Martial Online.

Chapter 379 Emperor Of The Crimson Blade

The train came to a screeching halt at Yatagarasu's train station.

As the doors swung open, the passengers departed the train with still-taken-aback expressions.

The train trip was quite something.

Some of them planned this to be their last train trip ever. After the strange experience, they never wanted to suffer through it again.

Ambrose stepped out of the train with backpack slung over his shoulder.

He looked at the nearly-ruined Yatagarasu with a nostalgic expression. It was currently in the rebuilding process, and most of the streets were still in ruins and had collapsed.

It would take years until Yatagarasu returned to its former glory.

"Back here…" Ambrose followed behind the passengers, who left in the same station.

It was mostly construction workers and old residents who were trying to rebuild and restore the city. It was a slow and arduous process, but they were determined to bring back its former beauty.

As they stepped through the gated entrance, the sound of hammering and drilling filled the air.

Near a collapsed building with its roof sunk under the rubble, a group of workers worked tirelessly to clear the debris and salvage any salvageable materials.

A bushy-bearded man with a rough-looking countenance tried to lift a heavy-looking piece of wood but struggled under its weight.

In that moment, he noticed a strong-looking man walking down the sidewalk with his backpack dangling from his back. He looked like he could lend a helping hand.

"Hey, brother, mind giving me a hand?" He asked with a rough voice and waved his hand, signaling who talked.

Ambrose looked over to him, saw him wave towards him, and nodded briefly. He walked over to the ruined building with hands on his pockets and saw the bushy-bearded man trying to lift a heavy-looking wooden plank.

"Thank you, brother." The bushy-bearded man said in gratitude and bent his knees to lift the wooden plank with more force. "Grab it from the other side!"

Ambrose nodded and without taking the backpack off his back, he grabbed the wooden plank with both hands.

"3… 2… 1… now!"

They lifted the wooden plank effortlessly and dumped it beside the other construction materials.

"Whew…" The bushy-bearded man wiped his sweat and chuckled. "You are strong. That didn't feel like anything!"

Ambrose looked at the figure with a strange sense of familiarity. He couldn't shake the feeling that he had seen that crimson sword before.

In that strange moment, he also felt a strange pulling force coming from his inventory. However, as soon as he looked away the engraving, it stopped.


The bushy-bearded man then noticed the newest engraving. It had appeared after the destruction of Yatagarasu and it was the city's newest hero.

"This is our newest hero." He said with a smile and traced his hand across the engraving. "A single person fought against the might of the goblin army, and single-handedly defeat them.

"In the same process, he saved many citizens of Yatagarasu, and made this whole rebuilding possible."

"Oh, who…" Ambrose looked over to the engraving and his breath stopped momentarily.

It looked oddly familiar.

The engraving had a lonely-looking person wielding two mighty swords while facing the might of the goblin army and their malevolent leader.

It looked very heroic.

"The hero's name is Ambrose." The bushy-bearded man said with a deep sigh. "I know that he is nowadays considered a highly dangerous criminal and is an enemy of justice.

"However, we'll never consider him one. He is the hero of our people."

"Ahah…" Ambrose let out a short chuckle and said. "It sure looks heroic."

"Haha, it indeed does!" The bushy-bearded man then brought out his pocket watch and said, "I'll have to go back to work."

"By the way, what is your name?" He looked over to the purple-eyed man.

From the moment he saw him, he thought he looked familiar, but he couldn't really pinpoint where he had seen him before. He was sure that maybe his face was on the newspaper once.

"You may call me as Jesse." Ambrose chuckled and asked. "Do you know if there any horse rentals nearby?"

"Ah, yes, in that direction." The bushy-bearded man pointed towards a far-away field where a ranch could be seen. It was a picturesque view, with horses grazing peacefully in the distance.

It was located outside Yatagarasu and was a pretty small neighboring town. It was mostly farmers town, and it was also completely destroyed by goblin's attack.

However, it had been rebuilt rather quickly.

"Ah, thank you."

"No proble—" The bushy-bearded man turned around, but to his surprise, the purple-eyed man had vanished into thin air.


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