Chapter 99: Formatting

My child, listen to the sound of the falling snow.

Prince Mariv suddenly recalled his mothers words and looked out the window. As always, it was snowing. Every year, peculiarly at the moment the first snow fell, the voice of the Empress inevitably echoed in his head.

Ah, the first snow.

The aide smiled as he handed some documents over to Marivs desk. Winter was cold and tough, but it was also the season for the end and the beginning of a year. Mariv, without much emotion, turned his head and muttered.

The New Years celebration must be approaching.

Yes. The main palace has been in chaos. The finance minister in charge has been butting heads with Madam Dilainas chief attendant every day. Something about the budget

Dilaina was the Emperors only concubine attending to him. The position of the Empress had been implicitly vacant since the deaths of Marivs biological mother and Gales.

Its already been over 10 years.

Several times there had been talk of inaugurating a new Empress, but it never even made it to the meeting agenda. It was the one point where Mariv and Gale agreed.

Until their own mothers returned alive, no one else could ascend to the position of Empress.

If not their mothers, then no one else can call themselves their mother.

Should I say they have no shame? I wonder why they make such a fuss over the New Years celebration.

Isnt the New Years celebration originally the Emperors responsibility? Since His Majesty is in poor health, it makes sense for his closest concubine to handle it. Its an honor, no?

A word of encouragement from Father?

Mariv deliberately tried to wipe his mothers face from his mind as he continued speaking. He hoped his aide would ramble on about something irrelevant to distract his concentration.

Well, it is nice to have Madam Dilaina. If not for her, we wouldve had to prepare for the New Years celebration. Having to prepare on top of not even being able to leave work on time

The aide, lamenting his fate, lightly smacked his lips and organized the documents. It was the excitement from the snowfall. His mouth couldnt discern time or place and just babbled.

When is Romandro expected to arrive? With sir Ian, I presume?

No special couriers have arrived at the palace yet, but based on the schedule, they should be departing soon.

What about Molrin?

He seems likely to arrive in the capital before lord Ian. It seems he might be put on administrative leave by the administration, but its not certain. We will have someone follow him as soon as he arrives.

That b*stard really lives a tenacious life.

Mariv muttered irritably, and the aide glanced around cautiously. Due to the unresolved tension between the appointment of the new Chief Justice at the New Years celebration and the checks from the Department of Magic, they had no choice but to delay Mollins judgment.

And thats how it had been up until now.

The first snowfall, and the day before the New Years ceremony.


Yes, Your Highness.

Mariv lightly kneaded his eyebrows and called for his aide. Pharrels shoulders stiffened, as questions would unfailingly fly his way whenever his name was called so abruptly.

Is there no way?

A way to kill Molrin and overwhelm the Department of Magics interference.

If not for that Truth Potion, there wouldnt have been such headaches. The main obstacle is how the Department of Magics nature does not allow any other department to intervene.

How far along was the potions development, whether it was effective, whether there were any physical side effects he could not trust the written reports that only provided updates.

After a brief hesitation, Aide Pharrel answered.

Since the matter is quite serious, other places are jointly voicing opposition as well.

Isnt the Ministry of Administration just being contradictory?

Silence means consent. Though proposals related to this matter kept being submitted to the Emperor day after day, not a single one was properly approved.

Since we have control over sir Molrins condition, it would be best to wait and see until the New Years celebration. Also, once lord Ian is dispatched to the Department of Magic, it should become easier to verify information from that side.

Glancing at his superior, Aide Pharrel hesitantly voiced his opinion. But judging by Marivs expression, he didnt seem very satisfied. It merely reiterated what they already knew.

Bring me the reports submitted by the Department of Magic.

Yes, my apologies.

Mariv leafed through the Department of Magics reports on the Truth Potion once more. Though they had meticulously documented the details, the content was completely incomprehensible to a layperson. Far from understanding, some terms were even difficult to read.

To interpret this, well have to ask the Department of Magic for help again.

Things werent always like this in the past.

Though they were regarded as the inheritors of sacred power, just a few years ago, the neutral Department of Magic firmly supported the imperial courts center. But ever since Wesleigh became its Minister, that balance had inevitably collapsed.

What about the comparative report with Homogeneous Potions?

Here it is.

At the very least, he could check what had newly been added and removed from the Truth Potion in comparison to the more commonplace Homogeneous Potion. As Mariv scrutinized the documents closely for some time, he stiffened.


Luron. It was a term he had never heard before in his life. Judging by the notation beside it, it seemed to be some kind of magic stone

Pharrel. It says a magic stone called Luron is used in the Truth Potion, so find me the related information.

Ah, coincidentally I had requested it from the Department of Magic.

The aide abruptly stood up and rummaged through the pile of files stacked on the trolley. Then he took out a bundle of papers about a foot thick and flipped through them.

Shall I read it for you?

Go on.

Mariv returned his gaze to the report as he waited for his aides explanation. In total, there were five special ingredients that were only used in the Truth Potion.

Luron, an extremely rare high-grade magic stone.

Extremely rare?

Indeed, as the name literally implied, it meant that it was so rare that it was also highly valuable, and related information was insufficient. The first sentence already properly provoked Marivs attention.

If it has extreme rarity, wouldnt there have been insufficient samples for research? Yet human trials and efficacy tests were carried out?

Thats what the report says. Despite its rarity, only trace amounts are used, so there are no issues with supply.

Well, theyll only use it on candidates up for appointment anyway.

The Department of Magic had 15 kilograms of managed Luron, 5 kilograms of which was used during the research process. It said about 10 grams goes into each Truth Potion brew.

Dont they usually keep hundreds of kilograms of commonly used low-grade magic stones?

Luron was only first reported to academia last year.

Tap tap. Mariv continued tapping the desk as if to say keep reading. Though it was his first time hearing of the magic stone, comparing it to other ingredients clearly showed its rarity.

The mine is unknown. Its said to usually exist near ordinary mineral veins but there are few samples. However, there is something quite peculiar about it

And whats that?

The aide tilted his head as if seeing such a magic stone for the first time.

It exists in liquid form, then solidifies into stone when responding to external magical power. There was an incident where as soon as a magician entered the reported mine, the miners standing on Luron had their feet trapped as it instantly hardened.

It was ankle-deep, but with it hardening on the spot, there was no way out. The constricting force was so severe that the intact ankle had to be severed before the entire leg underwent necrosis.

Good thing it was just the ankle.

There are no reports yet about it being deep enough for the body to sink in. It was almost disastrous. If both legs had been trapped Eek!

What else?

Ah, its color is purplish, and the more bubbles that rise when it hardens indicates better magical responsiveness. I dont know what that means to magicians though.

That was where the explanation provided through the Department of Magics cooperation ended. They surely had more detailed internal data but

More information seems necessary regarding Luron.

Ill look into it.

The aide nodded as if to say leave it to me, gathering up the documents.

In the meantime, Mariv looked out the window once more. The snowfall from earlier had stopped.

I see. The hardened magic stone is used as is for production, not as a liquid or a powder.

The report doesnt say theres a method to dissolve it. It just says the hardness is extremely high, so ordinary means cant even scratch it.

Then how do they process it?

The aide swiftly flipped through the report, reading out the information Mariv wanted.

It seems magicians break it with their magic power. The stronger the magic power compression, the more easily it can be handled, according to the research.

Mariv rubbed his chin and tapped the table.

In other words

It could potentially be a gauge for selecting magicians with strong magic power.



Romandro reached out and shouted. Unlike indifferent Ian and seemingly careless Beric, all the holes on his face were stretched wide. Eyes round, nostrils flaring, mouth gaping with no sign of closing.

Wait just a moment. What did I just hear?

Theres magical power in Mount Monne Mine.

Magic stone? In Mount Monne? That magic stone? Are we talking about the same thing?

He felt dizzyheaded. Even getting hit by a windfall on the street wouldnt make him feel this way. To think there was magic stone in that small mine he only knew as a coal mine!

Ian! Ian! Whoa whoa! Good gracious!

Sir Romandro. Youre wide awake now.

How could I still be asleep after hearing this? I must be going crazy, you definitely did something momentous in your past life! Magic stone!

Did something momentous in my past life? Ian chuckled and raised both hands, signaling for him to calm down.

The problem is, we cant identify what kind of magic stone it is. Theres no information. And judging by the knights corpse trapped in it, it seems dangerous yet also harmless

Ian laughed awkwardly, looking as if he wasnt sure. The magic stones Ian had seen until now had all gone through the refining process dozens of times. Checking it in its raw form, he was completely confused and couldnt be certain.

Is there a problem? We should contact the Department of Magic right away and!

Romandros rising excitement froze over in an instant. He realized exactly what the issue was.

It seems Prince Gale targeted this place for that reason. He probably guessed to some degree, if not completely confident, which is why he aimed for here.

If the Department of Magic finds out about this, therell definitely be more chaos.

I concur. Fortunately, no one knows about this except us.

Ian was suddenly reminded of Mack and Dgor, who had wandered outside the mansion without rest. He had thought they were just scheming something regarding Grula, but come to think of it, they had gone to the mines as well.

How, how big is it?

Big enough to trap an adult man up to his waist.

Good gracious! Youre truly monumental!

Its value was beyond estimation. Even low-grade magic stones had worth rivaling the same volume in diamonds.

What if it was mid-grade? No. What if it was high-grade?

As Romandro continued his fantasies, he came to his senses and gripped Ians shoulders tightly.

You could build a whole country with that! Bwahahaha!

Would an imperial advisor make such remarks?

Oh, dont take it so literally!

Ian chuckled.

For now, I dont plan on reporting to the capital. Anyway, the mine is owned by this territory, and I think it best to enter the Department of Magic first to grasp the atmosphere before dealing with this.

Yes, I agree. We should consult with Prince Mariv as well.

Please leave that to me. I will inform him.

Oh, of course, of course. The master should do it.

Ill head to the mine at first light tomorrow.

He needed to examine the magic stone more closely there. Hearing Ians words, Romandro immediately turned to check the clock. One in the morning. It felt like time was crawling by excruciatingly slowly.

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