The magicians and healers, who got their skills sealed, gathered. And a young man in shiny armor ran towards them, frightened.

“Uhaha, I won’t let you cast! Let’s gooooo, shield charging!”

Kijeong raised his shield and rushed toward the magicians and healers who were backing away. A human bowling bowl struck 10 pins in one shot!


The ‘injured’ elites who were attacked by skills and explosions were not able to withstand the surprise attack. Even though their HP had barely recovered, their mana was still far from being recovered.

“Whisper quickly!!!”

“F-F-Flare! Light up the flares! Call the-”

“No way, no way.”

At that close range, Leeha did not even need to take out the Black Bass.

The Hummingbird-pistol and Needlegun-pistol each spat out white smoke. The bang sound they made was cute in comparison to the gunshot sound made by the Black Bass.

Of course, the Minis users, whose stomach’s were busy being pierced by a bullet, wouldn’t think so in the slightest.

Platoon 54321 succeeded in driving away a significant number of the Minis troops on the hill in just 10 minutes.

“Kijeong, what’s the damage to our side?”

“Zero deaths, 1 minor injury. We barely did anything and we are still going to get benefits-”

[The Fibiel army is occupying the high ground 130.]

[Occupying progress 1.6%]

[You have to block this point for 1 hour.]

“Hmm? What is this?”

“Ara. Does hyung see it too?”

Not only Byeolcho, but also the Minis army, who barely survived and ran, stared into the air. Leeha saw it as well.

“Based on their reaction…… does this mean that notification popped up for everyone else nearby as well?”

The long notification line below the high ground began to gradually become quiet. Because the Minis’ army, who had to stop the Fibiel’s army, began to turn around.

In other words, it meant that they had started climbing back again toward their original supply point where Leeha was now located.


“As expected, it couldn’t be this easy.”

The war for the higher ground had only just begun.

“Push! Push, push!”

“Tankers, raise your shields! Make a line for the dealers!”

“Damn those Fibiel bastards!”

For users who fought with the combat assistance system turned on, PvP felt like a turn-based fighting. They inflicted and received damage while waiting for skill cooldowns. Healers understood the cries and situations of their party members, restored them at the right time, and applied buffs.

They used skills, however, unless the enemy died in one hit, it became a battle of MP and using combo skills at the right time.

Until someone made a mistake or runs out of stamina.

In other words, in order for a frontline to collapse, someone with overwhelming ability must participate. (ed: Or someone who know’s how to be a strategist.)

However, if it was a large-scale war with more than 10,000 people, the effect of that ‘someone’ would be quite large. Therefore, it was only natural that the front-lines of Fibiel-Minis army under the hill 130 to be stretched and maintained to a certain extent.

[Fibiel Army is occupying Hill 130.]

[Occupation Progress 1.6%]

[Retake the hill within 1 hour.]




The frontline, which had been constantly making noises from the swords and shields, went into a moment of silence. Fibiel and Minis users looked into the air.

Because of the content of the notification window in front of them.

Of course, the lull only lasted for a few seconds.

A few quick-witted Minis users looked at the top of the hill. The treatment station was torn down, and they saw their allies running from the top of the hill to the bottom of the hill.

“T-the hill was captured! Those bastards bypassed us!”

“What happened to Shin? Didn’t he say that they would be able to block the tankers if the rock magician was around?! What was the initial operational order?”

“How would I know?! Take them all out first! All Minis soldiers, go up! Quickly!!”

Confusion arose from Minis’ frontlines. Looking at the notification pop-up window, Fibiel users, noticed their reactions as well.

“Who? Is it from the army?”

“T-that’s right! It’s even one from our division! Platoon 54321! Speaking of- oh, the 4th regiment 3rd battalion 2nd company……1st platoon?! T-there’s only one platoon in there!”

In the midst of this emergency, the Fibiel users opened their maps and checked the troops.

If medium to large-scale went up, the unit would have been four digits. If it’s 5 units, that meant that there was only one platoon!

Was it true that only one platoon of 30 to 40 people managed to get through Shin? Their literal ‘suicide attack’ succeeded?!

“There’s no time to be surprised! T-These Minis bastards shouldn’t have been allowed to climb! We have to hold them down!”

“We need to keep them busy for 1 hour and then it’s our victory! Push—!!! No, grab them!!!”

With Fibiel attacking and Minis defending below the hill until just recently, now the roles have been reversed. Now Minis is the one attacking and Fibiel is trying to hold them off.

And Leeha, Kijeong, and the others on the hill were looking at the mess.

“T-they’re coming, they’re coming, guild master-nim!”

“How are your skills? Can you use your skills?

This feels completely different from normal guild battles-”

With just what they were seeing at the moment, there were 20,000 people including their allies. How many would it be if the ones who hadn’t turned back yet were included? 

No one could not be intimidated by this overwhelming sea of humans in front of them.

“Don’t doze off! Don’t turn on the combat assistance system just because you’re scared! Let’s do what we practiced, do everything that we practiced. If it gets too dangerous, everyone will get behind me and hide! I will stop 2,000 people.” (ed: Damn Kijeong is strong.)

However, Kijeong was indeed the guild master of Byeolcho. Everyone had calmed down a bit from his words.

“Kiskis, it doesn’t matter if it’s Kay-nim, 2,000 is just too much.”

“That’s right. It is a strength as well as weakness of his.”

Of course, Biyemi and Tale, who were different from the regular guild members, laughed.

“Don’t laugh! Please prepare instead! Leeha hyung! Hyung-”



Kijeong, who turned his head while looking through the guild members, stepped back in surprise. It was as if he heard gunshots next to his ear.

“Hey! Why did you suddenly turned around? You almost got hit!”

“You should at least tell us before shooting, Hyung! I almost died…”

Leeha had already been prepared. The back of the hill that Leeha, Kijeong and their party climbed was steep and short. The slope of the front of the hill was low and gradual, so the distance was rather long. It would take some time to go up. It was a fortune among misfortunes.

“Everyone get ready for the next attack! If we scatter, we’ll die, gather around and protect each other’s back! 

Our allies will attack them from behind but they won’t be able to stop them all”

That was certain. Although they were attacking from behind, those who were already behind the existing frontlines could climb up without any obstruction. And their number alone exceeded 1,000.

“Hyung? Are you okay with melee combat?”

“It’s something I want to avoid as much as possible-”

Tackak, talkak. Baaang-!

“-but let’s try our best.”

Another body fell. At this close range, he could fire with a musket, however, Leeha did not release the Black Bass’ transformation.

What he wanted to do is to show the horror of the bullets of the sniper rifle splitting humans. Only through fear could he slow down the enemies . 

“Phew, okay. This time, it’s my turn.”


“Last time, hyung saved me. This time, I’m going to-”

Click, Leeha pulled the bold again.

He didn’t even need to aim for the head. He just needed to aim and pull the trigger in order to shoot. As soon as the trigger was pulled, bang, Leeha and Kijeong separated.


“Huh? What? I couldn’t hear you!”

“No! Nothing! Do your best, hyung. We will do our own thing.”

After Kijeong spoke, he gathered the members of Byeolcho guild.

Thirty combatants protected each other in a small circle. The black muzzle protruded through the gaps and shot nonstop.

No matter how long the hill was, it was only 300m away.

Uwaaak-! Kill them! Kill those bastards!!

Cast magic first!

Okay, prepare to dash!

The Minis users were so close that Leeha could hear their yelling.

“I won’t just watch you finish casting.”

Baaang, the arm of the magician where red particles gathered was torn and flew. He died  instantly without feeling any pain, so it was fortunate for him. They stopped and blocked like that for about 15 times.

Leeha inserted his fourth magazine.

“Give me my contribution points, you Fibiel bastards!!”

Finally, the Minis army was starting to get close.

[The Fibiel army is occupying the high ground 130.]

[Occupation progress 5%]

[You have to block this point for 57 minutes.]

He couldn’t count the number of Minis users coming their way. Enemy forces were lined up from one end to the other, narrowing the distance between them. Even if they were able to block this one wave, then what about the next? And the next one?

“Byeolcho, prepare for an all-out battle! Team formation A!”

Only after about 3 minutes, did Minis’ first sword soar into the sky.

“The battle begins!”


Kijeong raised his shield and blocking someones sword while raising his voice. All buffs and skills were ready. The bloody battle on the high ground began.

These were definitely the elites that Kijeong had chosen.

Although they were frightened at the unimaginable number of enemy forces for a moment, they marched forward while performing what they had practiced.

Their dealer’s attacked the enemy’s combat assistance system decision’s, and the tanker’s intercepted the enemies’ attacks before it could hit them.

There was no disturbance in the formation with their skillful movements. Intoxicated with fighting spirit, resolve and fear, they naturally bridged the gap between offense and defense. 

The crashing sound of cold weapons spread over the high ground of 130, but it was so crowded that it was impossible to use range magic, so Leeha had time to analyze the situation.

“Critical Sh- Kaaa-!”

He broke their bow and the bullet pierced into the enemy’s shoulder.

The magician raised his wand to cast aura bolt, but the hand holding the wand was blown off.

The bullet penetrated the shoulder of the knight standing behind the magician, bringing a one-shot, two-kill effect.

Leeha literally ‘blocked’ all the sources of long-ranged attacks, even spoken swear words towards the Minis troops.

“T-that, they’re using magic or something! Who is hell is it! WHERE ARE THEY!!”

“Everytime I here a shot, someone dies!”

“Is is sleeping Kidd? Isn’t he a musketeer?”

“No! There! That guy on his knees on the floor is shooting with something-”


And Leeha was pretty clever. To the point where he dealt with those who were able to find his position.

The joint formation of Byeolcho naturally showed its strength, ranged damage dealers were sealed off and the melee damage dealers were unable to get close.

Leeha and Byeolcho were able to feel the virtuous cycle of a perfect combat unit.

“Why are you having a hard time with just 30 people! How many magicians are there! Just cast your damn magic!!”

“You just keep saying that! But no one is able to cast their magic!”

How could they use magic when they die before they can finish casting. If they were not strong enough to come up from the bottom of the hill while moving and casting it immediately, no one would be able to cast in front of Leeha.

No matter what color of particles entered their body, Leeha’s bullet will follow as well.

“Then come behind me and cast! I will block it! ‘Strengthen and defend’!”

The knight silently casted. The large square tower shield was surrounded by blue columns. In terms of the shields strength, alone it was a figure that even exceeded Kijeong’s.

“Ohh-! It’s Garem!”

“It’s the tanker Garem! All magicians, get behind him! Dealers as well! Go, go!”

The magicians rushed behind him.

“Just try me! Fuck, who is it? Is it Kidd or Luger?” One shot! ‘Life Force’, ‘Protective Energy’!”

They were once again covered with blue and green light.

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