TL: xLordFifth

ED: Chapter Unedited

“Comet Strike!-”

“Kaaaaaaak- !”

The red grains that were gathering in the air quickly vaporized and disappeared. Not only that, the magician who floated in the air fell to the floor without knowing why.

“Good! Biyemi-nim, please stop the magicians floating in the air!”

Kijeong shouted and raised his shield.


Although the hammer that the giant struck was the size of an adult woman, it could not break Kijeong’s shield.

“Kikis, don’t worry about it.”


Before Biyemi could respond, Tale cut off the side of the giant who hit Kijeong with a hammer. It was difficult for the simple forces of the Minis army to withstand the three men moving as if they were one body.

“Ohhhhh! Byeolcho!”

“Follow Master Kay! Follow him!”

Byeolcho personnel assigned to the left wing were the most conspicuous group of the nearby armies. They have already practiced numerous movements specialized for group battles since the time of High ground battles.

The right-wing of the Minis army, which they collided with, was by no means an easy opponent, however, they had semi-rankers with them and were spearheaded by Byeolcho, who was killed in combat, which improved their situation.

“We must flank the enemy center! We must break through this front!”

“Let’s go! Let’s go!”

“Before Alexander comes! Before the enemy’s flank! Buff!”



Kijeong’s command was immediately followed by the healer’s skill.

Ram Hwayeon was in charge of contacting key personnel scattered throughout the Fibiel army from the rear, so Kijeong was able to accurately grasp the situation.

‘It is said that dust had started rising from the left wing. It probably wouldn’t even take 3 hours. They have to break through before that!’

The main issue is the defenders of each Minis Castle making a move. It will take a long time for them to approach, but they do not have the time.

“Don’t think of it as 1v1 PK! If we attack at our own tempo, we will surely win!”

Ohhhhh-! Let’s gooooo! With the gap between those who have turned on the Combat Assistance System and those who have turned off Combat Assistance System, it was inevitable for experts who have turned off their Combat Assistance System to break through and finish the war.

As Byeolcho from the right wing was showing their strength, someone in the right-wing was showing his power on the right wing. The difference was he was alone without anyone’s help.

“Uwaaaak-! Charge, chaaaarge!”


Kidd rushed forward while blocking a group of people running at random If there were no tanks and healers raising their shields, there would be dozens of arrows would have stuck on Kidd’s body.

Magic and arrows were already pouring out of Minis’ formation, which was firmly in a defensive posture. Although the battle had already begun by clashing with each other, he was not in a hurry and was blocking the nearby allies.

“W-what? Why are you stopping all of a sudden?”



“That is the weakest line of defense.”

Kidd’s eyes scanned quickly. Tankers with shields are in front, and dealers with swords are lined up right behind them. After one line, the mid-range dealers using spears, giant sickles, and crossbows stand the same.

However, the level was different. Even if the level was similar, the ability to respond to emergency situations was inevitably different for each person. It was the gap that Kidd found.


“I’ll give you a signal, so follow me.”



As soon as the coat flew away, Kidd ran forward. It was a much faster movement than most martial artists, but the same side looked uneasy.

“Y-you can’t run right out of the shield!”

“That crazy- who is that?”

“Ah, fuck, when war breaks out, all sorts of bastards-”

As soon as he went out of the shield, magic and arrows should have poured out!


However, it didn’t. The distance between Minis’ defense line and Kidd was less than 50 meters, but how could that be?

What Fibiel’s soldiers could hear was a long sound. A foreign sound that was clearly audible even in the noise of cold weapons hitting and magic casting.


“What is the meaning of this?”

“T-that person! Is that person Kidd?!”

A strange sound is heard again. In a burst of noise that filled the entire second, someone from the Fibiel army seemed to recognize Kidd’s identity.


His hand was faster than the eye.

What he was doing, neither Fibiel’s army nor Minis’ army, who was being attacked, didn’t know.

“What happened-”


Every time a long sound that fills the first second spreads, there are at least four shadows who fell down in Minis’ army. They also had holes in their foreheads.

“Stop the skill! Stop the skill!”

“I have already used it!”


“T-That’s not a skill!”

The female warlock behind the Minis’ troops screamed. Stop the skill? It was in a state of being blown away. And a notification popped up saying he was clearly hit.

However, why didn’t he stop? Why don’t those lightning-like movements and unknown skills end their effects?

Even worrying on the battlefield is a luxury.

The light flashed once again from Kidd’s hand, which had suddenly blown away and reached the front of Minis’ army.


As soon as the index finger pulls the trigger, the thumb of the right hand and the index, middle, and ring fingers of his left-hand move in succession.

Even though they sealed the skill it was the reason that Kidd could not be stopped.

Revolver panning, which consists only of Kid’s ‘hand skills’ rather than skills.

There was no one who could stop Kidd from running around and quickdrawing and panning four revolvers.

The movement of his hand that pulls the trigger, the wrist that turns the gun, and Kidd’s movements that avoids the magic and arrows of the Minis army while accomplishing almost all of the actions at the same time were like art.

And Minis had to pay the price for art appreciation. Six bullets from each of the four revolver, twenty-four bullets were fired in just over four seconds.


“Pheeew……. This place is empty.”

It also took about 5 seconds or so for 24 Minis troops’ corpses to appear around Kidd. In the midst of everyone’s bewilderment, Kidd lifted his chin as he quickly cleared ip the four chambers of the revolver.

“Oh, ohhhh, charge! There was a space where the enemy’s defense lines are cut off!”

“Run, run! We have to make it impossible to close again!”

“Break the line of defense! Behind Kidd- Follow Kidd! Follow only Kidd!”

Toward him-! Watching Fibiel’s soldiers approaching, Kidd, who had finished reloading, shook his head “……As expected, war is annoying.”


He blew once again. Minis’ left wing, which formed the front line with Fibiel’s right-wing, could not defend the crack that Kidd had created.


“It’s really Granville.”

“Isn’t that a little dangerous? Our left and right wing are getting pushed back more and more…. The central army is holding up quite well, but Hwangryong and Pei Wu are not easy opponents.”

Hearing Ewin’s quiet admiration, Chiyou stuck to his side.

Ewin clenched his fists in the last place of the Minis army, as well as observing the situation at a glance.

“Are you saying what I want to say? The strangers in Fibiel are also dangerous, but the real danger is Granville. These basic tactics are what that damn bastard does best!”

“The fox of the prairie is saying weak things~ when you’re already great job blocking it.”

An hour had already passed since the battle began.

Even in Ewin’s eyes, the side annexes from the castle all over Minis had narrowed the distance considerably. However, the preparations, ‘weapons’ necessary for them to play an active role, have not yet arrived.

Why did the main camp spread in the shape of a wide wedge toward the enemy?

This was so that the center would not be pierced. A U-shaped formation that can embrace the enemy can surround the enemy as it is, but if the center is pierced, it can endanger your own base. They were in a favorable situation anyway. Ewin’s position was that there was no need to go down the difficult road.

Therefore, he formed an offensive formation so that the center is thick and had the first battle with Fibiel, as soon as they arrived, rapidly advanced the left and right flanks of the main unit, connecting with the flanking detached force, creating a huge encirclement!

This was Ewin’s strategy.

However, it was not enough. As Ewyn was concerned and Granville was confident, it was because there were a lot of Fibiel troops.

In other words, instead of encircling, there was a risk that each of the 100,000 separate units on the side will be individually defeated before the encirclement is formed.

In particular, in such an open formation, the strategic tactic of using troops is difficult to defeat Granville.

“So, so, are you still unaware of how urgent it is? When is my ‘hammer’ coming? Even if you have an anvil, you can’t do it without a hammer.”

Therefore, it was natural for Ewin to be impatient.

This is because, in order not to be subjected to Granville’s straightforward tactics, it was necessary to have a “hammer” that Ewin called, a weapon that would further capture Fibiel from the center so that Fibiel could not turn attention to the side’s annexes.

Chiyou took out a crystal ball again at Ewin’s question She shook her head and opened her mouth with a tone of regret.

“Alexander……. Unfortunately, his feet are tied up. It might take a little while.”

“Where?! Isn’t he the strongest among the strangers! Who can bind the feet of a dragon rider!”

“That’s it. Huhut, would you like to see it together?”

Chiyou held out the crystal ball. Inside the crystal ball, a black flee was seen running around the golden dragon.

“……Who is this?”

“At least nominally, Fibiel’s strongest.”

“Is he the strongest? Then? Can a guy like that stop Alexander?”

Chiyou smiled at Ewin’s question. The NPC Ewin was annoyed with her laid-back attitude.

“What is funny?”

“It’s funny. There’s nothing more fun than getting a new variable and trampling over that variable.”

Chiyou raised the crystal ball and enlarged the scene reflected inside it. When a video suddenly appeared like a hologram in the air, the surrounding users and NPCs were startled.

“Whoah-! What is that?”

“Gold Dragon? Isn’t that Alexander?”

“Wow! This is amazing! That person in black is So Easy!”

At a point just a short distance in front of them, the Fibiel and Minis forces were fighting for the survival of their own nation, but that was none of their concern. Chiyou, who quickly stole people’s attention, looked at Ewin with a proud smile.

“It’s not easy to see the fight between the first and second in the ranking. A.ny.way. We are allies on this path, we should support each other, right? Wouldn’t it be good if you also know the power of the ‘hammer’ you will use?”

“Hmmm…. I see. Let’s take a look.”

In an instant, the hologram gold dragon’s chest swelled.

Dragon Breath!

Even though it was a video, it looked so powerful that users unconsciously stepped back.

On the screen, Lee Jiwon’s face crumpled.

‘Crazy dragonfish bastard, once I double cast, I will lose a lot of mana!’

He couldn’t help but bite his lips. What came to Lee Jiwon’s body was two different colored particles, and as soon as blue and yellow entered, Lee Jiwon cast a spell.

“Summon: Huge rock, Spot Raining!”

In an instant, a huge rock appeared in front of him, and thunderbolts rained down from the small rain clouds that only appeared on his body.

If it was attack magic, even a magic swordsman would never dream of double casting, however, fortunately, it was only normal magic. It was only possible if he sacrificed mana.

Beyond a rock that could cover a person’s body, the golden dragon finally began to exhale the breath it took.


The dragon’s breath had nothing to do with mana.

It was a material attack with formidable violence. The power that simply cannot be stopped by shields or shield magic! If one blocked it with a shield, it will melt the entire shield, and if one used shield magic, it would dispel the thin barrier.

If it was a careless wizard, his whole body would melt into the breath without realizing why his shield disappeared.

“Ahhhh, damned dragonfly, I will make you into a nuggeeeeet!”

Lee Jiwon threw his wet body behind the rock and curled.

Having fought with Alexander several times, he already knew the breath could be stopped with this ‘material’.

However, knowing and coping were two different things.

Lee Jiwon’s body, which was like a drowned mouse, became dry and withered. The dragon’s breath, which would remain even after melting even rocks, did not stop its momentum.

‘13,14,15! Fuck, isn’t it over? While getting to the max level, the total time for the breath had become much longer!’

In the tremendous heat, even on Lee Jiwon’s clothes, small sparks were created. Even if he didn’t check the character window, he could feel that his HP was dropping little by little.

Lee Jiwon quickly moved his hand to kill the fire.

But still, it was a dragon’s flame! The burning clothes did not die down easily. Lee Jiwon bit his lips once more.

It was not ordinary clothes, it was an item that raised the defense against the magic of all attributes to the maximum, but was it too much to withstand the dragon breath?

‘Should I use it now? No, no, I have to be patient. I have to wait for the moment he gets careless.’

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