Master Of None

Chapter 2140 2140. Important Race

Chapter 2140 2140. Important Race


While the conversation grew, it was interesting to see the way that someone else perceived the world from outside of it. To the true earth sage, the world was some frozen in place thing. Time could have stopped there. Everything he knew could have been just waiting for him to return. He had been cut off from it while undergoing his own journey here.

Walker also found it interesting that he mentioned how he had been in pursuit of different earth mana related strengths and theories. He had not followed the immortality exploration as his race mostly did and what they had literally been known for.

Due to that, he had not been as accepted. He had not been as supported as the others. They had different goals with their research, and just researching a singular mana to understand it at the deepest possible level was not what they focused on.

Walker felt that the immortal chasing race might have had some similarities to the angels. They had divided themselves up by their research and what they needed to study. Such as the other manas that were not a part of the core manas or even when looking within one of their two empires, they cut themselves off from one another to focus on a singular mana or research topic.

The immortal choosing race appeared a little more unified over all though. They mostly researched the key to immortality. They shared their research. They built their city up to literally create a core of their greatest research.

It made Walker think that because their entire culture was related to researching, experimentation on other beings, and finding immortality, that they might have been blind. That the immortal chasing race had lost the ability to see their actions as evil because they had created a culture where they believed they were doing something amazing.

This idea that their perspective and allowed them to move forward ignoring what could be seen as evil acts put Walker in a strange mindset. Because to them, his actions as a hero would seem as those of a villain. Not that the immortal king remaining now didn't have a new perspective. He had literally become an elder lich. A monster.

The true earth sage appeared to have a more biased view point. He missed his people because he cared for them no matter what they had done. However, he was appalled by their work because it made his own research unimportant. It went against what he had learned as he grew within his field of earth mana research.

The true earth sage had learned that all things can return to right. They can rot through dark mana, and what was left would become one with the soil. Would slowly nourish the earth so that other things could grow. That was an important characteristic of all earth, stone, gravel, all aspects of earth mana.

It gave a solid foundation for all life to grow, and also allowed for other manas to have places to use as a solid bond. Hence, magma could be brown when mixing with fire so that new lands and mountains could grow. So much came to be when the earth was potent and solid. Therefore, immortality would be against the earth. Against the flow of manas that he could comprehend and flow along with.

Therefore, knowing that the way the others were researching undead and immortality through the experimentation of unique skills, harmed him. It could break his research since it would break the flow of earth mana that he had understood for many years now.

"You must know, that when I return, I will explore the world as I see fit. I will not see it only through one eye." the true earth sage had decided that he would prefer to follow things as he needed. With the flow.

"That's fine. I just hope that when that day comes, you visit Genesis and try some good food." Walker knew that the true earth sage didn't need food since he was literally made of earth and earth mana now. He had given up his form so that he could become truly one with his research.

"That would be appreciated. It has been a very long time since I was able to rest easily anywhere with a banquet and a party." The idea sounded almost fantastical to the true earth sage after so many years he had lost count while being here.

"You will seek out the earth king, the highest spiritual being when it comes to earth. They are unique and they are stubborn within their own right. They represent earth and all that earth mana is. It is very unlike the odd little earth spirit you have. He is not like the earth spirits we have." this stumped Walker. He had thought that the true earth sage had realized.

"This is a member of the spirit race, the grand earth spirit who balanced the world with us when it was unbalanced due to broken mana flow."

"Spirit race? Not the elemental race? I had my theories…" A hand came to the true earth sage's chin in curiosity.

Walker quickly explained that after the flow had returned to the world and they had awakened many dormant elemental spirits, that they had begun to take on their own race. That they had all believed the elemental planes were the same.

"Elementals are more common. Spirit race might be here, but elemental spirits are more likely. Then the intelligent and powerful spirits become elementals. Beings of denser mana that may look and act similar to me the more powerful they are. That is how I gained my form, I allowed the earth to take my being and shape me yet again as an elemental. Is that not what you did?"

"Ah, that was different. I accepted manas and the binds I had with two of my family members. That led me to focus on life mana unique to rebirth and new life within an underwater volcano. I applied the same sort of manipulation forcing the life mana to flare up within my body. When I did that, I blended the manas, affinities, and everything about me together perfectly. I managed to become a member of the Origin race."

"The what!?"

"I will personally be taking you to the earth king. He will not remain in stubborn slumber with you there. Stop hiding your mana and let it free." This was not what anyone expected to hear. The change in tone was of shock and a little awe.

"Is everything alright?" Walker felt that he might have done something wrong.

"Not at all. Origin race, how much of an honor it is to see your people here. Thank you for your visit. I hope to learn great things."

"Ture earth sage, please relax. I am blind to what the origin race truly is and what they do. Just treat me as you have been doing. I was once just a human before I embarked on my journey. Before I began this never ending adventure that brought me throughout the world and now even here." Walker tried to laugh it off but the others were also a bit worried.

"Of course, I did not wish to rush you. You are one of the important beings that help unify the elemental planes preventing the elemental wars from returning. You can weave the very fabric of mana. See the very essence of what mana and all existence is. Your race's ventures in to the unknown have only brought new creations to the elemental planes and their outer edges. Your race is one that can mold chaos in to order if they so desire."

Such high praise was amazing. Walker felt that he was getting a very new understanding of what the origin race was. What they could do when they had gained enough strength. It was so powerful that they were able to stop chaotic mana and create things from it. An astounding feat.

"What about dragon souls? Do you know about them?" Remey saw that the true earth sage had a lot of knowledge and decided to ask away. Why not?

"Dragon soul? You mean those born with the purest manas among the dominator dragons and the elemental devourer dragons?" Now Remey looked excited and surprised just like Walker. He also looked at her with interest since he wanted more answers too.

"I have no idea, I did a lot like Walker and followed a new path to a new race just like he did. I had to come here since the manas in the world were not as pure as here." When Remey said this, the true earth sage looked as if he was having a hard time. Too much was happening. Too much new information that really just did not make sense. What kind of place had the world become for amazing events like this to happen?

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