Returning to Rising Sun was a path to suicide.

Leeha had a vague understanding of Tikal’s fate.

He would never see Tikal in the future again. Even if Leeha forgave him, Rising Sun would not.

“They retreated…”

“They retreated! Those Rising Sun bastards retreated!”

“We won!! Wow!!!!”

“Uwaaak!! We won!”

“Wow, I have been filming since a while ago, I did great. There’s no way those Rising Sun bastards would admit their loss!”

As soon as they left, the users around them cheered.

It meant that their dissent against Rising Sun was successful! In other words, it was no different from small citizens looking at revolution.

“Let’s start with the tossing! Cloud Magician, Cloud Magician!”

A large user grabbed Leeha’s arm and leg.

Other users immediately responded to his quick movements.

“Oh? Oh, W-wait-”

“The Setting Sun Desperado who forcibly  ended the Rising Sun!”

“I love you!! We love you!”

“You’re so handsome!”


“Uwaak, don’t do it! Take me down! It hurts!”


“G-Gun! The musket’s butt is hitting my back! Aak!”

Boong, boong, Leeha’s body flew through the air.

It was embarrassing, but it can’t be helped that they were happy. Leeha knew how great his accomplishment was.

He couldn’t express how proud he felt as the knowledge he had gained from his time in the military was not useless.

Simply knowing of or possessing bombs and traps would not have been enough.

How to use the weapons and knowledge one had depending on the place and situation, was much more important.

“Please let me get off now!”

After getting tossed a few times, Leeha barely put his feet on the ground.

He had no time to enjoy being the hero of low-levels.

“Amazing!! Cloud Magician!! Sir!! Please be friends with me!!”

“How did you do it? What’s your weapon? How did you attack from such a distance?”

“Sir, are you friends with the Englishmen? Or it wouldn’t make sense.”

“Ha Leeha, right?? Ha Leeha? Please be friends with me!”

“W-Wait a minute! Kuwak!” 

What would happen when one saw the hero who drew a lot of attention on the internet right in front of their eyes?

Of course, they would rush in. And they rushed in, ready to crush Leeha.

The add friend notification popped up along with the people who rushed in to talk to him.

What was worse was even whispers came in…….

“Ha Leeha-nim! Come here!”

“Come quickly!”

“Matsushige-nim! Mame Hana-nim!” It was natural that Matsushige, who appeared, looked like a savior.

“Reach out your hand!”

At Matsushige’s words, Leeha reflexively stretched out his arms.

Matsushige, who had long arms, grabbed Leeha’s arms and forcibly pulled-!

Leeha, who was almost ‘siege and annihilated ‘ by users, managed to get out.

“First, we have to move location. Can you join our party? I will use a mass teleport scroll.”

“Mass- ? Anyway, let’s get out of here for a bit!”

Matsushige, Mame Hana, and Leeha made a party.

Behind them, users rushed in like zombies, and a chill run up Leeha’s spine.

‘N-not everyone can be a celebrity!’

Perhaps it was natural that Leeha was more popular than celebrities to Middle Earth’s low-level users.

“Quick, Ma-chan! T-The people behind will catch us!”

Mame Hana tried to shout, but the users’ shouts were much louder.

“Cloud Magician! Have a party with me!”

“Please do something!”

“What level are you? Who are those people?!”

“Let’s go!”


And finally, Matsushige tore the scroll.

As the three people disappeared instantly, the steps of the users left behind naturally stopped.

“Aish……. Who are those bitches.”

“Are they fans? They were even in a party.”

“It doesn’t seem like they’re in the same guild, but those bastards have monopolized Cloud Magician.”

Of course, they didn’t forget to curse at the two people who took Leeha.

“So, how do we deal with Rising Sun now”

“Did the Cloud Magician deal with all of them?”

“Wow, amazing. I don’t have to run away when I hunt now, right?”

However, their anger was short-lived, and even when Leeha disappeared, the users did not disperse and talked about their opinions. They hoped for the low-level area to be brighter.

“Haa……. I was really scared, Ma-chan! Those people just-! Whoa……

“It’s okay, Hana-chan.”

Mame Hana collapsed, barely calming her pounding heart.

Leeha looked around the area where he had arrived with Mame Hana and Matsushige.

It was a pretty cozy house with a bed and chair.

‘House……? Are the two of them married? Since they arrived, the atmosphere seemed unusual.’

It was the same when they called each other by nickname, or when they talked about chivalry. Leeha’s first thought was that maybe they were lovers or married.

“Are you okay, Ha Leeha-nim?”

“Ah, yes. Thank you. Thanks to you, I’m alive. I wouldn’t have been able to react properly if you hadn’t appeared…

“Haha, right. Ha Leeha is a hero. They didn’t know your ID, but is there any user in Middle Earth that does not know [Setting Sun Desperado] and [Cloud Magician]?”

“Ah, what……. That’s not true.”

That’s right. That was what Leeha wanted to say, however, Leeha barely pretended to be humble.

Right! It was the common consensus of rankers that they could not touch Rising Sun!

‘Everyone must have had the same reason. The reason why rankers did not touch Rising Sun was that there were too many of those cockroaches. Even if they catch one, more will come again.’

So Leeha needed to come up with a different idea.

What would you do if cockroaches pop out whenever you catch one? Then you should lure them all at once and burn them all.

However, there were conditions. The bait had to be a ‘weak person’, and at the same time, they should be able to fight as well.

‘In other words, it was because I’m low level.’

Leeha managed to control his mouth that was about to open.

“Matsushige-nim, have you done a lot of leveling since then? Where is this? Is this the house for the two of you~?”

Leeha joked, but Matsushige did not answer.

He just stared into the air with blank eyes for a moment. It felt like his eyes had lost focus.


“Haha, n-no! What do you mean mine and Ma-chan’s house! It’s more like a hangout!”

He was talking to Matsushige but the one who answered was Mame Hana.

“Isn’t that right, Ma-chan”

“Ah? Ah, yes. Yes. I’m out of the Kobold Village now. Haha.”

“What? ”

The reply was a beat slow. Was it the answer to the question of whether he had been leveling a lot?

As Mame Hana glanced at Matsushige, Matsushige immediately waved his hands in a hurry.

“Ah! House?! Of course, I am constantly courting Hana-chan, but I’m still- kuek!”

“Y-you’re noisy, Ma-chan!”

Mame Hana poked Matsushige’s side with her elbow.

The two’s behavior made Leeha smile.

“By the way, what happened Ha Leeha-nim? You were amazing in Mount Sheymoore, but your video was no joke. You shot from an unseen position.”

“Ah, yes. It was so amazing that Ma-chan and I were very surprised! There was only one person fighting Rising Sun, and it was someone we know!”

“Haha, well, I wasn’t invisible. I was just hiding.”

“Still! Still! That’s still unbelievable! Right? It was over 100m!”

Mame Hana approached Leeha with a curious expression and stared at the Needle Gun.

She had round eyes with pure white skin. She certainly did look like a doll.

Leeha just smiled as he saw Mame Hana approach naturally.

‘Now, once the chaos ends, I should go to the capital after leaving Matsushige’s house. Uh, the problem is my face was seen. I should wear a mask until it’s quiet-.’


He was looking at Mame Hana and thinking about the future.

In front of him, Mame Hana tore a scroll.

“What? What are you doing?”

“Haha, it’s nothing.”

“What…… nothing-.”

“Weapon break!”

“Oh? Ah-!”

It happened in an instant.

As soon as he turned his head toward Mame Hana, Matsushige activated his skill.

His sword pierced Leeha’s arm like a snake.

Was his target Leeha’s neck? Chest? It was not it. The place Matsushige’s sword targeted Leeha’s musket, Needle Gun.

After breaking the strap, Leeha’s musket, whose barrel got cut in half, was transferred to Matsushige’s hand the next moment.

“Phew, it didn’t break in one shot. Maybe because my skill level is still low.”

“It’s great that you stole it, Ma-chan.”

“W…… What? What are you doing, Matsushige-nim? Mame Hana-nim? It’s a very bad joke, right?”

His weapon was stolen. What was this absurdity……?

So far, Leeha had been cautious.

However, he had already felt that Mame Hana and Matsushige’s atmosphere changed. Leeha’s hands move to his bag.

“Ahh, we don’t know if we should feel bad or not. Anyway, if you don’t have a weapon aren’t you just a target? Ah, there’s no use scrolling out, because the space has been locked.”

Matsushige ran and stood in front of the door.

His frowning expression with one eye folded, was 180 degrees different from before.

“……What are you, Rising Sun?”

“Oh, oh! Be careful. You can’t compare us to those ignorant bastards”

“Then what?”

It wasn’t Rising Sun, they don’t even use such tricks.

It was their code to show the Rising Sun symbol when playing and Matsushige and Mame Hana didn’t look like that from the beginning, let alone in the Kobold Village, or when they faced Tikal, they did not look like members of Rising Sun.

“Huh, he’s asking us who we are, Hana-chan?”

“Huh, you don’t need to know, do you? You’re someone who’s about to die anyway. Ah really! Ma-chan, what did Oka-san say earlier? We shouldn’t start yet.”

“When I said we got him, she told me to wait. The head is coming.”

“Hehe, I think they changed the conditions?”

“Is that so? Well, they’ve been treated so harshly, so I guess they want to get revenge with their own hands. Alright. Oka-san said that they increased the reward by 20%.”

“Really? Really?”

“So, Ha Leeha, you……”

Passing by Mame Hana, Matsushige pointed his sword toward Leeha.

“You just need to be quiet.”

With a smiling face,  which he had seen at Mount Sheymoore, bubbly with a slight smile at the same time, was very familiar to Leeha.

The spies were commissioned by Kyokujitsu. The guild member who carefully observed Leeha in Mount Sheymoore, and Kobold Village revealed their teeth.

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