearrange themselves and encircle them again. Kidd, who had become accustomed to team battles through the national war, could also understand Leeha’s timing.

However, Kidd’s expression hardened. Delighted and regretful, he quickly alternated between Leeha and Luger.

“I didn’t want to show this……. Get down, both of you.”

“What? What are you talk-”

“What kind of bullshit are you trying to do by making us lie down?”

“[Wild Punch].”

Pushing away Leeha and a furious Luger, Kidd quietly whispered the name of the skill.

“Oh Shi-!”

“You crazy!.”

The two people who had raised their voices a moment ago immediately threw themselves to the ground.

It was because they could feel what would happen to them if they didn’t follow Kidd’s warning, and a terrifying energy ran down their spines.

Lying flat on the floor, they turned over from a prone position and looked at Kidd. They even rubbed their eyes.

‘Am I seeing things?’

Two on the left, and two on the right. It seemed as if four blurry figures were barely visible. What the hell was that skill? Just as they were thinking this, Kidd and the four blurry figures stood in a circle with their backs to each other. Leeha did not know if the other Kidds could be called a person- 

Suddenly bullets flew like a falcon.

It meant that the four of them shot four six-shot revolvers in all directions. Nearly 100 bullets were fired in an instant. 



And among other sounds.

Ddada一 da—-dada一dadak-!

There was a time when Leeha was in a state of confusion from Luger’s attack, but even then he was able to respond, but now he wondered if he would have been able to avoid Kidd’s attack.

It was like rain fell horizontally. It was truly a rain of bullets.

The northern trolls had all sorts of buffs due to Crolang, but nothing could save them from Kidd’s skill.

“Uwaaak, what the hell kind of attack is that?!”

“When can I get a skill like that…”

Leeha and Luger were talking beside each other, but they couldn’t hear each other’s voices. It was so deafening that they couldn’t even hear each other at all.

Shortly after 96 shots were fired, a soft silence followed, and before Leeha and Luger could say anything, Kidd and ‘them’ had already finished reloading their revolvers and took their stance again.

The rain of bullets fell upon the trolls twice.

96 rounds * 2 rounds of attack skills, 192 rounds of bullets applied with enchantment damage were fired in just over 10 seconds.


10 seconds after Kidd had cast his skill, blue trolls laid down on the ground like dominoes.

It was after all of ‘those’ blurry figures disappeared.

“What are you doing? Get up quickly.”

“F-Foul! Isn’t that foul play? What kind of skill is that-”

“Your eyes are foul.”

“Kidd! After we go back this time-”

“I won’t fight you, Luger!

After cutting off Leeha and Luger’s words, Kidd took the lead. He did not forget to scratch his chin for a moment while putting on a proud expression.

“Right, this is not the time. We need to concentrate! Let’s see how we can de-”

“-Let’s see how you deal with Crolang. The memory of that day comes to mind like it was just yesterday.”

Leeha, Kidd, and Luger all stopped.

The northern trolls also stopped moving. They couldn’t help but see someone lifting a teacup over the corpse of a fallen northern troll.


They frantically advanced toward Crolang, but they still couldn’t make it. It hadn’t even been more than 5 minutes, yet…

No, maybe it was less than 3 minutes.

Leeha wanted to look at the location he was at right before. He wanted to know what happened to the Czar’s members. There was not a single wrinkle in Bluebeard’s suit.

“Oh, you’re the young lad from before. Would you like a cup of tea?”

The teacup he held out contained bright red liquid. Luger did not answer.

There was only silence.

Leeha looked at Bluebeard and carefully gripped the bolt. His seated body disappeared in an instant. A voice came behind Leeha’s back.

“Elizabeth will be glad to see you. That this is still there.”

“Eeeek 一”


Leeha shot the needle-gun pistol toward the direction of the sound. Baaang-! Grapeshot bullets were fired, but there was nothing there.

Bluebeard sat on the troll’s corpse again.

“It’s just like her to get aggressive. Hoho, Crolang! I wanted to have tea time, but it’s a pity.”

“Churururu, I greet the count.”

Crolang got off his strange mount and got down on one knee.

Every northern troll alive also fell onto their knees. Bluebeard raised his hand casually. The expression on his middle-aged face was bright.

“It’s our first time meeting after 20 years. You don’t have to do that. It’s embarrassing. When did you have so many children? If we had an army like this 20 years ago, we would have been able to hold out a little longer.”

“Churururu, I was preparing to be the count’s strength. There are six more besides this village.”

“Ohh, seven thousand northern trolls. It will definitely help. However, isn’t your strength too weak for that? It wasn’t even those three from 20 years ago…. To be struggling with those young 

people. I don’t think that would be enough support, what do you think?”

Bluebeard’s voice was light, but it contained criticism. Crolang bared his teeth ferociously.

“Chururu, I will finish them off right away.”

“We’ll see. I hope you finish them before the tea gets cold.”

“As you command.”

When Crolang stood up, Bluebeard sipped and touched the teacup.

Like cappuccino foam, his blue mustache was soaked in bright red liquid. The three musketeers with distorted expressions quietly whispered.

‘He said there are 6 more villages? Did you know that, Luger?’

‘……I have never been beyond this village. No, I couldn’t go.’

‘Pretending to be arrogant! What are we going to do now?’

It was also the reason why they couldn’t find Crolang in the beginning. However, strictly speaking, it wasn’t Luger’s fault either. In fact, it was a road that users could not even enter until recently.

In other words, it was as if the world had been opened after this incident.

Of course, Luger would not have known this fact. Kidd sighed and tried to clear things up. However, whether it’s their bickering or their crumpled expression, the trio’s opinion was the same from the start and everyone understood that fact well.

‘What are you two doing? Stay focused. We have to get Crolang quick-’

‘-Tear the scrolls quickly-’

‘-We have to retreat!’

Leeha’s hands moved first. The Black Bass moved and quickly fired at Crolang!


However, it didn’t reach.

There was no object as vulnerable as getting shot directly by a rifle. However, the bullet lost its momentum as it hit the heads and chests of several northern trolls.

“Damn it! Kidd, get me a visual, get rid of the trolls in front of me! I only need one clean shot!”

“Easy for you to say.”

Kidd alone can clear 200 heads in an instant, and Leeha had already killed 100 of them, but there were still 700 left.

His revolver fired in turns.

The trolls died after being shot in the head, collarbone, and chest, one after the other. There were still too many trolls blocking Leeha’s view as he was aiming for Crolang’s head.

In the midst of the gunshots and riot, Luger quietly bit his lip.

“Tie Crolang’s feet.”


“Do not block [Cobalt Blue Python]’s muzzle for 5 seconds. ‘Strengthen Artillery: Flat Fire’.”

Leeha and Kidd understood what Luger was muttering to himself. He had another skill.

5 seconds, but with the endlessly moving northern trolls, it was not easy to stop Crolang, who was moving in a big circle behind the trolls. Additionally, Crolang wasn’t stupid. The king, who had seven thousand northern trolls as his children, never underestimated the strength of the three.

4 seconds, literally like hunting for prey, the Three Musketeers were slowly looking for an opportunity until their strength ran out and they could no longer hold on.

“Kidd! Left, fire!”

3 seconds, as soon as he heard the three words he shouted, Kidd’s hands moved


The sound of the revolver firing never stopped.

Rather than trying to hit Crolang, it was to block Crolang, who was drawing a circle counterclockwise.

2 seconds, in that moment of hesitation, Leeha raised the Black Bass.

He changed magazines and shot twice. Three bullets left.

Click, Baaaaaang一! Click, Baaaaang一!

“Churururub……. Surely…its power cannot be ignored.”

The bullet flew past Crolang.

In other words, Kidd and Leeha were randomly firing bullets in front of and behind where Crolang could move. Even as Crolang watched his children’s bodies be torn apart and their heads explode, he still remained calm.

1 second, while the king of the northern trolls went still, the gun barrel that aimed at the gap between Kidd and Leeha flashed. Luger had finished casting.

“[Jagdpanzer Cannon].”

“That was what woke me up.”

Bluebeard nodded in admiration.

The sense of crisis that his subordinate might die was not something a Fragment of the Demon King could feel.

0 seconds————!

The bullet fired from the reinforced Cobalt Blue Python shot through the trolls.

Their numbers dispersed as the northern trolls surrounded the Three Musketeers, but there were still a hundred of them between Crolang and Luger.

It was not even a fraction of a second.

Without surprising Leeha and Kidd, the shot ripped through a hundred trolls and finally reached Crolang. No, it reached exactly what Crolang was holding.

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