Chapter 183

The Emperor’s physician carefully placed the stethoscope. The body, so cold that it could not be considered human skin. Despite being covered with warm wet towels, the splatters of blood stains made the Emperor’s condition appear even more miserable.


The physician brought his hand under the nose. Faintly, very faintly, a breath escaped. Beneath the thick comforter filled with warmth, the Emperor’s breath was frigid. Ian and Beols were observing the scene from a distance.

“How is he?”

“He, he is alive, that much is certain.”

“If we thaw him out, can he be treated?”

“That is…”

The wound on his side was prominent. It would not be a problem for someone young and healthy, but the Emperor was already feeble, with even a winter cold being fatal for him.

The physician wiped the cold sweat and shook his head.

“I cannot guarantee it. I apologize.”

The physician gazed at the sleeping Emperor with teary eyes. Magic would be the same. The Emperor was in a state where he could not even receive healing magic. Ian swallowed a sigh and nodded.

“Strictly keep His Majesty’s condition confidential. If rumors spread, you will be held responsible.”

“Do not worry. If this is His Majesty’s will, I will also guard it to the end.”

The Emperor cannot make public appearances from now on. In this chaotic time, the physician was brought in to prepare for any doubts that may arise about the Emperor’s well-being. His testimony would quell the unease in the palace.


As the physician left, Beols placed a familiar seal in front of Ian. It was the one the Emperor had stamped on his final message. It was also the seal of the successors that remained in Ian’s memory.

“For the time being, I will handle official duties with my personal seal. Lord Ian, please inform the Prime Minister.”

The one Ian used had nicks and scratches, but this one was smoothly gilded as if newly made. It was the one he had used for 3 years in the past, yet holding it in his hand felt awkward.

‘I will continue using this, huh.’

He would be using the seal for quite a long time until the Emperor officially dies. Even if a new emperor ascends the throne, it would be more positive for legitimacy to inherit the seal used by the previous emperor rather than casting a new one. It was clear that this was passed down to Ian’s successor in the future.

“Beols, what about you?”

“I will stay here and guard His Majesty today.”

I will not leave even a single step. The commander’s self-reproach for failing to protect his master was palpable.

“Unlike yesterday, definitely today.”

“…Let me know when the date for the successor discussion is set.”

Night had already fallen.

The darkness was thick, but the lights of the magicians illuminated the surroundings. It was the light of burning corpses. Without the foul stench, the traces of those who participated in the rebellion were disappearing from Bariel. As if they never existed in the first place.

“Wipe away the blood! Send some more people here!”

“Sorry, but we’re also short on hands.”

“Beric, can you help? Let’s move this together!”

“Nakina! Can you handle the escort magic?”

Under the leadership of each department’s captains, the magicians efficiently carried out the cleanup. Romandro also came running, waving reports here and there while shouting something, but seeing Ian coming out, he rushed over.

“Currently, the captain of the Imperial Guard Jeirutt, the Prime Minister, the Vice Minister of the Legislative Department, the Chief Supervisor of the Executive Department, and the representative judge of the Judicial Department have entered the palace. You can go straight to the Grand Conference Room.”

As Ian passed by, the magicians and palace servants bowed their heads in greeting. It would take at least three to four months to clean up the day’s events. Above all, the collapsed buildings were the problem.

“Are you still managing the entry to the palace?”

“Yes, yes. We are only allowing high-ranking officials to enter. There won’t be any issues with food supplies, medical supplies, or subsidiary materials until tomorrow, so we can receive deliveries after that.”

“Notify them when receiving the deliveries. Tell them that once they enter, they cannot leave. Or dispatch personnel to send people directly to the city gates for transportation. You can entrust the escort to Nakina.”

“But Nakina is too busy running around. I’ll observe the situation again tomorrow.”

The city gates were opened, but for now, only officials were allowed in, and the entry of imperial citizens was still restricted. The Imperial Palace was an important place that symbolized Bariel itself. It always had to be perceived as a perfect and noble place in the memories of the imperial citizens. Not a place where blood flows and corpses are strewn about.

“Be firm. Even those who survived here cannot leave until the palace is sorted out.”

“Of course. I’ve already informed them.”

“…Should we send a messenger pigeon to Vivianna?”

Tap tap.

Ian asked casually as he descended the stairs. The woman who would be waiting for him while pregnant. Naturally, she would be worried since contact had been cut off after entering the palace. Romandro pondered for a moment but soon closed his eyes tightly and refused.

“No. We cannot make exceptions. Not even a single bird can leave the palace.”

A satisfied smile flashed across Ian’s lips as he walked ahead. But no one saw it in the middle of the night.

“What about Gale?”

“Still searching.”

Gale had hidden somewhere in the palace. The Emperor’s message had been delivered, and he knew that Mariv had been captured, so there was nothing more he could do. Akorella was confirming Gale’s forces based on the magic stone powder map, so he would be caught before dawn at the latest.


Ian rode a horse to the Grand Conference Room. It was the place where the first conflict between Mariv and Gale had occurred. The carriages hastily set up by the officials were messily entangled.

“Oh, Lord Ian!”

“Lord Ian!”

“What in the world happened?”

“His Highness, no, no, His Majesty…?”

It was not a refined atmosphere. Perhaps it was because the traces of Mariv and Gale’s confrontation were still present. The officials were sitting on the tables instead of chairs, smoking cigarettes densely. It was an important meeting, but there were no reports or anything.

“Everyone, please sit down.”

“Uh, um, Lord Ian.”

“I heard that His Highness Gale hasn’t been caught yet.”

“Maintain decorum and sit down. It will be a long discussion. At times like this, we need to be calm and gather our wits. Isn’t that the reason His Majesty seated you in those positions?”

It meant to earn their keep. If they enjoyed a comfortable life with their salaries on normal days, shouldn’t they demonstrate their true worth at times like this?

As Ian sternly reprimanded and sat down first, the officials coughed awkwardly and stroked their beards.

“Sit down.”

At that moment, someone took the lead and pulled out a chair. It was Quintana, the Vice Minister in charge of finance within the Executive Department. With her brown hair tied up, she surveyed the surroundings with sharp eyes.

“I said sit down.”

“Ahem. Yes, let’s sit.”

“Sit down. Sit. Since you said it will be a long discussion.”

The head of the Executive Department was the Emperor, but below him, Quintana’s authority over finance was as unrivaled as a minister’s. She was responsible for the annual budget as well as taxes.

“I believe you can roughly guess the situation, so I will only share the results. First, the Emperor is safe.”

At Ian’s words, some officials let out sighs of relief. Quintana was the same. A flicker of relief passed over her stiff and cold expression.

“However, the shock was too great, and he collapsed. You won’t be able to see him in person, so for the time being, the Prime Minister will handle the affairs.”


Ian handed the seal Beols had given him to the Prime Minister. He looked at it questioningly and asked.

“What about the original seal?”

“It is missing due to Prince Mariv’s usurpation. Currently, Prince Mariv is imprisoned in the underground prison of the Ministry of Magic. He is also unharmed and well, so there will be no problem in hastening the trial. Palace Judge.”

At Ian’s call, an elderly man slightly raised his head.

“Prepare for the trial to strip the prince of his title as soon as possible. Apart from the currently demolished buildings, the magicians will clean up the corpses before dawn. Romandro.”

Romandro, who was standing behind, handed a piece of paper to Ian. It was densely filled with long names. Ian moistened his throat for a moment and slowly read it out.

“Casper, Reynerus, Aberkin from the Judiciary Department, Minister Castesro, Renert, Michel from the Legislative Department, Minister Taiha, Serano, Klein, Clemens from the Imperial Defense Department…”

It was a list of those who had conspired with either Mariv or Gale to disrupt the palace. The names of the nobles who participated were also listed one after another.


“The above is the list of traitors in the palace.”

A long silence descended. Wasn’t it almost equivalent to cutting out more than half of Bariel’s power? Ian lightly put down the paper and swallowed a sigh.

“Since there are too many to hold individual investigations and trials, each department will be responsible for identifying and executing the traitors. Vacancies will be filled by subordinates to ensure no disruption in the affairs, and for key positions such as ministerial posts, temporary authority will be granted.”

“Excuse me, Lord Ian. No matter what, isn’t the number too large? At this rate, there will be a paralysis in the affairs.”

“That, that’s right. The current situation will continue immediately, so executing everyone is…”


It was Quintana. She roughly set down the ashtray and frowned deeply.

“Sparing traitors is like keeping worms that eat away at the country. If you spare the traitors, you are also traitors.”

At the brutal warning, the officials shut their mouths. The smell of blood was still lingering outside. Even if their own blood were to mix in there, who would even care?

Ian nodded and tapped the documents on the table.

“I agree. Prince Mariv directly harmed His Majesty the Emperor, and Prince Gale also gathered nobles and mobilized unauthorized troops, so there is no room for excuses.”

“Then, then our department, ugh, we don’t have enough people.”

“Lord Ian’s assistant. Can you provide more lists?”

“Yes. Here they are. I’ve prepared plenty, so please share them.”

Romandro quickly distributed the documents and nodded. Quintana raised her hand while stubbing out her cigarette.

“While you say the palace’s system will be handled within the palace itself, what about the outside? If the nobles fall, we won’t be able to cover the taxes for the next year. And above all, as far as I know, the Hayman family is also involved in this incident.”

The Hayman family. The family responsible for Bariel’s finance. Without them, all transactions in Bariel could come to a halt immediately. Unlike people dying inside the palace, it could lead to another great chaos.

But Ian was resolute.

“No exceptions. It was a life-risking rebellion, so they must face the consequences. However, considering the importance of the matter, I will personally take charge of it.”


Quintana’s eyebrows arched as if surprised. If he said he would personally confront those troublesome people, it was a welcome proposition with open arms. The officials also nodded their heads awkwardly, grinning.

“If, if it’s Lord Ian, we can trust and leave it to him. Yes, yes.”

“That’s right. Aren’t you the Minister of Magic?”

It was troublesome, but solving it would solidify his position. There was no better way to secure it. For Jin’s future, for the peaceful Bariel that a righteous and strong emperor would bring. It was also something Ian had to do.

“Then, let’s see, there is no problem in preparing for the trial, but what about the next successor? If His Majesty is bedridden to preserve his position, it would be more stable to fill the successor’s position quickly.”

At an official’s question, everyone just rolled their eyes. There weren’t many options. Jin and Arsen, Arsen and Jin. No one dared to bring it up rashly, and a strange silence lingered. The moment their gazes naturally gathered on Ian.


A woman urgently swung open the door to the conference room. It was Dilaina.

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