TL: xLordFifth


Leeha noticed that she was overreacting and that she was only trying to test him. She even showed him the needle. “I wonder if that answer is enough?”

“Yeah, well… I roughly understand.”

“Uhuhut, you’re cute. Now that the war is over, we need to keep in touch often. I’m just here to say hello, so next time, I hope we can have a cup of tea in a beautiful place.”

Chiyou slightly bent her knees and bowed before returning to Minis’ camp.

“S-She looks pretty and her movements aren’t a joke. As expected, a ranker is a ranker.”

“That instantaneous movement, that was a move that is out of the ordinary. I heard that Japanese people are called chrysanthemums and knives.……

“Halihali-nim, what did that woman do?”

Kijeong and Tale could only admire, but Biyemi’s eyes were sharp.

“No, well, she didn’t say anything. I was going to ask because something came to mind, but I guess it wasn’t her. She said her job is assassin.”

Leeha also looked at Chiyou’s back as she left. He didn’t believe her 100%, but there was no evidence to convince him that she was the one who made the plan.

‘That woman is suspicious…. It’s more likely that that woman is not the ‘invisible enemy’. If you think about it, it’s weird that she showed her face..’

If he was in her place, he would have tried to hide his identity as much as possible. Then, who was the person who planned Minis’ strategy?

‘There definitely someone other than commander-in-chief Ewin, who is good at information and is capable of controlling them…”

He wondered if it was Alexander, but it was soon set aside. Leeha already knew after encountering him once. He wasn’t that kind of a person. He’d rather go alone and wipe everything away. If so, was it Petyr? Or was it someone who wasn’t a ranker at all, was it an outsider? As Leeha thought a bit, Biyemi quietly spoke.

“She’s an assassin.…. That declares herself as an assassin…. Kiskis, that’s interesting.”

As the Lizardia’s eyes lit up while looking at Chiyou, another woman’s voice came from behind them.

“What makes it interesting? Hmm, when you see a pretty girl, you can’t stop talking about them, Ha Leeha.”

Ram Hwayeon looked at Byeolcho special force and Leeha with her arms crossed.

While Lee Jiwon waved at Leeha from behind her. And then Kidd and Luger stood awkwardly behind them.



“Who’s the woman I was just trying to hug you?”

“What do you mean hug? That’s Chiyou, Chiyou. An enemy assassin!”


Ram Hwayeon’s eyes, which had been staring fiercely at Leeha, relaxed. Leeha couldn’t understand why he was flustered by Ram Hwayeon’s question.

Besides, it was really amazing the Ram Hwayeon only appeared like a ghost whenever he was with a female user.

“Hmp, okay then. Are you going to Fibiel right away?”

“Yeah. That’s right.”

“If you have time……. Go to Castle Dale.”


“It’s just… you treated me last time, so…”

Ram Hwayeon bowed her head slightly.

“Treat? Ah, when you were injured? What treatment? The healers did it. But why do you want to go together?”

What was she talking about? Was she talking about hunting or going around together? Leeha thought for a moment if there was a place to level up near Castle Dale, but Ram Hwayeon shouted.

“C-Come and get the settlement money! Cough, anyway, be sure to contact me and drop by. Understand?”

“Oh?! Oh, oh, that’s right.”

Ram Hwayeon turned around and disappeared

‘I’m crazy, crazy. Why did I do that?!’

When supplies were cut off and in danger on the Marching Plains, the first person that came to mind was Leeha. She could feel her emotions when she chain teleported to Leeha and reached him.

‘It was because I had no HP, yes, that must have been it! Let’s go back and get some work done!’

Ram Hwayeon forcefully shook her head and calculated the profits and loss from the destruction of the supply chain and the sudden end of war. Then she took out a crystal ball and disappeared to Castle Dale.

“Phew, I didn’t see you like that, but you’re scary, Ha Leeha-hyungnim.”

“Ah, Lee Jiwon-ssi. But why do you keep calling me hyung-”

“Because you are my hyungnim. I also came to say hello. I will call you next time I get in trouble with Alexander, so you have to come, okay? Oh, the treause trove~“

“Huh? W-what do you mean? And you’re going to fight Alexander?”

Lee Jiwon still had an inexperienced communication skills. Leeha wasn’t sure if he was listening to him properly.

Besides, even though he clearly heard the words of the gold dragon, what was he talking about. Seeing Leeha’s doubtful expression, Lee Jiwon smiled. It was a pure child’s smile.

“It’s not up to him to say or not. He’s crazy for giving me a blessing. Do you agree that it’s the best when you eat dragon nugget raw? Kyahahaha, I’m going!”

As Lee Jiwon waved his hand and hurriedly left, Luger awkwardly stood with Kidd. His purpose could clearly be known just by Looking at the condition of the [Cobalt Blue Python] he was holding.

“Stop, Lee Jiwon!”

“Uwaak, go away! You fighting maniac!”


Lee Jiwon’s body disappeared in an instant. The musketeer was not able to pursue the magic swordsman who disappeared via teleportation.

“……Isn’t he tough?”

“Cough, cough.”


Leeha, Kidd, Byeolcho Special force, and the other users ignored Luger’s self-talk. Kidd slowly approached Leeha.

“It’s better to go immediately. Before your chance disappears.”

“Why? Does Luger want to fight?”

“Don’t ask if you know. I’m going now. Of course, the chain teleport of the Three Musketeers-”

“Okay, it is natural to turn it off. Let’s quickly disappear while it is still chaotic. See you later, Kidd.”

Hearing Leeha’s words, Kidd nodded, and then riiiiip! He disappeared along with the sound.

Lee Ha-ha had to hide himself before Luger, who was still repeating, “What does the frame mean?” by himself, came to his senses.

“Kijeong-ah, let’s go!”

“Yes, hyung. Byeolcho Special force! Let’s return! Everyone worked hard, and let’s have an after party next time!”

Yes, guild master-nim! Well done, Ha Leeha-nim!

“Aigoo, what do you mean work- Oh, Luger is awake, run!”

At the roaring voices of Byeolcho guild members, Luger raised his head. Leeha hastily pulled out a teleport scroll.

“Stop, [Bullseye]! I’m going to ask you about your weapon-”

“Waaaa, that’s a lie! Why are you aiming at me while saying that?”

Seeig Luger’s attitude, which was close to the expression “I’ll kill you if you don’t answer me” instead of asking, Leeha ripped off the scroll.

Even at the last moment, he could see Luger running towards him with a frown on his face, but his face disappeared immediately. Leeha quickly arrived at Fibiel’s capital, Aelstock!

“Puwaaaa……. It’s really over.”

From the vicinity of Minis’ capital, he came to Fibiel’s capital at once. When he confirmed that the mana interference had disappeared and all the whispers and teleport restrictions have been lifted, Leeha realized that the war was finally over. He felt his strength drain all over his body. Maybe it was because he took in too much information all at once and thought about it. However, now was notthe time to be struck by such information. “When you need to rest, you have to rest properly!”

After looking around the bustling capital for a while, Leeha prepared to log out. There were hardly any days that he slept properly throughout the war, so a lot of fatigue have accumulate.

“I need to sleep for 24 hours.”

The talked about and troublesome national war between Fibiel and Minis-Kraven was recorded in Middle Earth’s history.

The name Ha Leeha will also clearly be engraved in the center of the record. The reputation he raised through word of mouth was incomparable to Leeha’s previous actions.

In the end, Leeha also cemented himself as one of the outsiders. However, there was still a long way to go to make Leeha’s reputation soar. The compensation based on the contribution has not even started.


Leeha logged out pleased.

“Son, son! How long will you sleep? Eat first then sleep!”

“Euuuung…… What time is it?”

“Eight O’clock in the evening!”

“It’s only been 12 hours…. I will sleep a little bit more.”

Leeha slowly raised his blanket. He slept seeing the sun rise in the morning, but it was only 8pm? However, Leeha’s mother felt it absurd.

“Hey, hey! You fell asleep at 8am yesterday!”


“Ugh, I always thought that you would lose your mind when you are focused on something! Where can you find someone who could sleep for 36 hours in one go! Wake up, now! Hurry!”

Leeha’s mother slapped Leeha’s buttocks, who was 30 years old.

Of course, he did not feel pain because he was paralyzed in his lower body, but Leeha lose his mind after hearing his mother’s words.

“Yesterday morning? I slept for two days?”

“That’ s right! Do you remember when you called your mom to go to the bathroom?”


He had no idea.

Did he really faint? It was as if he had been dreaming of something. It seemd that his tired body told him that fatigue had accumulated, but he had slept for more than 36 hours.

‘I have done a great job on the war.’

He thought that his sleeping pattern was quite stable in line with the flow of war after the victory announcement was made in the Marching Plains, but it appeared that was not the case.

Leeha got up with much difficulty. After confirming that 36 hours had passed, he swallowed a laugh as he saw 3 missed calls from Kijeong and twenty other messages.

[Eong-ah, how long are you going to sleep! The announcement is out! Get up quick!!!!! Ly!!!!!!!]

‘Ah, really.’

Leeha checked the messages, but he was not in a hurry. It was because the most important thing was not to disappoint his mother, who looked at him with worried eyes.

‘I will see the compensation announcement soon anyway.’

Nearly two weeks must have passed in Middle Earth while he slept. In reality, it would take a long time to finish the post-war cleanup, let alone announcing the compensation, but God’s wor was far faster than that of humans.

“Eat now! That capsule is banned until you have eaten and washed up.”

“Aigoo, don’t worry, mom.”

As Leeha went in front of the table with the most filial expression in the world, his mother also lifted her spoon with confidence. Leeha knew well that his mother is not only commuting to work, but is also struggling from poor salary. He suddenly had a different thought as he was eating.

“Ah, by the way, mom. The restaurant you are going to now.”

“Huh? Restaurant?”

“Yes. Hmmm…. How much does it cost to set up one of those? Is that around 50 pyeong?”

“Maybe it would be enough……? But running a restaurant? What are you talking about all of a sudden?”

In response to his mother’s question, Leeha pretended to ask for a piece of radish kimchi

“No, that. Well, with that size…. Wouldn’t it be more comfortable if mom to own one? Even if you’re at home, you’re not really at home. So, if you’re bored looking at the counter, you can work by helping with the kitchen-”

“Stop it, stop it. Thank you for the words. Even people who do such things, get into trouble if they manage the money incorrectly. Just think about getting your legs better Mom will work hard for it too.”

As expected. Hearing his mother’s answer, Leeha nodded as if it was natural. For the time being, whatever he said, all money-related conversations will go toward his legs.

But Leeha did not give up easily. “I know. Let’s open a restaurant, isn’t mom’s cooking amazing? By attracting customers, mom can earn more money, and I can also earn money myself! Then wouldn’t that mean that we can fix my legs much faster? It seems like it would be faster that way.”

If he answered like this, how would she respond. Leeha’s mother’s eyes widened for a moment, and then drank soup in a hurry.

“If only that was possible…. But…”

The calculations were quick. Most importanly, it was positive that Leeha’s mother had passion and hope. It was also because she did not know how to make money in the capsule where the income was neither stable nor constant.

Wouldn’t it be more comfortable and prouder if his mother could take the initiative and run a business on her own, rather than waiting for her son’s income without end? Leeha know that his mother would think that far.

“I might be able to do something about money for now, so please take a look at the price. Do you know someone who knows about real estate?”

“There’s a small auction house about our restaurant… there are people who comes to eat often. Shall I ask them? The representative seem to be quite young and well off. If you want to find cheap real estate, I will ask him when he stops by.”

“Is he trustworthy?”

“It’s Lee Soo-baek-ssi, so it’s okay He even gave me a business card saying he was an auctioneer, but the I got is probably-”

“Ah, it’s okay, I won’t know even if I see the business card. But there noone in their right mind will call themselves a king. It’s also the auction king, Leeh Soobaek…. Anyway, it was up to Leeha’s mom. I can also go see them later. Then will it be okay?”

“Right. Eung, right. Instead, don’t overdo it. Let’s try to figure out for now.”

Hearing his mother’s voice getting higher and faster, Leeha smiled.

‘It’s the most enjoyable to ship, order, and wait for the delivery.’

It’s been a while since Leeha saw her excited. Although it was said for his mother, the suggestion gave Leeha strength as well.

Because it was clear that it would be a much more realistic amount than the cost of his treatment, which would soar to at least 2 billion, probably 3 billion. The more specific and realistic the goal, the greater the will and aspiration is. After enjoying a meal with his mother, Leeha sent Kijeong a message.

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