Jaco looked like he was about to burst out laughing. Stupid bastard. The place he ran away to had level 15 monsters at best.

It was shameful to even say it was ominous.

If even one person from their group went inside, they should be able to exterminate all the monsters inside…….

“Did you decide your own graveyard, Ha Leeha!”

Jaco raised his voice as much as possible, but he did not receive any response.

“Ichiban-nim, I think we can catch him here.”

“We’re going to catch him here?”

“He has few places to escape in the forest. Locking up the space and convening all the FBAs here should be enough……”

“Hmm, how many FBAs can we call now?”

“I have received authority directly from the president. We can call  all the FBAs from any nearby branch.”

As Tikal bowed, Ichiban laughed.

“Haha, great. Tikal, proceed with your instructions.”

“I understand.”

Tikal looked at Jaco and Ichiban alternately and whispered to Donyoku.

All FBAs near the Lightless Forest are ordered to convene!

Scrolls were continuously used to maintain the space lock magic, and the Rising Sun members scattered and began to cover the forest.

“23 minutes after Ha Leeha entered the forest, 531 Rising Sun FBAs were called. Head office FBAs, including Ichiban-nim and Jaco-nim, should assume the role of deputy commander. 20 groups consisting of 25 players each form assault groups and go inside. Unit commanders, let each other know your location and narrow down the encirclement. The rest of you, wait outside with me.”

Tikal shouted, he felt so proud that he got carried away. Although the forest was quite large, it was not impossible with the number of people they had.

“Operation name: Surefire Search and Destroy Formation will start now.”

They can finally kill Ha Leeha.



A sphere of light floated in the air with a simple cast from a magician.

Low-level magicians might not be able to cast them carelessly due to the fear of the mana-vampire bats, however, it was not a problem for them.

“The forest is quite wide.”

“That’s right. It’s a low-level hunting ground, but with how wide it is……. We might get lost.”

“Spread as wide as possible. As you already know, he uses strange stealth. It’s not a skill so you need to keep your eyes open and look for him with your eyes.”


It wasn’t just Jaco. The FBAs from the head office were certainly experienced.

The rising sun assault team, which consisted of 20 groups with 25 men each, moved quickly and formed a siege network 15m apart from each other.

“Does he think he can hide in the dark?”

“Couldn’t he have logged out?”

“Haha, he’s already in combat. The moment an arrow flew and touched him earlier, he could not log out.”

Log out was only possible in peaceful status. The FBA, who heard Jaco’s words, was greatly impressed.

‘Where are you, Ha Leeha……. The sunset that dares to block our rising sun……’

To face our Rising Sun guild with the name Setting Sun.

Even just by hearing that name, Jaco’s anger couldn’t be reduced.

He didn’t expect someone to shit on the Rising Sun’s name, who has a reputation for organizational management among users in Europe and U.S..

“It’s honorable even when you get robbed. I will make you writhe in such pain that you will bite your tongue to death.” Grrt, Jaco grinded his teeth, if Leeha was in front of him, he would use every way to make his death as painful as possible.

10 minutes after they entered the forest and narrowed down the encirclement. No traces appeared yet.

“Is he still in the forest?”

“He can’t be detected by magic……. He had not yet logged out because whispers can get through to him. The space is also locked.”


Where is he? As many as 500 people were gathered and formed and encircled the entire forest.

If it was an ordinary person, they would have tried to escape because they wouldn’t be able to overcome the pressure.

‘Did he give up? Is he going to die from this?’

If so, did Leeha choose this place because he didn’t want his death to be seen?

“Hahaha, bastard……. You must be ashamed.”


“No, nothing. Keep moving.”


The more they moved to the center of the forest, the denser the trees became.

Due to a large number of people, and the momentum they exuded, the spider swarm that covered the ceiling did not come down.

Of course, it was only because of the level difference between the monsters and the users that they gave up in advance.

Thanks to that, the darkness got darker.

More than 20 minutes had passed without anything happening.

The distance between the Rising Sun members, which was around 15m from each other, had been reduced to 10m from each other.

The first gunshot rang out since they came into the Lightless forest.



The goal was to remove their sight. When the magician fell in a single blow, the light magic disappeared from the air

“I-It’s the bastard! Everyone stop! Get down!”

Jaco lowered his head.

“Heup! Open your eyes!”

“Get down until your eyes have adapted to the darkness! Everyone, get down!”

The combatants hurriedly lowered their postures at Jaco’s command.

But that was it. Jaco was not able to find any traces of Leeha anywhere.

‘Where? Where? How?’

No smoke was visible. There was no flash of gunpowder.

In a forest where trees densely grew, he was able to shoot at a distance where his location couldn’t be seen?!

“It can’t be, the trees are in the way-.”



Jaco grabbed his ear and lowered his posture again.

A scream was heard again from somewhere, and the forest grew darker.

“Another one? He hit another one, again?”

Only the magicians who used light too? Is he shooting to extinguish the lights?

“Where! Where are you, Ha Leeha!”

“Jaco-nim! Screaming is dangerous!”

He was not far away. He was definitely nearby, but they couldn’t catch him!

“Damn you, you bastard!!!”

A gunshot was heard in the Lightless forest, and the sound was even louder.

Since it was impossible to find Leeha’s location through sound,

and they were unable to see smoke, he was truly invisible.

“Jaco-nim! If you do that, I will die-.”

“Stay still! I will report to the president that your death was great.”


Jaco grabbed a nearby Rising Sun member and put them in front of him.

“Show yourself, Ha Leeha! Where are you shooting, you coward! Come out! I’m going to rip your limbs off, come out!”

Human shield!

In fact, while Jaco was using his teammate as a shield, Tok, something fell on Jaco’s head.


Red light flashed dazzlingly from the object that fell to the floor after hitting his shoulder.



I see. He’s above us.

Jaco was a master of battle. This, Leeha knew. That is to say, he can’t be left alive.

“Pu, pu, pu, puk.”


In the Lightless Forest, a fire broke out.


“E-explosion! There’s an explosion!”

“M-Magic casting! Where is he-.”

The encirclement of the Rising Sun was disrupted by the light from the explosion.

Most importantly, they felt the worst fear as they could not see the surroundings properly.

‘How did he just cast like that……. When one fights in the dark, one needs to blend into the darkness. The moment you ignore light control, you’re just a target for bombardment.’

Tsk, Leeha clicked his tongue and lit several bombs in succession.

The Rising Sun’s numerous combatants did not care what was ‘above’ them.

‘Haha, there’s a reason why I only went to the West Fibiel branch recently.’

It was what he intended. He also predicted that they would form a detached force.

Leeha was a little embarrassed because the detached force was bigger than what he had expected, however, it did not matter.

Even if they were FBAs from Rising Sun’s head office, they were only experts in combat, they would not be able to beat Leeha in war and strategy.

Tikal and Rising Sun members predicted that Leeha would reappear in the West Fibiel branch, so they wanted to chase him by giving him bait, however, that was also Leeha’s intention.

‘The first order in war is to decide where to fight. If you only trust your head and run blindly, I will be disappointed.’

While looking at Fibiel’s map as if to draw it in his head, he found the best place, the Lightless Forest.

Additionally, there were few general users who would be on the way. There are quite a few beginners but they stop hunting at night.

In other words, what if he brought the detached force there, while the sun was about to set?

It meant that it was the best way to show Leeha’s skills.


He threw the bombs as far away as possible. In order to not get caught, he threw the bombs here and there.


The bomb that cost 4 silver each, indiscriminately spread flames and noise, easily destroying the Rising Sun’s group.

“Catch him!! Detect!!”

“Light! Use light! We need to find out where he is!”

“I will cast it now!”

“Don’t cast! You must not!”

“What? B-but Deikoku-nim -.”

“Hey! Cast! We have to be able to see to fight! It can’t be like this!”

They didn’t know who died and who lived. It was a situation where the command did not belong to a single person but was delegated to each assault leader.

There were people who wanted to cast light and others who wanted to prevent it.

As they were busy taking care of their troops, the command system of Rising Sun fell into chaos.

What would happen if they try to sloppily cast like that?

Mana gathered in the bodies of the magicians. And mana shined.

“They’re my food.” Bang–!

This time, a gunshot rang out. A new hole was pierced through the magician’s neck.

“Damn it!! Where are you! You doglike bastard!”

They did not have the time to look at the sky in the dark.

The Rising Sun combatants, in complete chaos, finally began to go crazy.


“Kahak-! You crazy bastard! What if you stabbed me!”

“Haa, haa, I can’t see! I can’t see!”

“It’s me! It’s me! Don’t attack!”

They swung their weapons at the sound of a breaking branch or stone being stepped on. Of course, their allies were right around them.

‘Five hundred blind people spread out in this vast forest……. It’s not 1:500, but more like 1:1 times 500. Besides, they can’t even see me……


‘It is unavoidable for them to suffer like this.’

A spark erupted at the place where it struck someone’s shield.

Leeha once again threw his bomb with all his might. He threw it exactly towards the small spark

he found.



Leeha wanted to smile at the sight of two bodies turning gray from a single bomb. If it wasn’t for the white light emitted from his body.

[You have leveled up.]

“Amazing……. I didn’t think of this.” “Above!!!!! He’s up there!!!!!”

“What a bastard!!”

The heads of all Rising Sun combatants looked up. They saw Leeha sitting comfortably at a wooden pillar 7m high…

“Oh……. Haha, can you please see it as a level-up celebration?”

“Kill him!!!”

Of course, it was impossible.

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