Manipulative Harem God

Chapter 479 Meeting the Angry Bird again?

Chapter 479 Meeting the Angry Bird again?

[Host, you've amassed a considerable stash of villain points. Why not indulge a little?] the System chimed in, its voice tinged with temptation as Zhang Wei leaped gracefully from one rooftop to another, his movements precise, darting towards a destination with unspoken intent.

As the system's voice echoed in his ears, a flicker of annoyance crossed Zhang Wei's face, and his lips curled into a reluctant smirk. "Do you women always have to prey on a man's wealth?"

System, [...]

A heavy silence fell, and sensing the system's pause, Zhang Wei allowed a sly smile to play across his lips.

Just as he savored his supposed victory, the system retaliated with unexpected softness.

[But... I am only hungry for you, host.]


The words were innocent, yet they pierced the cool air like a dagger, startling Zhang Wei and sending a shiver of goosebumps cascading down his skin.

Fortunately, Zhang Wei was no stranger to the simping of these hungry women.

Swiftly shaking off the eerie chill, he regained his usual stance and pressed forward. 𝚏𝗿𝗲ew𝐞b𝐧o𝚟𝚎𝗹.com

His journey continued with focus until he reached the skeleton of an unfinished building and reflexively pinched his nose against the incoming stench of the dead.

"What a disgusting smell..."

Zhang Wei muttered as he ventured inside, only to find a woman already standing there.

Her long, flowing red hair veiled her face momentarily as she turned around.

"What are you doing here...?" Du Yun'er's face darkened upon seeing Zhang Wei at the site.

Around her, a gruesome sight—a mountain of dead bodies, all savagely torn as if butchered by a wild animal.

"Did you do this?" Du Yun'er cast a suspicious gaze at Zhang Wei, who strolled into the crime scene with the ease of someone taking a leisurely walk.

"Are you airhead? If I had done this, why would I come back here? I just smelled blood," he retorted, walking past her and crouching near the bodies to inspect them.


Du Yun'er's eyes widened, shocked. Never in her life had someone spoken to her so bluntly.


Her hands ignited with flames, ready to strike him, but she threw them up in frustration, remembering the consequences of their last encounter.

Her anger subsided to a simmer, and she shot back with less force but equal bite.

"Y-Your father is stupid!"

Her words sparked a nonchalant retort from him, "My father is dead, so should I by chance marry you, your father becomes mine. Are you cursing your own father, woman? Tch, disgraceful!"


"You—I would kill you today!" Du Yun'er, her voice trembling with fury, discarded all restraint, ready to obliterate this intolerable man from existence.

Yet, there stood Zhang Wei, casually examining a severed hand, his calm demeanor an irritating contrast to the gruesome scene.

He rose, facing her with a taunting grin. "Kill me? For what? I've done nothing wrong." His smile widened, successfully stoking her anger further.


Luckily, Du Yun'er's sharp eyes noticed he was fiddling with crucial evidence.


She swiftly snatched the hand from him, her tone laced with outrage. "What are you doing!? Carelessly tampering with evidence! Have some ethics—someone used martial arts against these thugs, who clearly lacked skill! We must apprehend this culprit before they flee the city!"

In fact, she was secretly spying on Zhang Wei. Yet—Driven by the unmistakable stench of death that wafted through the air, she felt compelled to investigate this place further, temporarily leaving Zhang Wei's matter aside.

Little did she know, her very presence unwittingly granted Zhang Wei free rein to ruthlessly slaughter the men of Iron Fist back at the Jade Court.

Had she known the dire consequences of her actions, she would be seething with uncontrollable rage!

Watching her spiral into a franatic state, Zhang Wei raised an eyebrow, amused by her sudden urgency. "We must catch them? How did 'we' suddenly become a team? Aren't you moving a bit too quickly with the marriage banter?"

Du Yun'er, silenced by his words, could only glare in frustration.

"Follow me!" Habitually dismissive of their kind, Zhang Wei impulsively seized her hand and yanked her forward.


It was only when they jumped up tothe roof of the unfinished building that Zhang Wei felt an icy chill creep up from behind. 'Fuck...' he muttered under his breath, a profound realization dawning on him.

Determined not to show any signs of weakness, he spun around to confront Du Yun'er with a composed front.

"Why the long face? I've already traced the residual energy lingering here! So, tell me, do you want to catch this perpetrator or not?"


His words were as firm as his expression, causing Du Yun'er to scowl in response.

Noticing her reluctant agreement, he didn't hesitate further.

Together, they hurried toward the source of the energy signature, intent on tracking down the mysterious figure.


Finally reaching a supermarket, Zhang Wei and Du Yun'er came to a stop under the cloak of night, the building bathed in darkness with all its lights turned off.

Silhouetted against the moonlit sky, a figure sat in deep meditation on the supermarket roof, enveloped by a swirling aura of energy.

Zhang Wei's lips twisted into a knowing smile as he gestured towards the lone figure, "There—he's your criminal! Apprehend him!"


Du Yun'er's eyes narrowed, a sharp intensity flickering within them as she confirmed, "The energy signature matches..." She turned to Zhang Wei, her voice low and suspicious, "How did you figure this out?"

Flashing a mischievous grin, Zhang Wei teased, "Interested in the secret? What are you willing to pay...?" His eyes roamed suggestively over her breasts, making Du Yun'er eyes bulged wide open in shock and disbelief, of his audacity!


With a deep, calming breath to contain her rising fury, Du Yun'er composed herself before striding towards Long Tian, who continued his meditation, seemingly detached from the world below.


The sharp snap of handcuffs locking into place made Long Tian's brow crease in annoyance.

He slowly opened his eyes, which were sharp and piercing like an eagle's, fixing an intense stare on Du Yun'er. "What do you need?" he snorted arrogantly, rising to his full height while glancing down at his now shackled hands, his frown deepening.

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