Then a guy came into view. His attire was similar to that of other magicians, but he was a particularly young-looking guy. Above all, his skin was white and supple, and he stood out.

“Let’s go!!”


The bandits started to run out of town.

“Damn it! They are all in the same position- marking!”

Leeha’s third mark went to the young-looking man. A yellow outline was drawn on him.

“Phew……. I passed the first step.”

After confirming that the bandits were getting far away, Leeha went down the hill and headed towards the village.

“Uwaah ——! Daddy, daddy, da-! Moooommy!”

In front of the crying little boy was a man with a spear stuck in his stomach.

Did his father die and his mother taken away?

‘They didn’t have to make it so realistic……

Looting, arson, and destruction, but not all of the village.

Since they had to take the money the village earned, the bandits left most of them alive except for some ‘examples’.

‘The question is, can you still call them alive when their eyes are dead.’

A gloomy atmosphere emanated from the NPCs.

As Leeha passed by and glanced at them, the windows in the buildings were getting closed with a banging sound.

The only thing the villagers could give to a stranger was vigilance.

‘There are no users.’

Leeha opened his map. The terrain that recessed into the mountain range, and the village that moved further in after a long time.

A place that did not have a good hunting ground, and no roads to connect to neighboring cities. It was a place one wouldn’t come to unless one was really an explorer.

‘The main camp is, of course, at the foot of the mountain.’

In addition to the indication markers, the map showed three additional markers, T1, T2, and T3.

For the next 72 hours, they will not be able to hide from Leeha’s map.

“Excuse me, sir.”

Leeha talked to the old man who leaned against the outer wall of the building.

The old man did not answer.

“Sir……? I just have a question to ask.”

The old man stared into the air with a blank expression. Saliva dripped down his lips.

Leeha quickly brought up his concern.

“A group of bandits called Wild Angels _ ”

“AAhh-! A-Angel-nim, please spare me, t-this is all I have! P-please!”

“O-Oh no.”

The old man who looked like a sloth earlier moved faster than a cat.

The old man lay flat on the ground and rubbed his hands.

Hearing the word ‘Wild Angels’ he reflexively jumped out of it, and Leeha got flustered.

“I am not from Wild Angel. May I know when they are coming here?”

“I didn’t have any income since they left 10 days ago! They took my daughter too, and all I have is my life now. Please save me!”

A conversation didn’t seem to work, but Leeha got the information he wanted.

‘10 days……. Are they going to the town every 10 days?’

Leeha opened his map and left a mark on his location.

It was not the time to add prejudice or speculation. Only fact-based information

must be collected.

“What kind of weapon does the Wild Angel use? How many guys use bows or crossbows?”

“W-Wrong! My daughter was just amazed at Angel-nim’s face!”

“Old man.”

“Help me, help me!!”

“Wild Angel.”

“Help me, help me!!”


Conversations didn’t work. Leeha spent more time with the elderly man who begged for his life with tears and a runny nose.

Hoping he wouldn’t miss any information.

But he did not hear anything relevant.

‘I didn’t expect that it would work, but I wanted to hear their weapon composition.’

He checked again but having conversation did not work, Leeha looked around and knocked on doors, however, no one opened.

Leeha gave up as he did not get any answer even after he used bargaining.

‘Let’s chase those guys first.’

If he stayed in the village any longer, his existence would be discovered. If the Wild Angels ever returned, there was a risk that his existence as a stranger would be revealed.

Leeha quickly went out of the village and started chasing after Wild Angels.

‘This should be its range.’

Leeha’s map was reflected in the moonlight as he ripped his jerky. It was not easy to chase the guys on horseback while on foot.

‘It would have been impossible without marking.’

Leeha looked at the dark-looking gate at the base of the mountain.

He chased after them for more than 10 hours on foot from the village to where he found Wild Angels.

Only after confirming that the markers on the map stopped moving and stayed there for more than three hours did Leeha put a note on the map saying ‘This is where the Wild Angels are’.

After magnifying the map to the point where it was impossible to enlarge anymore, the first thing he did was to examine the topography of the place.

Looking at the map drawn up to the contour lines, he accurately put the mountain range in his head.

‘The second marked is the bow. The fact that he’s at the end,  means that the headquarters is narrow.’

T2, he’ll probably go the farthest anyway.

It was the reason why Leeha marked the one with the bow and not the one with the crossbow.

Since the bow required more skill than the crossbow, it would mean that he was the best among the guards, especially at night, because the most dangerous and remote areas were highly likely to be entrusted to experts.

‘There’s no way they would send the guys with the crossbows who are focused on short-ranged direct fire in a faraway place.’

If there was a watchtower in the base, they would have crossbows, but if it was long-ranged, they would mix archers and melee attackers to set up a boundary.

Leeha decided to investigate the area of the main camp slowly.

If he narrowed down the area to the limit, and from there he could approach again.

‘In manhwa and movies, the secret agent could easily analyze the data in the computer! Taking things out. Be careful moving around when the guards shift change, to not get caught! And doing stuff.’

However, it was not the same in reality. The tedious and persistent task of acquiring and analyzing information was the most important.

The time it took for a bullet to leave the muzzle and reach its target was 1 second.

But for that one shot, a sniper needed to prepare for one year.

‘Okay, I have to take it slow. I only need to investigate the western slope today. More than anything, I should focus on certainty and safety.’

Leeha had a lot of time and was not in a hurry.

The best date was in 6 days. All he had to do is blow off Angel’s head within 24 days.

After fully familiarizing himself with the terrain, Leeha rolled up his map and put it in his bag. Leeha roamed around the Wild Angel’s base day and night “

Sometimes when the marker moved,

Leeha laid down in place and endured for hours.

The wait was enough to make anyone nauseous, however, it was relaxing for Leeha.

‘It’s because I’m not in a hurry. I should close my eyes for a moment.’

Target 1, He confirmed that the guy with a mustache always entered the house.

In other words, even if the mark was released, Leeha could mark him again anytime.

Leeha investigated the third of the estimated area of the Wild Angel base until the timer of the marking skill was over.

Two days have passed when he logged back in, after sleeping in reality Leeha used the marking skill and checked the position of the guards, he also roamed around for a few more days, and went back to reality to sleep again.

Leeha couldn’t even tell what he was doing or if he was playing a different game.

After 17 days had passed in Middle Earth’s time, Leeha’s map was full of notes.


The outskirts of the Wild Angel’s main base, major boundary positions, and even the cycle when the Wild Angel plundered villages Leeha had taken notes of.

There were literally all sorts of information written on it.

“Haha, where’s that bitch?”

“She’s still in the private room.”

“Daamn, she’s still not out yet? I want to do her quickly too.”

One magician waved his waist and said.

“I don’t know if they will come out soon. They seem to like it.”

“Anyway, you can’t think straight when you see a pretty woman.”

“Isn’t it the same for the  boss.”

“Be quiet, you bastard. Stand guard on the border.”

There was no vigilance among them who exchanged vulgar words.

‘Even if they look closely, they won’t find me, with that in mind…… I miss the camouflage cream.’

Leeha laid flat under the tree, and removed the mud that was dripping down his eyelid.

Leeha used mud instead of camouflage cream, and weeds and grass were inserted in his hat.

If one didn’t really look closely, one would not be able to discover Leeha at night even if there was moonlight.

When the bandits started to talk about useless things again, Leeha moved.

A small tree behind them continiously emitted pale lavender light.

‘Magic Circle, crazy bastards! Bandit.’

It wasn’t until three days after he started searching for information did Leeha realize.

No matter how many bandits there were they were able to guard flexibly, but Leeha thought it was strange because their boundary point never changed.

‘They should have setup a magic circle on the border area. It would be difficult to use the return scroll after all.’

Besides, guards were watching over the magic circle, so it could not be destroyed.

‘In the end, I have you go in myself and shoot, and then get out range safely and use the return scroll.’

It meant that it was essential to thouroughly disguise and approach silently.

Leeha never sped up even after he passed the guards safely.

No matter how careful one was at night, there would still be sounds created, so it was important to be as quiet as possible.

And if one moved fast, one might miss an important point.

‘It’s these guys.’

Leeha put his finger in the air.

He covered himself with so much as that

even his silhouette was no longer visible.

If Leeha hurried up and move because I have safely passed the guards at the boundary, then he would be in trouble! They would know that an assassin came! And rumor would spread around the camp.

‘It should be okay since I have been here many times.’

Leeha bent over and moved back.

He took out the map and checked the movements of the markers one last time.

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