Martial Online.

Chapter 389 Nukeworld

In the darkening city of Amaterasu.

A three-story building stood in the corner of Caramel Street. It was on the same street as other residential buildings.

It was clear that this neighborhood was for families with high incomes.

Currently, on the top floor of the three-story building that was fully painted white, a gentle candle covered the room in a calming yellow hue.

As the candle was right on top of a desktop drawer, right beside a wall, it only had one shadow, and that was the candle stick, as flames didn't have one.


At that moment, the door broke apart as one armed man crashed through and fell to the floor. He was spewing blood from his missing right arm, and he screamed loudly.


A whistling man stepped over the broken door and placed his long-bladed machete against his hand.

"That's enough." A man with neatly-combed hair patted the whistling man's shoulder and approached the one-armed man with a nonchalant look. "You know why we are doing this?"

"Ptui!" The one-armed man spat out and looked with irritation towards him. "How could I? I am a mere soldier, after all."

"You have no right to feel anger." The neat-looking man crouched in front of him and said, "You are a traitor, after all."

"Traitor, because I don't believe your words about utopia?" The one-armed man laughed. "Well then—Nukeworld—what are you going to do about it?"

"Hmm." Nukeworld, the leader of the New Player Alliance, looked at him before sighing. "You gave important information about our alliance away. Worst of all, you gave it to those bikers."

"Hmph…" The one-armed man scoffed and felt his vision turn hazy as he looked over to the candle.

After discovering that the legendary Roaring Engines, who were even known in the real world as the most dangerous bike gang in the world, were after their alliance, he decided to change sides.

He sold plenty of information for nice amount of money.

He already planned to quit the game, so he didn't care what Nukeworld and others did to him.

Nukeworld silently looked in his firm, unwavering eyes.

"You have resigned to your fate, it seems." He sighed, looked at the machete-wielding man, and gave a brief nod.

"Deadworld, do your thing."

"Whistle~" Deadworld, with the machete in hand, approached the one-armed man with a smirk.

"Yeah, you do that." Deadworld laughed. "You think too much. What we need is action!"

"Exactly." Wildloid agreed with him and said: "We look weak for not doing anything. Let's at least send Deadworld; he'll show our strength!"

"Then I will look like a weakling." Nukeworld looked at her with a frown. "Is that what you want? I would rather look like a leader who sends his subordinates to fight than do it himself."

"Honestly…" Wildloid looked into his eyes and whispered. "You look like that."

Nukeworld narrowed his eyes and said, "Watch your tongue."

"Or what?" Wildloid raised her eyebrow.

She had always been very loyal to Nukeworld, as they had fought side-by-side for a long time. However, even after Motorhero killed her, Nukeworld had taken a very passive stance.

It made her frustrated, as she wanted to get revenge, but Nukeworld only wanted to take it slow and steady. It made her feel very disappointed in him.

"I have a plan!" Nukeworld shouted and looked at his subordinates with an unwavering look. "I need you all to trust me. There'll come a time when Motorhero is crawling below our feet!"

His subordinates, except Wildloid and Deadworld, nodded as they felt slightly rejuvenated after hearing their leader's words.

"I need all of you to have patience!" Nukeworld shouted and looked at Wildloid angrily. "Do you get it?"

"I get it." Wildloid scoffed and raised her arms in defeat. 'Coward.'

"What about you, Deadworld?" Nukeworld looked over to Deadworld, who was actually his big brother in the real world.

"Yeah, I get it." Deadworld laughed. "By the way, I finished dealing with our little traitor over there. He ain't ever coming back."

"Good." Nukeworld nodded. "Well then, everyone, go back to your work."

He then left the living room, walked to the kitchen, and leaned against the sink.

"Whoo…" Nukeworld took a deep breath and wiped away his sweat. 

'Oh, come on guys, of course I don't want to fight Motorhero!

'He is part of that murderous gang.

'Ahhh, I am so scared!'

Nukeworld bit his nails and anxiously tapped his feet against the floor. He hated the fact that he couldn't simply drop everything and quit the game.

If he did that, his brother would definitely kill him, and he didn't want to lose everything!

'I spent so many years tricking others into joining my side, and I finally managed to create my biggest scam yet—New Player Alliance!

'I don't fucking care about the rights of new players. They are simply easier to trick to get on my side as they are weak and need protection!

'Everything is coming down because Motorhero and Roaring Engines. Why did they suddenly target us? We never bothered them, so whyyy!'

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