Master's Untamed Wife

Chapter 1343 Tie The Knot

Chapter 1343 Tie The Knot

"How about you come to my place tonight?" suggested Xia Zhao to Mu Chenyan when they came out of the airport. Mu Chenyan looked at him and said, "What's the point when you're not even gonna cross the line?"

Xia Zhao touched his nose, "There is no need to talk about this. I'm just trying to..."

"Respect me," Mu Chenyan cut him off. "Blah blah blah. I've heard that already. Keep respecting me."

Xia Zhao looked at her reaction, he put his hand around her waist and pulled her closer which took Mu Chenyan by surprise considering they weren't alone. They were still in the crowd and it wasn't like Xia Zhao to show his intimacy just anywhere.

He touched the side of her face saying, "You have already met my family and I have met yours. We are considered engaged already. So, we are an official couple who has the blessings of everyone. The only thing left is a marriage certificate."

Mu Chenyan narrowed her eyes at him, thinking of something to herself for a minute, she teased, "It's still afternoon. There are two hours before the Civil Affairs Bureau closes for the day. Do you dare go and register the marriage with me right now?"

"I dare," he answered. "I'd be more than happy to do so."

"Are you sure?" she asked again. She was originally just messing with him but seeing him taking it so seriously, she became serious too. Anyway, it's not like she hadn't done anything impulsive in life. This didn't seem all that bad either. In fact, she seemed to be looking forward to it more than she expected.

"I can't be sure than this," he said.

Mu Chenyan nodded to herself and called out, "Elder Xiang!"

"What is it?" "Can you send someone with my household booklet to the Civil Affairs Bureau?"

Grandfather Xiang paused when he heard this and then he smiled asking, "Are you registering your marriage?"


"I'll send someone right away. You get there and your household booklet will be there," he told her. "What are you still waiting for? Go and get married already!" Mu Chenyan gave him a look, "Why are you so eager?"

"It's finally happening. Why shouldn't I be eager?" said Grandfather Xiang. "Just go already! Don't dawdle!"

"Aunt, are you serious right now?" asked Xiang Wai in shock. "You're getting married. Just like this?"

Mu Chenyan shrugged, "Your sister also got married like this. Just on a random day after work."

Xiang Wai looked towards Raelle who nodded her head, "It wasn't exactly random. We decided the day randomly."

"It didn't even feel like we were getting married," said Shui Xian. "At least, until I held the red marriage certificate in my hands, I didn't have any feelings."

"This proves that some random decisions can also become a lifetime," said Mu Chenyan. "Who takes the decision of a lifetime like this?" asked Xiang Wai.

"We had coffee together," told Shui Xian. "Before that, I had no plans of getting married. But Bà told me about this girl that I have to marry even if I don't want to do so. So, our plan of marriage was really made on that one coffee date."

"Even blind dates don't work like this," said Xiang Wai.

"It used to work like that in the past century," said Shui Xian.

"Exactly! The last century! It happened in the past. Who does it in the present?"

"We do," answered Raelle. "Have any problem with that?"

"Okay, kiddos!" Mu Chenyan clapped her hands to get their attention. "I'll see you all after changing my relationship status."

"Go for it, Yanyan!" said Hyson. Then he turned to Xiang Wai, "See, Major? This is how to live! Once you have someone in your heart, get that person. Don't think so much. Plans fail. Surprise attacks are the best. Yanyan not only proposed before you but is also tying the knot before you."

Xiang Wai didn't even have it in her to argue with him right now because she was truly hit hard. She had been planning her proposal for so long and had yet to do anything but her aunt was going on a rocket speed and no one even found it weird. What the hell! Why was she so slow?

Xiang Weimin patted her shoulder to comfort her, "It's okay. Everyone lives in their own way. You don't have to feel so down. Even if you're walking the speed of a turtle, you'll still get to your destination eventually."

"Ge, those words are nice but trust me, I don't feel comforted at all right now," replied Xiang Wai. "Sigh! I can truly say that Aunt and Raelle are more similar than me and Aunt."

"Why do you say that?" he asked.

"They both chose a random moment to propose and they both chose a random day to get married too. I don't which one influenced the other one but it's true that they both have similar ideas sometimes. And here I am... I still haven't gotten a yes."

"You're not thinking of going to see Zhai Yanjun right now, right?"

Xiang Wai looked at her brother, "I didn't think about this before but it doesn't sound very bad either."

Xiang Weimin shook his head at her and pulled her with him, "Let's go home. No need to think so much nonsense right now."

"No, Ge, listen to me!"

"I'll listen to you when we get home," replied Xiang Weimin and dragged her with him to the car.

On the other hand, Xia Zhao really drove Mu Chenyan straight to the Civil Affairs Bureau. Mu Chenyan looked at the building in front of her and felt a subtle feeling in her heart. She never thought one day she'd be standing in front of this building to get married to someone. And definitely think that this someone would be Xia Zhao of all people.

"Yanzi, you aren't getting cold feet, right?" asked Xia Zhao.

"I'm not. What about you?"

Xia Zhao held her hand saying, "This had been a dream of mine. I dreamed of standing here with you so many times that even at this moment, I feel like I am dreaming."

"Should I bite you to let you know that it isn't a dream?" asked Mu Chenyan.

Xia Zhao put his other arm in front of her, "Go ahead. Only you were allowed to bite before and it'd be the same in the future."

Mu Chenyan tsked at him, "Am I a dog? Why would I bite?"

Xia Zhao touched her head lovingly and she swatted his hand away.

"Now, you're even rubbing my head like a dog."

"I am not. Don't look for a fight. When is your household register coming?"

"What about yours?" asked Mu Chenyan. "Don't you need it?"

Xia Zhao pulled it out of his pocket, "I have it with me."

Mu Chenyan looked at his household register in his hand and asked, "Why do you have this with you? Wait! Shouldn't it be with your parents?"

"Why would it be with them? I'm not on the same household register with them. I got separated after I became an adult. This way, my mother can really not control my marriage affairs or any other of my affairs."


"I've always been smart," said Xia Zhao.

"Miss Mu!"

Mu Chenyan turned around and looked at the man who brought her household register from home. She took it and took Xia Zhao inside the Civil Affairs Bureau. They had to line up and seeing that it'd get late, she wanted to use her connections to get things done faster. But she didn't have to do anything, once someone recognized Xia Zhao from the office and took them in immediately.

And in this way, things got done pretty fast. Holding the newly minted marriage certificate in her hands, she felt fresh and strange. Well, she wasn't alone on her household register anymore. Just looking at their names right beside each other made her smile to herself.

Seeing how happy she looked, Xia Zhao was in a very good mood right now.


"Huh?" Mu Chenyan looked at him blankly.

"What? You should get used to this title now."

"But I like it better when you call me Yanzi," she told him.

Xia Zhao hugged her in his arms tightly, "You'd always be my Yanzi. I am so happy right now. This is even more unexpected than when you proposed the other day. I didn't think we'd reach this point so early. Thank you!"

Mu Chenyan rubbed her face against his chest with a big smile on her lips. She hugged him back and said, "I should say thank you to you. Thank you for persisting to this point despite my stubbornness. Thank you for waiting for so long. Thank you for loving me like I never thought was possible. Thank you for being here for me. Thank you for everything!"

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