Manipulative Harem God

Chapter 361 Suffering from Success!

Chapter 361 Suffering from Success!

As they turned to make their way back, Zhang Wei suddenly pulled Lisa close, his arm wrapping around her waist. Startled, Lisa found herself leaning against him for warmth.


Lisa bit her lip, a silent battle raging within her. 'What's happening to me? I've obviously won the bet already...' she thought, her mind a whirlwind of confusion.

Despite her resolve and the clear knowledge that she was no longer obligated to entertain his advances, Lisa found herself disarmed by his proximity.

Each time she caught a glimpse of Zhang Wei's face, her prepared retorts seemed to vanish into thin air.

'Why him... of all people?' she mused, a wry chuckle bubbling up inside her.

She knew the answer, yet it baffled her.

She was painfully aware of the irony here.

In a world brimming with decent men, she found herself inexplicably drawn to the one who playfully suggested she become his canary every other sentence.

Lisa, in her self-proclaimed awareness of women's weaknesses, realized the irony of her own situation. It wasn't the predictably good or bad men that truly captivated; it was someone like Zhang Wei, who possessed the boldness to step forward daringly, navigating the gray areas with an allure that was hard to resist.

He was the charming playboy, the one who confidently tread the line between audacity and charm, who knew just when to push boundaries and when to pull back.

"Oh, you can take the right side," Xiong Mei responded, still slightly puzzled by Lisa's hurried breathing and the way she leaned against the door, but she chose not to press the issue.

Lisa, biting her lip, nodded in acknowledgment, her mind still in chaos, thinking about the earlier events, 'What just happened? Sigh, Why did I kiss him? And why did it feel so... right?'

As she settled into the bed, her cheeks still burning with embarrassment, Lisa couldn't help but think about the size of the bed. 'Isn't this bed too small for three people? What if Zhang Wei decides to join us?' The thought sent a wave of panic and excitement through her.

Xiong Mei, now back to her book, sneaked glances at Lisa, her curiosity piqued. 'There's definitely something going on with her,' she mused. 'But maybe it's best not to pry. She'll talk when she's ready.'

Lisa lay there, her eyes staring blankly at the ceiling, replaying the night's events in her mind.

Zhang Wei's words, his teasing, the way he looked at her, and that unexpected kiss.

A part of her feared the complications it might bring, but another part felt an undeniable thrill. 'Lisa, what are you getting yourself into...?' she thought, her heart still fluttering uncontrollably.

The room was quiet, save for the occasional turning of pages from Xiong Mei's book.


[Host, are you suffering from success...?]

Zhang Wei's lips twitched, his expression morphed into one of amused satisfaction as he reflected on Lisa's bold move. "That girl is quite daring..." he mused to himself, a sense of pride in his voice. It was clear that Lisa's unexpected action had pleasantly surprised him, revealing a side of her he hadn't anticipated.

[But you still let her slip by...?], the system inquired, probing his decision to not follow her.

Zhang Wei's smile took on a slightly wicked edge as he contemplated his next move. 'She's always within reach at Tianyi. I can find her whenever I need to,' he thought confidently. His focus then shifted to the immediate situation. 'But right now, it's the little sister-in-law who needs my attention.' His thoughts were strategic, always planning his next steps, in advance.

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