Chapter 142

Minister Wesleigh went on a business trip?

Yeah. I wondered why she hadnt been seen for a few days, and thats what they said.

Captain Hale rarely sees minister Wesleigh anyway.

Well, its not like they have many reasons to meet often.

Captain Hale replied indifferently, but Ian couldnt believe the story about a business trip. It was because he judged that she wouldnt rashly leave the palace at this particular time.

Thats why its been quiet for the past few days. Gale, who definitely confirmed the forbidden necromancy, must be detaining her, or

Escape? If not, she might have gone directly to Karenna. To clean up the mess with the undead. With no way of knowing how Gale was acting, only assumptions kept popping up in his mind.

So Im scheduled to attend the personnel meeting today in place of minister Wesleigh. Everyone, go home early.

When Wesleigh was absent, her assistant would take her place, but this time, he had also left with her, so the department heads had to gather. Nakina asked as she gathered the documents.

The head of the Magic Support Department isnt going?

All the department heads are going together. We have to sit there without any right to speak though.

It was a kind of courtesy, but since they were all part of the Ministry of Magic, they gathered like this to show some sincerity at the personnel meeting.

Then well go too.

Those Magic Support Department guys will definitely follow if their head goes, right? We cant let Captain Hale stand there alone!

Go home, you idiots.

I dont mind. Nakina?

I dont have any work either.

Tommy and Nakina slowly turned to Ian. They were asking with their eyes what the youngest would do when all the seniors, including the head, were going. Ian smiled brightly and nodded.

Id like to go as well.

His mouth is smiling, but what about his eyes?

No, his eyes are smiling too.

Kid, when will you get to see a personnel meeting like this again? Is the atmosphere there quite fun?

How could Ian not know? It was the first button of politics that would continue the year and the starting point that determined the trajectory. For those who succeeded in securing their positions, it would be like a festival, and for those who would tightly pull the lifeline at the meeting, it was no different from a battlefield.

Normally, the Ministry of Magic would also consider it a formal event, but

This time would be a bit different.

And it had to be different.

Because there was bait thrown at Mariv.

Then lets hurry. Its about time to leave.

Hale checked his watch as he stubbed out his cigarette. It was time for everyone who had staked their lives on the meeting to head to the grand conference hall.


Minister! This way!

Oh, isnt that the next Minister of Internal Affairs?

Haha, what are you saying? Youre embarrassing me.

About the painting you showed me last time, a friend of mine who knows it well

Its been a while. Why is it so hard to see you?

How many more years until that persons retirement?

Ah, shh. Be careful what you say. I heard they spent a huge amount of money to put Chirio in the Foreign Affairs Department.

The area in front of the grand conference hall was filled with carriages. Less than half of them would be able to observe the meeting inside, but everyone was waiting to either escort their superiors for the last time or to congratulate them as soon as they exited the hall.


Ah, sir Romandro.

Romandro was the same. As a member of the administration, he was drifting around the conference hall lobby, being pushed around by people. He glanced around and whispered.

Still no word from Beric?

If there was any news, you would have known first, sir Romandro.

Oh my, Im going crazy. Where the hell is that bastard and what is he doing? Theres been no news for so long! Could something have happened to him?

He had dashed out at the break of dawn, and there had been no contact for nearly a week. They had released a dog to find a person, and now they needed to send another person to find that dog. Ian patted Romandros shoulder and muttered.

Hes not the type to go somewhere and die, and even less likely to run away from home.

Well, hell definitely come back to eat the pig. The question is when that will be. If I had known, I should have set a specific time for him. I forgot that Beric only knows one thing when you tell him one thing.

Fortunately, there was no news of any incidents happening anywhere in the central. If Beric had swung his black sword even once, there would have been a proper disaster.

Clop clop!

Just then, a huge carriage pulled up in front of the conference hall building. The flag of Bariel was flaunting its majestic authority.

Its His Majesty the Emperor.

His Majesty the Emperor has arrived!

Everyone, make way!

Bow your heads!

The Emperor slowly ascended the stairs on his own two feet, albeit unsteadily. Ian, Romandro, and all the officials bowed in respect. The two princes following behind. Mariv and Gale.


As the two passed by, they looked down at the back of Ians head. Although their faces werent visible, their gazes were intently intertwined with each other.


As the three imperial family members entered the conference hall, the lobby regained its bustling atmosphere. With the Emperor and princes inside, the meeting would start immediately.

Someone earnestly clasped their hands in prayer, while others boasted loudly as if they had already been appointed. The subordinates were divided into ranks according to the position of their superiors, making it another fiercely political scene.



Just then, Ian, Nakina, and Tommy simultaneously looked to the north. And they werent the only ones. Magicians from other departments who had sent their heads inside also flinched at the same time.

What was that just now?

Huh? What are you talking about?

Tommy, Nakina. Did you feel it?

Yeah. You too, kid?

Hey, I wasnt the only one who felt that, right?

Its strange. If its north from here

No, what is it? Ian, tell me too.

Sir Romandro, stay close to me for now.

The magicians continued to be on edge, but non-magicians had no way of knowing. It was like a stillness within the commotion. Only the clueless Romandro stayed glued behind Ian, observing the reactions of others.


At that moment, a rumble was heard.

Something had exploded in the direction where they had felt the ominous mana. Only then did the others hesitate and raise their gazes to the sky. Black smoke billowing up. It was a scene they had never witnessed in the Imperial Palace, so it seemed like everyone was having trouble grasping the reality.


No way.

Due to the control of the Ministry of Magic, fires never broke out in the Imperial Palace. If a research department had accidentally detonated something, that would be a different story. But currently, all the key officials of the Imperial Palace were gathered here in the conference hall lobby. How could they conduct research without them?

What is that?

We should call the Imperial Guard.

Wait a moment.

The Imperial Guard was solely under the Emperors authority and was not on the agenda of the personnel meeting. Someone went to call the captain of the guard, and soon Jaylut, one of the three captains, appeared with his subordinates. Among them was Barsabe, although he was at the bottom of the hierarchy.

Hey, it looks like the smoke is getting closer.

Everyone, move to your respective posts and assess the situation.

Yes. Captain.

It wasnt just a feeling. Something with strong mana was approaching this way. Jaylut asked the magicians.

Have all the department heads entered the conference room?

Yes. Thats right.

Just in case, please set up a barrier for everyone.

Hey, dont dawdle and gather around! Draw the magic circle!

Who are you to order us around? Magic Support Department, gather over here! Well draw the magic circle with us at the center!

These crazy bastards, seriously.

Even at a time like this, they were fighting over their rice bowls. Nakina raised her middle finger in anger, but Tommy covered it with his palm. With even the magicians moving, members of other departments were flustered and panicking.

Shouldnt the meeting be suspended?

Are you kidding? Who has the authority to do that?

His Majesty the Emperor is also inside. Can you take responsibility if something happens?

I know your line is going to fall this time. Dont try to use this as an excuse to stop the meeting.

What are you saying?

Listen carefully! Those who are trying to stop the meeting here probably wont be seen in the palace this year! Hahaha!

Thats not my intention!

Once a year, the most important meeting that becomes the cornerstone of politics. Those who fall from grace here would try to push for the meeting to be suspended, delayed, or seek future opportunities no matter what. So those who were newly appointed couldnt stop, even if someone died.

I wont tolerate any further disturbance. Everyone, please be quiet and cooperate. The Ministry of Magic will set up a defensive barrier, so for now, please wait here.

At Jayluts dignified words, everyone settled down a bit. Unlike the Magic Support Department drawing magic circles on the floor, Tommy and Nakina slowly stretched their arms and legs while looking up at the black smoke.

Whats in the north again? Could something have gone wrong in the Monster Research Department?

Thats north based on the Ministry of Magics main building. Not from here. Hmm. If you go straight this way the Administration, Support Department, Grand Garden, and His Highness Gales residence.

The closest is the Support Department?

Zzing. Zing.

Tommy and Nakinas eyes glowed golden. They bent their bodies and lightly rubbed their Achilles tendons and hip bones. Following their gestures, mana bubbled up and filled their feet.

Kid, stay here and watch closely.

Well go and take a look.



With a tremendous gust of wind, the two shot up into the sky. As if they were tied to an invisible string and being pulled.

Romandro gaped at them, and Ian shielded himself from the wind with his arm. The streaks of mana light couldnt keep up with their speed and left afterimages. Like a monochromatic rainbow.

Oho, I, I see. Magicians can fly.

Havent you seen the Magic Operations Department fight in battle?

Ian, those who have seen it are all dead.

Ah. I see.

The battles they were deployed to were when the tide was turning against their allies. Using the power of magic to turn that angle back in favor of their side. The ones deployed to accomplish the impossible without divine intervention were none other than the Magic Operations Department.

If Gales palace is in that direction-

Ian could easily guess what the black smoke infused with mana was.

Is it Wesleigh?

He didnt know what had happened, but if it really was Wesleigh, they had to be on high alert. She was a great magician who had risen to the position of the youngest court sorceress.

Ian approached the magicians and glanced at the floor.

Dont get in the way and step aside. Your Excellency.

The formula is reversed. If you do this on the actual site, everyone will die. Senior.


Ah, thats right. Hey! Who wrote this here?

And this part and this part shouldnt be written in Alehaman, but in Barielian for better effect. Who will be in charge of this part when activating the magic circle?

I was going to do it.

Then rewrite it. The formula goes like this.

Ian naturally squeezed between them and started correcting the magic circle. It was a long magic circle stretching from one end of the vast lobby entrance to the other. While all the magicians were lying down, designing the barrier,

Out of the way! The meeting must be suspended immediately!

Who has the authority? Oh my, look at this, making a last-ditch struggle. Captain of the Imperial Guard, arrest them all for disrespect!

Inform the inside right now!

Absolutely not! Not before they stamp the seal inside!

Those trying to stop the meeting and those trying to keep it going were entangled at the entrance, engaging in a physical struggle. Ian clicked his tongue and looked up at the sky, and soon realized that Tommy and Nakina were blankly standing in midair.


Ian shot mana into the air. As if signaling them to indicate what they saw. But the two remained still, as if they had lost their minds upon seeing the true nature of the smoke, not moving at all.

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