After obtaining information on Fernand, Leeha asked about the dark elves. However, Lee Jiwon didn’t seem to know exactly where the dark elves were.

“I don’t know where they are, but they do come to the Siand Frontier. I even killed a few of them.”


“They were annoying bitches. It was the first time I saw someone more poisonous than a journalist. Today as well, they might have invaded the frontier.”

The reason they’re still alive was probably that each individual dark elf was much stronger than most human users. As expected, they were no match for Lee Jiwon.

“Now, tell me.”

“Hey, I think it’s too much of a loss for me to only get information on Fernand?”

“Ah, tell me!”

“Nope, it’s not enough.”

Leeha calmly shook his head. The name Lee Jiwon is nothing to scoff at. In any case, the space wasn’t locked, and most importantly, it was a situation where Lee Jiwon wanted it more than anything else, so Leeha had to take the initiative.

“We’re both Korean! We need to help each other to survive! If I beat Alexander and climb to the top, it would all be good!”

“What’s that gonna do for me? Today’s the first time I’ve met you Lee Jiwon…”

“Ah! Just tell me already!, tsk.”

Perhaps it’s not that he didn’t want to be bothered with people, maybe it was because he was in too much of a hurry to care.

Lee Jiwon frowned as he wore an arrogant expression. Still, he wasn’t a child, but what he was doing was really childish.

“Please tell me! Let me know the secret!”

“Alexander doesn’t even have this skill. Because I was the first one in the hall of fame. You want me to tell you something that only I know of in Middle Earth, but just the information about Fernand is not enough.”

“Oh, it’s a shame, really! Luger also has a temper, but musketeers are all like that, aren’t they?”

“……Huh? You know Luger?”

“I know him. That brute is always looking for a fight with me. I’m avoiding him because I wouldn’t gain anything even when I beat him. He’s really annoyingly strong.”

Does that mean that Luger was strong enough to make Lee Jiwon’s head shake?

It was not good news for Leeha, just when he thought that he had caught up to Luger and Kidd to some extent while he received the dark elf-related quest.

“Hmm……. But why do you want to learn the skill so much? Lee Jiwon-ssi is already strong.”

“T-that…… just…” 

Lee Jiwon had a plan. And Leeha wanted to know what his intention was.

“If you tell me, I can help you. As expected, it’s good for Koreans to rise to the top of the rankings.”

“R-right? That’s right! I might be able to help you out later. If you let me know, I will never forget your grace.”

“I understand, so tell me. Why do you want to learn this skill?”

Lee Jiwon had already been caught in Leeha’s trap. At least, when it came to talking to people and getting information, there was no one who could beat Leeha. (editor “are you sure about that 【 ͠❛ - ͡❛】”)

“Hmm……. If I learn that, I will be able to beat Alexander.”


“I can finally catch up to that bastard”

“You want to hunt together… with the summoned bear? Well, let me tell you in advance, it doesn’t last that long. It won’t make a difference in leveling speed.”

It was only 30 minutes a day. Could he level up with that? However, Lee Jiwon looked at Leeha and said.

“Yes? Of course. I won’t be able to keep up with that bastard anyway. Then there’s only one way left.”


“To lower that bastard’s level by killing him. Until I get  first place.”


Regardless of level, there is a penalty of level going down by 1 when you die. Naturally, the higher the level, the worse the penalty.

Even if it was the same level down, level 10 becoming level 9 is a different matter from level 200 going to level 199.

Lee Jiwon was trying to make use of that. It meant that if he couldn’t catch up by leveling up, he would grab the enemy’s ankle and drag him down to his level.

“If I fight him 1-on-1 with that bastard, I win. But because of the twin dragons- anyway, if I can summon a dragon to deal with them, I can win. If I have a summon that can last 10 to 15 minutes against a dragon…. I will win without fail.”

Lee Jiwon’s eyes were on fire.

It was natural for a Dragon Knight to use a dragon, but a person who lost to him would have a lot to say.

At first glance, Leeha admired the young man in front of him spitting out the law of survival, which was brutal but also taken for granted. At least it was clear why he was ranked number two.

“Ah, and can you only summon bears? I don’t think so.”

Before Leeha’s surprise could go away, Lee Jiwon opened his mouth again.

“Ooo……ps? W-wait.” 

Besides, that point was quite reasonable! Soul Link was not a skill that summoned a ‘Field Boss Brown Bear’. ‘Right’••…. It’s just that my soulmate is a Brown Bear. I just coddled Kuma and let him go, and he returned to his natural home and raised his level and became a Brown Bear, right?’ 

What if it wasn’t Kuma that he coddled in the first place? What about other monsters?

Lee Jiwon did not know about this skill.

It would be a skill that didn’t even give a hint at all.

As Leeha thought about it in the past and experienced people’s reactions, it was only natural to kill a baby monster once it was found.

‘And even my skill is still in the beginner stage. There was no level, but what if the rank went up?’

Leeha’s skill was used sparingly to avoid exposing it.

But what if he didn’t care and used it all the time? By now, the rank should have risen by one. What would the options be if it became an intermediate Soul Link?

‘Is Lee Jiwon thinking like this just from seeing the skill once…?” (editor “ the idea’s not that crazy Leeha -_-”)

The eyes of a Middle Earth genius are different.

Watching Leeha summon the Brown Bear, Lee Jiwon instinctively saw its potential.

Specifically, how to use the skill to deal with Alexander’s dragon.

In a way, Leeha could imagine it right now.

“Tell me, I will help you with anything later. Raid, PK, you name it. I will help you just once, no matter what.”


“Really! Unconditionally! Promise! If not then lightning will strike me down, for real! Do you want to be friends?” 

It was certain. The fact that Lee Jiwon desperately wanted the skill convinced Leeha of the potential of his skill. In any case, Leeha already obtained Fernand’s information. 

Also, the person who ranked second in the rankings added him as a friend directly, so he already gained a lot.

“That. Okay. I will tell you, so you have to help me later.”

“Trust me. I can even help you kill someone I will unconditionally help you at least once. If you add me as a friend, you can directly show me the skill.”

And a notification window appeared in front of Leeha While looking at the add friend window, Leeha opened his mouth again.

“Ah! If possible, I want to add something extra. Do you have any agility-related achievements worth getting?”

“Oh, achievement?”

“Please tell me a couple. I won’t ask much.”

Looking at Leeha nodding with an expression of “I’m giving you a lot of slack already”, Lee Jiwon could not decide whether he should be happy or sad.

‘As expected, dealing with people is annoying.’

I’ve never been swayed like this ever since I became a ranker.

Lee Jiwon sighed and opened his achievements window. His burning passion to defeat Alexander, the number one ranker, was that much.


“Woow-! It’s not even a giant dragon!”

Leeha held the Black Bass’ case and crouched as much as possible. Since the distance of the next target was close, it must have received a little less air resistance.


Tuk- And he managed to catch a thick branch.

Hanging from a tree, he looked at the tree he had jumped from, 15m away.

‘This is crazy, it is completely crazy.’ 

After jumping from a tree 15m away he reached this tree. It was a huge distace that even a monkey could not achieve and only a flying squirrel could, but Leeha did it. Babam-!

“Pheeew……. My legs are trembling.”

Leeha slowly climbed down the tree, and examined the absurd achievement he had achieved.

[Achievement: Flying on Grass(B+)]

Congratulations! You have traveled for 5km without magic and never touched the ground! Even a monkey will show respect to you. Perhaps you are an ancient master who has even been erased from the ancient records?!

Reward:  Agility +15

‘If I had fallen, I would have broken a leg, wouldn’t I? I wouldn’t have died right?”As he descended the tree with trembling arms and legs, Leeha thought about this absurd achievement. An achievement that could only be achieved with the power of a body without magic, and can only be achieved by moving a distance of 5km up on a tree.

‘I used to walk around on trees when I fought the Rising Sun, but the forest wasn’t that wide.’

Its total diameter was supposed to be about 5km, but he only moved in the center.

In order to get this achievement, Leeha had to find a terrain with more than 5 kilometers of trees, rather than physical ability to be between trees.

‘Even if I found out about it, I wouldn’t have been able to do it without this bracelet. Anyway, those Middle Earth guys are geeks.’

Why did they make this an achievement? Did they want the users to make good use of the items they have obtained?

Anyway, Leeha breathed a sigh of relief as he looked at the leather bracelet wrapped around his arm.

He never dreamed that he would be able to use an item that increased jumping power by 300% this way.

“Well, it’s still B+ grade. This is surely crazy.”

Seeing that the Hall of Fame did not appear meant that there were at least two people, including Lee Jiwon, that got this achievement.

Leeha returned to Siand Frontier after getting one of the achievements Lee Jiwon shared with him.

“Oh? A while ago today, whatchamacallit!”

“Where did Lee Jiwon go?”

“Do you know Lee Jiwon?”

It was during the time when it was about to get dark, but some users remembered the events of the day.

They were interested because he was with Lee Jiwon for a while, but what about him? After thinking for a while, Leeha exhaled.

“Well. Lee Jiwon told me not to talk about our conversation. If I talk about it, he will come back here.”

“What? Really? Then you should talk about it! When he comes, I will come with a screen-”

“He said he will come and kill everyone.”

“-A……. Cough, I-I-I’m looking for someone to go hunting the armored ogre~“

The users who gathered around Leeha dispersed in an instant. No one dared to fight against Lee Jiwon in a lawless area where PK was not illegal. ‘Weak to the strong, but strong to the weak…. Is it natural for a lawless area?’

Leeha understood why they take him relatively lightly.

Because he wasn’t able to defeat Midnight Circus. However, it was unfortunate for Leeha in its own way.

‘Those bastards, if they were in one space, everything will be over in one shot!’

Where in the world was there a sniper that could deal with a surprise attack in a narrow pub!

It was already great that he was able to preserve his life and almost win….

‘If Lee Jiwon didn’t intervene, I would have won. As soon as the force barrier was over, huh? I have the Hummingbird and Needlegun! And I can shoot their heads with Black Bass! If I did, just-…… Phew, what’s the point of thinking about it now?’

Leeha shook his head and looked around carefully. Perhaps there were other assassins from Midnight Circus hiding nearby.

“It doesn’t seem like they are in town……. I bet they are scared of Lee Jiwon.”

Leeha circled around the building looking for a few NPCs in the Siand Frontier had the most info regarding the dark elves, but no one knew their whereabouts. 

There was only one hint, and that was, do not use anything other than the road that extends from the frontier to the north and south.


“Well, when I went into the forest, people didn’t come out. Dead or whatever. Anyway? There are dangers lurking outside the road, so be careful.”


“But with this, there will be no problems! Teleporting in case of danger is-”

“No, it’s fine. Thank you.”

Leaving behind the grim expression of the merchant NPC, Leeha headed to the fence of the pioneering base.

A fairly large forest surrounded the base. The land beyond the forest was an unexplored area, even the topography was not well known. It reminded Leeha of the first time he went to Siand Frontier through the Adamantine Mountains.

‘What happened……’

On the tree. There was something fishy about it.

At the time, Leeha thought it was the Midnight Circus assassin, but anyway, no other guys appeared except for those who jumped out of the pub.

If so, what was that guy?

‘It’s not just a normal animal. It could use mana as well, so it should be a shaman.’

Orc Shaman? No. There was no mention of such a guy around here, and a shaman would never climb a tree.

“Should I go check it out?”

He opened the leather case and took out Black Bass. He changed the magazine loaded with five rounds, and restocked the pistols.

Now at the Siand Frontier, where the sun had now completely set, Leeha carefully crossed a fence.

Where only darkness awaited him there.

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