Master Of None

Chapter 2156 2156. Another Mana

Chapter 2156 2156. Another Mana

With a collective step, the group moved incredible distances. Walker was able to sense the mana and exert enough force on it to allow them all to move much faster. With every bit of mana that he grasped, it felt easier. Like he should have been doing this since the day he was born. The closeness with mana that Walker felt was skyrocketing. He was reaching out and grasping the density of elemental manas so that he could allow them to travel through the elemental planes. What he should have realized, was that by doing so he was touching on an entirely different mana. Walker had touched upon space mana before. However, it had been very difficult to understand. Very difficult to be able to use with his mana. Now that his body was gaining denser manas and he was leveling up to become stronger at a grander rate, his body had been able to begin adjusting. The acclimation to denser manas had pushed Walker further than what he had realized while he traveled with the party even in a short time. The origin race was a race that was well advanced in the grand scheme of things. So much so that they had all learned to go out in to the chaotic outer areas and discover more unique elemental planes. Walker was one of them. He had begun to properly act like one and learn about what that means for him. Right now, he had officially just grabbed on to spatial mana for the first time. Properly using other manas to displace himself and others to move forward rapidly. Yet, as he reached out to shift the manas again, he was not moving forward. Isnetad, they were all beginning to teleport. The reason that it was advancing so much better than seconds ago, was that the party was so deeply connected to one another, that their manas were resonating. The entire party was moving with Walker. In perfect synchrony. Their every step came with their manas moving too. They instinctively matched Walker's lead as they had always done. In that action, the space mana that Walker had begun to use was covering them better. Partnering with them in their movements with a much greater and smoother degree. While they were unable to grasp the actual affinity for it and even grasp how to teleport like this, there had been something that every member of the party had been exposed to before. Every single time that Walker had used spatial storage, and then later, high spatial storage, the party had been exposed to space mana. Even for the briefest of moments, they had been exposed to it. That was why, when they each saw the skill, spatial storage, appear, they were amazed. It was not as grand as Walker's high spatial storage, which they all knew might grow again, but who cared? It was valuable for Gil who could make more unique arrows and even begin to fashion more unique bows since he had already begun to think about that as a hobby. Making bows would be very different from the thousands of arrows he had made by now. Remey immediately thought about the herbs and potions she could store. That and a few extra things. She had half a mind to try and bring an entire alchemy lab with her wherever she went. When it came to Su, she also thought about potions and medical equipment. Yet, she also thought of additional armors and shields. Made for defending certain situations. It would be a very good addition to her goal to protect others. Always using the most advantageous defense would be perfect. Onyx and Midnight had unsurprisingly reached the same conclusion. Proving that race did not change the natural bind of siblings. As a younger brother and older sister, the two had already decided that they would stuff their spatial storages with something very important. Food. too much food. All the food they could get. Just food, food, and more food. Even if they had to beg Walker's mother for years just to fill it. Walker didn't pay much attention to the fact that even in perfect unison, everyone's minds were racing on entirely different subjects. However, to be fair, he was distracted mentally too. His mana sense was telling him where the monsters of other beings nearby were. They were crossing through the boundaries of water, light, and fire as if it was just a quick walk in the park. The changes in his affinities and what Walker sensed though, was very related to the mana sense growing to a higher level. This wasn't just him feeling the mana better because of his race. Walker understood that he was adding space mana to his mana sense properly. That allowed him to sense more than just the elemental manas and how they moved around other beings. This gave Walker a feeling of something's existence. The room that this existence took up was that being. Space mana was there to prove it. That space mana was everywhere like a very thing lace hung over existence itself. Because space mana existed, beings could exist within that space. Without space mana, then whatever was there would cease to be. Not because they were killed, but because the area that they existed in the frost place was no more. What would be left, might not even be comprehensible. Walker couldn't even begin to fathom this since he was still too inexpensive to even approach such knowledge. He could sense it, like an invisible wall telling him he wasn't ready. 'The skill, high storage, is growing due to the higher purity in space mana within the user's body.'

'The skill storage dimension had been taken from the spatial planes walker system. '

'Storage dimension- requires all elemental manas, ability to fuse them, high amounts of materials, and incredible knowledge going beyond the elemental manas entirely.

This skill allows for more than just high spatial storage. With the right mixes of manas and understandings of those manas, the user of this skill can begin to create a space dimension of their own. It will occupy a unique space that the user creates. It can ot be invaded or destroyed without the creator's desire or death. The dimension is limited, but larger enough to build up over time. Potentially having an entire world within. For those that transcend deartina levels of strength, it is potential to have multiple worlds within. A grander knowledge is needed however. This costs an immense amount of mana over time. The more mana given, the more powerful the dimension can becomeā€¦' There was so much information that Walker regretted looking at the system for the first time in a while. He had begun to grasp this skill when it had appeared with him. But the space mana needed was nothing he could control right this second. He needed the time to acclimate even more. Not to mention learn more intricate secrest about manas overall. With a moment of clarity, Walker brought them much further. He could tell the best places that he should move toward. He could sense how the manas were flowing in those places. A more unique way of using the space mana while alo using his ability to manipulate manas. Right now, he was even grasping the small changes of the elemental planes moving. Their shifting was all shown off by denser threads of extremely pure elemental manas. Some of which Walker knew were there now, but couldn't yet sense properly. He just knew they existed in the senses of space mana. Putting that aside, Walker knew that he could use this feeling to begin creating his own storage dimension. If he replicated it after the library in the mansion they iced, then he could grow it from there. He didn't need a world to be fair. He just needed a place that he could bring others to enjoy things he wished to cherish. The safest place he could put something precious to him that held plenty of memories. If anyone knew what Walker was thinking, they might feel embarrassed that they didn't think this way first. It was too pure a reason. Yet, it spoke to the person Walker was becoming. Why he had been able to come this far. "Is that what I think it is?" a large shape was moving, covered in flames but also standing out amongst the light mana because of the difference in color. "Yes. There is a figure moving from the fire elemental plane in to the light elemental plane, and it's just a massive skeleton ten times my height." there was an additional actress in su's voice while she looked at it. The manas radiating from it were powerful and intimidating. Especially with this size.

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