Chapter 137

Ian returned to the Ministry of Magic again. Perhaps due to the aftermath of the joining ceremony, the main building itself was quiet, and there wasnt much presence felt. Although there was a 100-year time difference, not much had changed. Except for the fact that a garden had been built where an annex should have been, allowing more sunlight to enter.


There would definitely be a difference in information.

The depth of what was allowed to a minority belonging to the leadership within the Ministry of Magic, both inside and out, had to be different. Before meeting Gale, Ian was going to check if there was any information other than what was publicly known about mana stones and necromancy.

Since Luron will probably arrive at the palace after sunset.

Ian confirmed that he heard voices inside the Magic Support Department. A few people were keeping their seats, perhaps on duty. They took off their robes and kept twirling their pens with an annoyed expression. It was because of a sudden order from above.

Gather the necromancers? All of a sudden?

Right, some of them will be out of the palace. Wont they go crazy if theyre told to gather without notice?

The funny thing is, they cant even make a sound to Minister Wesleigh. They only do that to us because were easy targets.

What, are they discriminating against us because were foreigners every time something happens? Ignoring us? Whew. Im already tired. You do it.

Nope, go away. I dont want to. I wont.

Enough, hurry up and use the telegram magic. Minister Wesleigh looked like she was in a hurry. Otherwise, well get caught in the middle.

Take charge of ten people each from the top in order.

Ah, what did this guys face look like again? I cant remember.

At someones words, everyone stretched and executed the telegram magic. Instead of sending sentences like a letter, it conveyed the situation by transmitting colored lights according to predetermined signals.


An orange light appeared in the magicians hands, then faintly disappeared as if diluted in water. The light would have passed on to the person the magician was thinking of.

The recall signal is orange, basic. But Wesleigh told them to gather the necromancers?

It was clear that the letter from the mayor of Karenna had gone up. He had told Romandro that it would take three days at the latest, but if he was unlucky, he might have to fight against Wesleigh right away.

The route from the frontier to the central wasnt much different. If he specified the dates, it wouldnt be difficult to know that Ian had passed through Karenna during that period.

I need to hurry.

As Ian moved his steps to the archives, the surroundings were surprisingly quiet. And suddenly, it reminded him of the day he had been dragged down from the throne.

It was truly peaceful that day, just like today.

The smell of warm sunlight and the refreshingly blowing wind, followed by the low chirping of birds. The storm that divided fate came more quietly than expected, and by the time he realized it, it felt like the water had risen up to his chin.

The moment fate changes is fleeting. It just takes a long time for it to approach me. Wesleigh, you might feel the same way. Youll think everything is a upheaval, but strictly speaking, it started the moment I woke up in the Bratz Mountains. Or maybe from my previous life.


Ian entered the archives and looked around. A vast space with no end in sight. Only black boxes that ordinary people would have no idea of their purpose were densely packed without gaps.

Viscount Ian Hielo?


You had your joining ceremony today, right?

A magician who was organizing the archives recognized Ian and greeted him. But Ian had no time to spare.

Yes. Commander Hail and the others have all gone home, and Ive returned to familiarize myself with the work.

I dont know how this will sound, but oh my, youre diligent unlike a noble. Is this your first time in the archives? Do you know how to view them?

Instead of answering, Ian placed his palm on the wall. And without hesitation, he opened up his magical power. The responsive light guided him to where the information he wanted was located.


Excuse me. Im in a bit of a hurry.

Huh? Uh

He nodded awkwardly and watched Ians back. They said he had the backing of Prince Mariv and his magical power was quite useful, so it wasnt an exaggerated rumor.

Although spells or formulas were important in magic, the basic thing was the visualization caused by the magicians concentration.

Imagining a target as specifically as possible. If that became blurry, it wouldnt function properly, and in the worst case, it could cause problems somewhere unexpected.

No wonder the Magic Support Department was in an uproar.

If a monstrous new recruit came in, the hierarchy within the department could be greatly shaken. It seemed like that was the reason Minister Wesleigh was specially keeping him in check.

Im envious. Tsk. Life is unfair.

Good-looking, noble blood even if half, granted a territory by the Emperor, and good at using magical power? The employee lay down on the sofa and kept grumbling complaints.


Clop clop!

Around sunset. Romandro was hugging a small box containing Luron. Whenever the carriage shook violently, he flinched for no reason and checked if Luron was intact. Even if it was a mana stone, it was a lump of rock after all, but he couldnt help it because it was so expensive.

Shall I go further in?

Yes. Go to the entrance of His Highness Gales palace.


The coachman slowed down the speed, probably because it was his first time going this far inside the palace. Romandro always went to the administrative department or Marivs office whenever he entered the palace.


Weve arrived, Sir Romandro.

Ah, right. Park the carriage over there. It would be a bit awkward if someone saw.

Yes. Ill be waiting.

Romandro checked if there was anyone around and entered Gales palace. He could see the guard watching him from afar. But before that

Sir Romandro. Over here.

Oh, Ian. I just came from the administrative department-

Wesleigh received the letter from the mayor of Karenna.

Gasp! Right. How did you know? Did she come looking for you?

There was talk going around inside the Ministry of Magic. What about Luron?

I have it here. Now, shall we go inside?

Ian checked the faintly glowing Luron inside the box and nodded. Romandro tried to ignore the piercing gaze of the guard and whispered quietly.

Ah, and I asked around in the administrative department, and what I said was correct. Theres exactly one week left until the high-ranking appointment ceremony. The meeting is usually held a day or two before, so keep that in mind.

Yes. Thank you. Sir Romandro.

Ill wait in the carriage until you come out.

Alright. Ill be back soon.

Ian lightly patted his shoulder, signaling him not to worry. Then he approached the guard, handed over his identification, and requested an audience.

Im Viscount Ian Hielo from the Ministry of Magic. Id like to see His Highness Gale.

Do you have an appointment?

Not exactly, but its an urgent matter.

It will be difficult if you dont have an appointment.

Is worrying about visitors part of your job?

I apologize.

At Ians firm point, the guard slightly bowed his head and went inside.

In fact, normally, it would be absurd for a mere viscount to bring up an audience request like this on the same day. But Ian knew that he was quite an irksome existence to Gale. Since he had come seeking him, he might tell him to wait but wouldnt turn him away.

After a while, the head attendant appeared to guide Ian.

Viscount Ian Hielo. This way, please.


Perhaps because the sun had set, the palace was much darker than expected. Just like Gales hair. Even if it was decorated, Marivs palace felt bright and cozy, but Gales residence exuded the exact opposite energy.

Knock knock.

Viscount Ian Hielo requests an audience, Your Highness.

Let him in.

The head attendant opened the door after seeking permission and gestured to Ian. As Ian entered, Gale, dressed comfortably, greeted him while lying on the bed. Unlike the indulgent atmosphere, piles of disorganized documents were stacked on both sides of the bed.

Ian, I didnt expect you to come looking for me like this. Did you come to tell me your impressions of joining the Ministry of Magic? Or did Mariv tell you to deliver something? You said it was urgent, so Im curious.

His tone was light and filled with playfulness. When Gale gestured, Ian finally sat on the sofa and put down the box. Gales sharp eyes turned to the box.

I hope its a gift.

Youre right. It will definitely be a gift for Your Highness.

Gale kept reading the documents and gave a meaningful smile. A gift for himself, the second highest in the Empire. An ordinary thing wouldnt be satisfactory.

Since I personally gave you my precious time, I hope you live up to my expectations.

Ian took a moment to choose his words with a sigh. Judging by his behavior of not getting off the bed, it was clear that he hadnt heard any report from Wesleigh.

Your Highness. Theres something Id like to humbly ask.

I will allow it.

Have you heard anything about performing necromancy on the living?

At Ians question, Gale took his eyes off the documents. There was no emotion other than curiosity in his slowly raising head.

I dont know what you mean.

Necromancy is performed on the dead, but the target is a living person? Gales brows furrowed, and Ian continued.

The reason I came here so urgently is because I have something to report to Your Highness. A few years ago, you would know that the Ministry of Magic invited necromancers to conduct research.

Gale stood up as if he was getting interested, brushing aside the documents. His long robe slowly swept the floor as he moved.

Minister Wesleigh secretly ordered the necromancers to conduct confidential research. The gist is to cast necromancy on the living, and I suspect the target is Your Highness.

I told you to live up to my expectations, but its the exact opposite. How did you know about Wesleighs secret research? Im not merciful, so I tend to kill immediately if theres a blunder in the words.

It was a very calm warning. A monotonous and flat tone, as if having a casual conversation. But his gaze fell directly on Ian, showing that it wasnt an empty threat.

I have a witness who was involved in the research, and I also personally saw the incident with my own eyes. You would know of a small city called Karenna.

Ian summarized the events in Karenna as concisely as possible and relayed them to Gale. Gales brows furrowed more and more.

Wesleigh conducted research separately without my knowledge? That Wesleigh? How dare she?

It was unexpected. And honestly, quite surprising. He thought she would only do as she was told obediently, but she actually did some work on her own as a department head.

It seems to have happened while seeking a way to avoid the Imperial Palaces blessing.

Whats the basis for saying Im the target?

The basis is that Your Highness was unaware of the matter.

It made sense. If Ian came directly like this and threw out bait, it was worth investigating.

Gale asked questions suspiciously. Then why was he doing this? Why did he personally come and inform him of this? If Wesleigh was casting a spell on him, wouldnt Mariv be the beneficiary?

It could be a scheme to drive a wedge between me and Wesleigh.

But Ian read his thoughts and immediately added.

Ill tell you in advance, His Highness Mariv knows nothing about this. I dare to swear that you can use the Truth Serum on me as soon as I leave here.

And he held out the box.

The real negotiation was starting now.

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