“Your Highness?”

Quintana bowed her head to draw Jin’s attention.

On the garden path leading to the outdoor opera theater where the execution was to take place, nobles gathered in small groups, chatting on the palace lawn. They pretended to shield themselves from the sun with fans and hats, but their glances kept darting towards Jin.

“Ah. Yes.”

“Are you alright? Shall I call for a carriage?”

“It’s not that far. And the weather is nice.”

“…If that’s what Your Highness wishes.”

It seemed that facing the nobles without Ian was quite burdensome. Until now, Jin had never met the central nobles privately, and most of them were older than him, so their interests didn’t overlap. Without Ian to act as an intermediary, it was inevitable to feel more nervous.

Quintana and the ministers matched their pace with Jin, watching his expression carefully.

“By the way, Your Highness. Who is that person behind?”


“Is he someone Lord Ian assigned?”

Wasn’t the red-haired swordsman famous as Ian’s subordinate? They had never heard of a heterochromatic man called Xiaoshi. His proper demeanor suggested he might be a knight brought in from outside through Romandro.

Quintana whispered to Jin, wary of the man.

“Could it be that he’s monitoring Your Highness’s every move?”

“Quintana. I truly appreciate your concern for me since last time. But there’s nothing like that. Xiaoshi is my guard. The same goes for Ian.”

“That’s a relief, then.”

Quintana finally relaxed a bit and smiled gently. It was fortunate that Jin seemed as bright as ever, even though he might have been intimidated by Arsen being a mana user.

“This way, please.”

“Your Highness, it’s this way.”

The opera theater was already half-filled with nobles. The atmosphere was one of barely contained excitement, as if they were about to witness a famous performance.

As imperial power and religious authority were inversely proportional, the nobles welcomed the moderate downfall of the imperial family. Moreover, today’s protagonist was none other than the First Prince Mariv. What could be a better spectacle than witnessing the death of the man who had ruled the empire for over a decade?

“The gallows is bigger than I thought.”

“This must be Your Highness’s first time seeing it. The height of the stage platform makes it look that way. Also, the higher it is, the deeper the criminal’s sins are supposed to be.”

Jin, Quintana, Xiaoshi, and the ministers took their seats, leaning back in their chairs. It was the best of the best seats, closest to the stage.

A moment later, Ian returned after finishing his on-site inspection.

“Did you enjoy your walk, Your Highness?”

“Ian! Come, sit here.”

“It will begin soon. If you wish, you may close your eyes.”

Ian was considerate of Jin, implying that simply being present was enough to fulfill his duty. As soon as Jin nodded, the head of the execution department took the stage with the verdict in hand.

“Originally, His Majesty the Emperor should have written this, but due to his ill health, we’re using the imperial family execution verdict from 21 years ago.”

As Ian explained, the head of the execution department gave a polite bow. The chattering hall suddenly fell silent. It was finally the moment for the execution of First Prince Mariv to begin.


The bull horn trumpet blared, clear and resonant. The official solemnly unfolded the parchment and stood before a magical device that amplified sound.

“Now, in the name of His Majesty the Emperor, I shall announce the crimes of the convict Mariv.”

This part had been repeated countless times in the courtroom. Though no one welcomed it, the nobles politely applauded.

The atmosphere was completely different from when Derga was executed in Bratz territory. Back then, they were busy controlling the surroundings as stones and filth flew about, but now it was calm, as if waiting for a performance.

‘Is that why? It’s rather grotesque.’

An execution was supposed to be when a criminal pays for their crimes with death. Since crime inevitably involves victims, the anger of the crowd would be a natural phenomenon.

But now? No one was showing anger.

“…Therefore, Mariv shall be eternally stripped of the honor and glory of the imperial family. By the Emperor’s order, Mariv is sentenced to death by hanging.”

The verdict, which had been only half-listened to, came to an end. Then, Mariv walked out from behind. He wore a blindfold and was gagged. He appeared calm, but the shackles on his feet rattled severely.


The trumpet sounded again. The purpose of hanging was to humiliate until the very end. The execution department removed Mariv’s blindfold, making him aware that he was kneeling before numerous nobles.

“Hang the rope.”

“Hang the rope!”

Creeak. Creak.

The executioner standing nearby lowered the rope. Mariv kept his gagged lips still. He seemed to have resigned himself to offering his neck without resistance. The thick rope tightly constricted his neck.

“Oh my. Goodness. How cruel.”

“I still can’t quite believe it.”

“Oh dear, tsk tsk.”

At the executioner’s gesture, Mariv’s body slowly rose into the air. But he didn’t struggle, instead relaxing his body with dignity. Though he swayed slightly in the wind, Mariv did not resist.

“Raise it higher!”

“Raise it higher!”

Creeak! Creak!

In his final moment, Mariv looked up at the sky. It was a clear blue sky without a speck of dust. Clearer and purer than his own blue eyes. It seemed like a silent revelation that even after his life ended, Bariel’s time would continue to flow.


His long hair fluttered gently. And tears fell involuntarily. Who would even see them dripping below his chin?

In his gradually blurring vision, Mariv thought of his mother. If he met her after death, he would first embrace her. Although he had failed, he would tell her that he truly loved Bariel and did his best.

‘And if I’m given another life, I won’t end up like this.’

It was his last resolution. A will that could not be fulfilled, destined to vanish like a midsummer night’s dream.

Mariv finally let out his last breath, and met his death in the skies of Bariel.

“He’s dead.”

“Prince Mariv is dead.”

“Oh, he’s dead! Mariv is dead!”

As the head that had been lifted upward bowed down, the nobles exclaimed and applauded. Then, the mages waiting below the stage confirmed that Mariv’s breath had completely ceased and activated a magic circle.

Ziiing. Zing.


“It’s magic!”

“Why magic, of all things?”

“I suppose they’re disposing of the body.”

“Well, even if he was expelled from the imperial family, they could show him some final respect. Lord Ian, I didn’t expect you to be so considerate.”

“It’s not consideration, it’s unavoidable.”

“What do you mean?”

The nobles glanced at Ian due to the sudden use of magic. But Ian kept his gaze fixed on Mariv’s corpse, merely watching his final moments.

“His status is ambiguous, isn’t it? He’s not part of the imperial family, so we can’t follow the proper protocols, but is he a titled noble or a commoner? It’s unclear, so it’s better to get rid of him.”

“That’s true, but if we build a tomb outside the palace, imperial citizens who don’t know the circumstances might mourn him. Mourning for a criminal, how absurd. If the mourning unexpectedly intensifies, it could burden Your Highness as the next heir. We’re cutting off that possibility at the root.”

The nobles whispered, each adding their own comments. On the surface, it seemed like they were showing proper respect, but looking deeper, their intentions were clear.

“…As expected, he’s an interesting fellow.”

“It hasn’t even been half a year since he came up from the border. Look at where he’s standing now. Isn’t it frightening?”

“I hear he’s trying to keep Duke Hayman in check.”

“If the Hayman family falls, what comes next is clear as day. He’ll be a threat to all of us central nobles.”

“Shh. Let’s refrain from speaking for a moment. There’s a rumor that mages’ senses become sharper when they use mana.”

Though it was barely louder than an ant’s yawn, the nobles cleared their throats unnecessarily and watched Ian’s expression. Not that there was much to see when they could only see the back of his head.


A beautiful, aurora-like shimmer occurred on the stage. It started enveloping Mariv’s already cold corpse from the feet up, soon covering it completely.



Starting from Mariv’s feet, his form blurred and then transformed into white butterflies. Hundreds of butterflies, softly fluttering their wings, rose towards the sky. In a brief moment, they scattered in all directions, flowing wherever the wind took them.

Now, no one in the world would ever see Mariv’s intact corpse again.


“Yes, Your Highness.”


Was this Ian’s way of beautifully adorning Mariv’s final moments, or a method to leave no trace of the corpse? Jin turned to look at him out of curiosity but didn’t ask. Somehow, it felt like both might be the correct answer.


As the aurora faded, only the rope hung swaying in the wind. The head of the execution department, with the help of the mages, expanded the reception range of the magical device. Now, Mariv’s death would be officially announced to all of Bariel.

“Hear ye! This is an announcement from the imperial palace. Mariv Verocion, who was the First Prince, has been stripped of his imperial surname and executed by hanging for the crime of rebellion. Anyone who threatens Bariel will meet the same fate. Citizens of the great empire, bear this in mind and erase Mariv from history. I repeat. Mariv Verocion, who was the First Prince…”

As the execution official announced to the entire empire, the nobles rose from their seats, congratulating each other on the end of the event. Their brief applause and flushed expressions seemed to indicate that it had been a truly satisfying performance.

“Lady Dilaina, Your Highness Arsen, shall we have some tea?”

“That sounds good. May I request a handshake first? They say shaking hands with a mana user brings good fortune.”

“Of course. Come, let’s move to another location.”

“The weather is nice, so it would be good to set up tables in the garden.”

Arsen’s group created a commotion as they gathered their forces. Arsen left the theater with the ministers, smiling broadly as if to show off, while Jin blankly stared at the empty stage.

“Your Highness, are you alright?”

“Yes. I’m fine. It’s just, how should I put it… My heart aches a little.”

They may not have been close, but they were still blood brothers. Jin had a feeling he would forever remember the last words Mariv left in the courtroom.

That he loved Bariel more than anyone else.

“Lord Ian, are you heading straight to the Ministry of Magic?”

“No. I’m going to have a brief meeting with the Sereau family. Would Your Highness like to join us?”

“Is that allowed?”

“Of course, there’s no reason why not. It’s all for Your Highness’s future. However, the meeting might be long, so feel free to say if you’re tired.”

“Alright. I’ll do that. Oh, the doctor said that as long as Beric doesn’t swallow meat, we can let him hold it in his mouth little by little.”

“I don’t think Beric will be content with just holding it in his mouth.”

Ian frowned skeptically but smiled. However, Jin clenched his fist, showing enthusiasm. Getting Beric to recover quickly was the child’s closest goal.

“Quintana, what about you?”

“Your Highness. I apologize, but I need a moment with Lord Ian.”

“Ah. I see. Then I’ll look at the flowers with Xiaoshi for a while. Everyone, please carry on with your discussions.”

As Jin stepped back with Xiaoshi, Quintana gave a look suggesting they should move to another location. While Ian followed her around the garden, Jin crouched down in the flower bed, pointing out various things to Xiaoshi.

“When this blooms, it’s a sign that spring has come, so everyone… Huh?”


At that moment, a white butterfly landed simultaneously on Jin’s fingertip and Ian’s shoulder. Jin carefully cupped his hand and whispered-

‘Farewell, brother.’

Ian gently waved his hand, sending the butterfly into the sky.

‘Goodbye, Mariv.’

Behind the hundreds of butterflies that had risen from the imperial palace, the last two disappeared as well. They might be somewhere, but no one would know. Just like the traces of Mariv.

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