Master of none

Chapter 2216: Chase Walker
Walker had made waves again. The information traveling throughout Genesis was enough to make many mages want to abandon their studies within the mage tower altogether.

Not because they cared too little about them, but because they wanted to learn more about

Themselves to see if they should continue on that path.

Some mages had stopped to reconsider everything about themselves.

They were unsure if the foundations they had built with their study and strength were enough. If it was truly what they were meant to sue for their skills.

To be fair, the idea that they might not have been properly using mana the entire time was a big blow to their minds. Especially if they could have done better in terms of understanding their own affinity.

To a mage, it was like finding out that they hadn't even taken the time to learn of their own names if they lacked understanding of their own affinity for mana.

Things weren't just going crazy with the mages though.

Plenty of other elemental mana focused class users had been shocked by what they heard. The years taken to understand how to grow and use their manas could have been shortened through this process of using runes, a specialized mage, and testing?


Who had so many people missed this for years and years? Was it because the flow of mana was damaged to a degree and the world was separated from everything else? If that was the case, then it might not have been possible to fully grasp affinities at the start when they had been learning.

If this was the case, then the fact that they had just learned this still gave everyone a chance.

Not only the young regeneration a chance to start with a step ahead, but for people to reclaim their glory if they had become too old to hold their power the way they had been when they were young.

It was not uncommon for some of the elderly to find a second wind in this city now.

The mana and the growth of runes had already proven to give everyone a new way of looking at the world. However, it had also unlocked plenty of theories that had been seen as impossible.

Testing the true affinities people had was one of those impossible things. Walker was quick to dover that some people had become traveling mages in the past.

Through multiple races, there had been mages with higher sensitivity that believed they could find a spot in the world where they could better understand mana than others. Just the same as the dragons did.

They had been limited though. They could only feel something was not perfectly aligned within their bodies and what they tried to achieve.

Not exactly what that was though. There were pieces of the world missing.

Well, the world was just a piece in the grand scheme of things. So any theory or attempt to fully find what that was couldn't be done.

Hence why it was so quick and sudden that walker had discovered this. He had just happened to follow that same thinking of others in the past but had the environment to make leaps towards a proper form.

To ensure that he could succeed.

Many of the guards wished to have their affinities tested as soon as possible.

Not just because they could defend Genesis faster, but because they might be able to discover something that helped them rise higher in their chosen profession.

They weren't the only ones that thought that though.

There was a change in the dragons that had been more evident than others right away.

Mordant and Ignus had been present to heart and even saw what Walker was speaking about.

They had not been surprised to find that they had pure elemental affinity with dark and fire as they had their entire lives. They were pure elemental dragons.

It made sense that this would be the result.

However, this raised the question of the dual elemental dragons that had been born.

Or those that had managed to get unique forms of an elemental mana by being born between two different elemental dragons for the union of different villages.

If they could perfectly understand their own affinities then come to Geneiss to have their specialized training place created, wouldn't they also have a chance to become dominator dragons? Even if that wasn't a possibility, they could grow to become as strong as the elders without being held back as they had been.

It also meant that the dragons as a whole would have to change their thinking about elemental purity in the long run. There could be a lot changing that they had never considered.

A grand potential for their race to grow in the future. Especially if they did not need to maintain their thoughts about elemental purity as a whole.

The same thing that the angels had to fight against, just that their fight was slightly different since they embraced all elemental manas and not the ulterior manas like life, space, time, and death. Regardless, this was a large step for the dragon race to take and one that would need to be thought about in depth to ensure nothing went awry.

Walker was very clear sighted when it came to the way that dragons thought. He had heard about the fact that there was a steam dragon.

Something that had been between two major fire and water dragon villages. If that steam dragon was called to Genesis, they would have the chance to find out if they truly were a perfect balance of water and fire.

Or would they have a different affinity balance that could change what they saw themselves as?

This was all aside from the fact that a few of the rune carvers and the dwarves had rushed to be the first able to help make this all happen. The runes needed would allow rune carvers to test the limits of control when it came to mana flowing through rune formations.

Especially when compared to the other runes that were made. The focuses on runes right now were related to improving the flow of mana to one place.

They rarely had to create runes that repelled mana from somewhere so that other runes could focus on the in depth control of the amount of each mana in particular.

It would be a challenge that could adjust and create new rune formations that specifically created an exact form of fused mana every single time.

Or, one that could be adjusted through extremely careful control of the runes themselves to create an environment. This could lead to training areas that may even cause terrain alterations.

An idea only theoretical for now using the runes to make rune formations.

The reason that the dwarves wanted a part in this was that many had already begun planning the academy and the academy grounds.

If this would be part of the normal testing for the academy and for everyone within genesis, then they had to be involved. They were some of the largest contributors to the building of everything within Genesis.

Missing out on this would stop them from leaving their marks on history!

There was another group that saw this as unique.

The echidna had all strived to learn from nature.

Follow the flow of natural mana. But they were not all born with the telnet to follow that specific route.

They had to learn to find the flow of natural mana. Some spending years to do so with very little success.

This discovery gave them the chance to find a unique place within nature that they could exceed in. an opening of their eyes to a method they may have missed.

There was no anger or distaste though. They were very happy to find this for their future generations and to keep showing off their culture to other races.

They had become a very important aspect of life for the farmers and many others who had never expected that they could use natural mana in any form or fashion.

Herbalists raved about the way that the echidna suggested changing the flow of their planting schedules.

It had already shown progress overall, but things would just continue to change if the echidna without as much to teach found a method for growing.

Everyone could only be amazed by the changes beginning to show.

Walker was still at the very center of them since he was the only one able to fully alter all the mana in a singular space enough to test for affinities. Hence how he began to appear randomly through Genesis to ensure that he could surprise people with affinity tests.

Until the places he needed were built, he told everyone that luck would let them get their affinity tests sooner than later. It was the fairest way he could think of so that he would not be swarmed by people.

Although, everyone else found the idea of many children in Genesis playing hide and seek with Walker as the prize very amusing.


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