
The high-orc warrior screamed as the bullet pierced its thigh. It got attacked from an unknown location.

“Chwit- human bastard-.”

He barely saw where the smoke came from and moved his feet, but couldn’t reach it with his slow steps.

A gunshot rang out once more, and it was not able to take another step.


The bullet pierced the orc’s shoulder and completely depleted its health.

It was still more than 100 m’s away from where the smoke rose 

“Phew, this is really amazing.”

It was not even a headshot. Not even at the heart. In other words, the level 100 orc died in two shots without getting hit in its weak spot.

Leeha could not help but admire his newly acquired musket, Hummingbird.

‘It’s just as the description said. Light… It’s too light.’

Even if the wind blew a little, the musket was like millet and staggered, and it often shook. If it wasn’t  Leeha, neither shot would have hit.

It was reasonable to have a high agility requirement in order to deal with the musket properly.

‘The thigh and shoulder were hit when I aimed at the head and the heart……’

Leeha already tried it out a few times, but he still felt that the musket was tough to handle.

If he continued hunting in the crowded Sentinel Mountain, Leeha thought that a user might have been hit.

Leeha is at the place where level 100-105 high orcs appeared. He was in a hunting ground not popular with users because it was far from the Sentinel Mountains.

The normal leveling route was to go around the orc villages that corresponded to the users level in Sentinel Mountain and then go to the trolls after.

There was no need to go to this place because wasting time was equivalent to wasting money.

‘Thanks to that, it’s perfect for me.’

There was only one day left until the guild war between Byeolcho and Hwahong started.

Leeha planned to level up as much as possible.

‘I have no intention of becoming a leading figure in the war.’

He didn’t belong to either guild anyway. And he didn’t have to. However, there was someone he really wanted to shoot.

‘For that one shot, I have to level up and get used to the Hummingbird.’

Shoot, and then shoot again. He pulled the trigger mercilessly until he got used to the aiming sense which was definitely different from the Needle Gun musket.

[You leveled up.]

‘Wow, this is really good. So easy, really easy.’

High orcs were not even able to get close before dying, and the experience they gave was quite good. Why were these guys the main force in the 2nd Human-Demon war? From Leeha’s point of view, they were nothing more than an X-man for the human army.

“Haha, I haven’t gotten used to it yet, but I’ve already leveled up twice.”

This was the place he went to as soon as he bought the Hummingbird

. In other words, he had continued hunting here for nearly a day. There was no way that Leeha’s level could have risen only once. He leveled up to 94 a while ago!

Rustle rustle-.

The sound of grass shaking was heard from Leeha’s back, who opened his character window.

‘High orc? Did it spawn here?’ Wasn’t this place 250m away from where the high orcs respawned?!

In the past, he would have run away while reloading, but now, Leeha’s hand moved to his waist like lightning.

“Who’s there!”

The next moment, he had the needle gun-pistol in his hand. If it was in close range, no one would be able to dodge a headshot.

“Oh, a new weapon? Wouldn’t it make up for the weakness in melee combat? Well, if you’re satisfied at level 94, you still have a long way to go.”

“Right. It’s not there yet.”

Two female voices were heard.

Since he was in the capital with Kijeong, Leeha wondered why they didn’t show up. The two figures that Leeha had predicted showed themselves.

“Long time no see. You still talk like that.”

Leeha put the pistol in his waist again and smiled.

Ram Hwayeon smiled, and Ram Hwajeong waved her small hand.

“Did you know we would come? Are you not surprised?”

“I’m not bragging, but you must have seen my videos. And in war, you need as many helping hands as you can muster.”

Leeha did not back down while dealing with Hwayeon and Hwajeong.

He kind of expected them to come. What about the secret agent that Hwahong attached? Did they not discover Leeha when they were gathering information about Kijeong?

If it was discovered, in Hwayeon’s eyes, Leeha was already a member of Byeolcho.

It meant that there was nothing strange about trying to kill him here.

‘The fortunate thing is that I didn’t have a musket at that time.’

Unless he had that feature, they may not have recognized Leeha at that time. After examining their complexion, Leeha could be certain to some extent.

‘They didn’t know. After all, they didn’t come directly. If you’re an informant, you won’t recognize me just by looking at my back.’

As he knew why they came anyway, Leeha decided to ask his questions first.

“By the way, how did you get here? It’s not easy to find this location. It’s not like the coordinates are displayed in the friend’s window.”

Hwayeon did not answer Leeha’s question. She just smiled proudly.

The one who answered was the girl with blue hair.

“Chain teleport.”


“You can go to your registered friend.”

“I-Is that so?”

Hwajeong blurted out. Obviously, Leeha had more difficulty dealing with her. He’d rather deal with someone with a personality like Ram Hwayeon.

“If you know why we’re here, we could talk more quickly. Come to Hwahong. I will take care of you so you won’t feel bad.”

“Ha, haha. Are you pretending that you have won already? The Byeolcho Alliance would not be easy”

A sneaky question. However, she wasn’t the one to get enthusiastic about this question.

Rather, it was Leeha that was perplexed.

“We will win. 100%”

“100…… percent?”

A guild war in which everything is on the line. Leeha didn’t know what trump card each guild had, but how can she be so sure?

“You’ve been bluffing since you caught the Black Angus, but isn’t it too much this time?”

Leeha frowned slightly but the two women did not respond.

“Haha, bluffing? You know the name Ramlong, but you still say that to me. As expected, you’re funny. Right, Hwajeong?”

“Yes, he’s funny.”

“Cough, no need to say thank you, right?” 

Anyway, if he knew why they were so sure about victory, he might get a little greedy too, in fact, he couldn’t help but get greedy.Just as Leeha did not enter Byeolcho, he had no intention of entering Hwahong.

However, he was curious about the reason why she could be so confident.

“Byeolcho alliance is definitely big. It can be said that they are obsessive Koreans. All three guilds are obsessed. They have good sense and skills in dealing with Middle Earth. It’s amazing to see that they tried to get Dale Castle.”

Even though she was a latecomer, Ram Hwayeon admitted that she saw the whole picture.

However, from a listener’s perspective, it wasn’t too bad.


” What do you mean by so? You don’t need multiple strategies to win against a big guild. It’s rather simple. Except for the keystone, everything is bound to collapse.”

“Hmm? Keystone?” 

Click-clack click-clack -.

She walked in boots with heels and stopped in front of Leeha.

She leaned over and whispered in Leeha’s ear. Her red hair fluttered in front of Leeha’s eyes.

“It is said that it is easy to kill a lion with a parasite in its stomach. Whoops.”

Then she quickly returned to her original position.

Seeing her smile happily, Leeha tilted his head.

“What are you talking about? Suddenly with the lion and parasite-,

And he realized. The meaning of Ram Hwayeon’s words.

“No way?! Surely…”

“Did you realize already? Well, if you didn’t realize that much, you wouldn’t have been able to win against Rising Sun.”

“I can win even if I didn’t notice. It only takes a single Blizzard.”

Hwajeong retorted at Hwayeon’s words, but Leeha did not have time to listen.

Because of the parasite inside the lion’s stomach. And the reason she was so confident in winning.

‘There’s a traitor!’

Someone went to Ram Hwayeon’s side. Someone from the Byeolcho Alliance.

‘Why did they suddenly call me?’

Kijeong got called by Hyein instead of hunting. He said that Kijeong should come to the safe house that was not usually used.

Not only the place, but his voice was a little different from usual.

‘Does he have anything to say about the war? After all, they had to think about a way so that the enemy would not be able to predict.’

Kijeong thought that he was worrying for nothing and brushed off his thoughts.

Guild Master Hyein is one of the best magicians in Korea. He must have found a way, and he must have called him to talk about it.

‘Oh, Leeha hyung is also connected. Kunigo Hill… he’s in the high orc village. Kek. Is he leveling up in order to join?’

Kijeong smiled as he checked the friend’s window. A significant number of guild members have gathered.

There was nothing to worry about. He used a teleport scroll to the saved location!

Kijeong entered the corner warehouse in the village outskirts that they rarely visit.

“Phew, sorry. I was late.”

However, it was dark. It was so dark that neither the magic circle on the floor nor the people around could be seen.

Isn’t everyone here?

“Hyung-nim? Oh. Ohh! It’s too bright. Haha, whose birthday is it?”


In an instant light came out. 

Kijeong blinked for a moment because of the sudden light magic.

“Kay. Don’t joke”

“……Yes. I’m sorry.”

Kijeong quickly apologized for Hyein’s voice.

Normally, he would have accepted it with a smile. The war was about to start, so he was definitely nervous.

“Then today…… It has come…”

Kijeong looked around dropping his easygoing attitude

Now that he saw it, their formation was a little strange. The guild members stood around the guild master Hyein.

And there was an empty chair opposite Hyein.

“Come and sit down.”


“Yes. You.”

“Oh……. What is it, is it work?” It was then that he sensed the unusual atmosphere. What is this feeling? What is this place?.

In Byeolcho guild, Kijeong had an image of a cheerful and reliable tanker.

As he had been mainly playing party hunting, there were quite a few people in the guild who were close to Kijeong.

However, all those people were looking at Kijeong with dark expressions on their faces.

No, it wasn’t dark. They were close to eyes filled with anger. Even Hyein and Sasuke.

‘W-what? Why are they like this?’

There was only one person who was not angry, Tale. It was only natural for Kijeong to think it was strange.

“Sit down.”

“Why are you like this, hyung-nim? This feels awful. Ah, it’s war, but-.”

“Sit down, you traitorous bastard”



Kijeong felt energy sweeping through his body.

[User ‘Hyein’ attacked you. A hostile relationship was formed]

[Chaotic index would not increase when attacking hostile users]

[‘Block’ status has been applied.] [You will not be able to use space movement magic for 30 minutes.]


Kijeong couldn’t believe the system message that appeared in front of him.

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