Chapter 220: Summoned by the Marshal

Twelve hours later, when the light of the sun changed from North America to Central City, Chu Nan opened his eyes and ended the night of Internal Breath cultivation and the relevant trajectory test.

After stretching his back, Chu Nan felt that he was extremely energetic and did not feel tired at all.

One had to know that he had not slept at all last night.

The lousy environment of this hotel really made it impossible to sleep.

Chu Nan jumped up from the bed, picked up his backpack, and directly ran out of the room.

He had already decided that even if he had to spend more money, he had to change to a comfortable living environment.

Even if cultivating his Internal Breath at night could guarantee his mental strength, one or two days were fine. If it was like this for a few consecutive days without any sleep, he would definitely not be able to persist.

The entrance test of Star Cloud Academy was about to begin. If he did not get enough rest, it would definitely affect the test.

After leaving the dilapidated inn, Chu Nan opened his personal terminal and started to search for hotels related to the Noctem Chamber of Commerce in the Central Capital.

Soon, he confirmed a target—the Cloud Soaring Hotel.

After searching the transportation route to the Cloud Soaring Hotel, Chu Nan turned around two streets and sat on the bus that led to the hotel.

When he arrived yesterday, he went straight to the registration point. When he came out of the registration point, the sky had already darkened. He was in a hurry to find a hotel to stay in. After that, he encountered Angie Prairie and Yang Xirui one after another, causing Chu Nan to not have the time to look at the place he was in.

Now that he was sitting on the bus, he could leisurely look around.

Compared to the other two large cities that Chu Nan was most familiar with, West Cloud City and Sigma City, Central Capital did not have the aura of the current large city at a glance. Instead, it was filled with an ancient charm.

For example, at the intersection of every street, there would be a physical sign, not the projection signs that could be seen everywhere in West Cloud City and Sigma City.

Another example was that the buildings on both sides of the street were not very tall. The style was extremely similar to the architecture of a certain ancient dynasty in Huaxia.

Or for example…

In fact, this was one of the policies of the Earth Federation.

Regarding the city planning on Earth, the Earth Federation had always followed the principle of maintaining as few changes as possible. They tried their best to maintain the appearance of civilization before the Earth Federation stepped into the interstellar civilization so that everyone who came to Earth could feel the various cultures before the Earth Federation.

This point had been praised by many other countries in the Milky Way.

This was because in the entire Milky Way, no country had ever developed such a prosperous and diverse culture like the Earth Federation.

In the cultural research circle of the Milky Way, Earth had always been called the cultural pearl of the Orion Arm.

Although Chu Nan was from the Earth Federation and had always received the cultural influence of the Huaxia civilization since he was young, this was the first time he had come to Earth and to a place that originally belonged to them. When he saw these things that he could only see in the various media, he could not help but be deeply attracted.

After looking at it for a while, he suddenly recalled Chu Xiaoxi’s instructions. He opened his personal terminal and planned to record the surrounding scene.

As soon as he opened his personal terminal, a communication request suddenly jumped out.

Looking at the information label below the communication request, Chu Nan was shocked. He looked at his surroundings, took out his earplugs, and placed them in his ears. He opened the communication earpiece mode and picked up the call.

On the virtual screen, a man in his thirties wearing the uniform of a Federation Army officer with standard Russian characteristics appeared.

When he saw Chu Nan, he smiled.

“You’re Chu Nan?”

Chu Nan hurriedly nodded. “Yes, it’s me. You are…”

“I’m the Marshal’s personal guard officer, Hasklovsky. Chu Nan, you should still be in Central City, right?”


“Very good. I’m here to inform you that the Marshal has 40 minutes of free time between 4:20 and 5:00 this afternoon. He has decided to meet you during this period, so please arrive before 4:20 PM.”

Chu Nan was overjoyed and said excitedly, “Really? The Marshal has decided to see me?”

“It’s true.” Hasklovsky smiled, “Chu Nan, I’ll send you a transportation map of the fastest way to reach here in the Central City later. You can rush over according to the transportation plan I provide. Remember, the Marshal doesn’t like people who aren’t punctual, so it’s best that you aren’t late.”

“Definitely, definitely.” Chu Nan nodded, “I’ll definitely arrive early!”

“Very good. Contact me as soon as you arrive.”

After giving another order, Hasklovsky hung up.

A moment later, Chu Nan’s personal terminal sent a new message.

After opening this message, it was indeed a route map.

The location indicated that Chu Nan should arrive in the northeast of the Eurasia Continent. It was an inconspicuous small city in the middle of the Siberian Plain, Trenshenko, about 2,000 kilometers away from the Central City.

With the advanced transportation method of modern technology, if they were to travel in a straight line for 2,000 kilometers, the fastest they could reach was less than an hour.

However, this small city was really too small. No one could directly reach it by any method of transportation, so it would take more time.

Hasklovsky gave three detailed transportation plans behind the route map. They included various methods and even calculated the time spent on the intermediate transfer. He took into account almost every situation. It could be seen that his arrangements were meticulous and thoughtful.

After Chu Nan carefully read it, he quickly finalized one of the shortest plans.

According to this plan, he would reach his destination as soon as possible in three hours.

It was 9 AM now. There were still more than seven hours until the 4:20 PM given by Hasklovsky. There was enough time for Chu Nan to prepare.

After Chu Nan checked through his personal terminal, he quickly confirmed what he should do next.

When the bus stopped two stations later, he jumped out of the shuttle and quickly walked into a mall by the side of the road. Then, he chose a physical shop specializing in men’s clothing.

“Sir, what do you need?” The waitress greeted him with a smile.

“Pick a set of slightly formal clothes for me, but don’t be too rigid and don’t be too old.” Chu Nan raised his request, “Of course, don’t be too expensive.”

The waitress sized Chu Nan up and left.

Soon, she took out a set of clothes.

After Chu Nan changed into it, he looked at himself in the mirror and discovered that he was indeed much more energetic.

Although this set of clothes required a total of 3,798 federation coins and was much more expensive than any set of clothes he had ever bought in the past, he still gritted his teeth and bought it.

He was about to see the Marshal. No matter what, he had to dress well.

Chu Nan directly changed into this set of clothes in the clothing store and rushed out.

He needed to immediately catch the nearest low-altitude fast civilian shuttle that flew to the original capital of Russia in the north. Then, he would transfer to Trenshenko from Moscow.

As soon as he walked out of the clothing store and was about to get off the elevator, he saw a group of people walking up in the elevator.

Chu Nan’s gaze collided with that group of people and both sides were stunned.

Among that group, the three in the middle were the three people who had been taught a lesson by Chu Nan at the registration point yesterday.

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