Master Of None

Chapter 2136 2136. Way To Go

Chapter 2136 2136. Way To Go

The speed that the scorched roc had while moving toward them was more than what any of the party had expected. The flames building on its body also proved that it had a decent control of fire mana compared to what was expected of a dual affinity monster. Walker was going to act by stopping the fire mana, but Remey seemed like she was more full of energy. She had already put a hand out to stop anyone else from stepping forward. As she stretched her fingers and rolled her neck, she fell in to a fighting stance. Ina single leap, Remey's body was wreathed in flames. Larger dragon wings of fire, horns of flame, and claws overtook her hands. This was the form of a dragon soul. A being that is unified in mind and soul which could feed on the very mana that it had an affinity for. The impact of her flame clawed fist striking the scorched roc caused the stone feathers to break off and fall to the ground. The entire roc fell to the ground right after. Remey just stood there looking at it as if she was not at all impressed. "So, Remey might have just doubled in strength the moment we stepped in to this place. Is that normal?" Gil's questions was more than fair. They all knew how she could give in to her temper and punch someone. But if she didn't realize just how much stronger she was now, then she might hurt for real. "This thing is not as strong as I thought, but it was also not too smart to be attacking us. So not a race, just a monster made of rocks and fire." Remey dragged the scorched rock toward them. From what Walker had though, she had crushed it. But when he noticed that it was just knocked out. "What? I wasn't going to kill something right when we arrived. This doesn't seem like somewhere we should hunt randomly." Now it sounded like Remey was speaking the basic logic that they all had in their head most of the time. But to be fair they were looking at a much more mature Remey than usual. However, she also had a basic instinct.

This was a place where her newly acquired race would be at home. So, she might have a general feeling not to attack certain things or that he would have the ability to figure out the natural flow of the elemental planes. Walker had noticed that Remey was looking toward the fire elemental plane a lot. That the boundary they were in was only a place she was. Not where she should be going. Lack of focus, not that she wasn't actually focused. "I am trying to make sense of all the mana. My mind is overworked right now. Remey, what's the fire mana feel like to you?" Walker was still having a hard time to acclimate to the denser manas. It was like he could see much more now. It wasn't bad, just hard to adapt to since the world had not been anything like this. He could feel so many manas making their way in to his body. Like he was reconnecting to a better place for him in general. Anyone would feel put off. "It feels like someone just cooked a great dinner and is just waiting for me to find my way to the dining room?" Remey questioned this as she said it because she wasn't sure that it was the exact feeling. But to say hungry, was making a lot of sense. Her body needed denser fire mana than what most people could find or condense. Therefore, she had the sense that she needed that mana for her growth. Of course the hungry feeling would somewhat fit the bill compared to contemplating which emotion fit the situation perfectly. "I think I understand what you guys mean. I can sense more mana around us, but not that I can do anything with. I'm not like you two. But it does feel like I got a bit of a boost all around. Like I am somewhat more complete when it comes to certain aspects of my body." Gil's had the half high elf side of who he was. Now that this was the case, he was able to sense manas in nature better. Since this was how he sensed the earth and fire mana, he also caught on to the fact that it was helping them. Everyone had mana within their body. This was just a fact. Walker had many theories about mana making things up and whatnot. But those would be for a time when they had the freedom to explore these potentials. Gul was sensing that his body was getting purer fire and earth mana compared to what they had gotten in the world. Therefore, his body was absorbing it to allow it to properly grow. to allow their full potential. Midnight huffed a few times as she was clearly feeling the effects. As a dragon she had resistances to all elemental manas of some form. Mostly because she also had the affinity for all manas. Thanks to being a true dragon champion. She could be the best dragon he could be. She also had the ability to begin mixing manas and using natural mana. She had learned the degree of control from all the dragons and Walker. Even from Fleur too which was an amazing accomplishment when it was taken in to account that Fleur was a grand nature mana spirit. Now the leader of the spirit race. Because he had such great teachers, she had managed to learn how to bring even more mana to her. The dragons all needed large amounts of mana to grow. They used it as a means to create the foundation of their strength within elemental purity. Right now, Midnight was able to condense and store away a large amount of fire and earth manas. Much more densely than usual. Even Su had started to feel herself grow. The only one that appeared to be entirely distracted was Onyx. he was focused looking in the distance. He could sense the light elemental mana that was extremely pure. It was a bit far away, but it was close enough that he felt he could go there easily. "We all need to get a hold of ourselves. There isn't a lot we can learn and gain from here. But first of all. We need to find an intelligent race and let them know of the undead that came here. They might be able to help." Walker snapped everyone back to their senses. It was fine if they gained benefits while they were here. However, they had to remain focused on their true goal. If they were unable to capture the immortal king before he went somewhere he should not be, it could cause a war. Let alone how powerful the immortal king could be if he managed to grow an army here or find a death elemental plane. As if in curiosity, Su looked down as Walker had tried to get everyone to choose a direction. Near her foot, she spotted a small brown figure. "You're an earth spirit of the spirit race, hello. My friend and I are traveling through here looking for someone to help us. Can you point us in the right direction?" When Walker noticed that Su had attracted the attention of an earth spirit, he realized the boons that they had just for having spirit marks with grand elements spirits or with elemental spirits in general. Su's partner was the grand earth spirit. Even though it slumbered often in the spirit mark for long periods of time, the earth spirits here could still sense it. Could still Su's connection to earth which was stronger than other affinities. "King"


The little spirit managed to speak just those two options. It appeared that the stubbornness of an earth spirit was still plenty strong within the earth elemental plane. "Thank you. Can you take us to the sage? One of my friends has a young sage title and maybe something better by now." Su couldn't for the life of her remember all of Walker's titles and skills. She just went with what she thought she remembered him saying. The little earth spirit pointed ahead. Still somewhere close to the earth and fire boundary, but further in to the earth elemental plane. Since they didn't have anything else to go off, this was the best option for all of them "Let's go, maybe this sage came from the world once upon a time. Or they are an intelligent race we can properly form an alliance with while here." Walker was glad that they had a direction to go. …

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