Master Of None

Chapter 2151 2151. Floating Undead

Chapter 2151 2151. Floating Undead

With the three drowned now incapacitated and struggling to use the water mana to move, midnight did not let them get away. Her next attack used her claws coated in water mana dense enough to form ice slashed through their heads easily. Many people underestimate the extreme sharpness that ice could create. "The immortal king is getting worse. He might have more people with him." Walker was sure that this was the case. He could see that su and the others were put in a very unhappy mood learning all of this. Hence why their speed began to increase. Walker could sense various ripples nearby, but they weren't anything to worry about. They had a purpose within the water elemental plane and they could avoid the monsters here. However, they did not realize that the shifting of the water currents was harder to predict. Especially since larger monsters called this place home. The kraken they had seen a tentacle of was not the largest. 'Tidal whale

This is a monster known for traveling the largest aspects of the open waters within the water elemental plane. They are peaceful and do not cause harm intentionally. They only chase after the colder water flowing around the edges of the frozen sections of the water elemental planes. Their massive size is what causes chaos around them though. Every flap of their tail which propels them through the water using water mana, causes the currents around them to alter. They can even cause the entire water elemental plane to shift when they are in panic. Due to this, they will cause many monsters and beings to be displaced. Hence why they are seen as beings of destruction even though they are not intentionally causing said destruction. They have a unique water based fat that coats the inside of their bodies. It is extremely valuable to those within the fire elemental planes due to the fact that they will be able to use it to greatly increase their resistance to water mana attacks. This is important because many of the water and fire beings venture in to the boundary between them to battle one another…'

The details about the water and fire boundary weren't needed right now. Right this second, the party had the single instinct to latch together as the massive tail pushed the even larger blue monster forward. Large spikes of ice grew on the blue tidal whales back. This was because they always remained within the coldest water at all times. But the speed it moved was another story. The force behind its tail was enough to cause the party to be thrown through the water and even out of it on to a floating glacier within the waters. They were the lucky ones though, based on how fast the glacier moved through the water, if they had still been inside, they would be sent for who knew how far. The only bonus was that the immortal king must also be affected by this since Walker coiled spot signs that another tidal whale was some distance away. "This place is a mess!" There was a lot of frustration in Remey's tone since they kept chasing the immortal king but ending up where they didn't need to be. Yes, they had managed to meet for a brief moment the true earth sage and the earth king, but that wasn't what they had come here for originally. They had met a unique race for a moment within the wind elemental plane. But again, not the goal. And now, they had been thrown deeper in to the water elemental plane and hopefully being pushed towards the boundary of whatever place the immortal king was being pushed towards. "Calm down, the immortal king lost some undead too. They are floating there." Seeing that Gil had been able to roll with the sudden chaos, everyone followed his sightline. After a moment, they noticed that within a semi frozen, slushy, water, there was evidence of broken undead. 'Mutated cyclops ogre

Through multiple mutations and magical alterations, this was a zombie made from both the body of a green lands cyclops and a mountain ogre. The intention was to create an intensely powerful and easily repairable meat shield. It succeeded. This undead zombie was able to take hits from an ancient dragon when it was in its prime. Over time, the species of its body parts began to become extinct and inferior species parts were used. As such, its body could not handle the pressure of water mana from traveling monsters. Therefore, it was completely broken leaving only half the zombified body to rot for the final time. It was created…' The methods used were not important to Walker. He was a little glad to what about two different species of extinct monsters that had once existed. However, He had no reason to learn how a monster like this was made. When it came to intentions of making undead, he had none. He had even stopped making the temporary golems and puppets using fire or earth manas. It felt wrong to make them and send them to attack now. Especially after so much time meeting undead used as slaves. "He even had ancient monsters that he put together to make undead. The immortal king is not getting better." This was proof to Su that there would be more and more undead that would be tough to handle. Especially since they were already certain that they would be fairly powerful undead that they had never seen before. "It's what we expected. But for now, we can just follow the damage. Its body was torn apart by the colliding water currents. It's a blessing we didn't have to counter those" Walker knew that he would have exhausted all of his mana to defend from that. Let alone the fact that he would have still been injured. The rest of the party would have been severely injured as well. The two tidal whales that they had seen were long gone too. They had appeared for a short time but caused massive amounts of damage. Enough that their all around appraisal made a lot of sense. Peaceful monsters that traveled the colder water, but caused tons of damage. The elemental planes proved to be a weird place yet again. "Brother!" Midnight leaped up and shouted. She was looking at the sky ahead, but it wasn't really a sky. It was a boundary. The way that the elemental planes worked, this felt like up, but the party could easily travel that way without much issue. The reason that midnight had reacted so suddenly wasn't that there was a boundary to another elemental plane though. What she had noticed was that there was something above them in that elemental plane which was very familiar. "It's a dragon, I can sense it too." Su's intuition allowed her to pick up on her natural instinct. She was a half dragon. Therefore, she had the innate ability to sense a dragon as she neared one. Just like Midnight. But when she focused on it, she could sense it much more clearly. The light that shimered through toward the slushy waters stopped Walker from getting a clear enough view that he could use the all around appraisal. However, he could sense it too. He was deeply related to dragons, he was even recognized as the nature dragon. Therefore, his senses allowed him to pick up on the very same draconic aura that rise had as she moved through the sky. "It has to be a light dragon. Or it might be a mixed light and water type dragon. We should try to see what it is doing." Walker was certain that was the right move. As much as he wanted to try to follow the floating body parts, the elemental planes would be a tougher place to traverse. Especially since he could also see that the light ws ahead, not just above. The way this place worked would still remain a mystery. Besides this, it was a valuable chance to gather light mana to use in attacking the undead. They were dangerous and needed to be purified in some way or another. The best method to do that would be for Onyx to gain a lot more light mana while the others gathered what they could with their own affinities. Meaning Su, Midnight, and walker. Gil might be able to replenish some arrows though. "Onyx, we might meet some ancient abyssal and heavenly serpents. Don't be hasty, take your time." Walker realized that there was a very large chance they would see the largest and most ancient of onyx's race. If that was the case, he would need to be prepared. This wouldn't just be a growth opportunity. "I will be ready." Onyx's mind focused as he allowed his full form to escape his shadow. No need to hide it now. …

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