‘Or this way…… but what about this mark? I think it means cliff.’

He thought there was a way to escape, but there was no way! Then why was Jin Gonggong so confident?

Leeha swallowed dry saliva.

“Disable [Black Bass: SASR] skill.”

The sniper rifle, which boasted a black appearance in the snowy mountains, was changed back to its original musket shape.

There was no use having a gun you can’t shoot. Leeha immediately finished loading the Black Bass, Hummingbird, and Needle Gun-Pistol..

‘I really hope Jin Gonggong……. If so-’

He didn’t want to be betrayed twice. Whether or not he knew Leeha held his musket, Jin Gonggong continued to wrestle with the snow rabbit.

And finally, the members of Czar started to spread all at once. They were 100m away.

“Jin Gonggong-nim!! We have no more time! We must attack now!”

“Just a little bit more- that’s it! This guy has lost all of its strength! I will take responsibility and send you to Adamantine Mountain-please be patient! If they hear a gunshot, it will be over!”

Jin Gonggong exclaimed in a more relaxed voice. The struggle of the snow rabbit was certainly coming to an end, and its movement was reduced a lot.

Leeha endured to the end. No, rather than being patient, he believed in Jin Gonggong. He wanted to believe.

“Huu, huu.”

His scrolls were also within reach. There was also the plan of creating a smokescreen using the snow by causing an explosion if the space was locked, and using a scroll to immediately increase the distance.

‘It’s okay. There’s a room. Because they are wary of me.’

Leeha, with his gun down, took a position where he can aim and fire at any time. It was difficult to tell their exact number because they were spread out but Leeha was prepared.

“Jin Gonggong-nim! We really don’t have time now! They’re all here!”

Papapat- Their faces began to be seen through the fluttering snow.

There were 13 of them. They were so close. Leeha stood up and crept away.

“Formation A, capture Ha Leeha, you can kill the healer!”

“Da Sir!”

“Jin Gonggong-nim!!”

At the distance that the Czar’s voice could be heard, Leeha

lifted his musket. He didn’t know if it was late or not. He could run away after one shot!

“Not yet— Kyaa, it’s over! It’s done!”

“Now I can shoot-” “Catch him!”

The Czar’s thick and short shout covered Leeha’s voice! However, a louder voice even louder than that resounded behind Leeha.

“Snow Mountain, answer me! Mother Nature’s Call!”

Huwaaang, for a moment, Leeha and all of Czar personnel’s body stopped. From Jin Gonggong’s position they

felt an invisible wave of energy spread out.

“Jin Gonggong-nim?”

When Leeha turned around, Jin Gonggong, who had become acquainted with the snow rabbit, smiled.

“Stop it, rabbit! Ha Leeha-nim, lower your gun!”


With its cry, the snow rabbit rushed at Czar’s personnel. Leeha could not hide his shock.

“Is this it? You’re asking me to trust-”

He’s going to use the Snow Rabbit to stop Czar? They are a group consisting of users who are over level 140, and he wants to stop them with a rabbit?!

One of the Czar’s personnel looke at the approaching rabbit and looked at their captain.

“Dispatch it.”

“Da sir.”

When he got permission, there would be no mercy in his sword. The Czar member was not intimidated by the giant rabbit and used a skill while avoiding the rabbit’s hind kick.


A cross shaped scar was engraved on the snow rabbit’s body. Red blood splashed on the white snowy mountain, Leeha clenched his teeth.

‘Even if the rabbit is high level, it isn’t easy.’

He must shoot now. However, he was blocked by Jin Gonggong when he tried to raise his musket.


“Get ready to run.”

“What? Kak!”

Kkyuu, Kkyuuu-!

“Keuk!” “W-What’s that sound-”

At the spreading vibration, Leeha and the Czar personnel had no choice but to stop their actions and cover their ears. There was only one person who was fine.

“Keuu- Jin Gonggong-nim, what is …… that……?”

“That’s the reason you can’t provoke it. It is also the reason why no one hunts here. The moment it feels threatened, the snow rabbit calls its comrade. If Leeha-nim shot it, they would have been running towards us.”

They were rabbits with teeth as long as a person’s thigh. It wasn’t just one or two that was called.

When the wounded snow rabbit stopped crying after a long time, Leeha saw the living snowy mountain.

There were literally hundreds of white lumps rushing towards them.


“……Capture Ha Leeha! Don’t mind the rabbits!”

The Czar personnel were equally perplexed, but it was no joke.

They knew that as long as they accomplished their goals, they wouldn’t have to deal with the rabbits. “

“Come on, let’s run!”

“Waaah, where?!”

“Quick! Follow me! Our next destination is the Adamantine Moutain!”

Jin Gonggong grabbed Leeha’s arm and started to run.

The pursuit in the snowy mountain started unexpectedly! Leeha felt more frightened of the hundreds of snow rabbits rather than the Czar that was chasing them from behind.

“What… it’s living snow!!”

“Faster, faster! Don’t look back!”

“I’m not looking! This way-”

While chasing after Jin Gonggong’s huge back, Leeha did not forget to look around.

It is one of the roads that appear on the map he looked at earlier. So Leeha already knew what was at the end of this road.

“-Doesn’t this lead to a cliff?”

“Just trust me and run!”

“I’d rather- go to the yeti zone to take advantage of the rabbits dealing with Czar-”

“No! I can’t control the angry rabbits! I am not a summoner or a tamer!”

Druids are nature’s ‘friend’.

Jin Gonggong, who was their friend and not owner, could not completely control those living avalanches. Of course, his answer made Leeha even more terrified.

‘Doesn’t that mean that I could get swept away too


Anyway, the Czar personnel were not able to increase their speed as much as they could because of the chasing snow rabbits.

While going uphill, the rabbits, one of the fastest creatures, chased and kicked them, so they had to block or counterattack.

In the midst of this, Leeha and Jin Gonggong were approaching the cliff. To the cliff where the altitude rose and the wind got colder.

“Catch him! Don’t miss him!”

“Damn it, why is he so fast!”

Leeha wanted to shoot at them, so he looked behind him, but immediately gave up. As expected, their movements were out of the ordinary.

He could fire the pistol once, but he had no time to aim the musket at a distance. If it wasn’t like Kidd’s revolver, he wouldn’t be able to handle them.

“A little bit more! We’re almost there!”

Haa, haa Exhaling,

Jin Gonggong pointed into the cliff. Leeha’s expression distorted.

“How do we get out of here? Scroll?”

Leeha and Jin Gonggong slowed down little by little. It was a place where they couldn’t run even if they wanted to.

Even when the Czar personnel and a herd of snow rabbits rushed from behind, Jin Gonggong kept smiling.

His smile seemed a bit scary to Leeha.

“Ha Leeha-nim, do you believe me?”

“I didn’t shoot because I believed you! Just say it-”


“W-wait- What are you doing, Jin Gonggong-nim!!!” Even the Czar personnels were flustered by his action. Jin Gonggong threw himself down the cliff.

He flew from the cliff with only ice down below.

“Did the healer kill himself?. Great. Activate the capture skill and prepare to return

. Team B, block the rabbits. For 15 seconds.”


The Czar personnels were divided into two groups. Their purpose was to capture Leeha. It was meaningless if they killed Leeha ‘directly’.

“Damn it! Did he want me to kill myself? What! Why did he ask if I believe him-”

I should have said I didn’t believe him. Now it was too late to regret.

He should have shot first. 

He should have shot them when they were still 500m away!

“Catch him!”

“You thought you were going to catch me!?”

Leeha lifted the Black Bass. Even if he shot it in its musket form, its attack power was almost double that of the Hummingbird. He believed that he could kill them in one shot without shooting their head!

Besides, he saw a gap in which they flinched for a moment.

He was concerned about the huge shadow cast behind him

but he pulled the trigger right away.

No, he tried to pull it.

“U-uwaaah, what?!”

If it wasn’t for the giant bird that roared loudly and grabbed Leeha’s waist.


“What the……”

“An eagle in the snowy mountains- and that huge-”

The Czar personnel had no choice but to stare blankly at the situation.

In an instant, Leeha was snatched and rose into the sky,

there was no way for a group of dealer-tank classes to chase after people who were like speeding bullets.


A huge golden eagle soared into the sky.

The bird of prey with brown feathers gleaming in the sunlight from the white snowy mountain felt so sacred.

Of course, Leeha, who was caught by feet bigger than his body, did not feel its sacredness.

“Waaaah! Whaaat?!” He also tried helicopter rappeling before,

but its stability was different.

The eagle’s feet felt like the claw in a crane machine, and it was only natural for Leeha, who flew into the sky like that, to feel fear.

“Eeek- Zen Z-”

Leeha barely came to his senses and pulled out his pistol.

When he looked up, he saw an elaborate pattern engraved on the golden eagle.

He clearly remembered the pattern drawn on the feather, like a tattoo.

“No way?! Surely!”

-Thank you for trusting me, Ha Leeha-nim! Let’s go to Adamantine!

It was the tattoo that was engraved on Jin Gonggong’s body! The tattoo looked like the symbol of a druid!

“Jin Gonggong-nim?! Did you transform? Whoa, what-”

-Thank you for believing in me! I know how tyrannical Czar is!

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