Magic Shop System

Chapter 12 - Miserable Thrashing

In a flash Kadyn felt suffocated and some kind of pressure dawned on his shoulders. His face paled and legs trembled. He peered at the fatty and found a strange pattern under his feet.

Though Kadyn had mastered no magic spell yet, he knew what those stars were. Star Pattern! Five stars under his feet drifted all about as if they were in a separate space. Kadyn sucked an icy breath in fear and tried to flee. But he failed to move. He looked down below and found himself shackled in brown chains, connecting into the earth.

"Hahaha, do you think you can escape this easily from my Shackling Chains?" Fatty sneered. "You dare to hit me. Now you have to pay hundred folds." He stared at his two sidekicks and ordered. "What are you waiting for? Beat him!"

Both of them exchanged glances and cackled in triumph. The duo gaped at Kadyn in disdain and punched in his abdomen. "Pow!"

Kadyn plummeted over the ground and cramped, rolling on the floor. The chains vanished from his legs, and as he tried to stand, a kick descended on his neck. His head glazed and buzzed in confusion.

The darkness drowned over his eyes, covering the entire world. He felt a deep throbbing in his head, but could not tell what had happened just now. His right side smashed on the ground with a thud, face blank.

After a breath passed, blood dripped from his face and wounded head. The red colour glittered in his silver hair, painting them crimson. As the spasm inside the head alleviated somewhat, and the view cleared, Kadyn felt the kicking on his body.

Someone was punting him in a ruthless manner. One. Two. Three. Three of them. He could not recall the reason behind this thrashing. His head buzzed and excruciation burst throughout his body. Then he heard. "You, mother fucking bastard! How dare you slap me!?"

One more kick slammed over his abdomen. He felt his guts lurching and begging in an ache and misery. His saliva rolled out of his mouth and damped his face and dripped on the ground, mixing with blood. His entire body screamed to stop, but no sound came from his mouth except agonised moans and groans. After who knew how long pummeling he lost his consciousness.


"Brother! Brother!"

Kadyn heard a shout that jolted his entire soul. He found this situation familiar, but could remember nothing. He struggled to open his eyes but blood was clotted over 'em, making it difficult to open his eyes. He kneaded his eyelids before opening them. He spotted three faces stuffed with worries, trying to awake him.

He sought to stand, but fell down when the throbbing burst throughout his entire body. The veins inside his head pulsed, giving him a tingling feeling.

"Brother, what happened here?" he peered at the sobbing girl, and his head cleared a shade as he recalled what had happened. He gritted his teeth in fury, and his eyes shone viciously. Once more. This type of thing happened to him. He was humiliated, and sought nothing but to smite that fat pig—but he knew he was no match for him. He knew magic. Magic.

"Tell me, damn it!" Elora shouted, and tears rolled down her cheek. He gazed at his sister and winced, revealing his blood clotted teeth. "Don't worry, it's nothing."

"What are you saying?!" Jenna squeaked. "Someone has beaten you so terribly, and you are saying it's nothing. Are you made of stone or something?"

Kadyn peered at her expressionlessly and found worry on her face, but she was nothing to him. Why bother? "It's none of your business. You can leave." He muttered in an indifferent tone. No matter what, it really wasn't her matter.

"But Boss…"

"Your are time is up," Kadyn interrupted before Hicka could complete his sentence. "You can get lost, now."

"Uhh…" Hicka opened and closed his mouth a few times, but no sound came. In the end he shook his head and scuttled towards the gate.

Elora veered at Jenna. "I'm sorry for my brother… can you please…"

"No problem." Jenna just smiled, hearing her friend's apology. "Let's meet tomorrow." She glanced at Kadyn one last time and sauntered away.

"Who was it?" Elora inquired, eyes glittering in a vicious manner.

"It doesn't matter who it was, you can go home. I won't come today."

"What do you mean, it doesn't matter? And how would you stay here in this condition?" her eyes widened in shock, hearing his words. She wanted to know who dared to do such a thing to her brother. No matter what, she would make him pay!

"Do you think mother would be happy to see me in this condition?" He gaped into her eyes, sighing. "Go, just tell her I have some work to do, and I will stay here for today."

"Bu… but your wounds?" she urged, and tears again started to fall from her eyes, seeing his broken and miserable condition.

"Don't worry, they are just superficial… ahh!" before he could finish his sentence, Elora grabbed his arm, and he screamed in agony.

"So these wounds are superficial?"

"Don't argue with me." Kadyn frowned annoyingly. "Just do what I am saying."

Elora eyed at him and hesitated for a moment, as if considering something. In the end she exhaled. "Alright. I will return later."

He requested her to help him sit on the chair and nodded before sending her away. Elora glimpsed back a few times, but seeing his stern face, she sighed and vanished from his sight

When Elora vanished, Kadyn groaned and moaned, cursed and shouted, but shouting made his muscles stretch and spasm deepened in his entire body.

Fifteen minutes later, he turned to examine his condition. His hands trembled in pain, his shirt was torn in pieces. His back throbbed in pain. His head pulsed agony. His nose was broken as blood flew and clotted inside. His guts lurched within his stomach. Then he vomited. Blood. The counter drowned in red liquid, but he cared little. He slouched in the chair and closed his eyes. He wanted to sleep, damn it!

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