Riririiiiing- rrriiiiing-.

As soon as the alam went off, Leeha’s body soared as if he was about to fly.


Of course, only his upper body moved. As soon as he got up, he looked back at his thighs and calves, but he didn’t feel anything.

Leeha already knew. But it was a habit he developed after surgery.

“Ahhhh……. I slept for 14 hours.”

He had set an alarm just in case, but he really fell asleep right until the alarm went off. Leeha moved from his bed, finished a quick meal, and rolled over to the computer.

Leeha’s mother was worried about her son’s irregular lifestyle, but Leeha just smiled and nodded.

‘I don’t know about the reward of the national war, mom. But I might earn more in there than working hard on field bosses.’

All this hardship was for the sake of his surgery.

In a sense, it was close to a pleasant ascetism. Leeha went to Middle Earth’s largest community forum as soon as he turned his computer on.

[Title: FR, there’s a war??? The hell???]

[Title: So when is this  war going to start, you bastards!!!]

[Title: Reorganization of rankers’ nationality so far.txt]

[Title: What happens to Shazrasian Federation? Can I change nationality?] 

Rising Sun was a small incident.

The war between Byeolcho and Hwahong was interesting.

However, this was a great event where everyone was forcibly conscripted! It was only natural that the reaction of the Middle Earth-related community around the world would explode.

‘Before I went to sleep, there were 6 days left, and now 14 hours have passed in the real world. Then, there’s still 3 days in Middle Earth time.

until the war breaks out…’

Now, most of the users from Fibiel, Minis, and Kraven Kingdom knew the truth. 

Naturally, exchanges between the countries had ended, and asylum was no longer possible.

“As for the timing, my information will be more reliable…”

In the meantime, while looking on the list of articles being updated in real time.

[Title: Reorganization of rankers’ nationality so far.txt ]

I will only check the top 10 first.

Minis: Alexander(1), Petyr(5), Chiyo(7), Faust(8)

Fibiel: Lee Jiwon(2), Pei Wu(4), Shin Nara(6), Ram Hwajeong(9), Bobae(10)

The others, perhaps their Shazrasian? Agromni Igor(3)

If you look at the rankers alone, isn’t it comparable? What about Igor?

-Bitch ㅋㅋㅋㅋ  Does Minis have no one to fight on the front?

Assassin Petyr, Dancer Chiyo, Necromancer Faustㅋㅋㅋㅋ All of them are damage dealers.

– No, When Alexander appears and 100 people stands in front of him, 100 users will die, if 1000 users appear, 1000 users will die. Bow down to Alexander!

-What is going on with Kraven? No rankers?

Kraven has a mid-ranking ranker. It’s going to be tough keeping those dogs in check.

-There’s a lot of rankers in Fibiel, right? Are you a Kraven bastard?

-Yeah, Fibiel is ruined~Just come on a ship and eat everything.

There were hundreds of comments from users of each countries. Leeha looked at the comments, but he couldn’t predict victory or defeat with this small amount of information alone.

‘There’s certainly a difference in power…’

If one looked at the top 10 alone, it can be said that it was equal.

However, Alexander appeared, who belonged to Minis, which left even Lee Jiwon grinding his teeth, it’ll be a variable! What kind of battle will Middle Earth’s first Ascendant show?

‘It only came out briefly in the comments, but Kraven can’t be ignored either.’

When creating a character for the first time in Middle Earth, the nationality is randomly distributed, but the frame is set to some extent depending on the region or country which one belonged to. (ed: Then its not randomly distributed now is it?)

In case of Northeast Asia and America, it was Fibiel.

For Europe and Central Asia, it was Minis.

Lastly, UK, West-South-East Asia and Oceania for Kraven.

In other words, it meant that it included Turkey from the West, India from the south, Vietnam in the Southeast Asia, as well as Australia and New Zealand.

‘It was random that Biyemi, a Vietnamese, came to Candle Castle, which was part of Fibiel, and Alexander, an American, is in Minis……. Anyway, Kraven also has a huge population. Maybe it’s because their nationality is close to the sea, that’s why it is said that there are many people who are good at navigation.’

It would be a headache if they tried to seize the city by blocking the coast of Fibiel, or landed when they went to fight Minis.

‘Besides, what if we consider the outsiders?’

Of course, victory and defeat was unknown. In was getting more complicated just thinking about it, but one had to consider the power of the Outsiders and NPCs as well.

“Good…… Great. The more variables, the more complex it is.”

There was room for action. And what would be the result of Leeha’s activities. With a weighty dream of being able to get his surgery, Leeha connected to Middle Earth again.

His location did not change because he logged out immediately. Leeha exlaimed with a laugh.

“Are you there! Bottleneck-ssi, are you finished?”

“……The boss hasn’t come back yet.”

“Hmm? Where did he go?”

It was the Beard brothers who greeted Leeha at the Bottleneck Forge. The two dwarves looked depressed and angry.

“He’s being investigated for chimera experiment.”

“Huh? What chimera? Do you make those things at the forge?”

“For who do you think it was! Who made the boss do such an awful investigation-”


When one of the two dwarves tried to run at Leeha, the other one caught him. However, even the other dwarf did not have a friendly gaze toward Leeha.

“It’s because of what you commissioned! You wanted to make eyeglasses from the body parts of all kinds of animals! Our life-”

“Ah……. No, did he cause such a misunderstanding because of me? No, speaking of chimera still- what did he buy! What did he try to mix?. What kind of idiot took Bottleneck-ssi for mixing owls and rattlesnakes?”

A chimera is a kind of monster. It was what Leeha roughly knew.

A monster aritificially created by adding the characteristics of a beast to a monster. The only information available was that it was created by an NPC magician called ‘Mad Scientist’.

“L-last time, Quiquero’s lens also……. Anyway, why did boss Bottleneck keep accepting your request? I don’t know why the boss, who is unkind to other strangers, is only doing this for you!”

Was it kindness?

Anyway, just not rejecting the request could be considered kindness, but in Leeha’s opinion, he wasn’t very kind. (ed: In my opinion you aren’t very nice to him either.)

“I’m sorry. So…… Did he finish it?”

“Fan the house, it’s on fire-!”

“Money! Moneyy! We need to get the money first. We don’t even know the bargain this time.”

As soon as Leeha took out the money, the Beard Brothers attittude softened.

“……Over there.”

The Beard Brothers pointed at a place where a box was located at the same time.

Leeha gave the money bag and quickly opened the box. A paired of goggles mixed with purple and black caught his eyes.

Night vision was something he had dealt with in the military a few times Leeha ran into a corner and blocked the surrounding light and tried to mount the goggles.

What did he see with a cold feeling in his eyes……?

“This is why I’m here.”

He had a smile that could not be erased. Leeha took off the night vision, wrapped it in a cloth and put it in his bag. If light entered it continuously, the lens – all parts of an animal – may be damaged.

“Now! Then, I will come again next time! You have to make me bullets soon.”


The Beard Brothers couldn’t help but turn around.

Leeha looked for brass ingot in his spare time, even when he was getting one-shot achievements. Since that was one of the main sources of income for the Bottleneck’s Forge, they had no objection.

“Good. Last.”

Leeha tore tore a scroll. After finally getting the night vision gear, there was only one thing left to do.

Hunting a monster that was level 170 or higher from 1500m away.

The place where Leeha went was near a beach on the western part of Fibiel.

‘I can’t be in a crowded place. The target doesn’t have to be small. Even if the target is large, it should be easy to secure a distance.’

A hunting ground that could satisfy all three conditions was extremely rare. The place Leeha managed to find was where there were level 170-180 monsters, but it was difficult to hunt so users avoided it.

‘King Crab!’

It was not something one could eat at a restaurant. In Middle Earth, if there was a ‘King’ modifier, it could be said that its size as well as its characteristics were strengthened 100 times.

It was a hunting ground where the literally gigantic crabs cut, tear, and shred people!

The shell of a crab was the size of a truck and it was so large that if an ordinary warrior hit it, it wouldn’t even leave a scratch.”

“Now then.”

Leeha opened the case and took out the Legendary Black Bass. His MP was continuously being decreased, but his recovery rate was faster, so luckily, he had sufficient mana.

He made the floor sturdy enough so that the long Black Bass barrel was stably fixed, and he opened the bipod and raised the gun.

The direction of the muzzle, was of course, the beach.

He turned his rifle to the king crab, whose outlies could be seen from 1,500m away.

“Phew……. It’s been a long time since I aimed at this distance.”

And Leeha took a stance.

It felt different from 1,000m previously. Compared to Leeha maximum shooting range, it could not be said to be too far away.

‘But 1,500m is almost the same as my personal best. No matter how fast the muzzle velocity is, the aiming point must be captured well.’

The effect of wind and gravity was more severe. Searching for a hunting ground that satisfied the conditions had some unavoidable disadvantages.

The sea breeze was too strong.

‘The wind speed is 11……? No, 12. If you look at the distance, it would be correct to calculate it around 13m/s. The wind direction is northeast. Even at the same wind speed, it should be considered that there’s more than 10 times more interference than shooting from 300m away.’

Leeha opened the scope’s cap.

If he magnified it up to 30x, he could see the huge king crab as if he was looking at it from 50m away.

‘Hoooom, as expected. I want to bring this scope to the real world.’

Next, he had to take the virtual zero point.

Leeha could instinctively know where the zero point he had set last time would reach when it was shot at a distance of 1,500m.

If it was a musket, he would have shot by changing the direction of the muzzle. In fact sniping up to 444m had been done that way.

For example, if he wanted a headshot to pierce the center of the face where the nose was, he would fire it toward the chin.

However, Black Bass and the sniper’s scope created by Leeha was different.

The basic principle of the sniper with a scope was ‘If you want to shoot the nose, aim at the nose’. In other words, he needed to know how to use the scope to set the zero point.

‘Even though the standard was set to 26mm per click, it must be turned more than half a turn. The direction of the wind was different, so I have to go about 12 clicks to the right, no about 13 clicks.’

More than 30 clicks of adjustment.

Sniping was impossible using the common sense for shooting. It was also the reason why ultra-long-range sniping was impossible in the first place without a scope with this much  precision.

‘Sniping isn’t about shooting a few shots until you hit. It’s one shot, it’s all over with one shot. So…’

Leeha put his eye on the scope.

From 1,500m away, he saw the king crab walking.

The king crab was unaware that someone was aiming at it, and only showed its regular movements, shoveling its eye into its shell when the wind blew. Following the movement of the target, Leeha meticulously and quickly caught the horizontal and vertical zero point and cleared his breathing.

“Phew……. I have to finish it with this distance without any other skills.”

With the feeling of his whole body being stuck to the ground, all of his senses were focused on his fingers.

In fact, he did zero-point adjustments, but that was still not enough. At least two zero-point shots were needed to make it a safe shot.

It was because information on the impact force of the Black Bass by distance and wind was not separately organized, so it must be tested just to make sure.

That was if he was an ‘ordinary sniper’.


Leeha exhaled. And pulled the trigger.


The corner of the shooter’s mouth, who could even control his heart, slowly rose. A marinated crab fell from the king crab beyond the scope. But, Leeha was not an ‘ordinary sniper’. 

(ed: Leeha’s not like other girls.)

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