As Mia ran downstairs, she could hear the sounds of her heart racing in her ears. Earlier, she did not think it would take her so long in the washroom, she ended up closing eyes and she didn't know how much time has passed or if the operation procedure started already.

Even the elevator was not working. At times like this, she always wondered why she did not have the power to teleport on her own wish like her mother.

As Mia descended the stairs, she placed her hand on her knees and inhaled a deep breath before standing up again.

''Zixuan..'' Her eyes lit up up when she noticed the light above the OT was not on yet which meant she was in time.

Jun Zixuan who was standing in front of the operation theatre turned around when he heard the voice, ''Mia?"

''S-Stop this,'' Mia smiled at him.

Jun Zixuan frowned, ''What?"

''I have found a way,'' Mia whispered as she caught her breath, ''We don't need to go through this. Stop it, I can save both of them.''

''What?" Shi Luo was bewildered, ''Mia, it has started already and we can't stop it right now. What way are you talking about?"

''Get it stopped,'' Jun Zixuan's voice resounded in the empty corridor and two well-built men were seen walking towards the OT in the matter of few seconds.

The door was kicked open and Shi Luo had yet to register anything in her mind when Jun Zixuan glanced at her, ''Take them out.''

''President Jun, what is going on…'' The doctor walked out as he adjusted his glasses while looking at Jun Zixuan. The procedure was yet to start but the door was suddenly kicked open just like that.

Jun Zixuan turned around to look at him but his gaze went past him and it landed on Yu Mei who was lying on the hospital bed. He could only watch half her body because the other half of the door was still closed.

''Empty the floor,'' Jun Zixuan commanded to the bodyguards. He looked at the doctor, ''We need to stop the procedure here.''

The doctor was displeased because in all his years of medical career, nothing like this has ever happened before but Jun Zixuan's dangerous aura intimidated him and he could not bring himself to say anything. He gulped before he turned around and left, suppressing the complaints in his heart. The man was not someone they could afford to offend.

When the whole floor was cleared, the two bodyguards also left leaving only Mia, Shi Luo and Jun Zixuan in the empty corridor while Yu Mei was still inside the OT, lying unconscious on the bed.

Shi Luo pursed her lips. No matter what, her first concern at this moment was her best friend, who was more like a sister to her. She did not want anything bad to happen to Yu Mei again neither did she want to lose her after losing her once before.

The month when she was unable to contact Yu Mei and she was told that Yu Mei was dead was the worst month in 23 years of her life. Having been grown up together, all Shi Luo ever wished for Yu Mei was happiness and not these uninvited troubles that she kept facing in her life.

At this point, she was able to stay calm only because she was certain that Jun Zixuan would never let anything happen to Yu Mei. Otherwise, she could not decipher what was going on in Mia's mind.

''Can you guys tell me what's going on?" Shi Luo was exasperated at this point.

She massaged her forehead and glanced at Mia questioningly.

Mia who had caught her breathe by now, stood straight as she flipped her hair before batting eyelashes at Shi Luo, ''What? You can't glare at Zixuan so you are glaring at me like this?" She asked casually.

Shi Luo was rendered speechless because somewhere, it was the truth. She could not glare at Jun Zixuan, and especially after the exaggerated story she had told him before about 'Han Mei' marrying some random guy and having kids with him, and then when he came to know about the truth, he had made her work overnight till she was half-dead. After that incident… she got PTSD by the sight of this man.

She glared at Mia, ''You are telling me what's going on here right now,'' Shi Luo adjusted her glasses before she crossed her arms in front of her chest.

Mia raised her finger and a ray of light shot from the tip of her finger before it split into a number of rays and went at the CCTV cameras in all directions and all of it turned to dust within an instant.

"This is the truth, not only the cameras but my powers can remove everything they ever recorded,'' Mia casually said.

Shi Luo was stunned. She stood rooted to her spot, looking at the woman who was standing there with an expression that appeared like she was talking about weather but her eyes were far from forgetting what they just witnessed, ''You…'' Shi Luo sucked in a deep breathe and she took a step back, ''W-What are you?" Her brows tugged together and a hint of warioness etched between them.

''Nothing for you to be scared of, Luoluo,'' It was Jun Zixuan who spoke, ''She means no harm.''

Shi Luo tilted her head to look at him, ''You knew about this?" she asked and as he nodded,''What about Mei? Was she aware of this too?"


Shi Luo closed her eyes and forced herself to calm down even though she was yet to get over the shock in her heart. Never had she ever seen anything like this. Before today, if someone told her she would witness something like this despite being in the 21st century, she would have laughed it off.

Mia already expected some similar expression from Shi Luo. And she believed maybe in future, this woman would want to stay far away from her.

She walked towards Shi Luo but contrary to what she expected, Shi Luo did not look intimidated although she appeared shocked, ''You have been a good friend not only to me, also to me,'' Mia whispered before she turned around and walked towards Jun Zixuan.

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