Chapter 96


It was Beric, with his distinct red hair. Following him were the fabled warriors of Cheonrye, known only in rumors.

The knights were flustered by this sudden appearance and stumbled backwards. Dive, observing from the bedroom, slowly lowered his hand and frowned.

Whats this about?


Dive and the steward fully opened the door, peering into the hallway. Five warriors of Cheonrye, each said to be worth a hundred men, were present. The Countess seemed curious too but deliberately stayed seated.

Has Beric arrived?

Romandro, organizing papers, asked. The steward stammered in confusion.

No, Lord Romandro. What is this?

Its nothing. Madam Lien expressed concerns about her safety, so were offering a little help. Theres a lot to handle with the funeral preparations, and it would be a problem if something happened to the Madam in the meantime.

Something happening in the mansion?

A something already happened, resulting in the Counts death.

Romandro spoke calmly, tucking the parchment into his pocket. The knight, who had been retreating, stopped and asked.

What was that loud noise just now? I had colleagues down there.

Colleagues? Ah, yes. There were.

There were?

Madam, have you dismissed the knights?

Berics words left Dive, the dismissed knights, and the steward in confusion. Romandro answered for the Countess.

Yes. She just declared it verbally. Those men are no longer associated with Merellof.

Ah, good timing then.

Good timing? For what?

Then, from afar, two more men ascended the stairs. It was Ian and another warrior, with a familiar figure slung over the warriors shoulder.

Kel! Damn it, in the world!

One of the Merellofs three knights, recognizable only as a body. The reason was clear: his head was so bloodied that his features were indiscernible.


The other knight panicked and drew his sword, but the atmosphere didnt change. It felt like a futile struggle, highlighting the stark difference in power.

No, he just wouldnt get out of the way and refused to let us in, even if it meant his death. So, it happened.

It was over in an instant. A Cheonrye warrior, unable to contain his temper, had grabbed the head and smashed it against the door. Whether it was due to carelessness, the door was breached with a single blow.

Ah, it wasnt because he was off guard. Im just that strong, see?

Yeah, right. Even I could have broken through.

Beric, your guts are whats broken. Remember that guy in the Great Desert? He was almost as tough as this one, wasnt he?

Again with that story? Really sick of hearing it. Ill just have to show you!

Fine, fine. You talk too much.

Not believing me, thats why!


The warrior bantering with Beric dropped the body onto the floor. Ian glanced into the bedroom, confirming with Romandro and Countess Lien.

No trouble here, I see.

Ah! You, Ian! Do you even realize what youre doing? Ah, ah, do you understand?!

Startled by the lifeless body, Dive screamed and fled into the bedroom. The knight holding the sword was sweating profusely.

Ian wasnt supposed to intervene directly. Damn it.

That was the thought of the leader among the three knights. Ian was being monitored by the imperial palace and was soon to head to the central government, so it was assumed he wouldnt interfere in Merellofs internal affairs.

Though this seemed a logical and believable assumption, variables always existed.

Yes, sir Dive. Im aware, but I suffered a great insult at the hands of those three knightly brutes.


Dives voice trembled thinly. He had expected a smooth funeral and his succession to the title, but not this bloodbath.

The steward must have heard. When I hurried here concerned about the Counts death, they asked if I was in an inappropriate relationship with the Madam. Having never been so insulted in my life, I intend to prove my innocence through their deaths.

Isnt innocence usually proved with ones own life?

Is that so? Not in my case.

Ian looked at the knight with the sword.

To prove innocence, one must be alive to witness it. On the other hand, disrespectful thoughts only cease with the death of their bearer. Beric.


Beric slowly grabbed the doorknob with both hands. The steward and one of the three knights involuntarily stepped back, and soon the bedroom door closed completely.


What on earth

You, you lowly creature!

While the overwhelmed steward struggled to grasp the situation, Dive quickly understood it. Ian had brought these barbaric men for the Countesss safety.

Youre trying to ruin this family!

Dive, grabbing a decorative item, lunged at the Countess. It was clear to him: it was adultery. Otherwise, why would Ian help his sister-in-law? Even the knights had suspected it, fitting all the pieces of the puzzle together.

No, Dive-nim.

Let go! You, bastards. Youre in league with Ian and her, arent you? Divine retribution will befall you!

Calm down. Think about what will happen once that door opens if you harm the Countess.

At that moment, a vibration like the floor dropping resonated.

Boom! Crash! Thud!


Without seeing, one could feel it the body of the knight thrown, hitting the floor, windows breaking, and continuous impacts against the wall.

Dives face turned pale and soon froze like a statue.

Damn it.

He then shook off Romandros hand and began to pray on his knees. Muttering unintelligibly, he implored her Undergod for mercy.

Huh, seriously.

Though Romandro knew of the religion of the Undergod, this was his first time seeing an actual follower. He watched Dive, half amazed and half incredulous.

Let him pray. Its better than him attacking us. Its unpleasant to watch, though.

Shut up! Evil demon!


Countess Lien, now with nothing to lose, even raised her middle finger in defiance. Dive, his lips turning white from biting, chose to focus on praying over spewing more blasphemy. He almost prostrated himself in his fervent pleas.

Boom! Crash!


Hey, hey! You shouldnt do that!

The sounds of prayer and the dull thuds and screams outside matched in intensity. It was not an even fight; the disparity in power was too evident.

After some time, the commotion gradually subsided, eventually ceasing altogether.

Everyone except Romandro stared at the firmly shut door, apprehensive about what would happen if it opened.


As the door slowly opened, a glimpse of the hallway wall was visible, marked with a bloodied handprint and a trail of blood no need to ask whose it was.

Romandro, crunching a candy, asked, Is it over?

Theres one more knight left, but he doesnt seem to be in the mansion. Planning to send Beric to track him down, Ian replied, indicating that some of the Cheonrye warriors would accompany Beric. Dive, fearing the sight of another body, turned her head away.

Ian sat opposite the countess and gestured, Please sit here. I have something to discuss.

It felt like being summoned by parents for a serious talk in childhood. Reluctantly, with no escape and a heart pounding with anxiety, Dive managed to sit down composedly.

First, I apologize for the disturbance. But as youve heard, those men are no longer affiliated with Merellof.

Thats your justification right now?!

Sir Dive. I have a few suggestions for you. Please consider them carefully and make a wise decision. Madam, the same goes for you.

Ian smoothly ignored Dives interjection, pressing on with what he had to say. Countess Lien just sipped her cold tea with a calm expression.

It seems you both have no intention of coexisting. Is that correct?

Yes. Theres no intention.

Honestly, who do you think you are to say that!

The most peaceful solution would have been for Dive to inherit the title as per custom, but delegate all authority to the Countess. This would have allowed them to bypass reporting to the royal palace. However, given their current stance

Its best for the safety of both parties that one of you leaves Merellof, or rather, Bariel. Personally, I would prefer it if that person were you, sir Dive.

What kind of scheming is this! Is there no one outside! Anyone!

In a fit of rage, Dive shouted at the top of his lungs. Then the door opened, revealing a couple of Cheonrye warriors peering in.


Did you call, Ian-ssi?

No need. Continue with the cleanup.

Nobody was there to help Dive, a pseudo-heretical successor who only prayed in an isolated mansion.


As the door firmly closed, Dive clenched his eyes shut and began mumbling an unintelligible prayer.

The cleanest solution would be for all those bearing the Merellof name to disappear, but that would be too much for the Madam to handle. The imperial investigators would come down, and like me, he would have to be appointed a new title by the Emperor, proving his worth, which is no easy feat.

Even if she could prove her worth, it was uncertain if she would be chosen. More likely, a rival faction, like Gale or another, would try to install their person, much like Erica.

By that time, I will be heading to the central government, unable to actively help you.

Then what?

The ideal situation is for sir Dive to leave the domain for a long, very long time. The origin of your Undergod is in the northern hemisphere, in the Toorlun Kingdom, isnt it? How about a pilgrimage there?

It was a suggestion in name only; it was an indirect way of telling him to leave.

A thousand gold coins should be enough for your pilgrimage.

Do you have any idea how far that is?

They say its a three-month walk.

This would create a vacancy. With the Count dead and Dive leaving before succession, the lordship would be up in the air. However, this also meant the imperial palace would have no reason to interfere, sparing the Countess the complexity of getting accredited and fighting her way through.

What if he leaves and then comes back after youre gone? What if he secretly informs the imperial family about these events?

He? Did you just say he? Now?

Countess Lien didnt even glance at Dive. He blustered, ready to explode, but restrained himself in the presence of Ian and Romandro.

You neednt worry about that.

Do you have a plan in mind?

Yes. It will require the Madam to spend some money, but I believe that wont be an issue. The important thing now is sir Dives decision.

Ian smiled slightly as he looked at Dive, who felt cornered under the simultaneous gazes of Romandro and Madam Lien. He nervously chewed on his dry lips.

Even without divine insight, it was evident to him what would happen if he refused Ians proposal.

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