Master Of Martial Arts Has An Advanced Optical Brain

Chapter 261 - Internal Breath Can Also Be Used to Shower

Chapter 261: Internal Breath Can Also Be Used to Shower


Chu Nan jumped into the river naked. The cold river water soaked his entire body and instantly shook him.

Then, he discovered a very serious problem.

He only wanted to take a shower, but he did not have any bathing tools at all, so how could he wash himself clean?

Chu Nan looked around and was a little dumbfounded.

They only knew that they were here to participate in the test. Who would think of bathing in the wild?

If it was an ordinary sweat, it would be fine. The water of this small river was cool and clean. If he rubbed it hard, he could barely wash it. However, his entire body was stained with the blood of ferocious beasts and mixed with the various auras of the ferocious beasts. It was extremely unbearable.

If he did not wash it properly, he would probably feel even worse after touching the water.

“I miscalculated… If only I had wanted a bottle of shower gel and detergent.” Chu Nan glanced at the clothes he had thrown by the river and could not help but sigh.

Compared to his body, the blood on his clothes was even more serious, and it was even more impossible to wash it clean.

When he recalled that he had to wear those clothes later, Chu Nan felt his entire body become sticky and uncomfortable.

“Is there any way?” Various solutions quickly flashed through Chu Nan’s mind, but they all felt that it was unreliable.

“If only it was at home. No matter how dirty the clothes are, they can be thrown into a high-frequency wave cleaner. Sigh… wait!”

When he thought of this, Chu Nan’s heart suddenly stirred.

The high-frequency wave cleaner was said to be able to perfectly deal with all the stains on clothes. Any clothes could be washed until they were almost as clean as if they had just been made. The principle was to use the high-frequency wave to shatter all the materials on the clothes at the molecular level, causing them to be completely separated from the clothes.

Then, the principle was also high-frequency vibration. Could he use high-frequency Internal Breath vibration to do what the high-frequency wave cleaner could do?

This idea was undoubtedly quite bold, and it could even be said to be whimsical.

However, Chu Nan thought about it carefully and felt that it was not impossible.

With his powerful data ability, he could use the high-frequency vibration Internal Breath to simulate a pulse to treat his meridians. Therefore, there was no reason why he could not simulate a high-frequency wave cleaner.

He did as he thought.

Of course, Chu Nan did not directly take the clothes over to experiment. Instead, he mobilized a trace of Internal Breath from his dantian and accumulated it on the back of his left hand.

There was a piece of blood on the back of his hand that had been stained at some point. He had scrubbed it for a long time but could not clean it. Now, it had become his test target.

Chu Nan first controlled this trace of Internal Breath to continuously flow around the skin near the stain on the back of his hand. Then, he slowly adjusted the frequency of his Internal Breath’s vibration and continuously increased.

In the beginning, other than feeling the skin on the back of his hand vibrate continuously under the influence of his Internal Breath, there was no change.

However, as he adjusted the frequency of his Internal Breath vibration higher and higher, not only did the skin on the back of his hand vibrate faster and faster, the Internal Breath seeped out from the back of his hand and even caused the small portion of space near the back of his hand to vibrate at a high frequency.

Chu Nan felt a little strange.

Previously, it was not as if he had not tried to circulate his Internal Breath through his body. At the same time, he shook at a high frequency, but this was the first time the space had shaken.

After thinking for a moment, he felt that this might be the first time he had tried to accumulate his Internal Breath in a small area near his skin, causing the range of vibration to be even closer. This was the reason for this phenomenon.

After the space was affected by his Internal Breath, an extremely high frequency vibration fluctuation quickly appeared in the small space. Then, Chu Nan saw the blood stain that could not be washed clean on the back of his hand shatter and turn into extremely fine residue. It was washed away by the river water that seemed to have boiled because of the vibration and disappeared.

Chu Nan raised his left hand in surprise and saw that the back of his hand had already become extremely smooth and white. It was even cleaner than when he had used various bathing tools to wash it twice at home.

Even the pores on the back of his hand were completely clean at this moment, like a newborn baby.

“Damn, does it have to be so effective?”

Chu Nan looked at it carefully and thought for a moment. He mobilized another trace of Internal Breath and gathered it near a stain on his left arm.

Soon, this stain completely disappeared. The skin on the arm near the stain also became extremely clean and white, forming a strong contrast with the surrounding skin that had not been affected by Internal Breath.

“Alright, if this works, I can save on shower gel in the future.”

Chu Nan muttered in his heart and pondered for a moment. A powerful Internal Breath surged out from his dantian and transformed into more than a hundred strands that surged into all the main and secondary meridians respectively. Then, they were divided into a million strands through these meridians and surged into every fine meridian in his body.

He was familiar with this step. He had already done it many times when he opened and tempered the fine meridians in the past.

However, this was the first time he tried this step.

Chu Nan took a deep breath and threw away all the distracting thoughts in his mind. His mind was completely focused on the Internal Breath flowing in his meridians and began to adjust the frequency of vibration in every meridian.

Before this, Chu Nan would usually only separate an Internal Breath to adjust it to a high-frequency vibration state. This was the first time he had tried to control the Internal Breath in so many different meridians to adjust the frequency.

In the beginning, he was a little distracted and often adjusted his Internal Breath to a high-frequency vibration state. However, he forgot about another area and it returned to an ordinary state.

Or perhaps, when he was done adjusting this side while the other side was still adjusting, the frequency would lose control, and it would even damage the corresponding meridians.

After spitting out a few mouthfuls of blood, Chu Nan finally grasped the trick.

With his extremely powerful data ability, he had also completed precise control of the Internal Breath in every meridian, and even the fine meridians. He simultaneously adjusted the Internal Breath in all the meridians to a high-frequency vibration state.

Then, through these fine meridians, he perfectly penetrated every inch of his skin with his Internal Breath that was vibrating at a high frequency, covering his entire body.

The river water around Chu Nan’s body was originally flowing slowly. When his Internal Breath seeped out, it instantly rolled and shook like boiling water.

Extremely dense waves spread out from Chu Nan’s body and collided with the river.

Crack! Crack! Crack! Crack!

The rocks by the river were directly cracked by the ripples. The soil also shook desperately, as if a small-scale earthquake had suddenly occurred. The situation looked very strange.

At this moment, Chu Nan could not care less. He needed to maintain the vibration frequency of every trace of Internal Breath in the millions of fine meridians in his body at the same time. Even with his powerful data ability that was equivalent to an A.I., it was extremely difficult. He had to focus.

However, it did not take long for him to adapt to this situation. He finally connected all his Internal Breath perfectly through his skin and maintained an extremely high frequency. It covered all the skin on his body as if there was a strange protective membrane covering his body.

Under the influence of such a high-frequency vibration Internal Breath, the various stains and blood stains that were originally attached to Chu Nan’s skin quickly turned into the tiniest particles like the blood stains on the back of his hand and arm. They separated from his skin and disappeared under the violent surging of the river.

It could be said that Chu Nan only used less than ten minutes to complete the most thorough shower.

However, Chu Nan still did not stop controlling the high-frequency vibration of his Internal Breath. Instead, he continued to maintain this state and even increased the frequency of the vibration bit by bit.

As the frequency of the vibration increased, he felt more and more clearly that there seemed to be another energy around his body calling out to him.

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