Manipulative Harem God

Chapter 468 Becoming a Godfather! (3)

Chapter 468 Becoming a Godfather! (3)

Hearing his story, Li Liying's eyes glossed over with a film of tears, her heart heavy with melancholy. "Mr. Zhang, you must have endured so much..." she said, her voice laden with compassion.

The vividness with which Zhang Wei narrated his journey stirred a profound sense of melancholy within her.

"Um? Why does Miss Li seem so saddened?" Zhang Wei couldn't help but inquire, noticing the change in her demeanor.

Beneath his inquisitive gaze, a silent thought crossed Li Liying's mind: This man really knew how to weave a tale without a shred of guilt!

Li Liying's eyes softened, a complex mix of emotions playing behind them, including enjoyment.

Despite her initial reservations and his blatant lies, she recognized the sincerity in Zhang Wei's intentions toward her daughter.

However, she remained acutely aware of the importance of negotiation, understanding that showing too much eagerness could undermine her position.

She glanced at Li Xiaoyu, who seemed untouched by the depth of the conversation, her youthful innocence shielding her from the lies around her.

"Mr. Zhang, would you care for something to eat?" Li Liying offered, breaking the thoughtful silence.

Zhang Wei shook his head, a polite decline on his lips. "I've already eaten, thank you."

Li Liying nodded, a hint of hesitation in her voice as she ventured another offer. "Then perhaps a drink?" she suggested, her tone lightening.

Zhang Wei feigned surprise, a playful gesture that coaxed a gentle laugh from Li Liying. "Hehe... Mr. Zhang, I assure you, my alcohol tolerance is quite great. Don't entertain thoughts of taking advantage," she said with a jesting smile, her laughter bringing a momentary ease to the atmosphere.

Turning to Li Xiaoyu, she asked her daughter to fetch a bottle of wine.

"Mm.." The young girl rose, casting a wary glance at Zhang Wei, her eyes reflecting a child's protective skepticism, before she turned and left the room.

As Li Xiaoyu vanished from view, Li Liying allowed herself a moment of vulnerability, her facade momentarily crumbling as she shared a piece of her own story.

"Mr. Zhang, thank you for sharing your story. It resonates deeply with my own struggles... I too escaped my family's grip, marrying a man who was everything to me, only for him to disappear under mysterious circumstances."

Zhang Wei listened, taken aback.

There was still a detail that Li Liying had not shared—that her husband had died, a loss tied to his service to the country, a sacrifice leaving deep scars.

Li Liying continued, her voice tinted with a melancholy edge. "Mr. Zhang, I hope you understand if Xiao Yu seems overly cautious. In this world, it's just us—my daughter and I, alone. That's shaped her into someone who doesn't easily extend her trust..."

Her eyes hinted at the dilemma tearing at her. "...I've always desired nothing more than a normal life for her. And now, you're suggesting that I thrust her into the limelight?"

The unsaid silence descended between them: Li Liying was far from ready to simply hand her daughter over to a stranger's care, no matter how convincing or divine his aura might seem.

Zhang Wei, his expression composed, absorbed her words, nodding in a gesture of understanding.

His demeanor remained calm, an proof to his experience navigating such delicate negotiations.

"I understand your concerns, Ms. Li," he began, his voice steady. "The industry I represent is indeed daunting, but not without its lights and shadows."

"What I see in Li Xiaoyu isn't just talent but a resilience that reminds me very much of her mother! I assure you, any involvement would come with my personal assurance of her safety and well-being."


'Remind of her mother?' The words echoed in Li Liying's mind, a flutter of surprise momentarily seizing her.

She had always prided herself on her intellect and wit, yet here was a man who seemed to effortlessly navigate conversation with a finesse that left her momentarily off balance.

The subtle flirtation in Zhang Wei's comment sent an unfamiliar thrill of unease through her, an emotion she wasn't accustomed to facing.

After all, what woman could remain indifferent to praise, especially when it came from someone as undeniably charming as him?


Just then, Li Xiaoyu returned, her presence a welcome interruption to the increasing tension.

She placed a tray on the table with grace beyond her years, upon which rested a bottle of wine and two glasses, her small hands carefully working with precision.

Zhang Wei couldn't help but express his admiration silently.

The girl was indeed extraordinary, mirroring her mother's intelligence and composure.

It was clear to him that, like Li Liying, Li Xiaoyu was destined to grow into a formidable woman.

Li Liying, now focused on the task at hand, uncorked the wine with a practiced ease and filled their glasses, allowing the rich aroma to fill the air.

Meanwhile, Li Xiaoyu retreated to a corner, engrossed in her mother's phone, seemingly content to let the adults continue their conversation without her intrusion.

The room settled into a comfortable quiet, the only sounds being the gentle clink of glass and the subdued buzz of conversation.


Just as Zhang Wei was pondering the need for a more bold approach to break through the cautious defenses, Li Liying, stealing glances at him, seemed to light upon a rather bold strategy herself.

Her lips briefly met the cold glass, leaving a faint imprint as she broached an unexpected proposal. "Mr. Zhang, how about you take Xiao Yu as your goddaughter?"


The suggestion hit Zhang Wei like a bolt from the blue, causing him to momentarily choke on his wine.

"Cough! Cough!....what?"

He looked at Li Liying, startled by the audacity of her proposition.

Li Liying, maintaining her composure and seriousness even as she continued to sip her wine, elaborated, "You mentioned the challenges you and your wife face in having children. So, taking Xiaoyu as your goddaughter should align with your circumstances, right? Plus, it would offer me peace of mind, knowing she'll have a protector in the industry."

Zhang Wei found himself at a loss for words, impressed and somewhat taken aback by her straightforward reasoning.


His gaze shifted to Li Xiaoyu, who was now eyeing him with a mixture of curiosity and wariness.


The next moment, as if sensing the weight of the conversation, she quickly looked away, an instinctive reaction to the unfolding discussion.


Speechless, Zhang Wei reconsidered Li Liying's proposal, the gears in his mind turning. The idea, albeit unexpected, wasn't without its merits.

"So, what do you say, Mr. Zhang? Also, I insist that her studies not be interrupted by any acting commitments," Li Liying added, her tone suggesting that she was merely casting a line, testing the waters without any real expectation of agreement.

Li Liying's tactic was a gamble, setting forth such a bold proposition with the hope it might either cement a genuine connection or serve as a litmus test to reveal Zhang Wei's true intentions.

If he were of ill will, surely, he would balk at the notion of such a deep, familial bond, wouldn't he?

After all, even the fiercest tiger refrains from devouring its own cub!

How unfortunate that my brother was a dragon and not a tiger!

Zhang Wei's gaze lingered on Li Xiaoyu, who appeared entirely detached from the conversation, her attention absorbed by something else entirely.

Then, with a decisiveness that caught both Li Liying and her daughter off guard, he stood and approached Li Xiaoyu.

"Huh!?" Li Liying couldn't hide her surprise at his sudden movement.

He moved with a purpose, sitting down next to Li Xiaoyu, gently lifting her onto his lap, and beginning to softly caress her hair.


The act, so full of unexpected warmth and tenderness, left Li Xiaoyu momentarily stunned, a blush creeping onto her cheeks as she instinctively bowed her head in a mix of surprise and bashful acceptance.


A soft exhale escaped Li Xiaoyu, and she found herself enveloped in a comforting scent emanating from Zhang Wei, a fragrance that seemed to weave around her, calming her initial shock and leaving her quietly compliant in his hold.

This tranquil scene took Li Liying by surprise, her own heart unexpectedly swayed by the genuine care in his actions.

"Your proposal isn't that bad, Ms. Li," Zhang Wei finally spoke, his voice carrying a note of acceptance that seemed to suggest he was seriously considering the implications of such a relationship.

His gaze softened as he looked down at Li Xiaoyu, who was still trying to process the sudden closeness and the quiet warmth of his presence.

"Xiao Yu," he began, his voice gentle, inviting trust, "would you consider becoming my goddaughter?"


Li Xiaoyu, caught in a tempest of emotions and confusion, instinctively sought her mother's guidance.


Her eyes, wide and questioning, met Li Liying's.


After a moment of hesitation, Li Liying offered a small, cautious nod, an unspoken agreement passed between them, sanctioning this new, unexpected bond.

At Li Liying's assent, the corners of Zhang Wei's mouth lifted in a smile, a flicker of victory—or was it satisfaction?—briefly crossing his features. Li Liying felt a stir of unease, wondering if she had missed a deeper play in Zhang Wei's request, but the moment was fleeting, swept away by the scene before her.

"Xiao Yu, could you... call me 'Godfather'?"

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