A huge entrance that separates the inside and outside of the imperial palace..

“Hey! Please say something!”

“I have to pay my taxes by today, but what will you do to me if I don’t let you in? Will you take responsibility? I don't know what will happen later, but please let me in first! Ah, I heard there are people who got in the middle.!”

“please! If my father goes in, he won't come out.!”

“Is it true that His Majesty passed away??”

“Didn't you say that Gale was attacked right before the shutdown? Maybe it has something to do with it, hmm..”

“This is unusual, seeing as the central nobles who went in do not come out. This has never happened before.”

“Don't worry too much. Yesterday, officials, suppliers to the imperial palace, and several nobles entered. It hasn't come out, but isn't something going on?.”

The gatekeepers tried to ignore the crowd at their feet and just looked straight ahead. What happened inside must be kept secret. If you reveal anything, the magic light in the air will explode your head..

“Release the left latch.”

At that time, an order from the superior was heard from behind. The left clasp means that there is someone leaving the palace. The gatekeepers were startled, but quickly unlatched and unlocked the latch..

It's good.

Although it had only been closed for a few days, the gate made a loud clanging sound as if it had been locked for a long time. The surroundings suddenly became quiet as if it was popular, and as the gap widened, people's mouths also opened..

“Who, who comes out?!”

“Come out! A person came out of the imperial palace!”

It was an unprecedented closure of the imperial palace in history. Who on earth broke it and went out? At a moment when tension and anticipation were rising, a horse stuck out its face. On its back was a boy with red hair..

“Eh? What is it? Everyone says why are you doing this here??”

“Does anyone know who this is??”

“He looks young, really, prosecutor.?”

“Get out of the way, I’m busy! Even if I get hit by a horse, I don’t know. It's none of my business!”

“hey! What happened inside? let me know!”

“Is everyone safe? What happens to Bariel??”

“Huh? Get out of the way? Do you want to search??”


The horse raised its front paws in surprise, but the crowd did not back down. The inferior gatekeepers blocked the path with their spears, and Beric and the guide guard kicked the horse's side violently to escape the chaos..


‘Why is everyone like that? Why is it like this again??’

The crowd chased after Beric, making a noise that was almost like a scream..

Only three days pass by. A lot had changed around the imperial palace. Many stores had suspended business due to anxiety about what would happen to the country, and the streets were full of trash and sewage..

Occasionally, people could be seen bleeding and collapsing inexplicably. It happened because the guards, who had lost their command, were unable to do their job..

“Beric, this way.!”

“uh? not here?” “There is a way back!”

Beric, who was running ahead, pulled the reins in the opposite direction at the guide's shout. Surprisingly, it wasn't long before Romandro's house came into view! At this point, Beric was slowly forced to admit that he had a problem with his sense of direction..

“Vivianna! mini!”

As soon as there was a sign of presence in the yard, two people came running out. It looks like he was waiting for a call the whole time. Vivianna cried, covering her swollen belly..

“Beric! What happened? What about my husband??”

“don't worry. I'm busy working with Ian. Rather than that, Ian wants me to tell you this..”

After hearing that Romandro was safe, Vivianna collapsed without even realizing it. With Minnie supporting her, she hurriedly opened her note. The woman's eyes widened in confusion as she scanned her text..

“Is this the truth??”

“I do not know. Because I can't read the letters.”

“Minnie, bring your ID and coat. I have to go to the press office..”

“Ah, yes! Just a moment, just a moment!”


Vivianna shouted fiercely. Unlike his boisterous voice, his eyes were full of determination..

“…Self-defense items too.”

“Oh, I see..”

It was an unexpected remark, and Mini flinched, but didn't ask. Because I instinctively knew that the situation was urgent..

Vivianna read the crumpled note again..

-Vivianna, Romandro is safe, don’t worry. In the imperial palace, Mariv and Prince Gale clashed for supremacy, but under the leadership of the Ministry of Magic, they were subdued without problem. At 5 p.m., the gates will be opened, but before that, please let the media know the truth. Those who take advantage of the confusion and try to fabricate things are rampant, so we need to be clear..

Five o'clock in the afternoon. Before that, there must be an outpouring of publicity throughout Bariel. Vivianna checked her watch and recalled the location of her press office in her head. The route is complicated and time is running out..

-Also, looking at the current situation, it looks like we will once again clash with those who oppose the Ministry of Magic. Romandro is my close associate, and you are Romandro's precious lover, so you are also precious to me. Be sure to keep in mind that there is a risk and be careful. I will provide security as soon as the situation calms down. Below is a sentence that must be attached to the report..

In the clash between Marib and Gail, Ian stood aside. But now it was time for him to collide head-on with the opposing forces, so Vivianna put her hands together earnestly and prayed..

-‘Mariv and Prince Gale caused chaos in the imperial palace, but through the mediation of the Ministry of Magic, the new soldiers were safely secured. Until you are formally brought to trial, we will do our best to protect you from opposing forces..’

It was a sentence announcing that there was a conflicting force targeting Marib and Prince Gale. It could be each person's remaining illness that has not yet been resolved, or it could mean a third number..

Whatever it is, it's about laying the foundation for the future. The Ministry of Magic is there to protect the royal family, and if there is any problem with them, it is the work of opposing forces..

“lady! Here, I got it all.!”

“Let's go, Beric.!”

“can you ride a horse?”

“Of course. Let's hurry!”

Beric hoisted Vivianna onto the horse and took the reins. And he kicked vigorously and shouted. Vivianna was horrified and pointed behind her with her hand..

“Hey! let's go!”

“Beric, on the other side!”

“Opposite, opposite, let's go in the opposite direction.!”


The horse carrying Vivianna hurried away from the mansion..



A knight watching from afar.

The seal of the Hyman family was engraved on the chest wappen. It was the duke's attendant waiting in front of the castle gate, waiting for his master to enter the imperial palace..


His horse also quickly followed to where Beric and Vivianna had disappeared..

* * *

Lunch as the morning sunlight gradually ripens.

Jin barely opened his eyes and rubbed his forehead against the pillow. Xiaoxi sensed that you were popular and came closer to tidy up the blanket..

“Did you cough?.”

“…Ian Kyung-eun?”

“You are in the office.”

Jin nodded without realizing it. I haven't yet come out of last night, which was like a dream. She attended a general meeting for the first time in her life and met officials who were concerned about her. Her will also regarding her parental rights.…….



You must have received word that parental rights will be restricted. I wonder if her mother was hurt. Is she or is she angry and doesn't she blame me? I'm worried about her reaction and I feel like she's losing sleep..

“What did your mother do??”

“…I do not know.”

“Haven't you come to see me or Sir Ian??”

“…I apologize..”

Xiaoxi lowered his gaze and muttered. They say the opposite of love is indifference. Now, even if the bond between mother and child is broken, are you just accepting it?.

Jin buried his face in the pillow again..


“Okay. Not crying. Just trying to wake up.”

Let's wake up. Let’s break away from the dream-like attachment and accept reality. Dreams don't move according to their own will, but reality doesn't. Let's move according to our will!

Jump up!

Jin bravely pulled up the blanket and stood up. It must have been inconvenient due to the lack of servants compared to the main palace, such as washing the face and dressing, but it was done without a single complaint..

When he went outside, the wizards who were busy coming and going greeted Jin with smiles..

“Hello, how are you??”

“good morning. I heard you went to the conference yesterday, right? You are amazing. Thanks to everyone, we are thankful that our agenda proceeded smoothly..”

Of course, it was just a polite greeting. But Jin gladly accepted it, and the wizards praised her even more and embraced her child..

“Nope. Everyone, have a hard day today..”

“thank you Oh my goodness! Ian is not in the office right now..”

The wizard noticed that Jin and Xiaoxi were going to Ian's office and turned around to stop them..


“Well, Prince Mariv came to his senses. I understand you went out for questioning. It's a star tower, so it's not that far. He'll be here soon.”

Star tower. Jin looked at the small tower to the west that the wizard pointed to. He can be reached within ten minutes on foot. The child tugged on Xiaoxi's collar and nodded..

“Go to the star tower.”


“I don't want to see Sir Ian, I want to see Brother Mariv..”

I was curious. Although we have different mothers, Marib and I are the Emperor's children, so aren't we blood relatives? Since he tried to kill me and inflicted permanent scars on me, I wanted to see for myself his attitude toward it. also…….

“If it's not now, I'll see you at trial..”

For the honor and dignity of the imperial family, he will stand before the court in clean and neat attire..

“He will always remain in my memories as a perfect older brother, but I hate that..”

The first prince who took charge of Bariel on behalf of his aging father. The eldest of eldest brothers that no one could easily disobey. Mariv was considered an example of the imperial family with her brilliant blonde hair and elegant gestures. Since such a brother had caused such a terrible tragedy, Jean wanted to erase Marib's intact image from her memory..


As Jin ran down the stairs without hesitation, Xiaoxi followed him..

The gate will open soon. So, everyone was busy trying to show their previous appearance as much as possible. Even if the young prince seeps into their midst, they are too busy to notice..

It's good.

“It's you, Jin..”

In response to Xiaoxi's message, the Star Tower guard bowed and turned around. I see some familiar wizards. Gene felt an unfamiliar feeling and slowly approached where Ian and Marieb were..

“…ah top?”

“…Where do you get the amber gemstone?…….”

Marib and Ian's voices could be heard infrequently. It seems that interrogations are continuing regarding the mysterious gemstone that threatened the wizard. As Jin got closer, he suddenly heard Mariv's voice clearly..

“But it's strange.”

“what do you mean.”

“Ian, I don't know why you went with Gene and not Arsene. Even though I understand everything else, I don’t know that one thing..”

Jin held his breath without realizing it. The wizards tried to pretend to be popular, but they had no choice but to stop as the prince urgently grabbed the hem of his clothes..

“I don't know.”

“It's not that I don't know, it's that there's no reason.?”

“…Next question. Are the funds distributed above related to the decline of Marib??”

“If your support for Jin is only superficial, then yes. There may be no reason. Since he was the one who played a role in the relationship between me and Gale, it wouldn't be a problem to coax one like that. Do you think I don't know what's inside you??”


“Marib degradation.”

As Marib laughed softly, Ian closed the folder noisily. The child's hand holding the hem of the wizard's clothes trembled slightly. My breathing gradually became heavier as I waited for Ian’s answer..

“I wish you would just shut up.”

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