“B-Branch manager! Branch Manager!!!”

“The branch manager got hit! The branch manager got hit!”

“E-Everyone, don’t go out! Hide now!”

“Damn it! What were the tankers doing that they did not protect the branch manager?!”

There was great chaos near the branch office.

The branch manager’s death! The one thing that should never happen in a branch. The Rising Sun members shouted, they were desperate and bewildered, like believers who had lost their leader.

“Ranged damage dealers, get over there quickly! Run! Run according to the branch manager’s last instructions!”

“Hey you idiot, I will die if I go out, so how could I run?”

“What? Idiot? This bastard doesn’t even care……!”

“Doesn’t care? I’m an FM like you, what are you talking about!”

It was a cistern of emotion the fear, panic, and anger overwhelmed one another. However, the members were afraid of coming out because they did not want to get sniped by Leeha.

The deputy branch manager shouted and tried to stop them, but the situation had already started to get out of control.

As they quarreled inside, white smoke no longer appeared in the distant mountain. It meant that the attacker left, however, the Rising Sun members did not know that.

“What kind of bastard attacked? Was he a ranker?”

“Fuck, how would I know? Those magician bastards pretend to be smart, but they can’t even use detection properly?”

“How do I know that he can’t be detected! The manager died!”

“What? Fall behind?! This bastard, there are things you can and can’t say about the branch manager!”

No one cared.

The fact that a guild had declared war had spread, but it was a common thing.

So no one could have predicted that in a span of one day, an unknown guild attacked the  South Fibiel branch, Fapeld Riverside branch, East Fibiel branch, Amois Mountain branch, and the Emerald Jungle branch.

Among them, three branch managers, two deputy branch managers, and at least four FMs were killed.

No one could have predicted it.

Naturally, there was no reaction from the internet either.

Rising Sun was a large group with more than 6000 members, so it could be said that even if Leeha killed them all day long, it was on the level of a drop of water in the ocean.

However, what if he continued the indiscriminate killings for one, two, or three more days?

Members of Rising Sun, who were helplessly attacked, without being able to grasp Leeha’s attacks, had no choice but to limit their activities.

Only then did the Middle Earth community finally detect the anomalies.

[Title: Doesn’t the beginner hunting ground seem to be quiet these days?] 

I feel like the number of people decreased in the beginner’s hunting ground, and I don’t see anyone fighting =«=>

-The Kobold village is slightly quieter.

– I guess the influx of new players in Middle Earth is over now. I think you’re the lowest level in Middle Earth

-1_Ah shit, is that so?

That’s stupid talk, no. The number of subscribers are still growing.

At first, there were a few views and comments, and it was just a simple chat post. The ‘Ri’ from Rising Sun, did not even appear in the articles.

However, as time went by, articles like “Something changed, but I don’t know what.” began to appear.

There were fewer people in certain hunting grounds.

Rising Sun even announced that they would come to steal items, but they didn’t arrive, then a newbie passed by a ruined village and saw a bunch of corpses…….

As the small snowball rolled and rolled on for a week, 10 days, or a fortnight.

[Title: Is it true that Rising Sun is going crazy right now?]

[Title: Get the video of the Magician of the Cloud]

[Title: It definitely seems like [Setting Sun Desperado] is a ranked guild.]

[Title: The Japanese community is exploding too, they are talking about Rising Sun all day long]

[Title: I saw the video, where is he attacking Is it true that an operator intervened?]

The community started to get dominated by posts related to the Rising Sun.

“Oh…… haha, look at the reactions.”

Leeha enjoyed the situation with great interest.

It was not bad. In order to shake up the Rising Sun members, it was necessary to make [Setting Sun Desperado] look strong as much as possible.

‘This is nonsense.’

[Title: It seems [Setting Sun Desperado] had entered the rankings.]

It is said that the guild master is Ha Leeha, but he is not in the top 10 right now. He’s also not in the top 500 ranking list previously surveyed by the US. It seems right for an archer ranker to sit down on the road and shoot his arrows.

-Did you not watch the video? There are no arrows on the corpses.

-Isn’t it a gun? I heard a crackling sound.

– Are there guns in Middle Earth?

-Even magicians carry shields =•=>=• But still gets killed. You won’t be able to do that if you’re not a ranker.

– [Rising Sun] is getting dealt with by [Setting Sun]…… phew…….

-1- A =1 =1 Yes.

Two things happened after what Leeha did. He showed his strength and hid his identity.

It was what Leeha expected when the planned the indiscriminate sniping.

“Hahaha, there are drawbacks to being famous……. ah, so good. I like the nickname they gave me.”

Leeha clicked on a video of his activity.

[Title: Get the video of the Cloud Magician]

How do you attack from there? It’s 2 minutes long, but the impact.

– Kya, the Rising Sun’s head exploded, it’s like an FPS game.

-Wherever he went, only two things are left, [Death] and [Clouds]…….

-If you’re a tanker, isn’t it possible to survive getting hit? What the fuck are you doing to die in one shot?

-I- Instakill. If you get hit in the head, you die.

-1_A head explodes whenever the cloud blooms? Is it an aim hack? No, before that, the range is that far?

Leeha’s video quickly became a hot topic. It was taken by a Rising Sun member, who was getting attacked.

In the video, in the chaos reminiscent of a battlefield, white smoke rose from somewhere in the distant forest.

The members of Rising Sun collapsed near the videographer whenever new smoke rose.

It was a short video in which the eyes of the videographer suddenly turned off while running to avoid the unknown attack, but the impact was different.

It was a 2-minute long recording, and users with their level in the 50s and 70s had their head explode! Because they exploded.

“I haven’t been caught yet.” Of course, Leeha was right.

However, what about Leeha’s appearance? Invisible!

He was at a distance where even his silhouette could not be seen even if one zoomed the video as much as they could. First of all, he was hidden in a Ghillie Suit, so it was hard to find him even when he was near, let alone in a video.

The attack range and the overwhelming power of one-shot-one-kill were hard to imagine for ordinary users.

When Leeha’s video started to spread on the internet, it was natural for him to be given all kinds of nicknames.

[Cloud Magician], [God’s Hammer], and even [Operator].

‘However, Rising Sun did not take any action. Are they just ignoring it? That would have an impact on their ‘sales’. At the very least, they should have a detached force……

It was Leeha’s 15th day of terrorism, and Rising Sun certainly reduced the number of their branch gatherings. However, they should have grasped Leeha’s location to some extent by now. It even came up with a video.

If so, there should be some kind of reaction from Rising Sun, but Leeha did not encounter anything.

‘Well, it’s fine if they act like that. Slowly, the organization would collapse once their members left, as if it’s dying.’

No mass departure happened yet, but what if the strength of the name Rising Sun disappeared?

There was no reason for the members to be on the Rising Sun if they can’t go around stealing other users’ items with PK.

‘The moment your members leave, you’re finished.’

Leeha had a sly smile.

“As a result, each branch’s income decreased by 43% on average compared to the previous month. In the case of branches with fewer members, there are up to 70% loss, which is expected to have a huge impact on our business in the future-.”

“Director of Planning.”

Y-yes! President. Yes. Please tell me.”

As the profound voice spread, the personnel reading the report written on the paper hurriedly bowed their head.

“ Why do you think I called a special meeting for the branch managers?”


“The number that comes out when you tap on the calculator, is like my blood- no, did I gather you here to talk about our money disappearing?”

“O-of course not. President Kyokujitsu-nim.”

About 25 people gathered in the dark room.

It was the guild master of Rising Sun, Kyokujitsu, and the branch managers of each branch.

( To be continued…)

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