Chapter 176: Fully Opened

Countless weak threads of Internal Breath flowed through the countless meridians in his body that were also fine, even much thinner than fine threads.

Although every Internal Breath was as thin as a gossamer thread and could almost be ignored by most martial artists, their strength was slightly different. Moreover, each breath had a different frequency of vibration. Some were extremely high, but some were very slow.

These tiny Internal Breaths flowed back and forth in the huge meridian system, but no two strands had ever touched each other. They were perfectly separated at all times.

If the meridians were compared to roads, and these Internal Breaths were compared to cars that ran on roads like the meridians, then this was like the current situation. On the transportation network formed by thousands of roads, there were thousands of cars flying around at the highest speed. The scene looked extremely chaotic, but it was actually extremely orderly and no accidents would happen.

He could divide the Internal Breath in his body into more than 2,000 strands at the same time and could even accurately control the strength, frequency, and even directional trajectory of every Internal Breath. Apart from Chu Nan who had the powerful data ability of a A.I., no other martial artist could do this.

Feeling that he had already increased the limit of his control to 2,000 strands of weak Internal Breath, he opened up another 1,000 fine meridians. At the same time, he repaired the 1,000 fine meridians that he had opened previously. Soon, he tempered these 1,000 fine meridians until they were strong enough to endure the Second Revolution Internal Breath. Chu Nan’s mind did not move and he continued to maintain them.

After repeating this process again, Chu Nan suddenly retracted all his Internal Breath and divided a trace of Internal Breath to circulate through all the meridians in his body at full speed.

It took nearly five minutes before this trace of Internal Breath completely ran through all the main meridians, secondary meridians, and fine meridians and returned to the dantian.

During this process, this trace of Internal Breath did not encounter any obstruction in every meridian. It flowed smoothly without obstruction, and it was extremely smooth—even in any of the fine meridians.

This also meant that after half a month of hard work, Chu Nan had finally completely opened all the meridians in his body!

Every single meridian was unlocked!

He did not even let go of the tiniest fine meridians.

It was truly completely opened!

Chu Nan slowly opened his eyes and could not help but laugh.

“Haha… no matter how crazy my thoughts are, there’s nothing impossible!”

That’s right, if he wanted to completely open up every meridian in his entire body in the truest sense, not even the tiniest fine meridians would be missed. This was undoubtedly a very crazy idea.

However, Chu Nan really did it!

At first, even he felt that this was a crazy idea. It might be possible to realize it, but it was extremely difficult.

After all, the total number of fine meridians in an ordinary person’s body had reached a terrifying million. It was simply impossible to open every single one.

However, with Chu Nan’s powerful data ability, he could only control a hundred or two hundred Internal Breaths at the same time to ‘work’ on those fine meridians. Later on, this number increased to 1,000 or 2,000, causing the number of fine meridians he could open to reach tens of thousands every day!

Coupled with the fact that Chu Nan was almost always focused on this matter every day, he only used half a month to complete such an extremely crazy task.

When he recalled that his Internal Breath had been circulating through all the meridians in his body without any obstruction, Chu Nan felt especially happy.

After thinking for a moment, with a thought, the Internal Breath in his dantian surged wildly. It left his dantian and was instantly divided into 68 strands that flowed into all the 68 major meridians that had been opened. Then, it was divided into more than 300 strands that flowed into all the secondary meridians that had been opened.

Next, these three hundred plus Internal Breaths continuously spread out, finally turning into more than a million extremely small Internal Breaths that entered each of the even thinner fine meridians.

The feeling of his Internal Breath filling his entire body made Chu Nan feel as if his entire body had expanded by half the original size. His entire body was filled with strength, as if all his muscles and cells were filled with power.

Under the effect of the Internal Breath, countless extremely small parts of his body even felt sore and swollen. Clearly, he was enduring the refinement and improvement of his Internal Breath.

This discovery made Chu Nan very happy.

The decision to open up all the meridians in his body was undoubtedly very correct.

When Internal Breath could truly fill every meridian, the tempering of the Internal Breath towards the body would naturally be even more comprehensive, without any mistakes, and it would be even faster.

If he could have reached this level five years ago… No, three years ago, he was certain that there would definitely not be any problems with his current body refinement. When he broke through the Cosmic Heaven’s Gate in the future, there would definitely not be an almost impossible problem that Rengal had pointed out.

“It’s not too late now!”

Chu Nan took a deep breath and controlled his Internal Breath to circulate according to the fifth level of the Nine Revolutions Technique. As expected, he discovered that the meridians used were much fewer than the meridians opened in his entire body. As for the million fine meridians, he did not use a single one.

“Is there a cultivation method in the sect that can use all the meridians in your body, including even the fine meridians?”

Chu Nan could not help but wonder before he shook his head and rejected it.

There was definitely no such Internal Breath cultivation method.

It was not that no martial artist had thought of this, but that it was impossible for a martial artist to do it.

“Then I’ll try it myself.”

Chu Nan recalled that when he broke through the second level of the Nine Revolutions Technique to the third level, he had completely relied on his powerful data ability to experiment bit by bit. In the end, he discovered the most suitable method to circulate his Internal Breath and broke through.

However, it was obvious that this was an extremely huge and terrifying project.

When he broke through the second level of the Nine Revolutions Technique, the meridians circulating in Chu Nan’s Internal Breath were only 23 main meridians and 64 secondary meridians. Even so, the amount of work to test them one by one was huge, but with his data ability, he could still easily complete them.

However, if he wanted to test all the opened meridians in his body now…

It was fine if it was only a mere 68 major meridians and more than 300 secondary meridians, but with more than a million fine meridians… This was impossible.

Just as Chu Nan was thinking about how to resolve this problem, a reminder sounded from the personal terminal on his wrist.

“Star Cloud Academy has officially released the latest announcement. The public enrollment date of the new Star Cloud Academy is set to begin on the seventh of January next year on Earth. The specific content of the test will be announced later. The official reminder of Star Cloud Academy is that students who want to register for Star Cloud Academy, please register before the 31st of December on Earth and accept the initial evaluation.”

Chu Nan instantly put down all his distracting thoughts and opened his personal terminal to seriously read this official statement.

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