
The cheers echoed in the canyon. It could even reach Hwahong who still had a long way to go.

“About 600 people. Only 200 people died out of their 800.”

If that’s all that remained in their guild, then it should be fine. They have three times the number Hwahong had, but she didn’t mind. If the 888 users from Hwangryong joined, their numbers would instantly reverse.

Additionally, they had 2 from the top 10 rankings. As well as the Alchemist, an outsider.

In terms of quality and quantity, their victory was guaranteed.

“600, hahaha, the last time I joined a war I was able to make 237 iron golems, how many would it be this time? Is Mary looking forward to it too~?” Crowley stroked the red figure that followed him.

When he touched the blood golem, it dripped with blood, but it didn’t bother him.

The ones disgusted were the other members of Hwahong, Ram Hwayeon, and Ram Hwajeong, who were next to him.

“Crowley, please don’t do such a disgusting thing and focus.”

“Hehe, disgusting? Disgusting! Don’t you know the beauty of Mary? I thought you commissioned me because you also liked beauty…”

Crowley tried to put his blood-stained hand on Ram Hwayeon’s cheek but his arms began to freeze mid-air.

Ram Hwajeong did not want her sister to get dirty.

“Get your hands off her.”

“Keuk, I-I haven’t touched her yet, right, Hwajeong-ssi? This! You won’t freeze both hands, right!”

With his other hand, Crowley pulled a bottle of yellow liquid from the bag and poured it into his frozen hand. The frosty skin returned to it’s original state in an instant.

“Huuu, it’s warm……

“What? Is that a thawing potion?”

Ram Hwayeon glanced at Crowley.

Was it a potion that instantly thaws the frozen area it is poured on? The first thought that came to her was that if a large amount of such thing, it could pose a threat to Hwajeong in the future.

However, Crowley’s answer made Hwayeon frown.

“It’s pee.”


“Hahaha, It’s a joke, a joke! In Middle Earth, you can eat, sleep, and do other stuff but you won’t be able to pee!”


Hwajeong pouted and the eccentric alchemist giggled and didn’t answer. Although vulgar and light-hearted, he was a man who knew how to thoroughly protect his ‘weapon’.

“Guild master-nim.”

“What’s the problem, Jacheong?”

“DIdn’t the scouts say the number of Byeolcho is around 600?”


“If you consider that this is a trap…”

Jacheong carefully opened his mouth. That night, Hwayeon felt uncomfortable. This should be a trap. Trap to get them out.

‘No matter how openly they baited us, is this really their whole army?’

Hwahong was also at full force, however, Hwangryong hadn’t joined yet.

However, it wasn’t a problem as they were moving on foot while surrounding the Byeolcho Alliance, even if Hyein locked the space, they should still be able to arrive quickly. ’

‘Wait a minute. Then….. What is the trap?’ Was it to beat Hwahong before Hwangryong arrived? That would be a lousy and dangerous plan. Besides, it was not like they would only attack Ram Hwajeong.

Does that mean Byeolcho Alliance thinks it would be enough to defeat us with the members they preserved using guerilla warfare?

“What do you think Jacheong?”

“I can only think that they are trying to defeat us before Hwangryong arrives.”


It would not be possible with the numbers they have.

Although Byeolcho had 3 times the number advantage over Hwahong, Hwahong had Ram Hwajeong. In addition, the canyon was narrow.

With her ice magic, Byeolcho’s number advantage could be filled. Didn’t Hyein think of that?

“Heh, right… As expected. That’s how it would turn out.”

Hwayeon took a deep breath. He patted Jacheong, who was restless next to her, in the back.

“Don’t worry.”

“But the number of enemies have yet to be fully revealed-”

“This isn’t chess. We don’t have to figure out the exact number of enemies.”


There were times when one had to fight with one’s head, and times when one had to fight with brute force.

Hwayeon knew how to completely distinguish between the two.

“With overwhelming force……. We will push them away.”

Hwahong began to see Byeolcho Alliance in the distance. Hwayeon raised her voice.

“Everyone! Prepare for battle! As mentioned before, each combat team would be divided into five groups consisting of 5 people! The command for each squad would be left on your own discretion!”

Buff magic had been cast. Light also began to flash in the Byeolcho Alliance.

“What awaits us are the sweet fruits of Date Castle. Your performance pay will be based on your 

accomplishments on our first war.”


Middle Earth users and Ramlong Group employees.

There were those who were the head of their household.

Their resolve to be proud members of society both in Middle Earth and in reality strengthened with their shouts.



Blue energy permeated from Ram Hwajeong’s body. Blizzard that did not distinguish between allies and enemies? It was a magic that was too dangerous to use at the moment.

While everyone was surprised, Ram Hwajeong raised her left hand.

One of Middle Earth’s strongest magic, which had never been revealed before, was formed at the end of her wand.


The wind blowing in the canyon gradually cooled. ‘Blue’ wind began to sway in the middle of Byeolcho Alliance and Hwahong.

“Arctic tornado.” Hwajeong spoke. A whirlwind containing the arctic frost that could freeze everything was created.


The whirlwind moved forward at her words. In the eyes of Byeolcho Alliance, it was magic that was no less than a natural disaster.

“O-Ohhh? Ohhh!”

“M-M-Magic! Block it! Block that!”

It was natural for the tankers standing at the forefront to be flustered.

They thought that an ice spear, ice blast, or a ranged attack would fly towards them. But how would they stop a giant tornado?

The shield they were holding at the moment was just an inconvenience.

“Phew, as expected Hwahong is not an easy opponent. Hyein-nim, please support us.”

“I understand, Eunchon-nim.”

Euncheon, the guild master of Seomgwang guild, was in front of his terrified guild members.

A lump of ocher light gathered as he cast. Hyein was able to predict what kind of magic he was about to use, so it wasn’t difficult to adjust.

“Static, Wind Block!”

The energy emitted from his fingertips was directed towards the walls of the canyon. It looked like he ignored the Arctic tornado. However, the ocher-colored magic shot at the things that Byeolcho Alliance had already planted beforehand.

Bzzt, bzzt!

The totems planted on both sides of the cliff responded to the light.

The Shaman Eunchon activated the magic to bind the feet of the approaching Hwahong’s advance squad.

The wall of wind loaded with lightning, which could paralyze in a single shot, and the arctic tornado trying to break through collided, causing a gust of wind in the canyon.

“Heh……. Did they come in advance just to literally set up a trap?”

“It’s wasn’t that hard.”

A strong wind blew towards Hwayeon’s location, and her eyes narrowed, however, Hwajeong gathered mana again without fixing her fluttering blue hair.

It was definitely different from the battles of ordinary humans. However, Hwajeong’s rank was higher. The arctic tornado moved forward little by little.

“Even if you use four totems, you won’t be able to block my magic…”

Eunchon was known in Korea as a magician and a high-level shaman.

It was not empty words that only those who have dealt with Ram Hwajeong directly could feel her greatness.

“Isn’t that the reason why we’re here? Everyone, fire! Drive the magic at a single point!”


“Wind Cutter!”

“Fire Spear!


Following Gaeryong’s instructions, various attack magic appeared from Byeolcho Alliance’s magicians. However, the magic would hit the wind wall first before reaching the arctic tornado.

“It’s my job to reverse that. Dimension Twist!”

When the attacks arrived at a certain range, Hyein cast his magic.


The flying magic disappeared simultaneously and silence came.

In the next moment, a huge blast echoed through the canyon from within the arctic tornado. The tornado was not able to handle a large amount of mana and exploded.

“Phew…… did you move the position of the magic? inside the arctic tornado?”

“You’re an interesting wizard. Sage Hyein.”

Ram Hwayeon and Ram Hwajeong graciously admitted. Because they didn’t expect that single magic could deal with Byeolcho Alliance anyway.

However, they did not miss the chance when the hidden traps and large-scale magic could not be used in succession.

“Hwahong, charge! ”

Ram Hwayeon move her fingers, before the mana explosion disappeared the canyon was filled with shouts.

In a place that overlooked that canyon, two people crawled.

“Are you shooting well? Does it look good?”

“I-If we go any closer, we won’t be able to capture the battle anymore. They used a lot of screenshots and recording prevention!”

“Hey, you asshole! Control the distance! We have to get this scoop

this time!”

“It’s not easy as it sounds, sunbae! We could broadcast something similar to “Today in Middle Earth”-”


The sunbae smacked the back of the hubae’s head.

“Did you come all the way here just to say something like that? Did you forget what ratings you got from the live broadcast of the Minis Kingdom War on DSPN? Small and medium-sized companies like us may not be able to broadcast live, but we have to do the exclusive recordings-”

“The legendary viewership rating of the Battle for the City of Minis Kingdom! Even at 2am, the domestic audience rating alone was at 20.5%, the live broadcast rating in the U.S. is 49.1%, and the possibility of a new concept e-sports threatening the Super Bowl is confirmed! I’ll get a scab on my ear. You’ve told me that so many times already!”

“That’s right, you bastard! The battle between Hwahong and Byeolcho Alliance is no less than that! This time, a castle of Fibiel Kingdom is on the line! Besides, the personnel from all three countries, Korea, Japan, and China are part of it, so the TVs in Asia might explode!”

The hubae knew it as well. His only worry was that their location might get exposed. Dying while filming, what would be the use of that? k

However, he could not stop his sunbae’s enthusiasm. He knew very well why his sunbae was greedy.

‘There’s no one around. Picking up this place is godsent in itself. He’s a great man. He said was crazy about the scoop……

Most people knew that Byeolcho Alliance and Hwahong will have their final battle today. Many users tried to search for a place where they could watch it, but only these two were able to find a good spot.

The hubae looked at his sunbae respectfully as his sunbae mumbled.

“T-the arctic tornado is gone. They are charging now! Take a good shot!”

“Yes sir.’’

It was an unusual sight to see from above the canyon. The difference could be seen at first glance, however, it was Hwahong who charged forward.

They charged without fear even with the 3 times difference in number. The Byeolcho Alliance prepared to defend without getting flustered even after seeing that.

The battle under the canyon that changed the color of the air with buffs, attacks, and recovery magic was bloody.

“Amazing……. This should be enough to be sold to BBD or CMM rather than domestic broadcasters.”

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